#astrological houses


A gem among tarot spreads I lay down these days, it gives the similar feeling as interpreting astrological natal chart - you’re going to uncover huge volumes of information - patterns, life themes, biggest challenges and soul mission, 

it gives a shivering feeling of presence of your \ your querent higher aspect in the time you’re doing the reading, really - it feels like stars and planets are reflecting in the cards, and messages, no matter how difficult and uncomfortable on the surface, come from the level of calm and assuring energy - all is well, girl, this is why you’re here - to make that impossible real, and you’ll do that, just because you’re here means you will.

I like rearranging the cards to the end of reading to create the picture of my querent’s path - I place challenges and limiting patterns of past on one side, deep wishes and all the beauty which seems so unrealistic now on another side - and tools and ways to grow and explore in the middle. It’s nice to see the path!

The positions of Soul spread correspond with 12 astrological houses:

1 - House of Self: personality, ambitions, drives

2 - House of money and possessions: value system, material possessions, financial attitudes

3 - House of communication: the way you communicate and learn, siblings and neighbors

4 - House of home: your parents, your roots, your domestic life and family

5 - House of creativity and sex: creativity, your sexual nature, fun, social life

6 - House of service and health: job, responsibilities, work relationships, health

7 - House of partnership and marriage: work and romantic relationships, how you blend your personality with others

8 - House of death and regeneration: spiritual transformation, inheritance, psychic powers, occult knowledge

9 - House of mental exploration and long-distance travels: spirituality, religion, morals, higher education, long-distance travels

10 - House of career and public standing: public image and career, material success in life

11 - House of friend and hopes and wishes: friendships, hopes, goals and wishes

12 - House of secrets, sorrows and self-undoing: your inner self, dreams, the past, subconscious, karma

Better to pull the cards for this spread in the evening,

and don’t forget to supply yourself with favorite tea - it’s going to be rather long reading.

This is the fourth installment in my series on astrological magic. This post is meant to give you a basic understanding of the ascendant, as well as some amount of familiarity with the other houses. Keep in mind that no single post on this blog will give you a complete method for casting astrological magic. This is a series which provides several small pieces to the larger system of this art, and it’s probably a good idea to look over the series in its entirety before trying to do anything based on the methods I’m describing. Make sure to be safe, and please feel welcome to ask us if you have any questions.

In astrological magic, the ascendant is fundamental to the nature of your work. If your ascendant is not in the right sign for your work, this is probably one of the most irresponsible mistakes you could make. It is really important for you to choose an ascendant which is concordant with your intentions, and which is ruled by a planet which is favorable to your goals as well (especially since this planet is also considered the ruler of the entire chart). When you decide on an ascendant, this will determine where the other signs will be in the chart you calculate for your petition (you should probably use the whole sign system for your houses, in this context). This should give you a basic introduction to the concept of the ascendant as it applies to astrological magic.

Things you should consider when choosing an ascendant:

Regarding planets and aspects:

-Make sure the ascendant and midheaven are ruled by planets which are favorable to your petition. They should be free from the negative influence of Saturn and Mars.

-The ascendant can share a house with the planet ruling the house where the Moon sits, so long as the Moon is occidental (meaning it rises first, or appears to the west in the sky relative to the planet in question) to the ruler if the house where it sits.

-If Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, or Mars rule the ascendant, and are in one of the four angles (the 1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th House), and are otherwise favorable (the posts aboutthe planets can give you more information about this), this is a very good situation.

-If the ascendant is at a good aspect with Jupiter or Venus, or one of them is rising in the ascendant, this is an extremely good situation to get efficient and timely results.

-The ascendant should not be in the same house as the Moon unless your petition involves masters and servants, workers and employers, or similar concepts.

-Saturn and Mars should not rule the ascendant if they also rule the 2nd, 6th, 8th, or 12thHouse.


-The Part of Fortune and its ruler should not be cadent from the ascendant. Especially if they are at an unfavorable aspect with the ascendant or the Moon.

-If the ascendant’s ruler is in conjunction with the Part of Fortune’s ruler, this is a good time to work.

-The ascendant (as well as the Moon) should ideally be in a sign of direct ascension (the first six signs of the Zodiac are the signs of direct ascension).

-The properties of the ascendant and the 4th House of your chart will tell you how your work is predisposed.

Regarding the signs:

-In the daytime, the ascendant will be optimally effective if it is in Capricorn, Aquarius, or Pisces.

-At night, Aries, Taurus, and Gemini are the most effective ascendant signs.

-For a work to take effect quickly, affect people in positions of power, or set something in motion, the ascendant should be in a fire sign.

-If your petition is related to war or conflict, you should probably choose a sign ruled by Mars (Like Aries or Scorpio).

-Cardinal ascendants are good for helping you obtain things or overcome obstacles.

-Mutable ascendants are particularly useful for carrying out tasks like sorcery and miracle working, among numerous other mystical pursuits.

-Fixed ascendants are good for magical work which intends to endure over a long period of time.

I hope this post has given you an understanding of how to choose the right ascendant to work under when you are using astrological magic, as well as how it should be placed in relation to the rest of the chart. I also hope it gave you a very general idea of which houses are favorable and unfavorable, and how that relates to the ascendant. As always, thank you very much for reading.


Saturn in houses & Karma

Saturn in the natal chart shows what karma people will get if they hurt you This is just a description of the karma that people get if they are rude to you or do something bad to you.

Saturn in 1st house - People will lose their will to themselves and totally abandon themselves and their appearance.They will not find their energy and self-confidence. They will feel that they have no goals and directions in life.

Saturn in 2nd house- people will get uglier. They will lose their appetite for food, they will no longer be an able to listen to the music they listened with you. Or music will always remind them of you. They may lose money and value to themselves.

Saturn in 3rd house- people will start behaving rudely towards them. They will no longer have anyone to talk to. Or no one will listen to their problems anymore. They may also lose their best friend, or people close to them. They will start to feel alone. Maybe they will get worse at school. They will experience a lot of rumors. They will feel that everything is going wrong for them and that they can not find anyone to listen to and be here for them.

☁️Saturn in 4th house- people will start to feel very alone, they will lose the security and warmth they were getting from you. They will feel like they can’t find their private space. They will lose self-care and self-love. They will feel sad and depressed at home, they will remember the memories with you all the time. Relationship with women will become difficult.

Sarurn in 5th house- people will lose light in and out of them. They will no longer get as much attention and visibility as they did when they were with you. They will lose creativity and a sense of joy. They will lose the child in them and it will be difficult for them to find a place where they will feel happy. Love affairs will get bad. Dating will always fail.

☕️Saturn in 6th house-people will get lost in their lifestyle, they will start to doubt their work. They may even lose their jobs or even start getting health problems. Their life will get messier and disorganized.

Saturn in 7th house- Life will start to be very unfair to them. They will start to attract only the people who will be very rude to them. They will feel distant to themselves and the people around them. Maybe they will even end their relationship.

Saturn in 8th house people will feel unable to move on. The relationship with you will consciously mark them. They will start to have deep psychological issues. They may no longer find anyone who understands them that way and with whom they will have such an intimate relationship. Maybe they can even become obsessed with you and your life.

Saturn in 9th house people will lose faith in themselves. They will no longer find meaning in life. They will stuck in the same place. They won’t be an able to find their higher self. They will become pessimistic about everything.Maybe they’ll leave the university or education in general.

Saturn in 10th house their careers will begin to decline. Their public identity will diminish or scandal will be revealed about them. They will lose their mission in life and they will lose their reputation and respect from the people. They will feel that they have to go through the lessons themselves and that nothing they do is good enough.

Saturn in 11th house people will end up losing their friends. They will start to feel like outsiders and lose touch with people and will start losing followers. They will start to do very badly on social networks and everything te post will be used by people against them. They will no longer have the support of the people.

‍♀️Saturn in 12th house people will always have you in their subconscious. Strange and mysterious things will start happening to them. It is possible that you will live their dream. Everything they start will end. Maybe they will have a lot of karmic debts that will start to arise. They will lose touch with spirituality.


☕️‍♀️Life Events

Changes of home often occur under a transit of a social or outer planet to the IC,the IC ruler, or planets in the 4th. Transits to the Moon reflect the emotional impact. A square from transiting Uranus to a Cancer Moon, for instance, implies a time of emotional disorientation that generates feelings of insecurity. Uranus & Moon are most inclined to change home or move.

‍♀️❤️Many transits of Venus and Mercury can mean that a person will apologize to you or that you will reconcile with someone at that time.

We are most prone to conflict when we have transits to Mars, Uranus, Pluto. Mars represents how we defend ourselves. It is our warrior spirit and often see us fighting back. As with disagreements, transits of Uranus or Pluto suggest times of tension and strain, often ignited by the profound changes these planets bring about. Particularly when they transit opposite to a planet in your chart, you can be aware of resistance or opposition from others.

☁️Planets most prone to competition are jupiter, pluto & mars. A transit to your 7th house can herald a new relationship, but equally the presence of an opponent. For ex.: Pluto transiting here, a competitive situation might arise that feels like a fight to the death, involving feelings of jealousy or betrayal. Chiron, for instance, might show you that compassion and forgiveness can be just as powerful as winning.

Transits to the 4th house can signal shifts in the familly structure and the addition of another member. Any transits to Sun, Saturn, Moon can mean starting a family or having a child. For man transits to Sun or Saturn might coincide with becoming a father. For a woman transit to Moon.

Neptune in your chart represent your spiritual escape. It also shows where you have the most chaos or confusion. For ex.: Neptune in 6th house your plans are always chaotic, you can’t keep a routine or you always have an untidy apartment. It also represents where we sacrifice the most and in what way. For ex.: Neptune in 11th house you sacrifice a lot for friends, community and people around you.

Aquarius moon people will have special conection to their father. Or having more deep relationship with father than mother. Because Aquarius is also ruled by Saturn and also represents the father. Therefore, these people are more inclined to have a relationship with their father.

Moon in 9th house could feel hard for you to find home. Or you feel like you have more homes. You can constantly move from one place to another. Wherever you are you want to find comfort and warmth. Maybe moving is hard for you because you don’t like to change places. Or you may feel alien elsewhere.

People who will have more difficult planets in 4th, 7th , 11th house will find it difficult to maintain relationships with others. It will be harder for them to stay or keep someone in their lives.

Someone with libra placements or someone who will have only one personal planet of libra will try to understand people and their emotions.

Maybe I will make post about more difficult positions in astrology and how to keep up with them


Astrology Notes

10th house and 5th house synastry differences. 10th house partner respects your feelings, you as a person and takes you seriously. From this can come some mature serious relationship. 5th house is fun energy which means that the person looks at you as a fun person, with the soft soul, person is cool with you ,but nothing more. Because you still don’t look at a person as if you can have anything more than that with them. In many cases, you don’t take it seriously. The 5th house represents a youthful relationship, a temporary bond that we outgrow. While 10th house represent maturity and adulthood. It represents a relationship that we take seriously and see as potential.

Sun in 1st house synastry-the person may see you as immature, childish, or may not take you seriously. As a person who may be too immature or proud.

Saturn in 1st house synastry-you look at the person as serious and mature, you respect her and person seems very smart and wise to you. Maybe even intimidating.

Neptune 1st house synastry-a person can see you as a dream person, dreams a lot about you but may not see you after who you really are.

☁️Uranus in 1st house synastry-the person sees you as unique, special, different. You can impress her and person will remember you quickly.

Neptune in 12th house - will have a lot of talent for music, drawing, creating, spirituality. These people are very good at the imagination and the things they do. But many times they are not aware of it. They don’t have as much contact with spirituality and may encounter it later in life. They usually find out about it through others. Because the 12th house is unconscious which means that people are not aware of these things so it is harder to get to them.

North node in 12th house- Someone with this position in chart may find it difficult to cope with subconsciousness and spirituality. Therefore, these people may never come into contact with spirituality or their subconscious because it is harder to find.

Capricorn/ aries/ aquarius placements- all independnent. Person with this placements will be focused on themselves and their needs. Aries are in general independment, they don’t need anybody , they can do everything alone. Its not the problem for them. Capricorn are practical and responsible and like to act alone. They also don’t like to waste time with others. Also don’t like to adapt too much to others, they rely only on themselves. Aquarius love society and people but often feel alienated from it.

3rd house represent how you deliver the message. Venus here tends to be diplomatic, Mars forthright and unwilling to compromise, Jupiter ca be effusive, Saturn more taciturn. But someone with Saturn in the 3rd house can convey a strong message. Maybe a person is not so eloquent but when person speaks really says something meaningful, so people can be more attentive.

✨Dominion:A sign in which a planet is at its strongest.

The planet that is aspected the most by other planets and essential bodies is important to look at. The most aspected planet is challenged because the energy of that planet must integrate so many other aspects, but this also makes the planet a powerful focal point for the same reason. For ex.: if the Mercury is the most aspected u will gain great wisdom. Much of this person’s life will be connected to the gathering of information, learning, and communication.


Neptune in Houses Part 2

Neptune in 7th house- You can attract a lot of unusual relationships, people who are spiritual or people who look good at first glance but their qualities are covered. It also brings a deep mental connection between two partners and great intuition coupled with empathy. You may like people who have drug problems or bad boys/girls. This is a planet of fantasy and illusions & therefore, people may have illusions about their partner and the relationship they have with them. They can also fall in love with the people they are unavailable. These people can suffer a lot in love, and continue to dream about the perfect marriage. You can also attract people who are very self-sacrificing, compassionate. And you have a dream relationship.

‍♀️Neptune in 8th house- fantasies about sex almost all the time. Especially if they meet a person, they always imagine sex with this person. They looking for someone who’s very generous when it comes to sex. Usually very spiritual people and can have experiences with the paranormal. Neptune usually bring people suicidal thoughts and matters related to death. They can also have very dark thoughts. These natives will always question themselves on matters of life and death. Also they see money in a positive light ,which can bring them many difficulties. They can become more serious at 30s. But it also depends on the planets and aspects here.

Neptune in 9th house- these people love places related to water, or they like to travel to places near the sea. They may also have one special place that they imagine all the time. They may be fascinated by astrology, spiritual things. The individual is devoted to the experience of some kind of nirvana, enlightenment, or paradise. Along with this is also a hopeless optimism that often carries the person through the darkest nights with the light of faith, optimism, and belief. Also they can have the ability to read meaning in the lives of others. The person could also do well in art, music, dance, healing, religion, theatre, film, or photography and perhaps one day become a teacher in one of these areas.

Neptune in 10th house- very creative, true visionaries and artistic personalities. When it comes to their career, they may not get credit for their work, so they aren’t all the time recognized for their efforts. Every job they do they always need to be inspired and feeling fulfilled. They want to make the world a better place. Because this house also represents a father, it can mean that you can have a distant, incomprehensible relationship with your father. People can see you as a dreamer. You can also give people pisces vibes.

‍♀️Neptune in 11th house- You might believe in the motto that we are all members, one of another and be prepared to sacrifice personal desires to serve the community. You expect a lot from your friends and don’t mind dealing with other people’s weirdness.This placement is the one of the dreamers, of people who imagine a perfect society and peace all over the world. Also u can have talent for music, design. U can create something very unique. Also very ambitious and idealistic. U can also have friends or get along with people who are alcoholics or drug addicts.

‍♀️Neptune in 12th house- these people have very good artistic abilities. Because a lot is connected to the subconscious here, people are especially connected to the subconscious and unusual things. I think Neptune here makes a person artistically in a special way. It has a specialty that other people do not have. Like making dreamy and unique music, drawing. A person can surprise others with his ability and artistry. And they can make reallyy great and intense music. They can escape in a world of fantasy. A lot of people with this placement will discover they’re capable of great spirituality when they’ll get older. Neptune here capacity to turn collective ideas into pure art. These natives are all very kind and open to different emotions. They are very good at helping others and listening to them. But they can have intense dreams and meaningful ones. And again thoses people can be more prone to drugs than others.


Neptune in Houses

Neptun is planet of illusions, dreams, drugs, alcohol, karmic debt. It represents the ocean, some say Neptune is supposed to be the king of the ocean. It represents the confusion and fantasies we create in our heads. Idealism, hidden romance, sacrifice, spirituality, escape. Disillusionment -the thing we long for can sometimes feel out of reach, intensifying our longing or bringing sadness, disappointment, and a sense of loss.We can become disillusioned when the reality does not live up to the dream. But also represent our imagination and artistry

Neptune in 1st house- cover your bad qualities, good qualities come to the fore. People can see you as a dream person, spiritual, dreamy, you can emit fairy vibes. People with this placement can also have many pisces characteristics and their eyes can be larger and more accentuated. But Neptune can also cause confusion (for example: talking to someone and saying nonsense). This person is also uniquely gifted and mysterious. Neptune gives natives a special magnetism and a stare that could conquer anyone’s heart. They can read minds like others read books. Meanwhile, no one can see what’s really happening in their minds. Neptune also makes you an imaginative and artistic person.

Neptune in 2nd house- may have problems with debts, money. You can have too much unrealistic ideas. These people dream wealth. Natives can make a lot of money from painting or writing books. It’s often that people with Neptune in 2nd house give their last penny for tickets to a concert rather than keeping it for food or something else they may urgently need. You can have a lot of imagination about music. You can make dream music. Many people will be impressed by their vision and encourage their career or hobbies.

‍♀️Neptune in 3rd house- your voice can be gentle, calm, relaxed. People with this placement dream a lot and can spend a lot of times in their head. They love spiritual things. Their thoughts can often be chaotic, confusing. When you talk to them many times they may seem absent because they are always floating in their thoughts. This can also make them great actors. It influences the natives’ way of communication, their siblings, close-by neighbors. Which means they can have a confusing relationship with them many times. They can be great writers and artists as their soul is full of poetry and mind of philosophical thinking. But because Neptune affects your thoughts, these people can be subjected to substances many times. But they can also forget things many times. Also can have problems with studying because they can’t concentrate.

Neptune in 4th house- I would say this is one of the hardest placement to have for neptune & 4th house. Neptune is associated with illusion, dreams, unreality, lies, obscurity. This means that you can often feel misunderstood in the family. There can be many lies and secrets covered up. You may feel insecure and lost at home. Neptune in 4th house individuals will look for a safe home or perhaps the one they dreamed of as children. When you get older you will try to hide any memory relating to the places you grew up, in your subconscious. You may not felt warmth from your mom. You may also not have felt any connection to her, as if she didn’t care about you. Your father may probably the unemotional type, the parent who hasn’t been there for you when you needed him the most. Like I said Neptune can cause a lot of unpleasant problems in childhood. I have also seen many people have problems in the courts because of their family. But if Neptune is in good aspects then it doesn’t have to be that way. And in the end, you can create a much nicer family on your own than you had.

‍♂️Neptune in 5th house- good artistic ability, imagination is very rich and you are more romantic. Fantasizing about the ideal partner. You may may not see love as it actually is because you can have these rose-colored glasses when it comes to issues relating to love. Individuals are very good actors. It’s normal for them to have many friends and to change partners. Neptune here can also manifest in the longing to have a child and to feel totally fulfilled. Neptune here may also suffer disappointment and disillusionment when lovers or even children fail to live up to their dreams. You can also sacrifice a lot for children. Many people with this position have adopted children. Your love life involves a lot of fantasy, and often your deep need for drama can lead you to see things that you want to see. You might be attracted to lovers who you feel need to be saved somehow, but you could end up with people who are confused, distant, noncommittal, or dependent.

☔️Neptune in 6th house- individuals may have serious problems dealing with the everyday life as they think it’s not that important to follow a routine. Having this attitude and ignoring the most important responsibilities. They may suffer from some mysterious illnesses that can’t be diagnosed or have strange allergies that can’t be seen in others. They love animals very much. Neptune makes people chaotic, always late and dependent on others to do their job. Neptune can also make people dependent on drugs and alcohol. Could end up suffering from insomnia or panic attacks.Depending on what the aspects are. Neptune in this house can represent working with animals, spirituality. They can also be vegans.

Part 2 is comming


Part Of Fortune in Synastry

Part of Fortune is the chart holder’s luck and blessings. Often, this signals that the house person will feel more of an effect than the hold of the Part of Fortune. However, there is a level of significance from both sides

1st house synastry- u two can help each other express your talents. A person may feel that you are giving them confidence and appreciating their appearance. This placement can indicate some immediate physical attraction, both here appreciate the other’s body and style.

2nd house synastry - the person can seek for your confirmation. Your values ​​and how you see things are important to the person. You can share the same food or eat the same things. A person can be excited about your choice. It can be important to a person what music you are listening to.

3rd house synastry- you significantly influence their ideas and their baseline of knowledge. Together you can discover many new things. You can gain the most through conversation, multitasking. They spend a lot of time seeking your opinion. What you think and your mindset can be very important to a person.

4th house synastry- this is good one! Where the house person sees you as family. Usually, this feeling is platonic. It is very much depends on what the other aspects&signs are ,but it can feel like this person is representing your home. You can feel very warm by this person and safe.

☀️5th house synastry- this person may feel in competition with you. Maybe you can bring this person more inspiration, fun, creativity but at the same time pride and stubbornness. Many times a child’s energy can be felt. It can also be a lot of drama.

6th house synastry- you can bring a new lifestyle to a person. You can get more motivation and enthusiasm but at the same time, that person wants to be like you, to do the same things as you. It can also compare their life to yours. But the good thing is that you can contribute a lot of knowledge, self-care, a healthy lifestyle to a person.

7th house synastry- you can bring a lot of joy to a person in the relationship itself. They can both feel energy and happiness in a shared company. You can bring a lot of balance to a person. Both may feel as if u are ideal for each other. You can also bring a lot of romantic atmosphere and harmony to this person. Both appreciate beauty. A person can see you as romantic and harmonious.

8th house synastry- You can bring a person a different view of depth, emotions, secrets, and hidden things. You can impress a person with how deep you are and how you find depth. But there is also a strong attraction that makes a person have a strong feeling about you. That person may have a need to win you over. Can also be platonic relationship and feeling. They may try to usurp you, driven by their insecurity. The situation and interaction can be relatively passive. Strong and deep connection. You can impress that person unconsciously. A person can always notice you.

9th house synastry- You can teach a person a lot, show them a new perspective. You can give meaning to their life. With this person both love travel and can also explore places, culture together, can both start believing in the same things or have the same faith. Through their beliefs and views, u two can find common meaning. A person can look at you as a very wise person.

10th house synastry- a person can bring you a lot of seriousness, stability, diligence, respect. They can support each other and a person’s support can mean a lot to you. It can give you a lot of confidence in the things you do. Also more control over things and yourself. A person can look at you as a serious person and stable.

11th house synastry- can make u two as a couple who finds success and fulfillment in their social circle. Both can feel comfortable and supported by each other, their thoughts&feelings are mutually respected. A relationship can be based on a nice friendship. U two can have a lot of mutual friends, hobbies, interests. House person can see u as a good friend. But also can be rebellious energy.

12th house synastry- this is one of my fav placements - this overlay is great for a connection in which artistry, creative writing, or invention are present. A house person will admire and adore your ability to inspire them through their artistic ventures. You can also feel a nice deep connection with that person. The energy is so strong that you can feel the person standing behind you or if he is somewhere nearby. 12th house is also very spiritual so that means that you can see a person many times in a dream or even smell her scent.


Part of Fortune in Houses

The Part, or Lot, of Fortune is a point that is calculated from the longitudes of the Sun, Moon, and ascendant. The part of fortune shows where you may find your luck and how easliy you find abundance or wealth. In which house will you gain something.

Signs represent through what you can gain something andhousesin what way. The signs and the houses are usually different.

1st house- you have a strong desire to create your life according to your needs and wants. It also represents that you are that you are unique in some way. The most you can gain here is that no matter what others tell you, you will always stand behind what you are and believe in yourself.

2ndhouse-you enjoy discovering what is true value to you as you become more sure of your principles, building a wealth that gives meaning and richness to your life.You can gain a lot by finding your value in the things you love to do. No matter how bad the money situation is, you will always get money in some way. And self-value will come easier to you.

3rd house - you are happy to communicate with others. You enjoy being understood. You try to understand how others think and how they see things, so you can develop a greater perspective in your thinking. You can gain a lot by speaking and communicating. You can gain a lot of knowledge from friends, at school. You can get something new out of every bad trip.

4th house- your greatest fulfillment and satisfaction will come through starting new things, be it human life, ideas, or projects. Even if the relationship with your family is not always good, you will still somehow get the best out of it. Your joy is based on starting everything that will give you stability and inner security. It will also give you great joy to stay close to your family.

5th house- good luck can bring you creativity, talents, a lot of love affairs(u always gain something from them and learn something new about yourself). You can also be noticed without doing anything. You have the great ability to realize your dreams. You get to know yourself through everything you do. You will only know yourself through what you do, not what you think. Your talents can be spotted quickly.

6th house- you can gain a lot through work, lifestyle, routine, health. It can bring you a lot of health here. Your greatest satisfaction will come from work and being always active. It gives you an immense joy to know that you can help heal another person. It helps that you are not so critical of yourself and that you are not a perfectionist in every thing you do.

❤️7th house-you can gain a lot through relationships, it helps you maintain relationships and get the best out of them.Your greatest fulfillment comes through giving to others and enjoying the harmonious company of other people. You know better than others what is their happiness. Your gift is in getting others to realize it for themselves. Since all your good luck comes from that outside world and from pleasing the person you love, that’s why your soul feels incomplete and disharmonious in the absence of a personal union.

8th house- you will achieve your greatest satisfaction and fulfillment through depth, emotions, transformation. Others always teach you another way, another path, or another value. You will see and experience new things, very different from those you already know. You will understand a depth that others will not. Part of Fortune it helps you to let go of people that no longer serve you. To move on, even when you think you can’t. You achieve happiness and success through transformation guided by the values of others. You can also find joy in deep, mysterious and dark things.

9th house-you experience your greatest fulfillment discovering truth, expanding your consciousness and your understanding of the Universe. You transcend the inner understanding of mundane reality. You can find optimism, meaning in everything if you want. You have a great need for identification with a deity, study, contemplation, meditation and spiritual search, the truth. It helps you find wisdom.

10th house- you feel better when you do what gives you self-respect. You also inspire this behavior in others. It helps you find respect for others, reputation, visibility, goal, vision, enthusiasm for career. You gain a great sense of integrity to understand and respond to life’s experiences. Your greatest happiness comes from feeling that you are capable of taking responsibility, carrying out social obligations, and possessing a force to create trust and respect from others.

‍♀️11th house- It can help you be more sociable and social. Finding friends can be easier for you. You show that is it the common ideas or projects that give the necessary confidence to others so that things are carried out with the greatest possible harmony and in an atmosphere of mutual trust and assistance. You attract people to your life who think the same way you do.

12th house- This helps you cope more easily with spirituality, the subconscious.You can figure out a lot of things sooner than others. It helps you isolate yourself more easily from others. You can spend a lot of time alone and you don’t care. You can do a lot on your own and it relaxes you. For ex.: go for coffee alone, go to the shopping alone. Your greatest fulfillment will come when you are attentive to your inner being.


Some of my facts

The most passionate signs are Scorpio, Aries and Sagittarius. All three are focused on some meaning and energy. And quite always when someone has these three characters from rappers or singers. They show in the song-passion, energy, pain, love and truth.Their energy is more fiery so they are all more inclined to tell the truth but in a cruel and hurtful way. Especially the truth, and alsoyou can hear the facts! It can be mind-blowing sometimes. Some of them:Eminem(sag rising, scoprio mercury) , Lil Peep(scoprio sun,mercury & sag rising) , NF( Aries sun, aries venus) , 2pac( Aries moon).

People with a lot of gemini and virgo placements will think more rationally and practically. Which means they are more ruled by the mind and the communication that they have to give out of their chest. Not so much to the fact that they should express ourselves emotionally.Virgos have more pragmatic thinking and detail, they see details but there is no passion to put into something. But it’s just work, organization, something that will be practical. The gemini, however, don’t think but just do the thing. They do what they think is right at the moment. But they will still do something that will come out of their minds. But both characters will not be direct they will be more neutral. Neither of them will immediately tell the truth but will reconsider what they will say.

☀️Cancer is the sign that will be most prone to family because they are ruled by 4th house. So they will always be more on the side of the family and their opinion.

Taurus and Capricorn.Taurus can be boring for most zodiac signs, especially if they don’t get to know them well enough. Because it emits more calm and at the same time closed energy. If you want to get to know taurus you have to spend more time with them and to really see their energy. Taurus tend to just want to get money, no matter in what way ,only that it is money of what they do. Because there is 2nd house that represents money and the essence of everything is money and not what is behind it. Capricon on the other hand don’t look at money but at success. They want to succeed in something they do and invest in it and show off their skills. In the end, they want to have respect. It is important to them to do respectful things.

The Leo rules the fifth house therefore, people who have a lot planets in this house will have childlike energy. So synastry with this person will feel like as childish or teenage energy. It may also be that both people will be too proud and stubborn. That is why these relationships are never eternal if there are too many planets in there. Because it represents something temporary and fun.

10th house of capricorn not only represent public image and career but also seriousness between two people. Which means that if you have this synastry with someone it doesn’t mean the relationship is cold or reserved but serious that you take that person seriously. Which means both people will be adults in a relationship. For ex.: Venus here it means that they will both take seriously the love they will give each other. They will both respect each other’s feelings and what they expect from love. Expectations will be fulfilled because they will be taken seriously.

In my opinion the most artistic signs are libra and pisces. They both know how to make a beautiful gift for others and really put effort into something they do. And everything they do is very beautiful, aesthetic and special. They both know how to use their imagination.


The First House – Aries – House of Self  The Second House – Taurus – House of Value  The Third House

The First House – Aries – House of Self  

The Second House – Taurus – House of Value  

The Third House – Gemini – House of Sharing  

The Fourth House – Cancer – House of Home and Family  

The Fifth House – Leo – House of Pleasure

The Sixth House – Virgo – House of Health  

The Seventh House – Libra – House of Balance  

The Eighth House – Scorpio – House of Transformation  

The Ninth House – Sagittarius – House of Philosophy  

The Tenth House – Capricorn – House of Enterprise  

The Eleventh House – Aquarius – House of Blessings  

The Twelfth House – Pisces – House of Sacrifice

Mari Silva, Sun and Moon Signs: Secrets of the 12 Zodiac Signs, Different Sun-Moon Astrology Combinations, Personality Types, and Compatibility 

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