#new world



What the world needs now is changing people and therefore changing leaders and politicians who are willing to make big changes. Not ‘restoring’ the old familiar.
Change the economic system (forget economic growth) get rid of fossil fuel (vehicles) yesterday.
Introduce U.B.I., because no one can choose a natural spiritual existence, with the system as it is now and it is ugly and not pleasant and it is forced on you from birth. And make more beautiful and better buildings. (concrete jungle)
Re-educate yourself.

…And if you are thinking: who is going to pay for that? Money does not grow on trees. 

Trees do not grow on money either.

Hapalopus sp. Colombia Large spiderling, molted again and eating well! I love this species. I got itHapalopus sp. Colombia Large spiderling, molted again and eating well! I love this species. I got it

Hapalopus sp. Colombia Large spiderling, molted again and eating well! I love this species. I got it as a freebie and I have really loved watching it grow. It’s colorful even as a tiny spiderling, never turns down a meal, and molts quickly. Hope it’s a female, but if not I know I’ll be happy to buy four more and raise them.

Post link

I don’t usually post much here but I need my voice and opinions out there. If you take the time to read this I just want to thank you and ask for an open mind and a kind heart.

Today I had written on my window ACAB, 1312, and Land Back. My parents took it down out of fear. They feared that if police were to see it, they would not help us if and when we are in need. They feared we would become a target for hate crime and be targeted by conservatives and possibly groups like the KKK. That broke my heart. I could feel it tear apart. I could feel the muscle rip. I didn’t show it though. They believe that after all of the protests and fighting is done things will go back to “normal”. Our “normal” is African Americans being killed on the streets by police officers. Our “normal” is indigenous women going missing and the police officers and government not caring or searching. Our “normal” is full of hate and sorrow and people being ignored and pushed aside in order for the U.S. to continue to keep up the appearance of being a perfect country. I don’t want to go back to normal. I won’t allow it. But there is nothing I can truly do to stop it from coming back. I ache to do something. Even if that means protesting. Even if that means writing simple messages on my window. No family should fear what would happen to them because of what they say or believe. It’s hurts that I don’t do anything to a point where I can’t handle it. I can NOT be just a bystander. I can’t continue to fill my days with fantasies because I am unhappy with my life of NOTHING. I can’t just sit and watch while hoping for the best. I have always felt a power within me and I know and hope others feel it to. A craving to be something and do something that children will read about in the history books. Something that will inspire others. I can’t continue to sit and watch as normal returns. I NEED to do something and I need to do it now. I need to release this power and energy out into the world. I have no idea what I can do though. Writing on my window won’t be enough. I see that now. I don’t wish to anger my family or put them in danger which is why I am currently a sitting duck. Just another person being lost in the crowd. The crowd of people who refuse to do anything. Being a bystander and allowing the “normal” to be in the U.S. and to be in the world. Being a bystander causes my depression and I see that now. I have to do something. I need to do something. Something. Something that will show the power that an indigenous woman like myself has. That many other people have as well. I need help. I need guidance. Guidance that will allow me to DO something. That will allow me to BE something. Because I am taking a stand and am no longer allowing myself to sit and hope. Hope will only go so far.

I’m behind on posting art here.. oops! This was a New World commission for my buddy @belghast

Heey Everyone,

I spend both today and yesterday working on setting up my computer. I tried a few mod packs, to see how good my computer will run certain packs. And I am so happy, because every pack I tried, runs so smooth. I did had one hiccup tough and I do not know how to fix it. Everytime I tried running optifine with a mod, it had lag spikes every 5/6 seconds and I can not seem to fix it. The problem is that it doesn’t matter how many mods there are in the pack, as soon as there is one, the lag spikes happen. But except for that problem everything works perfectly. 

I started playing a new modpack called engineers life, by dreams01. I really like it! It is a quest based progression modpack, where you go from the Stone Age to the digital age. It is also still being updated, so more quest and mods are added at least every month. 

I decided that I would like to build a city, that has different district. So one part a the city will be an industrial district with factories and an other while be the farming district, where all the farms and windmills are. I already build a little bit, only the one’s I needed for the different machines. 


I took inspiration from whip, I really love watching his videos and I love his building style. For the factory however, I looked for inspiration on Pinterest. I still want to expend the fields and change them a bit, so that it is more interesting to look at.

I anyone of you have an idea for what I could build next, let me know!

I hope you will have an amazing day!

heey Everone, 

I finally got a new computer !!!! it felt like it was going to take for ever, but it is finally here. I got a pretty decent gaming computer with a pretty good graphics card, so I can finally play with shaders!! I also made sure I bought one that has the possibility to upgrade if I want a better graphics card or ssd. Tonight I am going to mess round a bit a maybe start a new world. I am think of a quest based modpack. So I anyone of you has a suggesting, please let me know!

I will be posting regular again, so make sure you keep an eye out for my next post!

I hope you will have an amazing day!

Heey everyone,

So I started a new world, again. It is only like 2 weeks a go that I started the modded world and here I am making a new one. If you are curious why, you should read my last post, it is not really a fun story. 

I spend most of my day making a new mod pack/list for a 1.15 modded world. Some mods crasht, like hwayla and JEI, so unfortunately I can not use those mods right now. For the most part I used the basic ones, that I really like. They mostly are farming/food/world gen mods. Of course I am using biomes o’plenty, I can not imagine playing modded Minecraft without it. If you want a full list of all the mods I am using in this world, just send a message and I will give you the full list. 

When I finally got everything sorted out, I spend most of my playing time getting started and gathering resources. I died a lot and lost my stuff several times, because I have this habit of falling in lava. I really should fix that habit. But when I finally got sort of settled, I made a city lay out. I used concrete powder to section different districts off and it made it really clear where everything should go. 


You can barely see the colors on the picture, but I promise that every district has its own colors. The black dots represent the river that I am planning to make. the middle section is yellow and is going to be the merchant/ market district. I am planning to have here all the shops and market stalls and of course the houses of the merchants. On the bottom is where I want to have the harbor, it is all laid out in lime green. I also have a more expensive discrict (on the top, laid out with pink) and a farmer/worker district (on the middle left, orange). The farm/worker district is going to be all the working careers, like a farmer or lumberjack. 

I really hope that everything I explained makes sense and if it does not please message me, I will be more than happy to answer any questions. 

I hope you will have an amazing day!

Hi everyone,

So…. I did something. I started a new world. But not just a vanilla world, a modded world. I decided that I needed to work on something else other than my survival world, because I needed variation. So I am also going to play a modded survival world called Animal Kingdom. I watched vintage beefs series where he is building a zoo and it looked really fun, so I made my one mod pack based around his one. It is not exactly like the one he is playing, but it has the most important ones, the mods with the animals. It also contains, what I think are, the basic mods. like journey map and the just enough items mod. 

When you are walking around, it is really fun to watch all the different animals. They all interact with each other and have different personalities, but if you want more information about this mod (the zoo and wild animals rebuild mod) you should watch vintage beef’s series.

Today I started the world and picked a spot for my started base, or rescue center. I have not done anything special other then getting started, I did not even start building my starter base. But I have something in mind. I want to build a log cabin of sorts, but I am not quite sure how I would like to build it. 

My goal for this world is to have a kind of rescue center in different biomes and, depending on which biome you are in, they will have a different building style and animals. 

This weekend it is easter and I don’t think I will upload anything, because I am going to spend some time with my family (indoors). I wish you all a happy easter! 

I hope you will have an amazing day! (and weekend)

we are here

we are here

Post link

1656 Timucuas Revolt in Florida
1734 Baja California Native insurrection
1775 Kumeyaay Revolt in San Diego
1781 Yuma Revolt along Colorado River
1785 Medicine Woman Toypurina leads revolt at Mission San Gabriel
1801 Chumash Revolt
