#oh yeah


Not loving writing that whole thing though; it’s too long.

Anyway, I loved the car and carrots -scene; I’d feared they’d cut it out, yet they managed to make it even more foolish than in the manga. Probably worked ‘cause here they were calling after a car that was clearly moving.

I loved the scene of Levi lifting up Ramzi and running away with the others; it was cooler than in the manga. Though to Isayama’s defense, he did the scene of Levi checking his pockets better.

Loved the scene at Kiyomi’s place.

Loved the well made kind-of-confession-you’re-family -scene.

Loved the drunk Springlestein -trio scene. Was this the squad’s first time drinking, I wonder?

Loved Historia and Eren’s talk; the anime brought out Historia’s feelings better than the manga in my opinion.

And I absolutely loved the destruction of the fleet and the RUMBLING! That was so well made!

Plus the scene at the end with everyone in the giant footprint was great, too!

What I did not love was this season having even more parts… the opening and ending for part 2 were just perfect, but they probably won’t be the final op and ed of the show after all. They’re gonna have trouble topping those; I wonder if they can pull it off.

draculasdaughter:Italian poster (details) for Le frisson des vampires or The Shiver of the Vampires,


Italian poster (details) for Le frisson des vampiresorThe Shiver of the Vampires, Jean Rollin, 1971.

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Me, every time I update a fic:


I can’t wait for the fic that I’m going to write after this fic I’m not writing because I still have to finish another fic (which I can’t seem to focus on).



what if there were like 15 second ads in the middle of porn vids like how youtube does it

These comments are KILLING ME

Potholes Things had become familiar with all the fanfare of an assassin, sneaking up on them when th


Things had become familiar with all the fanfare of an assassin, sneaking up on them when they’d thought things were going so well. But two months into the relationship and they were in a rut, the same routine wearing away at their minds with a collective pressure that was only compounding their frustration into something with about as much strength and subtlety of a diamond. 

What had surprised him was that she had made the first move, decided to take the initiative and compress the slowing heart of the relationship until it started to beat a little faster. That night he’d come home to his best suit laying on the bed, an open bottle of whiskey on the side board and the sweetest little note requesting, pleading with him to put on the suit, drink the whiskey, and meet her in the living room. 

For a moment he had bristled, some deep anti-authoritarian urge rising up in the back of his throat, and it was just as unpleasant a taste as any you might imagine. It was her pretty little signature that fought it back down, at once innocent and professional, reverent and playful. The loop of the Y and the casual circle of the I. He smiled, and did as she had asked. 

There was another tumbler of whiskey in the living room, and he could hear her moving around in the kitchen, even catch the odd glimpse of her as she flitted past the half open door. A flash of white, the swish of her hair as she all but danced around, twirling and whirling, an adorable tornado he couldn’t quite enjoy, not yet. 

So he sat, and he sipped, and he waited. Thought, for a while, about exactly what was going on, this odd, pleasant little power reversal that was almost as perverted as it was unexpected. Things would shift, in time, as they always did; their natures were too ingrained for them to not. But for now he was content allowing her to take the lead for once. 

A few minutes passed, and then she stepped in, a blush heavy on her cheeks and a pair of delicate little cupcakes on a plate in her hand. He glanced from them to her face, and then back down a little, the thin white dress she was wearing seeming almost ethereal in the low light of the evening. 

“I baked these for you.” He smiled and nodded, taking another sip of whiskey. Anything more seemed like it might shatter this delicate little scenario she’d created. 

She set them down, and walked over to him, her face tilted down and her eyes flitting from him to the ground, over and over again. She stopped a foot short, and he reached out, fingers playing over the material of her dress. And then he grabbed her, wrist in his hand, and pulled her down onto his lap.

Her body moulded to him like it was made for it, as it always had. But there was something else there, an element that had been missing for weeks. It was showing most clearly in the mutual smile they were sharing, and the crinkle of the smile in the corners of her eyes. It was the way his hands couldn’t help but roam over her, and her’s couldn’t help but cling to him. It was movement, irresistible and unrelenting, a force that kept them both in motion as soon as they touched, like unstable atoms. 

He kissed her, and it was all but a revelation. 

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Into the Dark I’m getting comfortable.  Which, if I’m quite honest, freaks me the fuck o

Into the Dark

I’m getting comfortable. 

Which, if I’m quite honest, freaks me the fuck out. It’s the right kind of anxious; the kind where vertigo comes from, some base instinct that sits at the back of room with one patient hand raised. 

“Excuse me, but I think now would be a great moment to take a breath and actually have a look at where you are right now. You see that ledge, to your right? Take your time, don’t lean too much. Yes, that ledge. Don’t fall off it. That would be bad.”

My polite, condescending voice has foregone the usual polite candour and has stood up and is looking rather pointedly at me these days. I’m wandering along that edge with a rather large smile on my face. 

It’s not that I’m not aware that I’m dabbling with things that aren’t 100% safe. In the beginning this was just about control, a little light spanking, perhaps letting you taste the sensation of choking without ever really threatening your oxygen supply. But here the term ‘slippery slope’ has led to an avalanche. I’m freefalling. 

They say when you’re in an avalanche you should try swimming. If D/s has informed me of anything, it’s that maybe Jung was right about all of his Egos. There is nothing in this world that allows me to distil myself more than a scene, split myself like oil and water into two parts; the fucked up pervert and the conscientious adult. 

It’s that guy at the back of the room, the one standing up with his arms folded at the moment. He’s got the reins, most of the time, and each time I know I can rely on him it allows me to be a little bolder the next. 

I want to choke you till you black out, next time. I want to spank you until you bruise. I want to leave you with a cut that takes a few days to heal. I want to leave you with something that will last, beyond the memories. With the memories. 

Just, y'know, give it time.

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Better With a Man, sung by Jamie Parker and Sam Barnett

#jamie parker    #samuel barnett    #oh boy    #oh yeah    #oh those two    
 Hi everyone! I meant to upload this update everywhere yesterday D-x Sorry about that..!! Anyway, he

Hi everyone! I meant to upload this update everywhere yesterday D-x Sorry about that..!!
 Anyway, here’s an update to “Pucca: Tobe or not Tobe” Page 50!  I hope you enjoy it!

Read it here~!

Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/littlekidsin/gallery/47069415/tobe-or-not-tobe

Tapas: https://tapas.io/episode/586314

Webtoon: https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/pucca-tobe-or-not-tobe/list?title_no=230161

Support me on Patreon!

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♥♥♥ LEE JOON focus ♥♥♥ [140609]

MBLAQ in Mexico 

Ending Oh yeah 

#fan meeting    #mexico    #oh yeah    #lee joon    #lee chang sun    #seungho    #thunder    





Kondo rehabilitating the concept of kami, previously known in the West thanks to kamikaze and that Japanese-themed Magic the Gathering set.

Every weeaboo already knows the word “kami”

Kondo daintily decluttering the room of a weeb whose vast hentai collection sparks a little too much joy if you catch my drift.

oh hey I just found those magic cards yesterday
