#not anti sjw but im tagging it just to be safe


am i the only one who thinks that the concept of “internalized bigotry” the way some of y’all throw it around is just…fancy gaslighting? like regardless of what the term originally meant (and i realize that it’s being misused), telling a trans person that they have “internalized transphobia” just because they’re transmed or telling a woman that she has “internalized misogyny” just because she doesn’t consider herself to be a feminist is…really fucked up.

like shockingly enough, minorities are not a hive mind. we don’t agree with each other on everything. someone holding a different opinion than you is not the same as racism, sexism, homophobia etc and to act like minorities are incapable of forming different opinions on their own without the influence of their oppressors is so fucking condescending. 
