#nymphet blog


the down diary pt. i

hi! so im starting this thing called the down dairy because i have just been going through it. not that i have depression or anything but i just feel down. so todays topic is the future.

irdk what to do with the future. i suck at school. i dont act out or be rude to teachers, i take notes and do my work i just suck attesting taking. im passing all my classes except chem and alg2. i started my og tumblr years ago called @nymphetyaya but i abandoned it bc i felt like it was dead bc i would go on long hiatus.

anyways i just dk what to do with my future. i dont want to go to college but i have to so my parents dont actually kill me and throw me out of the house. but i feel like i could just take an esthetician course and just start. ive also always said i would stsrt youtube once i leave h.s so watch out for that.

idk what to do and im scared i wont even be able to get into college my gpa isnt great and i dont have money either. oh well. on the brightside i started watching derry girls which is fckin hilarious and everyone should watch it and i started working out seriously. im going to walmart tmrw to get protein powder and stuff.

well if anyone reads this…any advice?
