#obi wan kenobi x oc


Obi-Wan Kenobi 1: Padawan (Love Story Inspiration)

Since the show has finally started I wanted to share my 3 part playlists again:
This part in my mind refers to a lovestory during his padawan time (with another padawan) up until episode 1 and him taking over the time consuming and heavy duty of looking after Anakin and OC eventually leaves to find their own path after getting knighted.

Requested by:anon,Forever tag:@missmelodramatic,@theletterhart,@alex–awesome–22,@elllie-does-the-posts,@floatlosers,@merlieve,@queen-of-books,@glimmering-darling-dolly,@denkisclown,@automaticbakeryfreakshoe,@meyocoko,@bubblybrianna,@october-leaves


Grunting echoed the words through your mind. Again, again and again. Over and over, running in loops. That was what your master demanded of you. His padawan constantly pushing herself to the limit. Closing your eyes for a moment, took you a deep breath. Drops of sweat already forming above your brows and upper lip. Tasting salty when you collected a lost drop of sweat from your tender lips. Opening your eyes again, held you the lightsaber near your face. With an encouraging nod from Obi Wan, gritted you your teeth. Your feet danced over the floor as you moved towards him, flicking your wrists as you guided the lightsaber at him. 

A crash with his lightsaber occurred, sending tiny sparks of blue off. You took a step closer to him, bringing your feet together, hearing the buzzing sound close by. It didn’t last long or Obi Wan brought his lightsaber down with yours, making almost a full circle. From there separated your lightsabers for a moment. You gulped, pushing your lightsaber down to where he was aiming. It clashed and again and again as you followed the movement of his actions with your saber. Blocking each turn of him. Obi Wan swung his lightsaber as you hastily ducked down, or you would’ve lost your head.

“Good job.” – complimented he you. Putting pressure on your toes, stretched you, your back in. Moving your saber behind you, blocking one of Obi Wan’s movements. Groaning loud, gripped you tightly on the handle, your knuckles turning white. Flexing your muscles, pushed you his lightsaber away from yours, giving you a bit more breathing area. He stumbled backwards, breathlessly. Wiping quickly more sweat from your forehead, received you an approving nod from him. You could already hear the words chiming in your head before he had spoken them out. – “Again.” – called he out, placing his left foot firmly forwards. He raised his blue lightsaber to you, forcing you to block it. 

Hit after hit, blocked you all his attacks with a counterattack. Keeping yourself shielded but not really fighting back. – “Fight back, Y/n!” – ordered Obi Wan, pushing you to the limit. Clenching your jaw, pushed you his lightsaber of yours. Letting your saber twirl once in your hand, readied you mentally to attack him. Attacking your mentor wasn’t easy. He knew all your tricks. All your bests moves because he altered them, shaped them. He knew you inside and out. He knew exactly what you were thinking right now and debating on what to do. He positioned himself out of his practice form, opening his arms.

“Do whatever feels natural. Let the force guide you, Y/n.” – gripping on the handle with both hands again, bend he a bit through his knees. Biting your lip, you felt a bit insecure. You knew you were always going to lose from him, he always outsmarted you. Of course he did, he was your master and you his padawan. His padawan he considered close bounded with. He considered you more than that, a daughter he never had. No, you couldn’t let him down, so you shook your insecurities away. You took on a fighting pose as Obi Wan was impressed by you. Running stealthily over to him, took you a leap. You jumped high, attacking him from above. Obi Wan’s mouth dropped, his eyes wide as he moved his lightsaber hastily up. 

His saber crashing into yours. You landed with a loud thud back on your feet, rotating your wrists to choose the direction of where to strike him. Left, right, left down, right up. You tried to not think much about it, just letting your hand muscles work for you. He never broke into a sweat as he easily waved through your attacks. It agitated you that you never had a chance. Going for him with much more intensity, tried you to unbalance him. It started to work as he had to move backwards, escaping your upcoming attacks. He glanced brief over his shoulder to see how much space he had before colliding into the wall. – “Y/n.” – breathed he out.

You wouldn’t hear it, glaring at him as you send your wraith on him. You wanted to win for once. Impress him so that he could be gleaming with pride. You wanted him to gush about your qualities. How much they had improved and that even he had not see you fight like this before. An advantage. That was all you wanted. Obi Wan clenched his jaw, moving his saber swiftly without hesitation in every direction to block your attacks. You kept slashing into him, feeling anger rise up. Obi Wan must have sensed it as for a split second his expression was surprised. – “Y/n!” – called he out loud, twirling his lightsaber, bringing it to shoulder length, pointed at you. 

With his other hand, held he two fingers out to you. A strong push of the force blew against your chest, causing you to snap out of the chaos forming in your head. Your hand with the lightsaber dropped, making you lose your grip on your saber. It clattered to the ground, retracting itself. Stumbling backwards were you suddenly aware of your surroundings. That dark cloud vanishing before your eyes. Obi Wan retracted his saber as well, straightening his posture. With one simple glance from him, knew you that he demanded to know what happened.

Sighing deep, bend you down to collect your saber from the ground. Slowly crossing his arms, wasn’t he letting you off the hook so easily. – “I got blinded, alright!” – forced you out, turning a cold shoulder to him. You moved away from him as Obi Wan reached his hand out to you. He kept you in place, his hand laying on your shoulder. – “Y/n…” – said he softly, turning your shoulder more to him. You followed, presenting yourself to him humble and ashamed. – “I got lost under the pressure…” – biting your lip, looked you away. – “I wanted to be like you. Less like me you know…” 

Obi Wan couldn’t quite understand what you meant with that. You exhaled deep. – “I wanted you to be surprised by my strength. See that I can be more than the predictable girl you teach. I… I wanted you to be proud of me, but… I…I messed up instead.” – you felt like crying. Blinded by your own gain. – “Oh, Y/n.” – spoke he out, pulling close for a hug. – “I am always proud of you. No need to be different.” – with a smile, hugged you him tightly back. The only father figure in your life. You squeaked when he smothered you in his embrace, squeezing you so tightly, it set your feet dangling in the air.


Blaster shots fired all over your head, sending a rush through your body. Obi Wan Kenobi, your mentor fighting beside you. Two clones stormed towards you, forcing you to uphold your only shield of protection, your lightsaber. Swinging the saber around, cut you the blasters out of their hands. Another one that you spotted from near your left shoulder came in vision, shooting at you. You ducked down, grabbing a hold of the fallen blaster. Jumping to your feet, shot you first him. A gaping hole resting in his chest. Then you shot the two defenseless once’s near you. 

Since the blaster came a bit in handy, offered you to help out your mentor. Obi Wan raised his lightsaber ready to lash out. His eyes widened as the smell of burned filled his nostrils. The clone standing before him, dropped to the ground, a gaping hole inside of him. Obi Wan gaped at you as you shrugged your shoulders. He lowered his hands, motioning to you to follow him. You did, firing at some clones that came around the corner. It didn’t take long for the blaster to get jammed. Throwing it away, revealed you, your trusty lightsaber again. – “Stay close.” – hissed Obi Wan at you.

You kept low, sneaking through the empty corridors. A maze of corridors. Obi Wan and you worked like an oiled machine, taking down clones on your path. Obi Wan took a sharp right to a large incaving in the wall. A solid door blocking your way through. – “Think you can handle it?” – questioned Obi Wan with a smirk. You nudged his shoulder. – “Go!” – teasingly laughed you out. Obi Wan knelt down, opening the mechanism of the door. Pulling out some tools, trusted he to have his back. For a short period it was silent. Silence before the upcoming storm. 

Hearing only your own breathing and the beating of your heart in your throat. – “Brace yourself!” – shouted you loud, letting Obi Wan know clones had arrived. They appeared at the end of the corridor, blasters in the ready. You came standing more before your master, shielding him. – “I trust you.” – heard you him whisper proudly. Red shots came your way. Shifting on your feet, adverted you them all. Swaying your saber in the direction they came. In no case could Obi Wan get hurt. You weren’t going to let that happen.

Unable to move from your position were you forced to block as many attacks as possible with less counterattacks from your own. Holding your hand out, took you advantage of the force. Some clones dropped down, losing their balance. That gave you some breathing area. – “Getting there.” – called Obi Wan out, struggling to get the door to open. – “Work faster!” – bit you back, not losing your focus. At least six clones were firing at you. You managed to divert all their shots. Then. A brush stroke against the side of your stomach, followed by a burning feeling. Obi Wan sensed a slight hesitation, turning his head back to you. 

Gritting your teeth, continued you to work like an oiled machine. Blocking off their shots. – “Obi!” – shouted you out, noticing that he had lost focus. – “Right.” – mumbled he to himself, turning his attention back to the panel. The burning feeling increased as you knew you were injured. You just had no time to stand still and reflect on it. Certainly not in the presence of Obi Wan. If he so much as sensed through the mysterious ways of the force that you faltered, he would lose it. Forcing yourself to not think about it, hoped you he would never sense such a thing. Calling it out, were you channeling your anger on the clones.

“Yes.” – breathed Obi Wan out, the door swishing open before him. He took you by the wrist, pulling you inside with him. Pulling you aside and out of sight from the incoming shots. By the side, pressed he a button, the heavy door closing again with a loud thud. The last of the clones disappearing with them. Obi Wan breathed out deep, thinking it was a close call. You lowered your face, trying to catch a glimpse of your side. You sure didn’t want to see any red on your uniform. – “You alright?” – breathed Obi Wan out. 

Humming loud, shot you, your head up. – “Sure, why not?” – responded you, seeing him quirk his eyebrow up. Don’t let it show, don’t let it show. Said you to yourself, biting hard on your teeth. Walking past him, kept you, your natural walk, no indications of your injury. – “So, the plan.” – reminded you him, stepping behind a large panel with all sorts of buttons. Obi Wan came walking over as you motioned the stage was ready for him. Chuckling bend he down over the panel to observe the buttons and switches. – “Needing some glasses perhaps?” – teased you out, seeing him glare grumpy at you for a moment.

He straightened his posture, holding one hand over his chest as with the other one he stroke thoughtfully his beard. You swallowed nervously, feeling as if you were about to break in sweat. The pain getting almost unbearable, certainly now that you weren’t occupied. It was getting harder and harder to keep your mind off the pain. – “Are you sure, you are alright Y/n?” – questioned he, turning his head to you. You slowly nodded, keeping your jaw firmly tensed. – “I’m fine.” – laughed you out, trying to sound as natural as possible. His attention got drawn to your forehead where small drops of sweat had formed. 

“Shouldn’t you hurry up?” – called you out, poking him in the side. He turned his attention to the panel again. He hesitated a bit but surely pressed confident some buttons. A port opened as he could see it through the large window below. Just what he needed to secure the escape. – “Not bad for an old man right.” – joked he out, punching his elbow in your side with a smirk. The second his elbow hit your side; it send a wave of intense pain through you. A massive wave sending you down. – “Y/n?” – shrieked Obi Wan out, seeing you collapse to the ground. You shivered in pain, pulling your legs closer to your chest.

He knelt down to you a wave of information blowing him off his feet. You had lost all control you had over your pain, revealing your vulnerable self. With shock in his eyes, looked he up to your face. – “Your hurt!” – called he out. He didn’t need a reply from you, seeing the state you were in. He hastily pulled your uniform up, revealing your undershirt that had formed red. Pulling that up as well, inhaled he sharply between his teeth at the sight of your wound. Burnt flesh as it required of him to stay calm. He immediately pulled your shirt down, glaring at you. 

“You kept this from me!” – called he out, his voice roaring loud. He couldn’t believe you would keep this silent to him. – “I…” – shivered you out, curling more into a ball. That made him gasp breathlessly, fearing the worst. – “Dammit Y/n.” – grunted he out, moving his finger over his mouth. It took a lot of his strength to not lose his calmness over this. You were special to him, like a daughter. He felt his heart ache with yours. – “You…” – he sighed not being able to finish his sentence. No matter how much he wanted to yell at you in a panic that you had been reckless.

An alarm started to sound, making him panic. – “Just… just leave me here…” – breathed you out, cringing at the pain. – “Leave you?” – squeaked he out, losing it all. How dare you suggest such a matter. He would rather go down with you than leave you behind. – “I…” – he sputtered at the ridiculous thought. With trembling knees, took he a hold of your arm. He placed is over his neck, holding you carefully by the side. One way or another, he was going to leave this place with you by his side. – “Just hold on.” – bit he at you, biting away his own fears. Your breathing got shaky, worrying him more. He pulled you a bit against his back, laying your weight there. 

Your feet dragging over the ground, supported he you. Near the heavy door, seated he you down. He needed both his hands to fight those clones. With one press opened the doors, breaking apart in the center to the edge. There were still clones as from the darkness lighted up his lightsaber. In seconds moved he swiftly through the corridor, forcing his way through. Meanwhile had you lost all strength in your body. Your hands laying lifeless on your lap. Your head tilted slightly against the wall. The pain had numbed your body as you hardly felt it. A dangerous sign. – “Master…” – whispered you. – “Obi…” – breathed you out, your fingers twitching a bit.

Obi wan knelt before you, exhaling deep into your face. – “Y/n…” – asked he, touching your shoulder. When you gave no responded, panicked he. – “Y/n come on. Stay with me.” – forced he out, cupping your cheeks, your head moving lifeless. – “Stay with me.” – repeated he, biting a painful sob down his throat. – “Please…” – whimpered he out, forcing his loud sob out as well. You slowly blinked, hearing him sniff loud with a relieved exhale. He brought your head to his collarbone, cherishing you. 

Finding a bit of his strength again, picked he you up. Carrying you on his back, ran he as fast as he could back to the ship. He never wanted to feel so close to loss ever again. For a moment, he thought he had lost you. His heart ripped out of his chest with brutal force. Luckily it was still in place, but not an experience he wished to endure any time soon. He managed to get you safely back on the ship, tending to you there. From now on was he going to hold on tighter to you. Not letting you go through such an event ever again. For his heart could not bear it to go through it a second time.


Read more fics on my Masterlists!
