

“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” – Robert Collier

24/01/2021, Sunday.

Catching up:

  • On the 23rd December I had Advanced Macromolecules Laboratory exam, passed it super good;
  • I spent winter holidays at my parents house. Due to anxiety, I studied! But it was excellent to have good surrounding;
  • Returned home on the 4th January and studied ever since.
  • Helas, S. And I don’t live together any more… After our region downgraded to “orange zone”, he went back at his parents house.

Due dates:

  • 24th January, Advanced Analytical Chemistry exam… Only two days left! How am I supposed to feel calm
  • 3rd February, Advanced Macromolecules Chemistry exam. in one week I have to master all the exercises and the theory, I do not think I can make it! But I’ll try anyway

In the past year I had to study from home, which ment spending an insane amount of time on the computer… My eyes were screaming! As a Christmas gift I got @onyxboox Note Air. A life saver

I’ve been studying with it for four weeks and I’m in love!


“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value” - Albert Einstein

22/11/2020, Sunday.

University shifted to online classes two weeks ago, I am sad because I love attending lectures and the general university atmosphere! I am trying to study in advance and keep up with the program as we do it. Not anxious enough to be productive 24/7, but I am working way more than I was used to do in my undergrad.

The good news is: Laboratories are allowed! They are the most important and enjoyable part of the courses, only have 6 afternoons though… Better than nothing! 2 done, 4 to go

Personal life: S. moved in temporarily. It is the best option to keep seing each other during lockdown 2.0. Life with a “roommate” is going smoothly. I thought it would have been harder! It is to be considered that he keeps going at university in order to finish his traineeship, he’s out of the house during office hours (I still have my alone time)

“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out." - Robert Collier

18/08/2020, Tuesday.

Catching up:

Biomolecular Spectroscopy Laboratory went insanely good! 30/30 on the other end, I scored low in Advanced Inorganic Chemistry. I passed and not by chance, but it was just not high enough. Long story short, I’ll retake it on the 3rd September

Today is the first day back studying. Not really motivated yet, waiting for anxiety to kick in

Who else has exams in September?

Many readers are writing me, I am glad someone follows my adventure and find inspiration in it. I just wanted to thank you for your time ☺️

“Every man who receives a liberal education now counts chemistry among the most indispensable objects of his studies” - Antoine François Fourcroy   

27/06/2020, Saturday.

Today I got back at my parents house, I love to study at my old desk

Currently doing NMR spectroscopy, I find it fascinating! I enrolled for two lectures this spring/summer:

  1. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry;
  2. Biomolecular Spectroscopy Laboratory.

The first one is mandatory for graduate students, it includes NMR basics (with some hardcore formulas). The second one is focused on 2D-NMR for macromolecules (for example proteins)


“A well-educated mind will always have more questions than answers” - Helen Keller

04/05/2020, Monday.

Academical situation:

On the 21st April, I passed my last exam! On-line testing was better than I thought. It was quick and I got my grade confirmed (as the exam was only a part of a bigger one). Registering Physical Chemistry II grade meant registering my last undergraduate exam. Yes, I am done

I intend to apply for grad-school at the same university, many more exam to go. But, I closed a chapter. I am sad… Not because of the closing, not because of the changing… No… I am sad because I haven’t felt the joy of it, I haven’t felt different or relieved or anything…

Updates are on their way! Italy has entered phase 2 today, universities have high autonomy and during last week tons of meetings were made to decide and organise the following steps. I, a common student, have to wait few more days. By the end of the week, I will know what the future holds for me

Will I be able to enrol in two post-grad courses? Will I have to wait till autumn (and loose time)? Who knows.

While waiting for both updates and thesis correction, I keep up with on-line classes.

Personal situation:

I did 7 weeks of solitary isolation, it went extraordinarily good! I am surprised! Had ups and downs, but -overall- I am satisfied about how I adapted my routine during a difficult time. Especially due to the fact that I spent my study hours at university, and relaxed at home. Radically changing my habits has been a big turn

Today I saw S., we considered the risk (extremely low) and agreed upon seeing each other. My lonely time has come to an end! Seeing each other means -as well- that I can train at his place, with weights! Time to set up a new routine ️‍♀️

During quarantine, I listened to many podcasts (in italian)! They are my new passion, If anyone has suggestions on interesting ones (in italian, english or french) they will be welcome


“Being alone has a power that very few people can handle” - Steven Aitchison

15/04/2020, Wednesday.

Academical situation:

It is unlikely university reopens in this academic year. Officially, everything is closed till 3rd may. After that date, who knows? 

In these weeks, I rolled up my sleeves! I finished writing my thesis, sent it to my supervisor and I am currently waiting for the correction. The work is not finished, but the “creating from zero” part is behind me!

While waiting, I had my last exam scheduled on the 21st april. It’ll be held online, on a specific platform and I have to sign a from declaring that I am not cheating. Yesterday, I started revising and I hope everything goes on smoothly

In parallel, I am following online first year second semester postgraduate lectures (only two of them). I hope to be able to undergo the exams, even if now I can’t be sure! It does depend on bureaucratic matters, not me…

Personal situation:

I am on my 5th isolation week. I am doing solitary quarantine! It is not bad as it may seem, nobody interrupts while I work! And I can concentrate truly well. I do not feel lonely, but -of course- I have down moments! I may not be an extremely social person, but staying alone for 5 weeks is not good either

I created a new routine: I don’t get up late, kept my week day usual alarm (7h45 a.m.). I try to have my work done in the morning, or - in general- in the first part of the day. Thus, when I am done I know I can dedicate myself to my hobbies! 

The activities I want to do range from gaming to cooking, from reading a book to cleaning the house. I try to be flexible and do what inspires me in that moment. I still train, every other day. Home workouts are hard and makes me exhausted but satisfied! On rest days, I practice yoga (25-45 minutes, depending on my energies level). I made great progress with my flexibility and I am proud ‍♀️

After dinner S. and I watch a couple of a tv series episodes, we both have Amazon Prime Video and we manage to start at the same time, that way we are sync even if we live in different houses! We just finished  “The Man in the High Castle”, I highly recommend it


“Knowledge is a weapon. I intend to be formidably armed” - Terry Goodkind

20/03/2020, Friday.

Another month passed by. It feels like everything stopped, but a lot has changed.

Academical situation:

On february 24th italian universities closed due to Covid-19 spreading. Official reopening on april 3rd, but the date is likely to be postponed because the situation appears to be critical. 

As a consequence I was unable to undergo my last exam (physical chemistry II - laboratory). Formal indications are: it is not possible to take exams from remote, as cheating can occur. As soon as the structure reopens, exams are scheduled. At the moment I do not have a date, most likely mid-april ⏳

Graduations is delayed as well. As previously, no approved date, june is a possibility. If that was definitive, I would be unable to attend first year second semester postgraduate courses and labs. I do not want to lose time… I do not want to wait till autumn…

What am I doing? Temporarily left aside my exam, I am concentrating on writing my thesis and following online classes (I refuse to fall behind)

Personal situation:

Rigid lock down began on march 2nd. I decided not to go at my family house, I stayed alone in my flat. It was the right call because I got ill, yes, it probably was the famous virus (I had the typical symptoms, in a light form, and in november I had myself vaccinated against flu).

I felt poorly for 7/8 days, even had fever on thursday the 12th. But now I am good, it has been 4 days since symptoms disappearance. I saw noone and followed certified indications (those communicated by official organisations). 

I do not find difficult to be in self-imposed isolation, the worst enemy is boredom. Since I got well, I’ve been doing yoga. And I am searching an at-home-training in substitution of gym one. ️‍♀️

How are you dealing with the situation?
Do you have any suggestion on at-home activities I could try? (New organising methods, smart-working techniques, home workouts, yoga classes, books… Recipes as long as they are light)

“You don’t have to do this, you get to do this” - Tom Kubis

27/02/2020, Thursday.

Physical chemistry II: On Friday 21st I passed physical chemistry II, theory

I was nervous and scared before my exam, as usual! Still need to do laboratory part: it was supposed to be on friday 28th… Guess what?

University is closed the whole week! Cause: coronavirus precautions

I do not have a new date yet. But I need to study like due date hasn’t changed because if it is postponed for too long I’ll have to split my time between study and thesis

Thesis: it has been two weeks since I was in the lab. I officially finished my samples, no more synthesis for me. Now I “just” have to write it

Self-care: gym is close as well… Slightly mad. Positive aspect? Yesterday I did yoga for the first time in moths! Turns out I lost flexibility! ‍♀️

“Things come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle” – Abraham Lincoln via Tina MiModels

07/02/2020, Friday.

One month had passed since last post. I started writing a few times but never finished, I thought I had nothing to share… I realised not posting had a negative influence on my productivity! I am aware it’s stupid, but I am generally more encouraged if I think about sharing my day

Catching up:

Physical Chemistry II: I started four weeks ago, not giving 100%… I kept postponing “real studying” and kept reading my notes over and over. It seemed like every day I had better tasks (chores, thesis assignments). But now the time has come: due date 21st february! It is so close

Good news are that I find the topic extremely interesting and I have my productively anxiety (about time!)

Thesis: I haven’t started writing yet. First I want to close the exam; that way I can focus on one task at a time! It is still not clear on what my thesis is about… Polypeptoids are the main topic, of course, but we have to decide on which aspect I should focus

Needless to say: the situation makes me distressed.


“Every moment of one’s existence, one is growing into more or retreating into less.” - Norman Mailer

02/01/2020, Thursday.

Here I am again: reading articles and plotting excel graphs. It is the first university related activity I do during winter break. Currently at my parents house and enjoying rest and family

I have no intention in working (for real) till I get back! No routine, no stress and no anxiety!

New Year Resolution: 2020′s goal would be consistency. I don’t have a list full of things I already know I won’t accomplish. My purpose is to build a path towards my future and become a person I’ll be proud to be, step after step

I need to focus on the present and stay honest to myself.

2019 thought me I have to work, I have to modify my life. I do not have to be scared of changes, they are opportunities. It thought me results will come if I do the necessary. Last year was full of personal growth and I am extremely proud

“The man who has confidence in himself gains the confidence of others” - Hasidic Proverb

25/12/2019, Wednesday.

Merry Christmas!

This year winter break means relax, time with family and feeling free! I need detachment from university, at least for a bit. I do deserve it, I earned it

Physics II: had my exam in the 23rd! I refused to enter holidays knowing I was supposed to study. I rolled up my sleeves, I gave everything I had left and I passed my exam

One exam down, one more to go (obviously divided in two parts). Not only I passed it, but I scored 30/30

Thesis: project keeps going, nothing to report. I should probably start writing something, introduction would be nice!
