

PHOENIX AND EDGEWORTH NENDO ANNOUNCEMENT, ON NARUMITSU WEEK ????????? (still nrmt day if you’re in US askjksaj-)

lord i legit asked why doesn’t AA have any nendos merch last November AND WE GOT IT FINALLY.

we did it people we’ve won. i am so proud of this community

Se busca persona que quiera aprender a ser DM o DM experimentado que quiera llevar campaña de dnd 5e

Rant, vent, w/e you want to call it, it’s gonna be long.
But I hate doing this. I never intend to speak my opinion on my pages anymore but it’s like dejavu rn. My blood is boiling for days.
I made a post 8 years agoabout this very conflict after I returned from Ukraine and the ordeal that was endured. (scroll down until you see the first image of a collapsed bridge.. unless you want to read TMI about my life)
And…I see nothing changed. The propaganda and fear-porn remained.

But suddenly everyone is a fucking expert on the war that’s going on right now.

I know this might conflict with a lot of people’s programming, but I do not care because I need to speak the brutal truth. It’s time for a long, hard geopolitical reminder.

8 years ago, no one said fuck all about the outright genocide of Donbass. 10,000+ civilians are dead and my husband and his family were nearly part of that number. He, like everyone else in this region, were labelled as terrorists because they said NO to anillegal U.S/NATO backed takeover of Kiev(maidan colour revolution). Donbass said NO to ethnic cleansing and the removal of the Russian language. But no one said anything about the coup detat criminals that declared war on its own people. (If you don’t know/understand, read the last paragraph of this post for a catch-up summary of this conflict for context)
It’s actually the SAME story in every war-torn part of the world. And still; NO ONE seems to GET IT. Baaa.

Does no one remember JUST LAST MONTH what was happening in Kazakhstan??? That globalists were trying to destabilize it??? They did the exact same thing to Georgia in 2009 and FAILED there too. (That puppet Sakashvili was exiled and is wanted by interpol ffs and this scumbag actually became governor of Odessa where the burning massacres occurred as if Coup Ukraine wasn’t corrupted enough.)

People want to end aggression? Then stop supporting NGO funded uprisings or fascist government regimes and their lies. They have been happening for decades.
 TOO MANY LIES. I get that during wartime, propaganda is RAMPANT and it’s very hard to tell what’s happening (which makes it a convenient tactic), but ffs… Ukr media used video game footage as ‘evidence’ they shot down Russian jets. Morale boosting bs like that is to get people to foolishly continue a losing battle.
And the lies and hatred that comes from these lies outright insults the brutal reality that the Donbass suffered.

By way of deception, thou shalt wage WAR.

And this^ is occurring without fail.

There is only one thing I am frustrated at Russia for and it’s that they took too long to respond to this cesspit Junta. Yes, Russia supported DPR/LPR and were the only ones keeping them afloat for all these years because the facist coup in Kiev never stopped the war, even when Zelenskiy was electedpredominantly because he said he was going to end it and even promised to put Poroshithead and co in jail as war criminals… 3 years in; nothing. 0 jailed criminals, 0 intention to stop the war. And lo and behold, Zelenskiy showed his true colours and is indeed playing a role with the rest of these war criminals. In fact it looks like they all condone it; why else would you let your own people kill each other if you actually cared about your country? Look at this small example of the kind of evil things this nazi guard has been doing for 8 years in just *one* city. You think the coup didn’t know about it?? Watch the video describing the situation, it is english-subbed. Tell me; do the ‘anti-nazi’ westerners condone this behaviour?? Because this shit never ended to this day. Where was the outrage then when it was most needed???

As for Putin…Strategically, I can see what he was doing. He has been avoiding a bigger war for 8 years because the fascists *wanted* it, but his hesitation allowed the coup to continue the genocide. It would have made more sense for Putin to act when Poroshenko was ‘president’ because he wasn’t even legitimately elected! For that, I cannot see any good excuse for his inaction. People were dying this whole time because of it. Russia/Ukraine could have avoided this entire mess if Russia cleaned up as fast as they did in Georgia.(8 months is better than 8 years) So why not?? But because Zelenskiy said that he wanted to make Ukraine NUCLEAR again was the tipping point - This bastard must have KNOWN that this is Russia’s number 1 trigger (and excuse) to react to, but Zelenskiy did it while relying on NATO/EU to “come to the rescue” and thus from there would justify instigating something far worse which was the goal. NATO (along with some certain family bloodlines) have been provoking Russia for decades…Oh, how they’d absolutely love to go in and cut and carve up Russia like they did to Yugoslavia..
Regardless; if no one is going to do ANYTHING about murderous illegitimate governments killing its own people that tirelessly defend their land and rights, then Russia’s intervention is the result of everyone’s neglect and carelessness. AFTER ALL. No one in the west cared! No one cared until the media TOLD you to care…! (and believe *their*narrative)
The only ones that actually cared were the ones suffering at the hands of this fascist junta. Not only Donetsk and Lugansk states cried for (Russian) support; Mairupol, Odessa, Zaporozhiye, Kharkov etc needed it too, and it’s only now they are being liberated. This also now includes Kiev.
This is how *hated* the Russians are: So hated in fact, that all of Kiev speaks Russian. There are videos of Ukrainian militants *willingly* surrendering and *dancing* alongside Russian forces (who most likely were forced conscripted) because finally something was being done about this shit in their country. Oh yes very hated. But no; the biased sell-outs in the West and their media calls this an ‘invasion’, because when the U.S and its allies meddle in foreign lands and their governments, plunder and steal resources, declare civilians and their children goat-herding ‘terrorists’ and destabilize their economies this is completely justified - even when and if their own citizens call them out for it. But as soon as a country far away has their own borders threatened, they’re expected to just sit there, watch and let people DIE.  

Hypocrisy of the highest order. And speaking of hypocrisy..

I have seen posts asking for donations to Ukrainian military. Wtaf? How does that stop aggression? You’re asking foreigners tofundyourwar…?? What happened to all the funds EU gave Ukraine(embezzled again?!)???? after all, Ukraine was supposed to be their newest puppetaddition. But I guess war is where they draw the line huh. Well, here’s a thought! Why not ask people to donate toward humanitarian aid???? Rn, it’s NON EXISTENT because murderous puppet regimes dgaf about human rights, I thought that was pretty well established for the past 8 years!!
And oh, my also un-elected fucktard of a PM thinks sending weapons to Zelenskiys fascist coup government somehow helps stop “Russian aggression” when it only adds more fuel to the fire. Zelenskiy is an absolute joke (he’s actually a famous comedian believe it or not…insane). He thinks arming civilians with 0 military training and 0 background checks with AKs and teaching them how to make Molotovs is somehow keeping them or Ukraine safe. Yeah, no. It’s turning innocent people into human shields, into TARGETS for BOTH sides to attack (military in civilian clothing is a real thing and taken seriously because nazi nationalists like Praviy Sektor pulled these stunts in Donbass, and therefore it’s extremely dirty to get innocents involved like this). And now Zelenskiy orders the army to trap the people in Kiev and threaten to shoot them if they try to escape is just another excuse to keep them as human shields, hostages, insuranceto deter Russian forces from going all-out. (hence all the comments about ‘Russian army is weak’. The fact is; civilians are not the target. Nazis like zelenskiy however are)
Because (as the video above also mentions) it’s safer for them to create their checkpoints around civilians.. They have been employing this same dirty tactic in Donbass since the very beginning. Blame the coup; they are more than happy to sacrifice these people for their own gain. It’s also a great way to frame your enemy. Also, photo ops make for great propaganda!  
This is not so much an invasion as it is an intervention; a massive clean up of corrupt politicians with dual Isr**** citizenships. So I wonder; are they even Ukrainian? Probably. But I’m inclined to think they are descendants of actual Bandera nazis, like Praviy Sektor. Still, appealing to Ukrainian’s sense of patriotism by telling them to die as heroes of Ukraine and ending every goddamn speech with glory to Ukraine is extremely manipulative and dangerous.

 “The forest was shrinking but the trees continued to vote for the Ax, for the Ax was clever and had convinced the trees that because his handle was made of wood, he was one of them.” - Turkish proverb
 ^^^ that.

Instead of surrendering or taking the evacuation a lot more seriously, let’s just give guns to random people and tell them how to make molotovs.
I have never heard of any government doing this in the history of ever. But guess what? Now there are reports of armed robberies by civilians taking place because people are desperate for food (100griv for fuckingbread.).. How about that humanitarian aid then…? 

So.. to summarise. Someone had to do something about the Illegitimate coup, humanitarian crisis and the genocide it was committing and since no one wanted to fucking do anything, Russia finally snapped after Zelenskiy intended to be nuclear and invite NATO on the border, which violates the Nato-Russia founding act. I’m sure there are other reasons…but regardless, It’s time to remove these lying, cheating murderers controlling Kiev and restore Ukraine’s dignity and bring peace - and the truth - to the people ASAP. 
Full disclosure cannot happen any sooner. As long as people continue to believe in lies and anti-russia propaganda without question I will be filled with anger and indignancy for all the injustices that were allowed to occur without any condemnation.
Like I said 8 years ago; The Fascist coup in Kiev are the real terrorists.

And btw, the photo of the ‘falling white smoke’ in the top link is actually phosphorus bombs. It’s an international war crime to use it and yet the coup allowed their military to use it (unless it was the foreign agents doing it; same thing really). Honestly, I can go on and on about the crimes against humanity that have been committed for all these years, but people are too busy being distracted by anti-Russian sentiment to be paying attention to the truth, let alone the crimes committed in Canada. Better get your money out of the banks asap before they start funnelling it into Ukraine, eh..?

“The way to make money is to buy when blood is running on the streets” - John D Rockefeller

SO, If you came this far, this last part is for those who want to actually understand the situation rather than just having emotional biases and hysteria over something that was NEVER invested in in the first place.

Here’s a summary of what’s happened in Ukraine/Russia over the years for context on what’s happening now:
 2010 - Ukraine elected Viktor Yanukovich as president. The West (US & EU) were not happy with these events as they saw the new president as too aligned to Russia. Before Yanukovich’s election, Ukraine had a free trade deal in the pipeline with the EU. But in 2013, Yanukovich did a 180° and refused to sign the deal, favouring closer ties with Russia. (Why buy expensive gas from EU that bought it off Russia anyway…? Inflation much? It’s lunacy)
November 2013 - led by  Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, Victoria Nuland (and her infamous cookies), the US fomented a Colour Revolution (called Euromaidan) which led to a coup in Ukraine. (Foreign snipers deliberately shot into both protesters and police and promptly blamed Yanukovich, ending in the coup detat we know today.) Yanukovich was overthrown and chased out of the country with threats to his life. Leaders in eastern Ukraine declared allegiance to Yanukovich.
February 2014 - anti-government protests broke out and a referendum in Crimea where 97% of respondents voted to return Crimea to Russia.
March 2014 - Crimea rejoined Russia. Meanwhile, the Coup Detat “government” proposed a Bill to remove Russian as an official language. Russian speakers in East Ukraine were angered about this saying ethnic Russians were in imminent danger. 
Early 2014 - Russia started sending support to the eastern regions of Ukraine (Donetsk, Kharkiv, Zaporizhia and Odessa) who now demanded independence from Ukraine.
April 2014 - Russian-speaking regions of Donetsk and Lugansk broke away from Ukraine and proclaimed themselves as separate Republics (Donetsk People’s Republic and Lugansk People’s Republic = DPR/LPR). Russia started performing military exercises on the eastern Ukrainian border just as NATO was doing the same in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, who share borders with Russia. September 2014 - Ukraine and DPR/LPR signed ceasefire agreements in Minsk, Belarus, to end hostilities in east Ukraine. Despite the Minsk agreements, from 2014 to date, continuous battles have been waged between Ukrainian forces and DPR/LPR over territory in the Donbass region in violation of the agreements. Along with the armed conflict, the EU and US imposed International sanctions against Russia. The sanctions led to the collapse of the Russian currency and caused economic damage to EU countries. By 2016, Russia had lost an estimated $600 billion.
2017 - UN published a report stating that the EU countries were losing about “3.2 billion dollars a month” due to the Russian sanctions.
March 2021 - President Putin ordered the Russian military to mobilise troops near its border with Ukraine and in Crimea.
November 2021 - Russia deployed vessels to the Black Sea to “observe” US warships. Putin said the US ships were “a serious challenge”. Russian Ministry of Defence said “The real goal behind the US activities in the Black Sea region is exploring the theatre of operations in case Kiev attempts to settle the conflict in the southeast by force”.
mid-January, 2022 - the US started announcing that Russia would invade Ukraine, stating that an attack could begin before the conclusion of the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing in February. NATO began providing weapons including anti-armour missiles and other US-made weapons to Ukraine.
22 January- the US delivered 90 000 kg of lethal weapons to Ukraine. The Netherlands and Spain also deployed forces to the region in support of NATO.February - the US sent soldiers to Germany and Poland to boost NATO’s presence in Europe, along with F-15 fighter jets to Romania. Britain also deployed soldiers, warships and jets to eastern Europe.
21 February - the leaders of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, requested Putin to officially recognise the republics’ independence. Putin agreed and signed Russia’s recognition of the republics and ordered troops to be sent there.
22 February - Boris Johnson announced sanctions on Russian banks and individuals. Germany announced suspending the certification process of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. EU foreign ministers blacklisted all Russians who voted in favour of the recognition of the breakaway regions.
24 February 2022 - President Putin announced the beginning of a “special military operation” in the Donbass region.


Bodyswap, but not the ones you’d expect (from me)

I’ll probably do at least a few more, I’m going for a swap where at least ½ is in the body of the person they’d *least* want to be (I think this would replace the third motive)

Kokichi and Maki are rather obvious

Shuichi and himiko, well himiko does not like doing things and Shuichi is the protag so everyone goes to him for everything (which continues after the swap and himiko has to keep reminding people she’s not him)

And well shuichi doesn’t really want anyone in his body or to be stuck in a person that’s fem presenting (dysphoria tm) but honestly overall it’s definitely more to upset himiko than him

Other swaps:



Kaito- kiibo

Tsumugi- Gonta

Yes and no

Kokichi is very comfortable in his gender and expression of it, his feelings are more “this body has killed people, I have blood on my hands” discomfort than issues having a “female” body for awhile

Maki,,, isn’t attached to gender, she’s had to go undercover as men before and honestly wasn’t raised with gender mattering, she was a tool first. She definitely is a woman, she likes having that little bit of say in her life, but as long as people still use the correct pronouns and recognize her as female it doesn’t actually matter what body she’s in (the fact that it’s kokichi is highly upsetting though)

Himiko, has dysmorphia more than dysphoria, because y’know biology hasn’t changed. But she still can’t recognize herself in his body, it’s all off, long limbs that she’s constantly tripping over hair that scratches her neck in the wrong way, a face that moves just differently than she’s used to. It’s why she’s trying to make herself as close to how she looks in her body as possible, starting with as shown in the art getting a hat back on her head!

Reminder that non fandom Oc art is going to be unloaded at @kame-creations

On that note do people remember back in the old Deviantart days when we used FC/Fan-Character to mean fandom and OC to mean non fandom/original characters? Why/When did we stop using FC and start only using OC?

idk what’s been happening lately but i’ve been getting SO MUCH SUPPORT in every one of my accs and it’s so lovely you have no idea how happy it makes me :’)


i don’t have the ability to say what I’m feeling very well but know that i am absolutely positively shaking with excitement and i appreciate so so so much all the love and support <3<3<3<3


definitely a little odd for a man to claim that people upset at him (majority of them being young women) are just “pretending to care about misogyny”


i think what really upsets me about people who love to harp on the fact that “ohhh dream said something dumb and bigoted when he was a kid” is that … nobody is denying that. dream has spoken countless times about how he had a conservative upbringing in one of the most overwhelmingly red states. he was a product of his environment. and he has acknowledged that directly a million times over and apologised for it a million times over.

but it’s baffling to me that some of you will act so superior to him. a lot of us grew up in the era of “sjw internet spaces” - extremely left-leaning communities, where we were exposed to so many more progressive forms of thinking. one of the biggest lessons that was imparted during that was about how we should educate others and help make those around us more accepting.

dream is quite literally the poster child for how someone can learn and grow once exposed to new perspectives. the gaming community was an absolute cesspool of homophobia, racism + other forms of bigotry - and it still is - but dream’s community itself is so dramatically different compared to those of other large twitch content creators right now. and the only reason for that is because dream himself has actively tried to cultivate a more welcoming + diverse audience of fans. he has shown so much growth and so much willingness to change and it is so bizarre that some of you will fixate on trying to crucify him for his past while turning a blind eye to other huge creators whose entire personas and audiences are built off of of the racist, edgy humour dream has completely denounced.

at the end of the day it’s pretty simple. do you genuinely believe people have the capacity to change? do you actually want those who were ignorant in their youth to realise their mistakes and evolve into more open-minded individuals? or are you performative in your activism and want a reason to keep tearing apart someone who absolutely does not deserve it. dream should not have to face ruthless criticism every time he logs onto twitter from people who are operating entirely in bad faith and don’t actually care about accountability.


this goes back to one of the things im so scared of with this “new” internet. these kids are growing up thinking their mistakes at a young age are not things they are supposed to learn from and grow from. no one is perfect. you cannot go through life without hurting people, without messing up once in awhile. what MAKES you a good person is how you choose to move on from that. from apologizing and changing your behavior etc. but jesus christ stop acting like people on the internet are not still people.


Preaching to the choir here but if you believe that people can’t grow and change I hope that sentiment haunts you when you make a mistake and no one ever lets you let it go


this was sitting in my drafts actually but i felt like posting it today in light of… everything. i just want to say that when it comes to dream and how he acts on twitter it’s really easy to sit on your high horse and say “well iwouldn’t have done that” and “he should behave in [x] manner because ithink it’s a better way to react.”

stop putting yourself in the middle of a situation you can’t ever fucking possibly relate to. dream has faced more harassment online than any other content creator i can think of. every single day his qrts are full of doxxers, death threats, gore, and shit i don’t even want to name. it is absolutely vile. he cannot make a single move without getting swarmed and attacked by literal hate mobs who spend hours dedicated to trying to defame and provoke him. no fucking shit they get a reaction out of him sometimes - there are thousandsof them trying to do so! obviously dream is going to come across what they’re saying, especially when he’s been fucking locked in his house for two years because he’s terrified of being recognised before he’s ready to face reveal (because we all know exactly how much fun the people who hate him are going to have when that happens).

none of us can ever fathom what it’s like to have the fame dream does. the spotlight dream does. content creators with a millionth of his view count will SPRINT to call him parasocial and weird for the relationship he has with his audience, but if we think critically for a second here (which i understand can be hard for some of you) let’s consider just how and why a man who knows how much of the wider internet openly despises him wants to show appreciation for the fans who have his back. deny it all you want, but dream is one of the internet’s favourite punching bags, and has been for the better part of the past year or so. because so many people love to forget the fact that there is a man behind the screen - a 22 year old man, who got famous nearly overnight, who broke away from the conservative upbringing he had and took every opportunity to educate and better himself, who vocally and consistently tries to make his community as welcoming as possible for everyone.

i truly don’t care if you think i’m biased, because yeah i can readily admit i am. but it is just baffling to me how people can behave so condescendingly and be so thoroughly callous towards dream. i’m not saying you have to support him, i’m not saying you even have to like him. but grant him the basic level of fucking respect you guys will give to people with much “murkier” pasts than his.

Hello everyone December is always a super busy time for me and this year is no exception. Right now

Hello everyone

December is always a super busy time for me and this year is no exception. Right now in amongst Christmas prep, working my day job, and catching up with friends and family, I’m working on some super exciting illustrations for this blog in 2016!

Starting in January there will be weekly and fort nightly uploads on this blog and my Instagram (@lucymutimer). Some will be original works, some will be for fun. I’ll announce more soon as the upload dates get closer

Post link
A preview of my piece for Melittology: An Unofficial Bumbleby Zine! So many of us have worked SO har

A preview of my piece for Melittology: An Unofficial Bumbleby Zine! So many of us have worked SO hard on this, and pre-orders open TODAY!! It is filled with illustrations, writing, and comes with optional extras!! (keychains, prints, postcards, pins, stickers, ahhh!!!)

Please check the Zine’s TwitterandTumblrfor more info!!! 


Post link
melittologyzine:Hello again! Its time for you all to meet our amazing contributor team!! Up first, mmelittologyzine:Hello again! Its time for you all to meet our amazing contributor team!! Up first, mmelittologyzine:Hello again! Its time for you all to meet our amazing contributor team!! Up first, m


Hello again!
Its time for you all to meet our amazing contributor team!! Up first, meet all our lovely artists! 

Page Artists:




@howelixir@cloudiifeather@jkl930@strawbappl @erughostcat

@bananabluff@generalxiaolong@Yuufaia@YumiDoodles @liynno

@wary-taru@birbinaus @m-lahulia@avalencias@lo911e 

Merch Artists: 

@zingodraws @shuu0w0@emi @beerobot

@foxaoxa@indiraptorart @tetrabriku@tianshiko

Come back tomorrow to meet our amazing writers! 

I’m SOOOO excited to be a part of this!!!! Please look forward to this zine; so many people have worked so hard on it and it is filled with GORGEOUS work and wonderful writing and beautiful extras!!!! 

Post link

Howdy everyone! I was recently the guest on an episode of Dev Diary! You can check it out here

In the episode I talk about my journey into game dev, what I love playing, my early illustration career, and re-discovering video games after a very long time. I also touch very vaguely and briefly on what I’m working on atm. Go chuck it a listen!

Folks I gotta say, being able to read the things ya’ll put in the tags of my art legit makes my day

Hey cuties! I’ve decided to FINALLY give TikTok a crack and I’ll be posting my painting process videos there at HalloweenCowboy ✨
