#elemental witch



(based on a recipe from Sacred Year, by Anni Daulter)

  • 2 ounces of dried rose petals 
  • 4 - 6oz honey
  • 10 - 12 ounces of vodka or brandy
  • 1 pint canning jar

Mix together in the jar and let infuse in a cool place protected from sunlight (you might also like to charge up your elixir under the full moon or new moon).

(This elixir is intended to offer support with anxiety or emotional stress. It can be dropped under the tongue, stirred into water or tea, or added to a bath)

Silphium integrifolium (Rosinweed)Bloom Time: Jul , Aug , Sep DESCRIPTION: A coarse perennial, 3-6 f

Silphium integrifolium(Rosinweed)

Bloom Time: Jul , Aug , Sep 

DESCRIPTION:A coarse perennial, 3-6 ft. tall with numerous large, yellow composite flowers. Each flower head has 20-30 yellow rays and darker yellow disks. Stout leaves are joined at stem to form a small cup that holds water and attracts birds.(Wildflower Center) This species has square stems and leaves that are mostly opposite, egg-shaped, toothed, with cuplike bases that hold water (Kindscher 1987). The flower heads are rich, golden yellow, 2.5 centimeters in diameter, and closely grouped at the tips of the stems (Hunter 1984). The small, tubular disk flowers are in the middle of the flower and is sterile and does not produce fruits (Ladd, 1995).

PORTION OF THE PLANT USED: Leaves and roots.

TRADITIONAL USES: Chippewa Native Americans used the simple or compound decoction of root for “stoppage of periods,” for back and chest pain and for lung hemorrhage. A poultice of moistened, dried root was applied to wounds to stop bleeding.

Iroquois used the decoction of roots as an emetic and as face wash for paralysis. Burned root soot was placed on child’s cheek to prevent them from seeing ghosts. Meskwaki used the root to “alleviate the vomiting of pregnancy.” Infusion of root taken by women to prevent premature birth. Root used to reduce profuse menstruation and as an anti-emetic during pregnancy.

Ojibwa infusion of root taken for lumbago and other rheumatic back pains, stomach trouble and hemorrhage.

Cup plant’s young leaves were cooked in the spring as a green (Kindscher 1987). It was also used as a chewing gum to help prevent vomiting (Runkel & Roosa 1989). The Winnebagos tribe believed that this species has supernatural powers. They would drink a concoction derived from the rhizome to purify them before going on a buffalo hunt. It is used in the treatment of liver and spleen disorders and has also been used to treat morning sickness (Moerman 1998).

POLLINATOR:Rosin Weed attracts a variety of pollinators but it is especially relished by some of our smaller solitary bees. The plant gets its common name from the sticky rosin it produces, which was used as a chewing gum by the Native Americans. Rosin weed is quick to mature once germinated, reaching flowering size surprisingly fast.

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Witchy reminder :: Your twin flame is your higher self - it has nothing to do with anything outside

Witchy reminder :: Your twin flame is your higher self - it has nothing to do with anything outside of you - but rather all that is inside of you. Coexist with yourself, your dark and light, merge and Marry yourself, your science and spirituality, your sun and moon… your yin and yang.




Instagram :: @rosemarymilkwitch

$22 Twin Flame Tarot Readings. There are major shifts happening for all twin flames!!

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 Add white, pink, and red rose petals, honeysuckle blossoms and rose water to bath filled with water. Substitute hydrosols with fresh flowers if necessary. (optional esstial oils to add: lavender, rosemary, chamomile, and jasmine)

Place a rose quartz large enough to not go down the drain in the bath too.

Soak in the scented bath.

Find yourself in the stillness, calmness, quiet & peacful place in your bath amongst the loving frangrace of rose petals, flowers, rose water and essential oils. Place your focus now on the person who broke your heart or the memory that broke your heart… if you begin to cry, allow the tears to flow down your cheek and into the bath water. Say the persons name out loud and command that all the power and sweetness you gave to this person be given back to you. 

Example : Gregorio, you broke my heart, and now I command the universe to give back to me, all the power, sweetness and love I ever gave to you. Gregorio, I gave you my heart becuase I found you worthy, I now command the universe to give me back my heart because I have realized the only person worthy of holding and protecting my heart is ME. I love me. I love me so much. I forgive myself for allowing for someone outside of me to take my power and break my heart. My power, my sweetness, my love, my heart is flowing back to me now.

After you have cried, yelled, said your affrimations, played with your roses, and anything else you felt called to do in your bath, take the rose quartz and place it on your heart… allow for all the emotions and tears that filled the bathwater to now drain out… as it drains out chant the words “I RELEASE YOU NOW WITH UNCONDITIONAL LOVE” 

Following the bath, carry the rose quartz with you. Sleep with it under your pillow until you don’t need it any more.


Acturian Academy’s Types Of Witches List

Green Witch:

A magick practicer who specializes in the earthly world. Typically, a green witch seeks to take care of and nurture plant life. Green witches are usually more knowledgeable about herbalism.

Dark Witch:

A magick practicer who works typically with dark magick, such as curses and hexes. Dark witches usually specializes in necromancy, revenge and the destruction of life.

Death Witch:

A magick practicer who works around the idea of life and death. Typically, Death witches work around honoring the dead and the idea of an afterlife.

Kitchen Witch:

A magick practicer who use their herbalistic knowledge and incorporates it into cooking and cleaning while in the kitchen. Kitchen witches are very commonly knowledgeable of herbalism, as well. They commonly cross over with green witches.

Spirit Worker:

A magick practicer who works with spirits of all kind in communication and guidance. Spirit working can be defined as working with human spirits, demons, fae, spirit guides and spirit companions. The definition varies from person to person.

Sea Witch:

A magick practicer who works with bodies of water such as lakes, oceans and rivers. Sea witches work with the animals and environment, itself. Typically, they have a strong emotional connection to the sea.

Hedge Witch:

A magick practicer who use their knowledge of plants and herbs to work along side modern medicine in ways of healing. Hedge witches are typically very in tune with nature and communicate with the world around them.

Christian Witch:

A magick practicer who worships the Christian God among side their belief of witchcraft.

Secular Witch:

A magick practicer who doesn’t attach their witchcraft to a religious path way. Secular witches practice witchcraft without a religious system.

Eclectic Witch:

A magick practicer who mixes multiple different paths of witchcraft into their individual craft. Eclectic witches may also include different culture or traditional ideas.

Chaos Witches:

A magick practicer who focuses on witchcraft that unravels, unwinds, deconstructs and builds something new. Chao witches focus on chao magick, the opposite of order magick. Order magick is about control and prediction of an outcome.

Root Workers:

A magick practicer who is African American and practices the southern folk grounding magick referred to as Hoodoo or Rootwork. Hoodoo is different then Voodoo.

Elemental Witch:

A magick practicer who worship the four elements, fire, air, water and earth. Elemental witches include these elements in most parts of their craft, centering around them.

Urban Witch:

A magick practicer who live in urban, city life and incorporate that into their craft through different means. Urban Witches typically use their knowledge of deities and crystals, most.

Tech Witch:

A magick practicer who use technology in their craft for most activities. Tech witches may have an online grimoire or use different witchcraft related apps on their phone or computer.

Gardnerian Witch:

A magick practicer who worship Gardnerian Wicca, or Gardnerian witchcraft, a neopagan religion of Wicca, whose members can trace initiatory descent from Gerald Gardner.

Alexandrian Witch:

A magick practicer who are part of a form of neopaganism called Alexandrian Witchcraft. Alexandrian Witchcraft is similar to Gardnerian Wicca but use different tools, have different deities and different elemental names. Some practice with ritual nudity or Skyclad. Alexandrian covens meet on new moons, full moons and during Sabbat festivals.

Correllian Witch:

A magick practicer who practice Correllian Witchcraft, which is very close in tradition to Traditional Witchcraft. Correllian witches use the term wittan instead of wiccan.

Science Witch:

A magick practicer who use alchemy and other forms of science in their own personal craft. Most science witches are alchemists.

Solitary Witch:

A magick practicer who practices individual without a group of wiccans or a coven to aid them. Typically, Solitary witches do not participate in sabbats.

Cosmic Witch:

A magick practicer who focuses on planetary and celestial energy in their practice. Cosmic witches spend most time focused on the plants, and the universe.

Weed Witch:

A magick practicer who incorporates marijuana into their own practice. Weed witches may smoke marijuana with herbs, or use it otherwise.

Hereditary Witch:

A magick practicer who one who is born into a tradition of esoteric origin.


These are just some of the many many categories of witchcraft and doesn’t even touch on the millions of subcategories! We at Acturian Academy hope this helps you while you continue on your path.

If you wish to apply and are 12+ with parental permission, below is the link for application and our website link! Have a blessed day

The 5 Elements/ Elementals

Fire: The Element of Clarity

* Inspiration, enthusiasm, vitality, daring, passion, kinship, transformation, creativity, action, banish fear, protection

* Fire energy moves rapidly; it’s volatile and unpredictable

* Sun Energy

* South

* Zodiac- Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

* Tarot- Wands/Rods

* Tools- Wand/ Candles

* Colors- Red, Orange

* Stones- fire opals, red jasper, bloodstone

Earth: The Solid Element

* Stability, permanence, groundedness, security, endurance, patience

* Earth energy moves slowly and steadily.

* North

* Zodiac- Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

* Tarot- Pentacles/Coins

* Tools- Pentagram, Salt, Stones

* Colors- Brown, green, gray

* Stones- hematite, onyx, agate

Water: The Element of Movement

* Cleansing, Clearing, Healing, nourishment, intuition, emotion, compassionate,

* Water energy is changeable and unpredictable

* West

* Moon Energy

* Zodiac- Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

* Tarot- Cups/Chalices

* Tools-Chalice, cauldron

* Colors- Blue, aqua, indigo, purple

* Stones- moonstone, rose quartz, opals

Air: The Elusive Element

* Flexibility, instability, intellect, detachment, idealistic

* Air energy moves quickly

* East

* Zodiac- Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

* Tarot- Swords/Daggers

* Tools- Athame, Incense

* Colors- Yellow, Pale Blue, White

* Stones- aquamarine, diamond, clear quartz

Spirit: The Fifth Element

* aka Ether

* Spirit links the 4 quarters of creation, source of magick.

* Spirit is elusive

* Spirits usually comes into play if a witch chooses to call upon a divine figure to bless her magick.

Power Element: Each Witch has one element to which she most strongly responds to.

Elementals: guardians and ambassadors of the elements.

* Gnome is Earth Elemental

* Sylphs are Air Spirits

* Salamanders abide in Fire

* Undines are found in Water


The Elements are the forces of Nature and life, and are incorporated into ritual and magick. Every aspect of existence is bound up in Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. And the fifth element which is Spirit (or also deemed Aether), which is present in each of the other four. Each of the four classical Elements is associated with one of the four cardinal directions; North, East, South and West.

There are also energetic associations, that add great depth to interpretations of how people with different zodiac signs interact with each other, for each sign is associated with an Element, and each Element is different.


Direction: north

Energy: ♀

Rules: grounding, strength, healing, nature, stability, foundations, empathy, fertility, death, rebirth, and wisdom.

Season/time: winter/midnight

Zodiac: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.

Ruling Planets: Venus, and Saturn.

Colours: green, brown, black, white, and gold.

Plants: cedar, cypress, honeysuckle, ivy, magnolia, grains, primrose, oak, sage, and nuts.

Crystals: emerald, tourmaline, quartz, granite, dedrock, peridot, onyx, jasper, and amethyst.

Tools: pentacle, salt, crystals, dirt, herbs, wood, plants, and flowers.

Virtues: patience, truth, dependable, thorough, focused.


Direction: east

Energy: ♂

Rules: mind, clarity, knowledge, logic, abstract, wind, consciousness, intuition, and memory.

Season/time: spring/dawn

Zodiac: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.

Ruling planets: Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus.

Colours: yellow, gold, white, and light blue.

Plants: acacia, anis, aspen, clover, frankincense, lavender, lemongrass, pine, and vervain.

Crystals: topaz, amber, citrine, jasper, and agate.

Tools: feather, wand, staff, incense, pen, broom, and bell.

Virtues: intelligent, practical, optimistic.


Direction: south

Energy: ♂

Rules: energy, will, destruction, courage, strength, self-knowledge, power, passion, sexuality, self-healing, divinity, light, and flame.

Season/time: summer/noon

Zodiac: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.

Ruling planets: Sun, and Mars.

Colours: red, orange, gold, and white.

Plants: allspice, basil, cinnamon, garlic, juniper, hibiscus, nettle, onion, poppies, peppers, and thistles.

Crystals: ruby, garnet, red jasper, bloodstone, quartz, tiger’s eye, and agate.

Tools: candle, lamp, athame, dagger, and burned herbs.

Virtues: courage, enthusiasm, willpower.


Direction: west

Energy: ♀

Rules: emotion, intuition, psychic, love, deep feelings, the unconscious mind, fertility, tides, reflection, lunar energy, and healing.

Season/time: autumn/twilight

Zodiac: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.

Ruling planets: Moon, Neptune, and Pluto.

Colours: blue, aqua, silver, and green.

Plants: aloe, apple, chamomile, ferns, gardenia, jasmine, lemon, lily, lotus, moss, seaweed, rose, thyme, and willow.

Crystals: amethyst, aquamarine, beryl, blue tourmaline, lapis lazuli, opal, pearl, and sodalite.

Tools: seashells, ocean water, seaweed, moss, stones, chalice, and cauldron.

Virtues: love, compassion, receptivity, and flexibility.

10 Days Of Spells Challenge

Day 1: This day is for you, start off your morning by choosing a fruit or vegetable that corresponds with something you truly need for the day, take your time to eat it then enjoy a cup of cold water. •*• Create or find a spell to help you get a better sleep. Ensure it’s a restful, safe sleep with peaceful dreams . When it’s bedtime, preform your spell and get ready for day two.

Day 2: Now you need a spell to fill the hole in your life. Take some time to meditate a few times today. When you wake, during the day, and before bed. At night review where you feel it most. Are you lacking passion? Love? Abundance? Feeling fuzzy brained? Lost? Suicidal? Maybe you’ve even been a bad person and you need some good. Whatever the case, whoever you are, today you need to figure out where the hole is, for day three tomorrow.

Day 3: Today you will create the spell that is needed to heal over that hole you found in day two. Make time for it and do it with heart .

Day 4: Give back today. To the earth beneath your toes. Water a plant today, feed an animal, or create a spell to make rain where drought covers the earth, something nice like that.

Day 5: Banish evil. This day can be done on a windy day, rainy day/stormy day , snowy day or a sunny day. Have all doors, and windows if you want, open. Now, if you have incense, find one that is a wood scent or a herbal scent. If you don’t have that, get a scented candle, if that’s not an option, get anything strongly scented. Walk around your house and “push” the bad energies with the smoke or whatever it is you have out of your house through the doors and or windows. Really go over the areas people spend the most time in.

Day 6: Create a spell you can drink. Simply look up food correspondences, tea correspondences and what herbs or flowers you can add to drinks!

Day 7: create a spell based off the current moon phase and its correspondences.

Day 8: Collect water from anywhere that isn’t from your house. Water from different types of sources have correspondences, if you don’t know them, nows the time to learn! You can use this water in a spell!

Day 9: Make a spell or each of or all of the elements. (Air, Earth, Water, Fire)

Day 10: make a spell based of the tarot card of death. It resembles transition and rebirth. Make a spell to bring on change that is needed to set a different course in your life. This change needs to happen voluntarily or involuntarily, you don’t get to choose what happens, but something, subtle or big, will change.

air salt

used to represent the element of air for a spell/alter, cleansing, protection, balance, divination, and storm magic.

  • sea salt
  • basil
  • rosemary
  • sage
  • pollen (optional if you’re sensitive to it ofc)

grind together in a mortar & pestle. optional; charge with incense smoke of your choice to reawaken before use

fire salt [x] - water salt [x] - earth salt [x]

fire salt

used for protection, banishing, power, cursing/hexing, chaos magic, or as a strong symbol of fire for a spell/alter.

  • sea salt
  • chili powder
  • black pepper
  • cinnamon
  • red chili flake

crush everything till combined in mortar & pestle, charge with candles before use if desired to reawaken your salt

earth salt [x] - air salt [x] - water salt [x]


 It almost goes without saying. And yet the weather patterns on our planet-such as the drought in California- as well as the leering threat of major corporations, who wish to privatize water, should make us stand back and take a good look at this element which is literally everywhere in and around us.

We are a microcosm of the universe and within us the entire universe resides. Therefore we as individuals as well as a collective human consciousness hold the keys within our own conscious awareness to heal the state of water, because it is essentially an extension of us, just as we are of it.

You will see what I mean if you have ever looked into the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese researcher who discovered that water is deeply impressionable and that by subjecting water to various sounds, words, and intentions, it would literally change at the molecular level to reflect the vibrations to which it was exposed.

The point in all of this is that we can absolutely change the quality and state of water through our thoughts and intentions.  Here are 3 specific ways:


1.     Heal Your Relationship with Water- This step could actually be an entire article in and of itself.  In actuality, when we bring something within the self totally into alignment, we are bringing healing to the collective. To have a healthy relationship with water, we need enough water in our bodies to function properly on all levels which means staying hydrated and drinking high quality water like alkaline, spring, or at the very least filtered.

Additionally, it is good to learn to respect water. That means appreciating the water you drink, swim, and bathe in as well as cook and clean with.  If you possibly can, it is respectful to reuse water.  For instance, if water stagnates, it can become quite unpleasant. Use it to water the plants or clean something if you forget a glass of drinking water.

Finally, start the day with a glass of fresh water. Mindfully.  Stand facing the rising sun and drink a big glass of water with gratitude and with good intentions for the day ahead.

2.     Pray or Meditate to the Water:In using the word ‘pray’ I simply mean to use whatever method is appropriate to you for connecting with the greater essence of life and focusing positive intentions somewhere.  Because water is impressionable, praying to or meditating for bodies of water like a local lake or creek or the ocean will have an effect on the water.  This effect is highly intensified if many people participate at once.  Getting a group of people together to pray for the water can affect the over-soul of consciousness of the water everywhere on the planet as well as the water in your own living cells.  This type of ceremony would benefit greatly from including music and song which creates and shifts vibrations with great power.

3.     Alchemize the Water- As Masaru Emoto demonstrated with his life’s work, you can create specific changes in water through your intentions and the use of sounds, intentions, the written word, and imagery.  If this appeals to you here is an experimental ritual to try:

Take a small quantity of water, no more than a gallon, and place it in a glass container that can be transported easily.  Now spend some time with the water. Hold your hands on the water and pray or sing, visualize the water taking beautiful forms or being full of light, color, and beautiful energies.  Write positive words on small slips of paper and stick them onto the container facing inward.  Expose the water to sacred geometric symbols or healing frequencies such as 432hz or to healing mantras.  You could also place crystals like clear or rose quartz in the water for several hours or overnight on particularly a full moon, and allow the energies to be imprinted into the water.

Now specify your intention for the water, because you will use this water as a sort of ‘concentrate’ to heal a larger source of water.  So state or imagine your intentions clearly and communicate them to the water.  The inention may be your image of all the waters in the world being pure, clean, accessible, and full of healing light.  Once you have sent these thoughts and intentions into the water, give the water as a gift to a larger source of water.  This could be at the seashore, a lake, a creek, or even down your own drain to heal the city water which badly needs healing.  Hold your intention as you give the water away as you allow it to flow away and bring the beautiful vibrrations it contains with it.  See it as a sort of concentrate of energy impressions that will shift the vibration of the entire water source to which it is flowing.

The water on our planet dearly needs to be healed, but the first and most primary aspect of the healing of water is for us to come into alignment with water as individuals. After we are in a good relationship with water personally, then we can follow our inspiration and use other methods to project healing to water throughout the world.

Pick A Card ✨

Follow me on TikTok for more witchy content

One card message for you✨

Follow me on TikTok for more witchy content

Blessed Ostara ☀️

Check out the link below to see how you can also celebrate Ostara

How to celebrate Ostara✨

Hi my name is Riley! I’m non-binary and I use they/them pronouns. Most of you have known me by my dead name Kat for pretty much my entire time on here but what you didn’t know is that I’ve struggled with who I am and how I’ve identified myself for almost my entire life. For the longest time I just thought I was confused. I never felt as if I were meant to be a girl but I also never felt like I was meant to be a boy either. After many months of soul searching I have finally found who I am and turns out I’m just a person who doesn’t have a gender identity and I’m okay with that but I wasn’t okay with my dead name I still didn’t feel as if I were completely whole as a person yet. After a lot thinking and talking with some of the most wonderful people in my life I decided to change my name to something that was more gender neutral and I came up with the name Riley. So from this day forward I would appreciate it if you referred to me by my new name and pronouns ☺️ Thank you so much to everyone who has been supporting me through this journey! I wouldn’t have been able to do it without all of you

Also I’m so sorry that I’ve been so inactive as I stated above I’ve been struggling for quite some time and because of that it’s effected my work but starting tomorrow my free readings will resume! I plan on going through my ask box tonight an answering all requests! Thank you for being so patient with me and I can’t wait to start this new journey with you guys!




I just wanna throw it out there that my 3rd cousin on my mom’s dad’s side(who’s a witch and most of her family [i.e my abuelo’s side] like never talk to her/about her because of it) made my Aunt Irene this candle that like is supposed to attract your ideal man and when it’s flame dies out, he’s supposedly close to meeting you.


So like now- My Aunt Irene is married to my Uncle Marlon who she met on MATCH.COM like three days after her candle’s flame died and like they have 2 kids and it’s great and I’m over here like:

For real tho, like I wish I knew her whole process so I could like do it for myself. My aunt paid like $40 for that candle.


I reconnected with my cousin Eliana and she made me a love candle FOR FREE.

She also taught me A LOT about the craft and helped me discover some powers I didn’t even know I had.

Y’ALL- life is great.

I’m sorry I go on hiatus often ~ life just be like that sometimes….

I am back tho!!!

UPDATE!!!!! My Love Candle has been lit!! Now, we wait <3!!!!!!
