#odysseus and the sirens


The Siren Vase is an Ancient Greek art masterpiece, created circa 480 BC - 470 BC in Attica, Greece. This piece’s medium is pottery. The image on the Siren Vase shows Odysseus (Ancient Greek King) passing the sea through The Sirens, whom were three sea nymphs that had the power to kill sailors with their bewitching tune.

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The sirens of ancient Greek mythology were bird-women whose enchanted singing lured sailors off course, causing shipwreck and disaster. This vase is painted with this famous scene and is known as the Siren Vase. It is a wide-necked vessel thought to have been used for serving wine. The image is of beautiful detail in a magnificent black ground. These two colours contrast very well together enabling the siren painter to create the beautiful Siren Vase.

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