#one card reading


Daily Tarot Pull

October 20th 2020


I haven’t been keeping up on posting my daily card pulls but I am trying to change that. This one is from yesterday.

When I pulled this card yesterday I couldn’t help but laugh. Even though walking the high road can get a bit exhausting, I am happy that I continuously do the right thing and distant myself from toxic and negative people. A couple of people in particular come to mind automatically.

I do not wish harm to others, but seeing their actions get turned back onto them and seeing them have to deal with it has put a smile on my face. Maybe they will learn from this and become better people, maybe not. But I will continue on with my life. I am happy, I am healthy, And I don’t need people who threaten that.

Daily Tarot Card

October 15th 2020

“Where should I focus my energy on today?”

Page Of Pentacles

Divinatory: Deep concentration and application. Study. Scholarship. Reflection. Respect for knowledge. Desire for learning and new ideas. A do-gooder. Bearer of news.

Today will be a task driven day.

After waking up at about 5 I decided to give up on sleeping. I’m going to take this day to put this energy that I have forward, and focus on working on halloween decorations for the yard.

But first, tea.

One card message for you✨

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