#not a suggestion

angelpriince: hey guys!!! i havent done this before but this is (was?) me!! (i looked more masculine


hey guys!!! i havent done this before but this is (was?) me!! (i looked more masculine tho smh @ dress up games)

i’m hayliel, i was a power who fought in the war in michael’s army on Father’s side!! i spent a lot of time training when i was a fledgie and was forced to incarnate when i was stabbed in The War (i was fairly young) 

in conclusion hmu if u remember me (pls reblog this im Desperate)

Post link


[Hey everyone, sorry I’ve been kind of inactive. I’m not ignoring your questions. I’m just not really equipped to give any answers right now. I’m hoping I’ll be able to answer all of them in a couple weeks. Thank you.]

Still relevant. There’s a reason I’ve been so inactive. Please try to understand.





concept: me, engaging emotionally and understanding what’s happening. I know who I am and nothing seems far away

concept: seeking treatment for distressing thoughts and symptoms instead of making them relatable posts on the Internet.

Boi I go to therapy and take medication for my disorders, my therapist has a link to my blog and supports me verbalizing my symptoms with a community of people whose experiences are often very hard to describe/remember. Don’t act like you know anything about me, maybe you should seek help for Narcissism™ because you clearly think everyone else’s lives and choices are your business.

I’m glad you are seeking treatment, because people still avoid due to the stigma. The mental illness section of tumblr is filled with inaccurate and easily relatable “symptoms” posts, and teens trying to find ways to differentiate themselves with self diagnosis’ based off those posts. Sure there is likely a smaller community of people with dissociation/derealization disorders that find comfort in your posts, but there’s also people who believe they have every disorder they read about.

PS: Someone with Narcissism Personality Disorder would not give a damn about anyone beside themselves.

You’re not trying to help anybody dude, you’re just angry about things that you don’t understand, and you’ll attack anyone for saying anything vaguely unsettling to you, even though you have no idea what that person’s situation is and have no right to give them your advice about things that you’re essentially just
/assuming/ about their situation. If you honestly think what you’re saying to these people who are probably in a fragile mental state already, is helpful to them, I can honestly tell you that you’re wrong and the kind of things you’re saying to these people does way more harm than good.



concept: me, engaging emotionally and understanding what’s happening. I know who I am and nothing seems far away

concept: seeking treatment for distressing thoughts and symptoms instead of making them relatable posts on the Internet.

Boi I go to therapy and take medication for my disorders, my therapist has a link to my blog and supports me verbalizing my symptoms with a community of people whose experiences are often very hard to describe/remember. Don’t act like you know anything about me, maybe you should seek help for Narcissism™ because you clearly think everyone else’s lives and choices are your business.

[Hey everyone, sorry I’ve been kind of inactive. I’m not ignoring your questions. I’m just not really equipped to give any answers right now. I’m hoping I’ll be able to answer all of them in a couple weeks. Thank you.]

You know when your mind gets all intensely static and your heart starts to hurt and you’re like, ‘this is how I die’? That’s me rn.


not to be gay or anything but i really want to make out with a cute girl on my lap



How does a potato get a cute gf?

By being spud-tacular

How does a potato get a cute gf?


Wanna find out if someone likes girls without directly asking them? Get their opinion on Hayley Kiyoko’s music


me: *sees a cute girl*

narrator: time for a new season of gayer things

Will I have to delete every last “seeking sugar baby” bot from the earth with my bare hands?

Watch me.

Alright friends, i’m kicking myself back into gear. Again. We’ll see how long this lasts. 

i’ll be queuing up the posts we’ve got drafted already and i’ll leave the queue at 2 posts a day until those are done posting. After that, we’ll probably switch to 1 post a day until we really get back into things, and maybe we’ll change it back later. Requests are still closed until we can chew through some of those, sorry! And sorry for disappearing again. Things got a bit hectic for me so i didn’t have time to dedicate to this blog, but (hopefully) i should be able to now! Thanks everyone for your continued support!


Welcome to ProblematicKinCalls! Anyone with a “problematic” kintype or “problematic” memories is welcome to send in a canon call here! Please feel free to send in an ask after you have read the FAQ! Asks will be posted as we get them, or queued if we get too many to post at once! The inbox will be checked and cleared daily. Thank you! 

im getting back into poetry and was thinking about sharing some of it here. on a scale of 1-10 how silly is that idea

lioncuddles:We’re so excited to show you the little lesson we’ve been working on about systems! Pllioncuddles:We’re so excited to show you the little lesson we’ve been working on about systems! Pl


We’re so excited to show you the little lesson we’ve been working on about systems! Please try to spread this for educational purposes!

The last slide is only some examples of people/ alters personalities that can form!

Post link

hey I’ve started IOP and I’m in the processs of moving out + things with Traumaland are really progressing so I’ve been kinda neglecting this blog, but I’m going to start matching up PALS again today, but as I am pretty swamped, I’m afraid I’m going to have to cap the submissions, until I have a better hold of things. 




Complex PTSD


The 6 categories post

PTSD Criteria & Diagnosis

The difference between PTSD & trauma

Changes to PTSD criteria in DSM-5

PTSD diagnostic criteria

What is a criterion A level trauma?

Emotional abuse part 1

Emotional abuse part 2

Non-interpersonal trauma

Do suicide attempts count as a criterion A trauma?

Trauma from serious physical illness

Challenges in diagnosing PTSD

Can I have PTSD if I don’t have flashbacks?



(see also the CPTSD post, above)

Differences between CPTSD and BPD

CPTSD treatment

The Body Keeps the Score

Can trauma cause BPD?

Trauma Severity & PTSD

What is trauma? part 1

What is trauma? part 2

Is my trauma severe enough part 1

Is my trauma severe enough part 2

Is my trauma severe enough part 3

Can I have trauma without having PTSD? part 1

Can I have trauma without having PTSD? part 2

Is neglect trauma?

How likely is it that person will get PTSD after losing a parent to suicide?

What if I have PTSD symptoms but no trauma?

Why do some people get PTSD after trauma but others don’t?


(see also the dissociation post, above)

Is dissociation unhealthy?

Why do some people not want to integrate their dissociative identities?

Causes of dissociation

Can you dissociate if you don’t have PTSD or trauma?

PTSD & Memory

Is the trauma memory true? part 1

Is the trauma memory true? part 2

Can I recover my trauma memory?

On repressed memories

Out of body memories

How can I have PTSD if I don’t remember my trauma?

Is it possible that I experienced trauma even though I don’t remember it?


Is recovery possible?

Is recovery from CSA possible?

Symptom fluctuation

Treatment for PTSD

Exposure treatment part 1

Exposure treatment part 2

Exposure treatment part 3

EMDR part 1

EMDR part 2

EMDR part 3

Cognitive processing therapy

Schema therapy

Time perspective therapy

Somatic experiencing

Critical incident stress debriefing

Do I need to do CPT or exposure to heal from PTSD?


Trauma informed care & cultural competence

Dissociation during treatment

PTSD & Working with Therapists

Isn’t it condescending for therapists to guide clients to their own conclusions?

Is my therapist judging me? part 1

Is my therapist judging me? part 2

Does my therapist think my trauma isn’t severe enough?

Do I have to tell my therapist specifics about my trauma? part 1

Do I have to tell my therapist specifics about my trauma? part 2

How should I tell my therapist about my trauma?

Can my therapist handle my trauma?

Can I ask my therapist if they have experienced trauma?

How do I tell my parents I have PTSD and need treatment?

Symptoms getting worse before they get better

Is it selfish to talk about trauma in therapy if my symptoms aren’t too bad?

Feeling worthless because I need help part 1

Feeling worthless because I need help part 2

Working in Mental Health

PTSD & working in mental health part 1

PTSD & working in mental health part 2

Working with perpetrators as a therapist

Preventing burn-out

Flight/flight/freeze response

PTSD & the military

Fainting during trauma



probably not a new idea but i’ve been having a tough time lately and i’ve only got therapy appointments sporadically and it’d be nice to have a pal to confide in specifically for these kinds of things and can confide in me, and i figured others probably feel the same way.

so i created this survey form to match people with a pal:


tldr; if you want someone to talk to when you’re having a tough day and they can talk to you fill out the survey above !

i’ve started matching people but i’ll keep responses open indefinitely! if you haven’t been matched yet it’s probably because i’m waiting for the perfect match but i’ll find you a match by the end of the week x

if you’re matched up with someone you don’t click with, don’t worry, just shoot me an ask and i’ll find you someone else.
if someone acts inappropriately (harassment, personal attacks, homophobic, racist, ableist, transphobic, etc) report them to me and i’ll remove them from the database.
