#my notes



More fashion history notes!

For my final project I’m redesigning the costumes in Bridgerton, Reign, The Tudors, The Last Samurai, and Pocahontas. I’m still in the research phase but I’m excited.

Have a good day!

24.4.17 I’m back at uni and doing some physical geography notes for a practical report and str24.4.17 I’m back at uni and doing some physical geography notes for a practical report and str

24.4.17 I’m back at uni and doing some physical geography notes for a practical report and stroking Nigel. It’s good to be back. Xxx Emily

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21.4.2017 I’m back from a hugely busy Easter holidays! I’m so sorry I haven’t been posting - I’ve ma

21.4.2017 I’m back from a hugely busy Easter holidays! I’m so sorry I haven’t been posting - I’ve made so many drafts and taken a lot of photos but not posted them! I’m back at uni now so expect much more from me again, especially as this is the lead up to my final exams! Xxx Emily

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I’ve not posted in a hot minute! Between university and my Animal Crossing obsession I completely forgot I even had a study blog - sorry guys!

Handed in my first assignment on Wednesday. Kinda nervous about it but it’s a 40% pass mark and it’s a pass/fail so hopefully should be fine!!

Not really productive week ((especially in terms of studying)) bc I had a mental breakdown and stuff.

Anyway, I will try to hit 14 hours of studying until Sunday. I already changed system language on my phone to German so it counts as learning, right???……right?..

(hey, don’t mind my shitty drawings, I wish I could draw eyes that look in the same direction haha)

Not really productive week, but I managed to draw a little + keep on reweiting my German notes ✨

((sorry for the <as always> bad quality))

A book my dad bought me arrived yesterday! Idk if it’s good but I just needed something to exercise on since I don’t have any German-speaking friends and I am too introvert to find some (๑•﹏•)

Anyway, even though I am a little bit sick and tired of studying German (burn out yay!), I’ll definitely try the book out later today! ✨

Some of my latest bujo spreads ✨! I wanted to edit the photos better but didn’t have time so here thSome of my latest bujo spreads ✨! I wanted to edit the photos better but didn’t have time so here th

Some of my latest bujo spreads ✨! I wanted to edit the photos better but didn’t have time so here they are (kinda ugly, sorry‍♂️)!
I need to study more so that I can fill the pages more

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20/04/2020I am studying for exams that will be taking place at some point in the future (who knows when). The whole situation feels incredibly odd, but I think it’s the best to stay on top of things at the moment!

from when i did some reading and research into ontology and philosophy whilst choosing a course for university!

04-11-18 (Sunday) //

Found some old notes from last year when I was studying for General Biology 1. Also, I just finished my final exams for degree Y1S1 yesterday! It was quite tough + intense cuz I had to sit for 2 heavy subjects’ papers, which were Human Physiology + Chemistry 1 in one day. Currently, I’m on my sem break now (yaaaaaaaaay). I’ll be back in campus in January + will be posting more before then! :D

Continuando con el estudio, en esta ocasión con los temas más básicos de español, sobre estructura gramatical.

En verdad es un tanto surrealista estudiar estos temas cuando se está a punto de comenzar un posgrado en Ciencias, pero sin duda hay un par de cosas que daba por sentadas y no las recordaba del todo, creo que no las había estudiado desde hace más de 10 años.

Continuing with the study, this time with the most basic topics of Spanish, on grammatical structure.

It is really a bit surreal to study these topics when you are about to start a master’s degree in Science, but there are certainly a couple of things that I took for granted and didn’t quite remember, I don’t think I had studied them for more than 10 years.

Sigo estudiando, me queda un examen para el posgrado aún y debo admitir que es algo extraño estudiar cosas tan básicas de matemáticas, pero ciertamente ayuda a sentirse más en calma.

¿Cómo les va a ustedes?

I’m still studying, I still have a postgraduate exam and I must admit that studying such basic things in math is strange, but it certainly helps to feel calmer.

How are you doing?

les muestro unos apuntes rápidos de Bioquímica Clínica, sobre lípidos, generalidades y metabolismo de lípidos.

Está fue mi materia favorita de mi último semestre de la carrera. ‍

I show you some quick notes on Clinical Biochemistry, on lipids, generalities and lipid metabolism.

This was my favorite subject of my last semester of the degree. ‍

Les dejo un par de apuntes sobre productos farmacéuticos no estériles y los métodos de validación en la industria farmacéutica, parte de mis apuntes de Control y producción de biológicos. ‍

Fue una de mis materias preferidas de mi último semestre de la licenciatura, incluso diría que de toda la licenciatura fue una de las que más disfruté. ‍

I leave you a couple of notes on non-sterile pharmaceutical products and validation methods in the pharmaceutical industry, part of my notes on Control and production of biologicals. ‍

It was one of my favorite subjects of my last semester of the degree, I would even say that of the whole degree it was one of the ones that I enjoyed the most. ‍

Aprovechando los primeros días libres realmente que tengo desde que comenzó el año, empezaré a organizar algunas cosas en las que me ocuparé estos meses.

Por ahora les comparto un resumen de Química Orgánica sobre reacciones E1 y E2, parte de mis notas rápidas de estudio para el examen de posgrado.

¿Qué planes tienen para estás vacaciones?

Taking advantage of the first weekend that I have since the beginning of the year, I will begin to organize some of the things that I will take care of in these months.

For now I share with you a summary of Organic Chemistry on E1 and E2 reactions, part of my quick study notes for the masters exam.

What plans do you have for this vacation?

Ahora que tengo un par de días de descanso quiero desbloquear mi creatividad ¿Algún consejo?

Por mientras les comparto un pequeño resumen de Química Orgánica sobre reacciones SN2.

Parte de mis notas rápidas de estudio para el examen de posgrado que presente recientemente.

Now that I have a couple of days off I want to unlock my creativity. Any advice?

In the meantime I share a short summary of Organic Chemistry on SN2 reactions.

Part of my quick study notes for the master’s degree exam I recently took.

Por fin presente el examen de posgrado, ya un paso más cerca. ‍

Hoy les comparto un resumen de Química Orgánica, sobre reacciones SN1

Finally present the graduate exam, already one step closer. ‍

Today I share a summary of Organic Chemistry, on SN1 reactions

Mi examen es mañana, y hoy quise relajarme, pero tenía que dar clase aún, así que me entretuve en eso. ‍‍

Hoy les comparto un apunte rápido de Química Orgánica sobre generalidades de mecanismos de reacción. ⚗️

Los apuntes minimalistas son muy útiles para repasos rápidos de algún tema en específico, y las libretas legales también, se aprovechan muy bien. ️️️

My exam is tomorrow, and today I wanted to relax, but I still had to teach, so I entertained myself in that. ‍‍

Today I share with you a quick note from Organic Chemistry on generalities of reaction mechanisms. ⚗️

Minimalist notes are very useful for quick reviews of a specific topic, and legal notebooks too, they are used very well. ️️️

Intentando retomar la cuenta, porque realmente no quiero dejarla morir

Les comparto unas notas rápidas de Química General, parte de mis notas de estudio para el examen de ingreso al posgrado ‍

Se acerca la fecha, en unos días

Trying to get back on track, because I really don’t want to let her die

I share some quick notes of General Chemistry, part of my study notes for the master’s degree entrance exam ‍

The date is coming, in a few days

No estaba muerta andaba de parranda

Está bien no, pero ando algo ocupada últimamente, entre los trámites de titulación, los detalles de la tesis y los exámenes de admisión al posgrado, sin olvidar mis clases y las asesorías que doy, el tiempo me escasea

Les comparto unas notas rápidas de inglés sobre gramática y tiempos verbales.

¿Cómo les trata el 2021?

I was not dead, I was partying

Not well, but I am a little busy lately, between the qualifications, the details of the thesis and the entrance exams to enter the master’s degree, without forgetting my classes and the advice I give, time is scarce

I share some quick notes of English on grammar and tenses.

How’s 2021 treating you?

[] Les dejo un pequeño vistazo a mi día a día cuando no tengo clases, pero tengo trabajo que hacer en el laboratorio de Química Orgánica. Ser estudiante de maestría no es fácil pero se vuelve satisfactorio ver el avance

[] Here’s a little glimpse into my day-to-day when I don’t have classes, but I have work to do in the Organic Chemistry lab. Being a master’s student is not easy but it becomes satisfying see the progress
