


“n – a Buddist guardian of children and travellers or statues of him. Usually in the form of じぞうさま. These statues are found in temples and all over Japan at roadside or on paths.” – Oxford Japanese Minidictoinary, © Jonathan Bunt 2000, 2001, pg 103.



The Jizo / Ojizousama is one of Japans most loved Japanese divinities, as he is affiliated with protection and the saving of “lost” souls. More commonly the souls of children who have passed before ‘their time’.  It is said that Ojizousama helps babies, still borns and children’s souls to pass onto the afterlife, saving them from an eternity of piling stones on the banks of the Sanzu River (a river which is believed to have to be crossed in order to reach the afterlife). In doing so he hides the young souls in his cloak, protecting them from demons and carrying them across.

It is quite common to find these statues in cemeteries, temples and on roadsides/paths and sometimes accompanied with little stones, pebbles and/or coins. These little offerings are given as thanks for saving/protecting someone or in hopes that this divinity with aid someone lost.  
Ojizousama is also believed to be the protector of travellers, or dousojin, and Firefighters.


Scarabs are engraved stones representing the Scarab beetle (Scarabaeus sacer), which rolls each of i

Scarabs are engraved stones representing the Scarab beetle (Scarabaeus sacer), which rolls each of its eggs in a ball of mud and may be seen on sandy slopes in the hot sunshine of Egypt; rounding the pellet by pushing it backwards uphill with its hind legs, and allowing it to roll down again. The ancient Egyptian compared this living germ to the sun, which brings matter into life, and the Scarab became the symbol of creation, and sacred to their Sun-god, Khepera. It was their custom as far back as 4,600 years B.C. to bury these engraved Scarabs with their dead, and frequently one was placed in the heart itself. It was an emblem of re-creation, and symbolized this evolution of the soul through eternity.

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“Occult literature and teachers of the Lesser Mysteries often terrify the audiences with the h

“Occult literature and teachers of the Lesser Mysteries often terrify the audiences with the horrors of the abyss, the void.

They talk of extinction and nonexistence.

And it is true that the abyss terrifies those who are still attached to individuality.

That is why it is the true function of the Mysteries is to prepare the mind for the plunge into the Divine Depths.”

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Cherubim ‘The cherubim are winged creatures, but the form of them does not resemble that of anCherubim ‘The cherubim are winged creatures, but the form of them does not resemble that of anCherubim ‘The cherubim are winged creatures, but the form of them does not resemble that of an


‘The cherubim are winged creatures, but the form of them does not resemble that of any living creature seen by man’ (Josephus).

They signify presence of divinity and are guardians of the sacred and of the threshold.

As tetramorphs cherubim are the quaternary of elemental powers guarding the centre of Paradise which is inaccessible to the unregenerate man.

They combine the bull (Taurus), lion (Leo), eagle (Scorpio), and man (Aquarius), symbolizing the four elements, the four corners of the earth and, in Christianity, the four Evangelists.

After the Seraphim they are the highest of the nine orders of angels.

In heraldry a cherub is depicted as a child’s head (purity and innocence) between a pair of wings (spiritual nature).

Yahweh is 'enthroned’ upon the cherbuim’ (I Sam. 4,4).

The throne of the Temple of Jerusalem in the Holy of Holies was flanked by two cherubim and the throne was formed by their wings.

[Source: An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols by J.C. Cooper]

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one of the fastest ways to speed up your desire is through SLEEP. believe it or not! with these methods, you can manifest your desire literally the NEXT DAY. i remember when i tried this method and got a 55inch tv the NEXT day. give it a try tonight, and tell me how it goes!

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“But I do believe in that sleeping during the action in some strange way seems to hasten the interval between the doing and the realization of it. Of course you don’t have to sleep, but I have found from experience that if I can fall asleep while I’m performing the action, the action which implies the fulfillment of my dream, that I quickly collapse the time. In little Barbados, it took me less than one day to have passage on the ship.” - Neville Goddard.

the lullaby method


1. first, get into a drowsy, sleepy state. not too awake, not too sleepy. like, when you can open your eyes but you don’t want to. (if you fall asleep way too quickly, start affirming early. it’s better to be safe than sorry).

2. then, affirm for your desires when you are drifting asleep until you fall asleep.

for example, let’s say i was affirming for my desired face. i would KNOW i would get my desired face when i woke up. and in a sleepy, drowsy state, i’d affirm:

  • “i have my desired face”
  • “i look exactly how i want to”
  • “i have head turning beauty”
  • “i woke up with my desired face”
  • “i am extremely beautiful”

or if i was manifesting a large sum of money, i’d affirm:

  • “money comes to me quickly and easily”
  • “i always have more than enough money”
  • “i am rich”
  • “i have multiple streams of income”
  • “i am a money magnet”

if i was shifting to my dr i’d affirm something like:

  • “i will wake up in my dr”
  • “i am in my dr”
  • “i shifted”
  • “i woke up in my dr”
  • “shifting is so easy for me”

“A most effective way to embody a desire is to assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled and then, in a relaxed and sleepy state, repeat over and over again like a lullaby, any short phrase which implies fulfillment of your desire, such as, Thank you, thank you, thank you, until the single sensation of thankfulness dominates the mind.” – Neville Goddard

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This wonderful experience of rising and floating is the signal that you are absent from the body or problem and are now present with the Lord; in this expanded state you are not conscious of being anything but I AM – I AM; you are only conscious of being.

the I AM state


the “I AM state” or also sometimes called “the void state” is a state in pure consciousness, where you are a formless, shapeless being. it is pitch black with pure nothingness. in this “void”, you will feel a floating feeling, so don’t be alarmed about that.

people enter this state because when you manifest in this state, you manifest INSTANTLY. you can shift in this state, or get whatever you desire also.this state is extremely easy to get into. it’s a bit similar to the lullaby method.

in this state, you will manifest every single one of your desires extremely easily, because you are no longer immersed in sensory/outside world. no intrusive thoughts, no doubts, nothing. your consciousness is a purely “clean slate” and “empty”.

this may seem like a lot, but it’s REALLY easy to get into. i got in the void state on my FIRST TRY. if i can do it, you can do it. give it a try tonight and tell me how it goes!

how to do it


1. first, get into a comfortable position. you can move around for a bit until you find a position that is comfortable. then, stay still.

2. after that, breathe in and out for a while, focus on you breathing. then, begin to affim “I AM” “i am nothing” “i am faceless and formless” “i am in the void state” etc.

KEEP DOING THIS. you’re going to get start getting a floaty feeling. if you get this feeling, you are doing it right. keep doing this, and make sure you’re affirming from a peaceful place, and you are fully relaxed.

you may get tempted to move, itch, etc. this is just your body checking to see if you’re awake or not. IGNORE IT. this is also a sign you’re doing it right.

3. great! you’re now in the void state. now, you can affirm/visualise or just decide what you want to happen. after that, you will manifest what you want EXTREMELY quickly, almost instantly!

you can shift realities, travel back in time or manifest something. good luck and try this tonight! you can do this at night or in the middle of the day. good luck!



sleep paralysis is a quick and easy way to enter the void extremely quickly. sleep paralysis is when you cannot move AT ALL, and the purpose of it is to prevent your body from acting out your dreams.

don’t worry, you won’t see anything scary. people say they scary stuff, but it’s just hallucinations. nothing can you harm you. remember you are in FULL control. you chose to give yourself yourself sleep paralysis, and you can come out of it if you want to! to get out of sleep paralysis, simply wiggle your toes for like 30 seconds and you’ll get out of ity with the ease.

there are various ways to get sleep paralysis.

  • wait it out. simply get into a comfortable position, and wait for your body to fall asleep, while keeping your mind awake. do this by staying completely still and thinking of things/daydreaming to keep your mind awake. eventually, you will convince your body it is asleep.
  • usethis guided meditation to enter sleep paralysis. follow this man’s voice.
  • usethissubliminal.
  • affirm “i have sleep paralysis” while sleepy, and you’ll wake it up with it. (basically, the lullaby method.)
  • just set an intention that you’ll get it.
  • just sleep on your back.

after getting sleep paralysis, you won’t be able to move AT ALL. if you think you can move and get up effortlessly, you are NOT in sleep paralysis.

when you have successfully achieved sleep paralysis, start for the void. “i am pure consciousness” and “i am in the void” would suffice. you’ll reach there in a matter of minutes.

you can also:

  • command your subconscious entering the void
  • visualise your desires after getting out of the void
  • write a fake diary entry post void


how do i know i’m in the void?

you’ll know when you’re in the void when:

  • you are not in your room anymore
  • it is PITCH BLACK
  • you can’t feel your body
  • you can’t hear anything
  • you are in a LITERAL void

you’ll definitely know when you’re in the void. you can’t miss it. if you “think” you were in the void, you weren’t there.

can i move when entering the void?

no. you must stay completely still.

how long does it take to get into the void?

entirely depends on what method you use.

why do i get the urge to move?

your body is checking to see if you’re awake or not.

how do i overcome the urges?

patience & determination. also, distract yourself by daydreaming and thinking about things.

can i get stuck in the void?

no. you are in full and total control.

can i accidentally manifest something i don’t want in the void

no, there are no intrusive thoughts or anything outside that influence you in the void. it is just you.

is it possible to get out of the void without your desires

no. anyone who said they went to the void and said they didn’t manifest anything, didn’t go to the void.

is there are a limit to what i can manifest in the void

no, there is no limit. anything is possible. doesn’t matter if you want to manifest a billion dollars, shift realities or become famous overnight.

do i enter the void awake or asleep

depends on you. both methods work. however, getting there via sleep is faster.

i get distracted easily. how can i get into the void

use the lullaby method to enter the void/sleep paralysis, it is probably the quickest way to get there.

do i need to prepare to go into the void

no, it’s not necessary. however, some people like to use meditative music/breath work/subliminals in order for them to get relaxed before getting to the void. here is a playlist of videos someone used to get into the void. the key to the void is relaxation.

how do i know i’m doing it right

you start to feel tingles, twitches and urges to roll over and move. ignore these urges. you also start to feel really light/a floating sensation.

i don’t want to enter the void via sleep paralysis. what can i do

you can do it the traditional way, just staying still and affirming. or you can do the lullaby method and wake up in the void.


  • don’t form an unhealthy obsession with the void. if it’s not for you, MOVE ON. a lot of you guys get so obsessed with this method to the point where it affects your mental health. it shouldn’t. no method is worth that. plus, you can manifest INSTANTLY without the void. there are people on my page who have manifested a 20 inch waist in an HOUR without the void. it’s not the only way to instantly manifest. it’s just another method.
  • the best way to ensure your success is to think of entering the void as the easiest thing in the world. and guess what, it is! a lot of people just overcomplicated it. it is very simple and easy to get into.
  • you can try this method at any time of the day. it doesn’t even have to be at night. you can do it in any position - even sitting on a chair! just be COMFORTABLE and RELAXED.
  • if you keep failing, revaluate what you did wrong and try again.
  • BE PATIENT. a lot of people give up WAYYYY too early.
  • if you’re really determined to enter the void, take some breaks. work on your self concept. don’t put it on a pedestal.
  • the void isn’t a meditative state. people think the void is when you’re relaxed and you feel floaty. NO. THAT IS NOT THE VOID. THE VOID IS A *LITERAL*VOID.
  • stop treating the void as the solution to all your problems. you can get your desired life without it. if it’s NOT working for you and it put you in a bad mental space, give it up and WORK ON YOUR SELF CONCEPT.
  • the lullaby method is a great alternative to the void. it’s just as instant. in fact, ALL METHODS ARE. THIS IS JUST ANOTHER METHOD.

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i think you should try either method going to sleep tonight, it’ll benefit you A LOT! you can literally wake up with your desire. crazy, right? alright, that’s it, my loves! i hope you enjoy this post.

#porter robinson    #divinity    #electro    #producer    #proximity    #virtual self    #worlds    
BedtimeHe cherished this juncture, when they met for a few moments, even if it left him with a bitte


He cherished this juncture, when they met for a few moments, even if it left him with a bittersweet feeling. To see Her, so full of life, warm and radiant, slowly falling asleep, getting cold and numb as she embraced him… Yet, it was his very role to put his beloved Sun to bed so that the Night could emerge. 

Here is an illustration for the upcoming issue of the Sink-Fanzine, “Divinités”(”Deities”) ! I chose to explore the bond between the Sun goddess and the Night God, both pleasant and painful to them. 

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“You illuminate the beauty in me, you make me glow.. if it weren’t for you, the love wouldn’t flow.”

If it weren’t for you, love would not exist.. flowing deep within me and through my wrists. You are the most beautiful thing that I can think of, yes.. even more beautiful than love.. you are beauty divine, all mine, my love and my star sign.. I rotate below you like a moon - eUë

 Golden Sophia, mischtechnik on panel Daniel Mirante www.danielmirante.com

Golden Sophia, mischtechnik on panel

Daniel Mirante www.danielmirante.com

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Jason Schneiderman, “Blood and Soil”

Jason Schneiderman, “Blood and Soil”

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I made a really big decision today.. . . . #cts #chicagotheologicalseminary #mdiv #divinity #jewis

I made a really big decision today.
#cts #chicagotheologicalseminary #mdiv #divinity #jewishstudies #divinityschool #gradschool #interfaith (at Vancouver, Washington)

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 Elfy elfy Jemini, my Metamorph from Divinity Original Sin II  At this point I think this is my &ldq

Elfy elfy Jemini, my Metamorph from Divinity Original Sin II
 At this point I think this is my “safe” style lol

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The way I have envisioned self-love in the past has been very different than the reality I’ve been g

The way I have envisioned self-love in the past has been very different than the reality I’ve been guided to open up to over the past year. I’m realizing that it’s not compassionate for me to push myself to try to create something with others when that effort is not reciprocal. I realized it is compassionate to allow love to be a separate category that is not synonymous with relationships that feel burdensome or obligatory. I’m learning that self-love means allowing myself to create a life with surroundings that supports who I am, what I believe, and what I desire. I’ve learned that self-love means closing the door firmly on the past and the energies that are too resistant to move forward. New doors will open in the future for those energies that are not ready or willing to go through transformation right now- should they decide to shift into a higher version of themselves later on that is aligned with my truths. Self-love also means releasing responsibility or control to try to figure out a way to carry energies with me that are not holding themselves up. I used to think shutting doors was cold. Now I see that it’s the only way to move forward from that which is holding me back. Because self-love means being very honest with myself about what it is that is holding me back- and being willing to release it with love.☀️✨#movingforward #movingon #gettingclosure #transformation #roadtrip #selflove #unconditionallove #peace #unity respect #selfrespect #divinetiming #divinity #femininity #divinefeminine #union #hearts #bemine #infinity #happiness #joy #sunshine #plussize #plussizemodel #plussizefashion #bodypositivity #bodypositive #travelstyleglitter #bodylovebritt #justice (at Tucson, Arizona)

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Estë, the goddess of healing and rest. The sweet, the healer. Wife of Irmo, Lòrien.Irmo, Lòrien, TheEstë, the goddess of healing and rest. The sweet, the healer. Wife of Irmo, Lòrien.Irmo, Lòrien, TheEstë, the goddess of healing and rest. The sweet, the healer. Wife of Irmo, Lòrien.Irmo, Lòrien, TheEstë, the goddess of healing and rest. The sweet, the healer. Wife of Irmo, Lòrien.Irmo, Lòrien, TheEstë, the goddess of healing and rest. The sweet, the healer. Wife of Irmo, Lòrien.Irmo, Lòrien, TheEstë, the goddess of healing and rest. The sweet, the healer. Wife of Irmo, Lòrien.Irmo, Lòrien, TheEstë, the goddess of healing and rest. The sweet, the healer. Wife of Irmo, Lòrien.Irmo, Lòrien, The

Estë, the goddess of healing and rest. The sweet, the healer. Wife of Irmo, Lòrien.

Irmo, Lòrien, The god of dreams and visions. Master of spirits, and husband of Estë.

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Nienna, the goddess of mourning and compassion. The weeper. Her tears have the power to heal, give cNienna, the goddess of mourning and compassion. The weeper. Her tears have the power to heal, give cNienna, the goddess of mourning and compassion. The weeper. Her tears have the power to heal, give cNienna, the goddess of mourning and compassion. The weeper. Her tears have the power to heal, give cNienna, the goddess of mourning and compassion. The weeper. Her tears have the power to heal, give cNienna, the goddess of mourning and compassion. The weeper. Her tears have the power to heal, give c

Nienna, the goddess of mourning and compassion. The weeper. Her tears have the power to heal, give courage and hope .

Ulmo, the god of oceans and seas, and all forms of water on Arda ‍♂️

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“You are a Divine creation—a being of light who showed up here as a human being at the exact m

“You are a Divine creation—a being of light who showed up here as a human being at the exact moment you were supposed to. You are the beloved, a miracle, a part of the eternal perfection.”

And don’t ever let yourself or anyone tell you different. 

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Barometric pressure 30.08 in Outside temp 68° humidity 49 With great-great-grandma Tillie’s re

Barometric pressure 30.08 in
Outside temp 68° humidity 49
With great-great-grandma Tillie’s recipe, luck, and a smidge of magic I freaking nailed it.

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The weather is perfect for divinity! Almost done…

The weather is perfect for divinity! Almost done…

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pronunciation | ‘nU-mi-nusnote | The word originated in religious usage, but it can be applied

pronunciation | ‘nU-mi-nus
note | The word originated in religious usage, but it can be applied to natural experiences as well as supernatural. It can also mean “suggesting the presence of something holy or divine”.

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Her altar represents her essential self and becomes a visual metaphor for her woman-spirit. A wo
Her altar represents her essential self and becomes a visual metaphor for her woman-spirit. A woman’s altar is the bridge between her inner world and the world of form. It is where she is free to capture and display the shapes, the shades, 
and the substance of her invisible essence. Once she has created the altar, a woman depends on it to tell the story of her inner life. It is a place of her own where she can take time to make sense of the insane pace of her life, where she can find the space to simplify, where she can just sit and stare.
The altar becomes a place where the woman can commune with both the personal and the cosmic aspects of herself, where she can both dance with the Divine and imbue every aspect of her personal life with sacredness, where she can both reclaim her power and revel in her innate beauty ❤

An altar can be used in many ways: 
to say thank you to the powers that be
to celebrate Mother Nature in all her guises
to seek spiritual wisdom
to honor the ancestors
to offer up struggles
to receive creative inspiration
to dialogue with the deeper part of her being
to honor her body
Photo: Her altar represents her essential self and becomes a visual metaphor for her woman-spirit. A woman's altar is the bridge between her inner world and the world of form. It is where she is free to capture and display the shapes, the shades, and the substance of her invisible essence. Once she has created the altar, a woman depends on it to tell the story of her inner life. It is a place of her own where she can take time to make sense of the insane pace of her life, where she can find the space to simplify, where she can just sit and stare. The altar becomes a place where the woman can commune with both the personal and the cosmic aspects of herself, where she can both dance with the Divine and imbue every aspect of her personal life with sacredness, where she can both reclaim her power and revel in her innate beauty ❤ An altar can be used in many ways: to say thank you to the powers that be to celebrate Mother Nature in all her guises to seek spiritual wisdom to honor the ancestors to offer up struggles to receive creative inspiration to dialogue with the deeper part of her being to honor her body

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