#nsfw text

by むとうMK2  ※Translated and reposted with the artist’s permission※ by むとうMK2  ※Translated and reposted with the artist’s permission※


※Translated and reposted with the artist’s permission※

Post link


texting my coworker “hey! how are you feeling” and reading it 40 times to make sure i didn’t accidentally type how are you sex cum penis ass cum porn 1080p hot cock

Adding onto that, I’m sick of how normalized it is to talk about conceiving/conception in casual conversation. It’s not something that happens often,but when it does, prepare to lose half an hour being told about it through vague wording and double entendre. Just say you’re pregnant; I don’t need to know anything else. Yes, your husband is a real cum cannon, can we please go back to talking about the weather or literally anything other than how many times you needed to be basted before the sperm hit the target

“If people are topless or wearing leather at Pride, how will strangers be able to explain it to their kids–” Man shut THE fuck up, how are strangers supposed to explain to their kids why someone is talking about trying for a baby. Or even wearing shirts to commemorate conception. Why are straight people allowed to basically go “Yeah so I’ve been dumping fat loads inside Brittany all weekend and something finally stuck” while a man in a leather vest walking past you at a steady pace is the end of modern civilization

im just now finishing bloodbound and??? 2 separate threesomes in one night?? if this girl dont go lay down somewhere…

Steve Harrington deserves the most toe curling, back breaking, blood curdling, reach around, bop it, pop it, polkadot it, yak yak sausage suction

please ive never drawn dick or pussy in my life if my art looks similiar to someone its a coincidence help me



i know people use the word consent in weird ways but i want to say that i did absolutely did not consent to violating a complete stranger’s privacy today by having their private sexual fantasies catalogued in a “callout post”.

“here’s a collection of screenshots of a stranger’s intimate sexual fantasies on a clearly incredibly private blog with notes numbering less than 10 in each case. don’t these make you feel sick? don’t you feel uncomfortable looking at them?”

yes i do. but not for the reasons you want me to

Can we talk about 80s voltron and vechicle voltron and how cliff and lance were totally fucki




[ID: Two screenshots. The first is of a tweet from DykeFag: The Raccoonening (@/OzmaRacc) on Twitter. It reads: “Riding”, “getting railed”, “running a train on” Clearly with all the language we use to talk about sex we’re all horny for better public trains send tweet”.

The second is a screenshot of a tumblr post. argumate says “oh yeah well what if trains entering tunnels didn’t symbolize sex, in fact what if sex symbolized railway engineering, how about that huh”. badeliz reblogs and adds “everything is about sex, except sex, which is about trains”. End ID.]





we were talking about the exhibition reviews we have to write for class and my classmate shared this as “the most delectably written review i’ve read lately” and im a lil tipsy and im Losing It

This is a must read.

Rating: two of ten. Wired: Made me gaze into my own soul and question the very nature of sexual relationships. Tired: Using the Balldo is not a good way to have a sexual relationship.

not things you’d expect to see on a dildo review


















might have made this post a couple years ago but how far back along the evolutionary tree do you have to go before it’s bestiality to have sex with early hominids? I think australopithecus is too far but that’s just an upper bound

actually wait since humans are largely differentiated from our ancestors by neotenous traits maybe it would be pedophilia for an australopithecus to have sex with a human. and bestiality the other way. might have just discovered a new kind of crime

i think everyone in the homo erectus group is close enough to not be bestiality, so australopithecus is exactly the most human-like being for whcih it would still be bestiality. i googled some pictures of homo ergaster and like…yeah thats a dude

Yeah, fucking lucy is definitely bestiality. Australopithecines are just upright apes and don’t share many traits with anatomically modern humans. It’s still a point of contention if we really know that Lucy and her kind were actually our ancestors. Additionally, I HAVE to ask my professors this question now and i can already feel their brain doing backflips to answer


My prof finally got back to me, a pretty non answer imo

only on tumblr to people ask questions like “would it be ethical to fuck my primate ancestor from 400,000 years ago?”

The answer is no, mainly because you’re almost defiantly related

the unexpected answer we all ignored: it’s not bestiality, but it isincest

So this post travelled from “is sex with homo habilis bestiality” to “sex with homo heidlebergensis is incest” and I’m now curious as to where it can go next. Presumably “sex with homo sapiens is SIN” which… does seem to be where a lot of tumblr posts go, come to think of it.

I’m not sure if fucking an australopithicus would necessarily be bestiality. I feel like it might be monsterfucking.

Great post everyone

I have some real bad news for anybody here whose criteria for “is it incest if I fuck them” is like “we share any genetic material” because oh boy, well

I heard that modern humans are all, at most, 50th cousins- there was a genetic bottleneck in human history because they think there was a mass extinction event which left only 10,000 of us alive. So, good job, humans.

So what you’re saying is it’s LESS incestuous to fuck an australopithicus than a homo sapiens

Guys, the important consideration is the one we cannot know without a time machine. if you ask an australopithecine if they want to fuck, do they say “Yes” in a language that some kind of universal translator can comprehend? Or do they say “EEEE eee eeee ooo eee?”

If they have language and can and do say yes, it’s monsterfucking. If they don’t, it’s bestiality.

Tumblr: As usual, tackling the important ethical issues of the day.

Can we just at least agree that, in this day and age, fucking most of them would be necrophilia?


if i smashed it with a rock



natural conviction

ship: gwen x adam

word count: 1136

A/N:SO it’s brick boy’s bday and i uh. decided to slap together some saucier otp studies i’ve kept to myself up until now. please be merciful i really still don’t know what i’m doing <3 ok bye



Adam is, she cannot deny, quite a sight like this.

Keep reading

also found on AO3 ♥

percival and dimitri clowntroupe have something so special and wonderful they have so much love and romance and awesome gay nonbinary transgender sex its very cool and epic. but i do not talk abt the latter part too often i do not intrude on their business.

kinks arent even a real thing in this whole internet debate kinks at pride kinks at sex café kinks at whatever thing. like the word is meaningless to me now reading these posts kink is a nebulous concept that means nothing to me

Aveline: Not a big deal. I’ve seen Hawke’s junk, like, a million times.Varric: You have?!AveliAveline: Not a big deal. I’ve seen Hawke’s junk, like, a million times.Varric: You have?!AveliAveline: Not a big deal. I’ve seen Hawke’s junk, like, a million times.Varric: You have?!AveliAveline: Not a big deal. I’ve seen Hawke’s junk, like, a million times.Varric: You have?!AveliAveline: Not a big deal. I’ve seen Hawke’s junk, like, a million times.Varric: You have?!AveliAveline: Not a big deal. I’ve seen Hawke’s junk, like, a million times.Varric: You have?!AveliAveline: Not a big deal. I’ve seen Hawke’s junk, like, a million times.Varric: You have?!AveliAveline: Not a big deal. I’ve seen Hawke’s junk, like, a million times.Varric: You have?!AveliAveline: Not a big deal. I’ve seen Hawke’s junk, like, a million times.Varric: You have?!AveliAveline: Not a big deal. I’ve seen Hawke’s junk, like, a million times.Varric: You have?!Aveli

Aveline:Not a big deal. I’ve seen Hawke’s junk, like, a million times.
Varric: You have?!
Aveline:We traveled from Lothering and sailed together. Bathing in rivers, no privacy on the ship, it just happens.
Varric:Why haven’t I seen it?
Aveline:Why do you WANT to see it?
Varric: He’s my best friend.
Aveline:Again, why do you want to see it?
Varric: What if Hawke gets into an accident? What if he’s horribly disfigured and I have to identify him, and all that remains are his private parts?
Varric:And I’m standing there and I’m saying, “Sorry, Anders, I can’t help you, because no, I haven’t seen his penis.“ And then boom, he’s buried in an unmarked grave.
Aveline: Again, WHY do you want to see it?

Post link


gay sex will not fix this situation. honestly, it’d probably make it worse. that being said i think we should give it a shot anyway


He’s literally so adorable, I just wanna give him hickeys literally everywhere and force him to be quiet. I wanna suck him off and look him in the eyes, forcing his hips down and stopping whenever he breaks any rules. Or better yet, skimming him with my teeth a little as a punishment for not doing what he’s meant to.

Focusing on the super sensitive part of his dick. I literally just wanna force him to stop moving and making any sound while I overstimulate him till it hurts. Idk if he’ll take it seriously and GENUINELY do what I say tho, so I guess I’ll just have to prove that he needs to listen :).


One thing that’s kinda funny, is that he constantly calls me smart for random reasons, then makes me absolutely stupid by fucking my brains out with his fingers and dick :))).


I just wanna fuck him again :((, my pussy is still super achy from last night but it’d feel better with him stuffed in me again :(((. He stretched me out so muuuch, he’s so big that he kept pressing my g-spot and bumping my cervix, oh Goddd it felt sO GOOOOD >:(((!!!!!! He even called me a cock sluuut :((((((((, I miss hiiiimm!!


He gave me his hoodie after he fucked me , it smells like him and it’s really waaaarrrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMMMMMM!!!!!! I MISS HIIIIMMM!!


I haven’t cum in a God awful amount of time, and honestly if he could safely come over to my place rn, he could do whatever tf he wanted to and I’d accept it. Wanna drill into me and slam my head into the pillow? Go right tf ahead. Wanna cum on me multiple times? I’ll lay there and let you do that. Wanna spank and slap me so much my face and ass are red and hurt? Of fucking course here I’ll even line your hand up. Wanna spit on my hand and jack you off? Like you even have to ASK!!!


My boyfriend bit my neck so fucking hard last night it hurt to move, have I mentioned how I love this man??? I have a God awful amount of hickeys on my neck and chest rn and I’ll probably have to wear hoods for like, a week, buT WE LIVIN THE LIFE BITCH >:D!!!!!


Kissing down his body, giving him hickeys up and down his neck and shoulders. Kissing his stomach and sides, all over his thighs, opening his legs wider so I can fit my head in between them. Leaving hickeys in between his legs, kissing his dick over top his underwear, listening to him groaning under his breath.

Not actually getting him off, just making a point to work him up and tease him the whole time. Feeling his hips bump mine when he humps the air, feeling him give me neck kisses and breathing fast on my neck. Telling stupid jokes to make him laugh, smiling down at him and feeling his bulge push on my ass.

When he came over I literally kept soakingthrough my pants bUT THIS MAAANNNNNNN HE’S SO LIKE!!!! I MISS THIS GUY!!!


The fact that he hasn’t thought about MAKING my stockings into fishnets is actually homophobic ✋, like “I like fishnets <33” THEN MAKE MY STOCKINGS FISHNETS!!!!!!!!! BE CRAFTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BE CRAFTY, PREFERABLY WHILE I’M STILL WEARING THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAYUM >:((((!!!



[image ID: a tiktok screenshot from @not_cjdailydose of a man with his eyebrows raised with text above him that reads “Answer this feminists is women are so pretty then why do i only get hard over men”. behind the man is a laptop with a photo of two men kissing on the screen. the caption reads “Checkmate Feminists” with the blowing steam emoji. end ID]
