#original post


Eros of Ebony by Clark Ashton Smith

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His mouth and brows, capricious,
mingle their honey with a great bitterness;
upon his shoulder, with tightening talons,
there perches a hard-eyed hawk.

Agamemnonby Aiskhylos (tr. Anne Carson)

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Helen who brought ruin to Troy instead of a dowry.

Richelieu: Welcome to my dark and foreboding lair filled with candles in extremely impractical positions

Richelieu: [turns and his cape instantly catches fire]

Just as I was thinking that A-Train was maaaaaybe a little bit redeemable, this episode pulls a full Uno Reverse card on me at the end. Nah, this fucker needs to die <3

WatchingThe Boys isn’t enough. I need to hug Marvin Milk

Kind, wholesome polite king Marvin Milk versus Epitome of toxic masculinity Soldier Boy

Athos: Porthos will never agree to this plan

Aramis: Sure he will

Athos: He already refused three times

Aramis: Okay, watch a master at work

Aramis, turning to Porthos with puppy eyes: Can we-


Finally got my hands on Whitstable Pearl. The first episode was a bit of a drag and a bore but I am on the third episode now and it’s got consistently better. The protagonist, Pearl Nolan, has grown on me. Howard Charles is amazing as usual and it’s a delight to have him on my screen again. I am not a fan of the fridged wife/girlfriend trope giving the male protagonist some convenient Man Pain (even though Howie plays the tormented/suffering soul part tremendously well) and this has been my only major gripe about this otherwise enjoyable show so far.

WatchedWhitstable Pearl episode 2 and #FreeKaneAndDimitri #JusticeForKaneAndDimitri ✊

Treville: We call that a traumatic event

Treville, turning to Athos: Not a “bruh moment”

Treville, turning to Porthos: Not a “major L”

Treville, turning to Aramis: And not an “oof lmao”

Porthos: Why are you all standing on chairs?

D'Artagnan: We’re playing a game

Aramis: Yeah it’s called “D'Artagnan lost the damn spider”

Porthos: [jumps on a chair]

my brother hates the space elevator from toaru so much he sent me this

he finally told me he was proud of me yesterday

after i had given all of myself

searching in other people what he didn’t give me

selling parts of my soul for short lived validation

but you’re proud of me dad?

all that is left of me is my heart in your hands

what i’ve become is great he says

but i look in the mirror

and i see a few strands of hair falling from a broken down body

morsels to appreciate

but finally, he is satisfied


make me a goddess

shaped out of pure divinity

mold my features so that they appear to kiss the setting sun

search my soul with eyes full of lust, love and wondering

so sweetly set me on your pedestal

displaying my celestial substance for all of the mortal beings to gaze upon

oh lover,

how I miss us

things were simple

the world wasn’t so big

we didn’t have to be anything to impress

it was just you, me, and a sky full of newly named stars

i’ve dreamed of death countless times

oh how i wish to not have woken up in the last moments before my demise

the sweet seconds before a forever peace are whispering to me

taunting me to stumble into deaths eternal embrace

i found myself ripping out my eyelashes

blowing them off my finger

wishing that you would find yourself falling in love with me

hoping that star that i pray to every night

would take pity on me

granting my wishes true
