

“A well-educated mind will always have more questions than answers” - Helen Keller

04/05/2020, Monday.

Academical situation:

On the 21st April, I passed my last exam! On-line testing was better than I thought. It was quick and I got my grade confirmed (as the exam was only a part of a bigger one). Registering Physical Chemistry II grade meant registering my last undergraduate exam. Yes, I am done

I intend to apply for grad-school at the same university, many more exam to go. But, I closed a chapter. I am sad… Not because of the closing, not because of the changing… No… I am sad because I haven’t felt the joy of it, I haven’t felt different or relieved or anything…

Updates are on their way! Italy has entered phase 2 today, universities have high autonomy and during last week tons of meetings were made to decide and organise the following steps. I, a common student, have to wait few more days. By the end of the week, I will know what the future holds for me

Will I be able to enrol in two post-grad courses? Will I have to wait till autumn (and loose time)? Who knows.

While waiting for both updates and thesis correction, I keep up with on-line classes.

Personal situation:

I did 7 weeks of solitary isolation, it went extraordinarily good! I am surprised! Had ups and downs, but -overall- I am satisfied about how I adapted my routine during a difficult time. Especially due to the fact that I spent my study hours at university, and relaxed at home. Radically changing my habits has been a big turn

Today I saw S., we considered the risk (extremely low) and agreed upon seeing each other. My lonely time has come to an end! Seeing each other means -as well- that I can train at his place, with weights! Time to set up a new routine ️‍♀️

During quarantine, I listened to many podcasts (in italian)! They are my new passion, If anyone has suggestions on interesting ones (in italian, english or french) they will be welcome

 just some simple layout designs ~ starting life in college… the past two months have been a perio just some simple layout designs ~ starting life in college… the past two months have been a perio just some simple layout designs ~ starting life in college… the past two months have been a perio just some simple layout designs ~ starting life in college… the past two months have been a perio just some simple layout designs ~ starting life in college… the past two months have been a perio just some simple layout designs ~ starting life in college… the past two months have been a perio

just some simple layout designs ~

starting life in college… the past two months have been a period of adjustment for me (which is why I haven’t really gotten to posting any of my own stuff) but hopefully, I get to post more regularly from now on ^_^
update post (½)
Post link

how hard is it to sit here again after nearly 7 months out of school
