
my-russia: Novgorod Devinets, first mentioned in 1044 


Novgorod Devinets, first mentioned in 1044 

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Kresttskaya stitching is a Russian folk craft that has been developing since the 1860s in the KresteKresttskaya stitching is a Russian folk craft that has been developing since the 1860s in the KresteKresttskaya stitching is a Russian folk craft that has been developing since the 1860s in the Kreste

Kresttskaya stitching is a Russian folk craft that has been developing since the 1860s in the Krestetsky district, a type of Russian folk sewing, through embroidery. Since the 1860s, local peasant women began to apply special patterns to homespun linen. Garments, curtains, and towels were decorated with cross stitch embroidery.

Крестецкая строчка - русский народный промысел, развивавшийся с 1860-х годов в Крестецком уезде, вид русского народного шитья, сквозной вышивки. С 1860-х годов местные крестьянки стали наносить особенные узоры на домотканое льняное полотно.Крестецкой вышивкой украшались предметы одежды, занавески, полотенца.

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The oldest known Russian love letter.

This remarkable document was found in the form of two scraps that were found on the pavement. An addressee, having no fire or knife nearby, tore up and threw away the latter. But he didn’t just scatter these pieces, he tied them in a knot and only then threw them on the pavement.

[…] [I sent (?)] to you three times. What kind of grudge you owe to me, that you haven’t come to me this Sunday (week)? I have treated you like a brother! Did I hurt you by sending … [you messages]. As I can see, you don’t like it. If you like it, you would tear yourself away from the eyes (of others) and come running (to me) […].

[…] now somewhere else. Write to me about […] leave you? (Do you want me to leave you?/I won’t leave you or something like that). And even if I’ve hurt you with my foolishness, if you will laugh at me, God will judge (you) and I will.

Birch bark manuscript №752, Novgorod, 1100-1125.

Une sélection représentative d'ICÔNES du XIe siècle à la fin de la période baroque

Crédit vidéo d’introduction : Baptême Christian Religion Vidéo de Vimeo Vidéos gratuites de Pixabay

Le texte ci-dessous est l’extrait du livre Icônes (ASIN: B016XN1574), écrit par Nikodim Pavlovich Kondakov, publié par Parkstone…

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A representative selection of ICONS from the 11th century to the late Baroque period

Introduction video credit: Baptism Christian Religion Video of Vimeo Free Videos from Pixabay

The text below is the excerpt of the book Icons (ASIN: 1646996097), written by Nikodim Pavlovich Kondakov, published by Parkstone International.


Among graphic arts, the…

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