
Consistency is…. Underestimated. Undervalued. Understated. Not Understood. Want to be better! It’s s

Consistency is….

Not Understood.

Want to be better! It’s simple. Be consistent. God is good!! Won’t he do it!!!

Check out the workout of the day on @crossfitmdi page!!! Give it a try!!!

#crossfit #crossfitmdi #fitness #workout #gym #nobull #motivation (at Crossfit M.D.I “Motivation Dedication Inspiration”)

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God wouldn’t put a Goliath in your life if He didn’t know there was a David in you. Anot

God wouldn’t put a Goliath in your life if He didn’t know there was a David in you.

Another fun spicy workout to try peeps!!! Give it a go!


Strength: Clean Complex
4 sets of: 3 deadlifts + 2 Hang Power Clean + 1 Power Clean @ 70%

**after each set 25 super man back ext**

Metcon: EMOM: 12 min
2 bar over burpees
3 chest to bar pull ups/ 3 pull ups
RX: 315/225 SX:255/185 BG:185/135

#crossfit #crossfitmdi #fitness #workout #wod #olyweightlifting #nobull #godschild
(at Crossfit M.D.I “Motivation Dedication Inspiration”)

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Let’s get down to business peeps! Health is your greatest wealth! Nothing can ever replace that. So let’s get after it!!!

Give this workout a try!

4 sets

400m run or row
30 sit-ups
20 up downs
10 American kb swings 70/50 or 50/35

**12 foot handstand walk each round only if you can. If not then do not add his part please. Scale appropriately.

Tag me or @crossfitmdi &’tell us how it goes.

#crossfit #crossfitmdi #tiktok #fitness #gym #wokrout #wod #inspiration #health #nobull (at Crossfit M.D.I “Motivation Dedication Inspiration”)

#crossfit    #crossfitmdi    #tiktok    #fitness    #wokrout    #inspiration    #health    #nobull    
I pray for peace ✌ Prepared for war.Today’s workout was spicy!!! Give it a spin!!!Strength: Back

I pray for peace ✌ Prepared for war.

Today’s workout was spicy!!! Give it a spin!!!

Strength: Back Squats
4 sets @ 75% for 6 reps

**after each set Russian twist 1/1** 20 reps

Metcon: 15 min Amrap
30 dubs
15 air squats
10 toes to bar
5 shoulder to over head


#crossfit #crossfitmdi #squats #nobull #fitness #workout #workout #ucf #orlando #bodybuilding #gymshark #roguefitness (at Crossfit M.D.I “Motivation Dedication Inspiration”)

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Fun competitiveness with coach @gregory_mdi_coach this morning. He served me some humble pie when I

Fun competitiveness with coach @gregory_mdi_coach this morning. He served me some humble pie when I tried to sneak on more weight. Petty Lu

Smiling ail more, training a lot more & looking up thanking God for it all.

#crossfit #crossfitmdi #motivation #dedication #inspiration #preservingthesexy #snatch #olyweightlifting #nobull #therapy #fitness (at Crossfit M.D.I “Motivation Dedication Inspiration”)

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The Barbell tried to bail on me this morning! I said Na Bruh! You are going to get this work! 350 Front Squat. There is more in the tank.

#crossfit #crossfitmdi #workout #fitness #fit #nobull #squats (at Crossfit M.D.I “Motivation Dedication Inspiration”)

#crossfit    #crossfitmdi    #workout    #fitness    #nobull    #squats    
con·sist·en·cy: It’s all I know.Today’s workout @crossfitmdi was tasty! Give it a try!!! Strength:

con·sist·en·cy: It’s all I know.

Today’s workout @crossfitmdi was tasty! Give it a try!!!

Strength: Push Press 4x4 @75%

**After each set 1 minute planks**

Metcon: 14 min. Amrap
10 alternating DB snatches
15 push ups
35 Dubs
RX:70/50 SX:50/35

#crossfit #crossfitmdi #workout #tiktok #fitness #nobull (at Crossfit M.D.I “Motivation Dedication Inspiration”)

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