#obi wan x yn


Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader

Summary:On a recon mission you and Obi-Wan must pretend to be a married couple. This brings feelings to light that neither of you realized were there.

Written for @sugared-strawberrys who was a winner of my 600 follower giveaway! I hope you enjoy this, I absolutely loved writing it. It turned out really soft and I hope you don’t mind
Also I really can’t help myself with the tropes in this one haha oops. And this is the inspiration for the dress reader wears in this.
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings:Tension, kissing, mentions of sexual situations, fem reader, talks about braided hair and putting hair in an updo
Tags:@crazycatladyjenga @oneirnaut,@a-dorin,@blxwjobsforclones,@lynnie51@katrynec@mistermiraclee@theelvenvalkyrie​ ,@ifvckedurmom
Masterlist&Obi-Wan Kenobi Masterlist

You had tried to hide the terse look on your face as you sat next to Obi-Wan on your transport to a high class gala on Alderaan for your mission, but unfortunately you were never good at holding you expressions in check. You would have felt much more comfortable in your A-wing than the civilian ship you and your mission partner were travelling in. 

A short sigh left your mouth as you tried not to worry yourself about the mission, after all there wasn’t much you could do to change your circumstances. Your brief noise caught the attention of Obi-Wan and he tilted his head towards you, taking in your tense features. A small smile covered his lips as he quipped, “Come now, it’s not as if you actually had to marry me.”

You rolled your eyes at his statement and shot a facetious glare his way, “Not everything is about you Master Kenobi.”

Settling back into your seat you allowed your eyes to slide to the window in front of you watching space pass by. Though you could certainly see why he would think your little huff was directed at him considering you had been less than pleased at your mission partner when in the mission debrief. It wasn’t that you lacked respect for the Jedi General in fact you held him in the highest regard. However, your perfectionist nature and the fact that Obi-Wan seemed to be naturally gifted in most things he did led to a fiercely competitive friendship through the both of your lives. In truth you weren’t really upset that you had been paired with him, the frustration stemmed mainly from within and your worry that you would make a fool of yourself in front of the esteemed Jedi next to you. 

Apparently you missed his reply, lost in your own thoughts, and you were startled from your racing thoughts by a call of your name. Turning abruptly you met his genuinely concerned gaze and you blinked blankly at him for a second until he prompted, “Are you are alright?”

This time your huff was directed towards him and you narrowed your eyes in annoyance, this was just like him to question you like that. You knew he was truly just wanting to ensure there was nothing wrong but the part of your brain that enjoyed pushing his buttons seemed to take over as you muttered, “Fine. Just thinking about how I have to pretend that I, your wife, let you keep your hair like that.”

Obi-Wan’s mouth parted and a rather indignant noise flew from him before he glared back at you, one hand subconsciously tugging at the end of his long locks, “Yes, well at least you don’t have to deal with a partner who’s recon missions tend to go as well as falling into a sarlacc pit goes.”

An audible gasp flew from you as you spun towards him, your face heating in anger, and you spit out, “You’re lucky I don’t have my lightsaber on me Kenobi!”

A smirk covered his lips and you knew whatever was coming next would only serve to further provoke you. Your thoughts were proven absolutely correct as Obi-Wan smugly questioned, “I think rather it’s you who’s lucky that your weapon isn’t on you as we both know how embarrassing it would be for me to best you after that little quip.”

Having known Obi-Wan for so long you could pretty easily predict what was going to come out of his mouth and this time you were ready. You let out a short laugh before retorting, “I’d only hope that you’d grant me the small mercy of knocking me out so I don’t have to listen to you prattle on anymore.”

“My dear it seems that would be the most beneficial option for both of us.” Came Kenobi’s smooth reply. Crossing your arms and sinking further down into your seat you snapped back a short ‘fine’ and allowed the space craft to fall into silence. It remained that way for majority of the few hours left in flight, the quiet only disturbed by the occasional question as you went over the mission plans again.
The mission in question was to find out if a high ranking Alderaan official was secretly pushing a separatist agenda - something that Bail Organa’s wife had become suspicious of. You had questioned why this wasn’t simply a solo mission and much to your displeasure had found out that this man had a penchant for married women it seemed, thus here the two of you were.

Thanks to your rigorous study of the mission details it didn’t seem all that long until you were arriving on Alderaan and being escorted to your room within the royal palace. When you arrived you barely had time to take in your surroundings before Obi-Wan was softly muttering that he would get ready first and you could make yourself comfortable. He quickly retreated to the bathroom of the luxurious accommodations and you took a moment to take a look around. Though the room was grand it was decorated minimally, not that it mattered when a large window gave a stunning view of the snowy topped mountains.  

 You took a long breath to soak in the beauty that you didn’t often get to see within the bustling confines of the city before turning and setting your bags down. One bag was dedicated solely to the gown you were supposed to wear tonight - a truly impressive dress that made you feel like royalty and at the same time completely out of your element. Pulling it gently out of the bag you laid it across the couch, ensuring there were minimal wrinkles. Satisfied you let your eyes roam the room and then you settled your gaze on the bed in the room. Blinking for a few seconds your head quickly turned to look around the rest of the room as if you could will a second bed into existence.  A deep exhale left your mouth as you pinched the bridge of your nose already deciding that you would offer to let Obi-Wan take the bed, after all you had been the one to pick a fight with him on the ship, it seemed the least you could do. 

Settling on the couch next to your dress you pulled out a small mirror and began to undo the tight braids your hair was in to hopefully save you some time in the bathroom. It wasn’t often that you wore your hair down and your could feel your scalp thanking you as you lightly massaged any sore spots. You weren’t sure how much time had passed, once again allowing your thoughts and worries about the mission consume your thoughts despite your best efforts to simply relax, and you startled slightly when the refresher door slid open. Obi-Wan strolled out dressed in a similar style to Bail Organa and you wondered if perhaps the senator hadn’t lent him some of his clothing. Though all thoughts flew from your head as he passed the window and the sun caught on his cheekbones, highlighting his skin and lighting up his brilliant blue eyes. You could have sworn time slowed down as he offered you a gentle smile and your breath caught in your throat as you tried to regain some of your sense. It was only after a few moments that you noticed he had trimmed his hair, where the curls had fallen just past his shoulders they now just brushed them. Had he done that because of your snarky statement? Your brow furrowed slightly as you questioned why you were so caught up in his appearance in the first place and the moment was broken by your gaze snapping to the floor. 

Obi-Wan’s gaze lingered on you, a slight frown covering his face as he wondered if he had somehow upset you when you quickly gathered your belongings and practically fled into the bathroom. A small noise distracted him from your retreating form and he bent down to pick up the fake engagement and wedding rings you had been given to wear. Standing he turned to call out to you but as the refresher door slid shut he simply held onto them, figuring he could give you them before the two of you left for the gala.

Staring into the mirror you sighed deeply, shaking your head. The only reason you were distracted by Obi-Wan’s appearance was because of your nerves about the mission you had decided. Nothing more and nothing less. You had certainly never looked at Obi-Wan in that light before - though there were all the times when you found yourself captivated by his grace in combat and how his……no you definitely had never seen him like this before.  

Focusing back to the task at hand you applied your makeup and finished putting your hair into a simple updo, one that you had done before and that was elegant and yet functional at keeping your hair out of your face. And then came the dress. You disrobed rather quickly, folding your clothes into a neat pile, and stepped into the dress. Pulling it on you could admit that it truly was a beautiful dress though as your arms slid into the small off the shoulder sleeves you could tell that there was no practicality in the dress. Your arms seemed to fit into the sleeves a bit snugly and thus your movement was quite severely limited, an issue you found when attempting to reach back and lace the back of the dress. After several futile attempts you hung your head in defeat, taking a deep breath before calling out for your Jedi partner. You waited several seconds before calling out again, this time hearing several hurried footsteps before you heard your name come from the opposite side of the door. Sighing you gave in and as quietly as you could manage (while still ensuring he could hear you) asked, “Will you please come help me?”

The door slid open and you stubbornly stared at the counter as your face heated in embarrassment, “I just- I can’t get the laces and I’m not really even sure how they’re supposed to go. Please don’t laugh, I know I look completely ridiculous and I-”

You were cut off by a soft, calming call of your name and then you felt Obi-Wan’s fingers brush at your back, gathering the laces. His gentle tone caught you off guard yet again and you stilled, chancing a glance in the mirror. Blue eyes caught yours and the serious look on his face had you freezing where you stood. Deftly he laced up the back, tugging and pulling as lightly as he could, only breaking eye contact for a few moments at a time. His sureness had you feeling more calm by the second and when he finished, tucking the laces in between the layers of your dress, his gentle smile brought you back to reality. Turning your face heated for an entirely different reason as you realized how close you were, gaze dropping to the floor again. 

A warm hand captured your left hand and gently raised it, calloused fingers brushing softly over yours. Looking up at him in confusion you were met with a mischievous grin and his opposite hand procured the rings you were supposed to be wearing. You let out a small laugh as you relaxed completely in his grip, “Looks like I’m not getting out of this marriage am I Obi-Wan?”

“Most certainly not my dear.” A smile crossed your face as he slid the rings onto your finger delicately. Your other hand rose to run through the hair at the nape of his neck as you questioned, “Did you cut your hair for me?”

General Kenobi tensed slightly at your question and as your eyes met his a light pink dusted his cheeks. That was answer enough for you and an airy laugh fell from your lips, “Thank you darling, it looks wonderful.”

Purposefully you drawled out the pet name in an attempt at his accent. There was a pause and the Obi-Wan let out an equally as bright laugh before he squeezed your hand, “Well I’m glad you think so. However, I do believe it is time for us to head to the gala.”

As if sensing your nerves about to spike Obi spoke again in a teasing lilt, “And you don’t look ridiculous, you truly look absolutely ravishing.”

With that he swept out of the room, leaving you to pick your jaw up off of the floor and your hands smoothed down your dress before you followed after him - an air of confidence overtaking you.

The two of you arrived shortly after the gala had began, a steady flow of officials and ambassadors filling the room. Swallowing you took a step closer to Obi-Wan and a comforting hand met your lower back. Sharp eyes scanned the room as the two of you searched for the target. 

“I don’t see him.” You said lowly and Obi-Wan nodded in agreement, “Nor I. While we wait would your prefer to mingle with others, dance or should we make ourselves known at the bar?”

You opted for the last option, as it offered a solid vantage point of everyone entering and having a small drink never hurt. Courteously Obi-Wan guided you through the crowds and even pulled out your seat for you, ensuring you were sat comfortably before taking his own seat next to you. Ordering quickly your partner slid around on the stool to face outwards and you turned to face him, your thighs brushing together lightly. 

The contact had you taking a healthy swallow of your drink once it arrived and then you distracted yourself by keeping an eye out on the entrance. A warm palm settled on your knee and a shock shot up your spine causing you to nearly choke on your drink. Glancing at Obi-Wan you noticed his eyes trailing someone. A look towards his eyeline confirmed that he had located the target, who in a stroke of good fortune was heading directly towards the bar. Deciding it would be best to play up your false marriage you softly called out for Obi-Wan’s attention, which was promptly given. You inhaled deeply as you made eye contact and whispered, “Do you trust me?”

Obi’s eyes searched yours as he nodded and surely stated 'of course’. That gave you the courage to lean forwards, left hand coming up to cup his face, and connect your lips together. The Jedi jolted and froze for a split-second before responding to the kiss more eagerly than you had anticipated. His lips were soft and warm, moving in tandem with yours, and when his hand slid up to your thigh a small nip on your lower lip had you melting into him. In the moment everything faded away - the mission, the crowd surrounding you, the cacophony of sound - it was only you and him, that’s all that mattered. His other hand rose to cup your hand on the side of his face and he gave it a soft squeeze as he parted from you, a warmth gleaming in his eyes that hadn’t been there before. 

You felt your face heating as he gave you a sparkling smile, you pulled back slightly but he kept your hand clasped in his. A brush of his lips against the tips of his fingers sparked something in your lower stomach and you had to suppress a gasp as he then pressed a kiss to your palm, lips trailing to the pulse point on your wrist. As his lips made contact you swore you forgot how to breath, his cerulean eyes locked with yours as your lips parted in a silent exhale. With that gentle touch he slowly rose, brushed a stray hair off of your cheek, and bent to your level. Beard tickling at your cheek he whispered to you, “He’s directly behind you, I think we peaked his interest darling." 

Standing up to his full height again he made it clear that he would be right back before pressing a kiss to your forehead, seemingly leaving you alone with the target, your heart racing from the intimate touches. You knew that he wasn’t going far, the banquet hall in the palace had secret eavesdropping locations hidden behind screens and you knew he would be retreating to one of those. 

Spinning to face the bar again you caught the bartenders attention to order another drink and a gruff voice spoke up from next to you that he would be paying for your drink. A false smile coated your face as you turned to thank him and you made sure to show off the ring on your left hand as you finished the first drink. As the man gave you a smug smile you knew you had him exactly where you wanted him.

He turned out to be a ridiculously easy mark, caring more about impressing a stranger who he thought he could fuck than keeping his mouth shut about his views. It was only after you got the information you needed to relay to Senator Organa that Obi-Wan swooped back in. His arm sliding around your waist and he pulled you close to him had the stranger grumbling as the two of you excused yourselves. To keep up appearances you made your way around the ballroom once before sneaking out. You weren’t going to lie the two drinks had you speaking a bit more freely than normal which led to several bouts of unrestrained laughter from the two of you as you made your way back to your quarters, Obi-Wan’s arm never leaving the comfortable way he had it wrapped around your waist. 

When you reached the doors Obi-Wan hesitated and you tilted your head at him in confusion. There was a pause before he spoke, "I know throughout our years we’ve both strived to best each other and given that you are a fierce competitor I wouldn’t have it any other way. However, I enjoyed tonight and how easy it was with you.”

You simply smiled and entwined your hands, pulling him into your quarters for the night. Once the door slid shut you pulled him into another soft kiss, this time it was short and sweet, leaving a tender smile on both of your faces. 

It seemed there were many unspoken things left to be said but for tonight as the two of you lay on opposite sides of the bed (both of you had refused to let the other sleep on the couch) nothing else needed to be said. It wasn’t long before you had rolled over and scooted close to the center with Obi-Wan following shortly after. As he wrapped you up in a cozy embrace you nuzzled into his chest, sleep nearly overtaking you but you couldn’t let him go to sleep without a teasing reminder of, “I hope you know this won’t make me go easy on you when we spar. I’ll still have no problem beating you.”
A chuckle rumbled in Obi-Wan’s chest as he muttered something that suspiciously sounded like 'you can certainly try’.

Obi-Wan Kenobi 3: Order 66+Exile (Love Story Inspiration)

Since the show has finally started I wanted to share my 3 part playlists again:

This part includes order 66 and its trauma, but also living in exile together. In my mind they find peace there even though they struggle for some time. They get married and start a family. Living the life they promissed each other during the clone wars until Luke takes them on another adventure and Obi dies…

Obi-Wan Kenobi 3: Order 66+Exile (Love Story Inspiration)

Since the show has finally started I wanted to share my 3 part playlists again:

This part includes order 66 and its trauma, but also living in exile together. In my mind they find peace there even though they struggle for some time. They get married and start a family. Living the life they promissed each other during the clone wars until Luke takes them on another adventure and Obi dies…

Obi-Wan Kenobi 2: Clone Wars (Love Story Inspiration)

Since the show has finally started I wanted to share my 3 part playlists again:

This part follows a love story from episode 2 all the way to right before Order 66 happens. Including all the Clone Wars trauma and some more explicitly songs. Since this ties to my first playlist in my head they’re both Jedi and reunite after some years apart.

Obi-Wan Kenobi 2: Clone Wars (Love Story Inspiration)

Since the show has finally started I wanted to share my 3 part playlists again:

This part follows a love story from episode 2 all the way to right before Order 66 happens. Including all the Clone Wars trauma and some more explicitly songs. Since this ties to my first playlist in my head they’re both Jedi and reunite after some years apart.

Obi-Wan Kenobi 1: Padawan (Love Story Inspiration)

Since the show has finally started I wanted to share my 3 part playlists again:
This part in my mind refers to a lovestory during his padawan time (with another padawan) up until episode 1 and him taking over the time consuming and heavy duty of looking after Anakin and OC eventually leaves to find their own path after getting knighted.
