#not an ask

space-boy-art: heLLO i’m back with some Classic Who Roleswap!AU designs! Was inspired by @valc0‘s AMspace-boy-art: heLLO i’m back with some Classic Who Roleswap!AU designs! Was inspired by @valc0‘s AMspace-boy-art: heLLO i’m back with some Classic Who Roleswap!AU designs! Was inspired by @valc0‘s AMspace-boy-art: heLLO i’m back with some Classic Who Roleswap!AU designs! Was inspired by @valc0‘s AMspace-boy-art: heLLO i’m back with some Classic Who Roleswap!AU designs! Was inspired by @valc0‘s AM


heLLO i’m back with some Classic Who Roleswap!AU designs! Was inspired by @valc0‘s AMAZING Nuwho roleswaps, and thus these lads have been created! I’m not sure if I’ll ever get around to making roleswapped designs for the other doctors, but for now here are these main ones.

Pertwee!Master is a drama queen, incredibly cynical AND sarcastic. He’s my favorite I think

Delgado!Doctorhas soft professor vibes, but much like the original third doctor, can be very snarky. Often seen smiling innocently like he didn’t just call the Brigadier an idiot.

Davison!Master is like… okay. Take the fifth doctor’s petty habits and snark, and then remove all morals. That’s Davison!Master. Will swing wildly from very put together and quietly frightening to unhinged, chaotic, and feral in a matter of seconds. INCREDIBLY manipulative, even by the Master’s standards.

6!Master (who’s labeled by a number instead of a last name to avoid confusion with my nonexistent 4!master) is ALSO A DRAMA QUEEN. Petty to the max, but far less actually dangerous compared to Davison. He’s more talk than anything. Also, his outfits are always horrendous, much like the sixth doctor, but with more Tailored Regality ™ to them. 

Ainley!Doctor is basically the embodiment of hyperfocusing. He absolutely will ramble on about whatever subject may be relevant at the time and while it’s unlikely you’ll fully understand what he’s saying, if you do care to figure it out asking him about the subject is a DEFINITE WAY to become his absolute favorite ever. Of course, there’s probably always going to be a dark side with any doctor, and this one isn’t an exception. Take that as you wish.

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THE MASTER – A TIMELINEOh boy! I rlly did it y’all. My best attempt at piecing together all ofTHE MASTER – A TIMELINEOh boy! I rlly did it y’all. My best attempt at piecing together all of


Oh boy! I rlly did it y’all. My best attempt at piecing together all of the Master’s regenerations/bodies/deaths in relation to each other. Please note that there’s probably quite a bit missing with this, and potentially errors as well, but canon’s a mess and only sort of exists! 

I pieced this together mostly through my own knowledge and obsessing over every detail in The Master’s TARDIS Databanks page, which has things in more or less chronological order, as well as in more detail.

* - The method by which the Master escaped the Cheetah World and cured himself is thus far unknown. There are multiple possibilities, but the actual answer is vague and not certain.

See below the cut for both a textless version and a version with more information on the various times the Master has crossed their own timeline!



i literally spent all day making this instead of working on literally anything else!

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lowkey wanna try to piece together a visual for an entire timeline of the master’s life instead of working on 1. literally anything in my inbox or 2. commissions 

so im currently working on doing exactly that and basically what i’ve learned so far is

1. Right around ainley/roberts/macqueen/jacobi the timeline gets REAL FUCKY and branches off in a lot of different ways/somehow narrowly avoids making a paradox on multiple occasions

2. the moment you get past jacobi (aka we’re in nuwho territory now) the timeline becomes significantly less fucky and more linear and it’s almost comical how drastically it calms down

lowkey wanna try to piece together a visual for an entire timeline of the master’s life instead of working on 1. literally anything in my inbox or 2. commissions 

(ooc) nothing like showing off your tats with your mumsignless’ tat design is ash’s

(ooc) nothing like showing off your tats with your mum

signless’ tat design is ash’s

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okay i saw the post with mindfang and i had no choice but to do this not sorry

okay i saw the post with mindfang and i had no choice but to do this

not sorry

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I Don’t Understand Why She Keeps Climbing Those Things When She Knows She Can’t Get BackI Don’t Understand Why She Keeps Climbing Those Things When She Knows She Can’t Get BackI Don’t Understand Why She Keeps Climbing Those Things When She Knows She Can’t Get BackI Don’t Understand Why She Keeps Climbing Those Things When She Knows She Can’t Get Back

I Don’t Understand Why She Keeps Climbing Those Things When She Knows She Can’t Get Back Down.

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asktheironinfidel:ooc: Happy Halloween from me and the always fabulous Anna (ask-the-dolorosa)! Pl


ooc: Happy Halloween from me and the always fabulous Anna(ask-the-dolorosa)! Please enjoy this collab we made together and have a safe and awesome Halloween! :D


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Signless just wants his momma to smile 

Signless just wants his momma to smile 

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(ooc) I’ll be back to 100% soon guys, meanwhile wise enjoy this sketchy little comic i made at(ooc) I’ll be back to 100% soon guys, meanwhile wise enjoy this sketchy little comic i made at(ooc) I’ll be back to 100% soon guys, meanwhile wise enjoy this sketchy little comic i made at(ooc) I’ll be back to 100% soon guys, meanwhile wise enjoy this sketchy little comic i made at

(ooc) I’ll be back to 100% soon guys, meanwhile wise enjoy this sketchy little comic i made at 2 in the morning.

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c r a p its been so long since I’ve posted that I forgot Steve’s nametag in all the asks *facepalms*

Answering these now cause you guys are the Best thank you!!!!

Also@blu-skyu you get a cookie

Going through my inbox again! More in the tags!
