#nmr spectroscopy


“A well-educated mind will always have more questions than answers” - Helen Keller

04/05/2020, Monday.

Academical situation:

On the 21st April, I passed my last exam! On-line testing was better than I thought. It was quick and I got my grade confirmed (as the exam was only a part of a bigger one). Registering Physical Chemistry II grade meant registering my last undergraduate exam. Yes, I am done

I intend to apply for grad-school at the same university, many more exam to go. But, I closed a chapter. I am sad… Not because of the closing, not because of the changing… No… I am sad because I haven’t felt the joy of it, I haven’t felt different or relieved or anything…

Updates are on their way! Italy has entered phase 2 today, universities have high autonomy and during last week tons of meetings were made to decide and organise the following steps. I, a common student, have to wait few more days. By the end of the week, I will know what the future holds for me

Will I be able to enrol in two post-grad courses? Will I have to wait till autumn (and loose time)? Who knows.

While waiting for both updates and thesis correction, I keep up with on-line classes.

Personal situation:

I did 7 weeks of solitary isolation, it went extraordinarily good! I am surprised! Had ups and downs, but -overall- I am satisfied about how I adapted my routine during a difficult time. Especially due to the fact that I spent my study hours at university, and relaxed at home. Radically changing my habits has been a big turn

Today I saw S., we considered the risk (extremely low) and agreed upon seeing each other. My lonely time has come to an end! Seeing each other means -as well- that I can train at his place, with weights! Time to set up a new routine ️‍♀️

During quarantine, I listened to many podcasts (in italian)! They are my new passion, If anyone has suggestions on interesting ones (in italian, english or french) they will be welcome


“Knowledge is a weapon. I intend to be formidably armed” - Terry Goodkind

20/03/2020, Friday.

Another month passed by. It feels like everything stopped, but a lot has changed.

Academical situation:

On february 24th italian universities closed due to Covid-19 spreading. Official reopening on april 3rd, but the date is likely to be postponed because the situation appears to be critical. 

As a consequence I was unable to undergo my last exam (physical chemistry II - laboratory). Formal indications are: it is not possible to take exams from remote, as cheating can occur. As soon as the structure reopens, exams are scheduled. At the moment I do not have a date, most likely mid-april ⏳

Graduations is delayed as well. As previously, no approved date, june is a possibility. If that was definitive, I would be unable to attend first year second semester postgraduate courses and labs. I do not want to lose time… I do not want to wait till autumn…

What am I doing? Temporarily left aside my exam, I am concentrating on writing my thesis and following online classes (I refuse to fall behind)

Personal situation:

Rigid lock down began on march 2nd. I decided not to go at my family house, I stayed alone in my flat. It was the right call because I got ill, yes, it probably was the famous virus (I had the typical symptoms, in a light form, and in november I had myself vaccinated against flu).

I felt poorly for 7/8 days, even had fever on thursday the 12th. But now I am good, it has been 4 days since symptoms disappearance. I saw noone and followed certified indications (those communicated by official organisations). 

I do not find difficult to be in self-imposed isolation, the worst enemy is boredom. Since I got well, I’ve been doing yoga. And I am searching an at-home-training in substitution of gym one. ️‍♀️

How are you dealing with the situation?
Do you have any suggestion on at-home activities I could try? (New organising methods, smart-working techniques, home workouts, yoga classes, books… Recipes as long as they are light)