#one fear




One of the most stressful and terrifying moments is when you are watching a series/season finale, and you realize there isn’t enough time left in the episode for it to end the way you want.

what about when everything is turning out exactly the way you wanted it to and it’s beautiful and perfect and there are twelve minutes left in the episode


Bring back Crush 40 or we riot.

 based on real events

based on real events

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Man hat theoretisch alles um jetzt glücklich zu sein.

Aber man ist es nicht…

Man fragt sich, warum man es nicht ist, warum man verdammt nochmal nicht glücklich sein kann, warum man sich alles kaputt denken muss.

Warum? .. Weil man Angst hat.

Man hat Angst, dass das Glück was man gerade hat, zerstört wird. Man wieder allein ist und das man wieder in dieses ganz tiefe Loch fällt und nicht raus kommt.

Man möchte es garnicht und will krampfhaft dagegen denken, aber im Endeffekt wird diese Angst einem immer wieder vieles kaputt machen…


Yeah we REALLY REALLY REALLY aren’t ready for this week :*(


Ted Lasso is Dorothy-coded and I WILL bawl my eyes out if my hunch is correct and S3 revolves around him planning to go back to Kansas bc he’s gonna be like “it’s time for this Dorothy to click her heels and return home”

when the S3 episode titles come out and one of them is called “There’s No Place Like Home” I am fully throwing hands



found out today that the “no don’t [action] your so sexy aha” meme is, in fact, NOT well known outside of internet circles and you should not just Say That to an unsuspecting coworker

good to know. you took one for the team
