#not cat

[Image Description: A digital drawing of two boars. The one on the right is dark brown. They both ha

[Image Description: A digital drawing of two boars. The one on the right is dark brown. They both have dark orange eyes. Above the dark brown one “Rage” is written in red, and above the other “Fury (sotc)” is written in red. end description.]

We call him Rage. A TigerClan hunting party met him in the woods two days ago, but he escaped us. He fights with the strength of ten warriors and can kill with a single blow of his fierce tusks.

Rage is a giant, male wild boar with thick tusks and black fur.

Fury is a giant wild she-boar.

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I have been insanely busy, which is not likely to change thus yet, but I thought I would share a bit of a teaser. ;3 I’m gonna try and get back into writing SC things, but I do wanna pursue my other project as well. I’m currently working out how to approach this, but I am pretty excited for the future! ;w;

EDIT: For those who are curious, there are quite a few more concepts for this new project up on my Patreon!



ahm…. so that was a book ‼️

i just have to say that it was super sketchy on the writers part for them to have squirrelflight tell nightheart that he cant have his name changed bc “warriors dont name themselves, your leader gives you your name and you live with it” and conveniently forget about crowfeather who named himself? or brightheart who was given a cruel name that only brought attention to her injuries and trauma???

the real reason they killed willowshine instead of mothwing is because the erins dont want to have to answer the question of where she’d go if she dies
