#oh my oh my



“What’s wrong, Captain? I thought a codfish like you wouldn’t mind a bit of salt water in your lungs.”


I rewatched this scene a disrespectful amount of times‍♀️



did the mutual’s style drawing challenge on instagram! i… tried my very best i hope they all look ok thank you to all my moots who offered to take part i had a lot of fun with this and i feel like i levelled up my skills a lot from studying everyone’s styles ^O^

row 1


row 2


row 3


my style ;O


whenever dan references embraces and all that holding someone stuff. its never him doing the holding. he is always the one being/wanting to be held in songs. and i think thats beautiful.

I’ll be in the corner crying, excuse me



Summary: Aaron isn’t so sure about the idea of having sex while you’re pregnant. Luckily, you manage to come up with a solution that works for both of you.

Pairing: Hotch x blank slate Fem!Reader (no use of y/n)

Word Count: 1.9k

Warnings: smut! 18+ material! Dirty talk, thigh fucking, non-penetrative sex, pregnancy during sexual activities, Aaron kinda goes wild for the pregnancy thing, squirting, oral sex (f receiving), language. Let me know if I missed anything!

A/N: Based off of these tworequests, icon credits to @shyhotch, and beta credits to @laurensprentiss Minors DNI!! Find it on ao3 here, or under the cut :)

Happy reading <3


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Hi everyone! This is late and going to continue to be late cuz it’s kinda turning into a monster but I thought I could post a little preview just to get y'all excited ;) this is for the jaytim week prompt case fic!


Jason furrows his eyebrows. “You some kind of touch psychic, too?”

“No, not exactly,” Tim chuckles softly. He closes the file and pushes it back over towards Jason. He raises his hands, forming a square with his thumb and forefingers. “Did you know people used to believe that a camera could capture your soul?

“That’s not true, of course, but every legend begins somewhere. There’s power in giving a memory physical form, you know? That’s my specialty,” he says while tapping a finger against the manilla folder. “Well. One of them, anyway.”

“So, what’s the next step? A seance?” Jason asks instead of trying to wrap his mind around whatever the fuck Tim was talking about. He might be in the supernatural division but fuck all if he knew anything beyond basic defence and offence spells.

“That’s for spirits already on the other side and, might I add, quite illegal.” Tim has the gall to roll his eyes at Jason. “You haven’t worked a ghost case before, have you?”

No, he hasn’t. Serial killing vampires? Yes. Weres of all shapes and sizes? Also yes. Various other cases involving supernatural phenomena? Yes. Ghosts? Those cases rarely made it past local police stations as long as they had a competent medium to perform the exorcism. And to say Jason wasn’t always exactly fond of the question, “what happens after you die?” is an understatement.

“That’s irrelevant,” Jason says and Tim grins at him. Cheeky bastard, Jason’s going to hate every second of this case.


@samthefrank and I were so excited to drop this newest chapter, especially seeing as we’ve just revealed that a sequel is right around the corner!

In the meantime, Sonic and his brother’s need to have a long awaited talk. Thankfully, being stuck on a couch with the flu sometimes helps along with that process.




Big Sonic Fanfic Announcement!!!

@samthefrank and I have been sitting on this for a while, but we couldn’t wait anymore!

Our fic Making Space is nearly done with just a few more chapters left to go. But that doesn’t mean the story’s over! Instead, we will be continuing into a sequel!!!

What will this sequel be about, you may ask? Good question!

Many of you have been guessing and hoping for a Knuckles-Centric story, and those who did were right on the money.

Plenty of angst and found family feels ahead, you guys.

For a peek at what’s in store, check out a snippet below!

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You guys have NO IDEA how JAZZED I am to share the sequel with you all!! I might like it even MORE than I like Making Space (and I LOOOOOOVE Making Space).

Get ready for a funny, heart-wrenching summer, you guys!!!

I AGREE @samthefrank

Iadore Making Space! But oh man some of the heart-wrenching, funny, found family scenes in the sequel just hit different.

A SEQUEL!!!???
