#no god

 Covid-mania does has many markers of religious hysteria; from the blind devotion to not questioning

Covid-mania does has many markers of religious hysteria; from the blind devotion to not questioning authority.

Many people might be in for a shock when we eventually found out what the long term effects are. I personally hope there are none, but I have a bad feeling about it… 


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That is exactly how I respond to people being offended. I post more of it rather than less. The more

That is exactly how I respond to people being offended. I post more of it rather than less. The more someone is offended, the more I want to post again.


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I’m no more afraid of going to hell than I am of being on Santa’s naughty list. Just like dragons, y

I’m no more afraid of going to hell than I am of being on Santa’s naughty list. Just like dragons, your gods do not exist. Deal with the here and now, and with reality while you still can. Stop wasting your Sundays, and your money on myths that have zero impact on your life.

There are better things to do like spend quality time with the kids, do a little cleaning, watch football with friends and just enjoy life.


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I will never apologize for being an outspoken atheist. I will never apologize for criticizing religi

I will never apologize for being an outspoken atheist.

I will never apologize for criticizing religion all the time on twitter, facebook, tumblr, open diary, and in all the nonfiction books that I write. 

If you want to argue with me, be prepared to receive an epic smackdown. I do not suffer fools gladly. 

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I agree with this statement 1000%. If someone tells you not to question something, our natural respo

I agree with this statement 1000%. If someone tells you not to question something, our natural response should be to question the fuck out of it.

Asking questions should never be taboo, as that’s how new science and new discoveries are made. Questioning the status quo leads to progress, so those who don’t want us to question anything is against progress.

Not being allowed to ask questions isn’t science, its religion. Science should be allowed to stand up to skepticism, or it isn't’ allowed to be science.

Keep asking questions my friends,


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 To be fair, god has a reputation for killing a lot of kids. If the dude needs a reminder, I’d fucki

To be fair, god has a reputation for killing a lot of kids. If the dude needs a reminder, I’d fucking do it too.

It’s a good thing Peta didn’t exist back then, cause I’m sure they’d have a small issue with people smearing animal blood on doors.


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Morally white? Are you fucking kidding me?Forget the fact that a lot of Arabic people happen to re

Morally white? Are you fucking kidding me?

Forget the fact that a lot of Arabic people happen to read and religiously follow a holy book that pretty much orders them to murder the infidels.

One could even suggest the person actually acted morally Islamic.


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There is a perfectly good reason why God doesn’t stop school shootings, genocides, murders, rapes an

There is a perfectly good reason why God doesn’t stop school shootings, genocides, murders, rapes and even his/her own priests from molesting children. The simple reason is that god does not exist. That means the only person who can prevent and stop the next shooting is you.

As the comic suggests, get engaged with reality and petition for reasonable gun laws. Sure, not every criminal will follow these new laws, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to make the acquisition of guns just a little bit tougher. Not every citizen is going to respect traffic law either, but we should still have them anyway. It’s this effort is what stops crime from getting out of control… so while some crime might slip through the cracks, we should still make the effort to stop what we can.

So if you really want to see less shootings I suggest you stop praying to a figment of your imagination, get off your lazy ass, and do something about it yourself. 


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It’s called faith because there’s no evidence. If such evidence was discovered, faith would not be n

It’s called faith because there’s no evidence. If such evidence was discovered, faith would not be necessary. The fact that your church asks for faith is an admission that there is no evidence, therefore no reason to subscribe to any of their unproven rubbish. Walk away people, and save your time and money. You can do something better with your Sundays! Sleep in, spend quality time with your kids, help out with the chores. Things that actually matter and make life better. Or you could sleep in… that works too.


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If you don’t like these memes, you could always try to pray them away. Forgive me if I don’t hold my

If you don’t like these memes, you could always try to pray them away. Forgive me if I don’t hold my breath.


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As a birthday present to myself, I ordered this fab t-shirt from Atheist Republic. It looks pretty a

As a birthday present to myself, I ordered this fab t-shirt from Atheist Republic. It looks pretty amazing, and I can’t wait to try it on!

If you’d like to order this shirt, you can do so by going to the following link: 

Atheist Starter Pack T-Shirt

Pretty sweet, eh? 


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See how fucking stupid this looks now? Thoughts & Prayers is total bullshit, and an excuse used

See how fucking stupid this looks now?

Thoughts & Prayers is total bullshit, and an excuse used by people who don’t want to lift a finger to help anyone.

Don’t be this person. Do something and be the change you want to see.

Two hands working create more results than thousand clasped together in prayer. That has never been less true today then when it was first said.


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Yes, there are some people out there dumb enough to believe this. Ditto for Kangaroos hopping all th

Yes, there are some people out there dumb enough to believe this. Ditto for Kangaroos hopping all the way over from Australia.

Not only would it scare me if you believe this bullshit, this makes us non-believers question your intelligence and mental health.

This is fiction, it never happened. Anyone who says otherwise without a shred of evidence is either lying or delusional.


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This is the problem with theists who cherry pick what parts of the bible they want to believe, the r

This is the problem with theists who cherry pick what parts of the bible they want to believe, the rest of it is fair game to tossed back into your face.

Atheists, however, have read it all and are ready to contradict your bullshit.

If you don’t do your homework, you don’t deserve to win the debate.


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Monster Aesthetics Clothing


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