

This Is fat, Chubby and soft. Very very beautifull

Candii kayn nel suo splendore spero che un giorno ritorni più grassa di prima

Carlita Bonita on curvage Is heavy

Guardate@rosiemariefeedee com'è ingrassata una ragazza Cosi magra, chi avrebbe mai pensato che diventasse così tonda piena di curve e così bella auguro a questa ragazza un buon guadagno di peso e che diventi la ragazza più pesante perché è certo che è la più sexy

how fat is a girl So skinny, who would have thought she would get so round full of curves and so beautiful I wish this girl a good weight gain and that she becomes the heaviest girl. because it sure is the sexiest



She getting faaaat and Wide


Eddie Harris - That Is Why You’re OverweightAirbrushed by Peter Palombi.

Eddie Harris - That Is Why You’re Overweight
Airbrushed by Peter Palombi.

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I’ve been out of the online feedism scene for about a year or more now..what did I mess?

Bear Cabin



Noah is a slick interior designer from the city whose car careens off the highway during a blizzard. He awakens to find himself in a cozy cabin far off the grid being tended to by a massive bear of a man named Hunter. With no cell service or roadways open, Noah confronts the fact he will be locked up with Hunter for some time until the snow melts. With no other option, he learns to love Hunter’s home cooked feasts and vast survival knowledge. As the men fatten up during winter hibernation they also develop an unshakable bond.

Read the full story after the jump

Hunter was in the middle of dinner when he heard a call for help coming from the woods. He swallowed the steak he was masticating and stood up. He heard it again. It was definitely a human’s voice, which was odd for his remote area of the forest. He put out the roaring fire he had built and wrapped himself in his warmest parka and snow boots.

Hunter lumbered out of his modest log cabin into the blistering wind and snow. He hoisted his massive body onto his snowmobile and started the engine. Heading North, the calls for help grew closer and closer until he found the source. A small car had careened off the highway and into a snowpile, the driver still trapped inside.

Hunter grabbed the axe from the toolbox on the back of the snowmobile and hacked the man free from the vehicle. He was bloodied and slight, unable to string together words. Hunter helped the man onto his snowmobile and the two rode back to the cabin, the man’s arms struggling to fit around Hunter’s barrel-like body.

Twelve hours, some bandages, and warm blankets later, the men were able to officially meet.

“Name’s Hunter, I found you out in the woods. Your car flew off the road and you were on the verge of hypothermia. I think your ankle is sprained but that’s not bad all things considered.”

“Wh-where am I?”

“We’re about a hundred miles South of town as the crow flies. This is my cabin, I live off the grid for the most part. Roads and phones are down ‘cuz of the blizzard and there’s no cell towers out here.”

“Who are you?”

“Hunter. Been livin’ out here for almost a decade now. Got sick of city life.”

After much hesitation, the man introduced himself as Noah, an interior designer from the city. He was doing a small job in the adjacent town and made the mistake of driving home during a blizzard. After realizing Hunter was gay, Noah seemed to loosen up a bit. Over some coffee and small talk they even discovered that Hunter used to live a few blocks away from Noah’s current apartment.

Nonetheless, Noah was disturbed by his current predicament. He was nearly bedridden and trapped in a cabin with a strange bear of a man. Although Hunter seemed nice, his sheer girth left Noah feeling intimidated. Hunter was about 6’4” and a bit over 350 pounds. With a firm globe of fat for a stomach, bulging muscles, and a well cropped beard, Hunter was the epitome of a lumberjack. The flannel and knit beanie only accentuated this.

Noah, on the other hand, was about 5’10” and barely 160 pounds. His polished minimalist design sensibility stood in sharp contrast to the hulking lumberjack and his primitive cabin in the woods. After about 24 hours of anxiety and brainstorming, Noah finally accepted the reality that he would be trapped in this cabin for some time to come.

Over the next two weeks Noah saw first hand why Hunter was such a beefy guy. The man rarely stopped eating! On average, he ate six “small” meals a day, or at least that’s how he described them. For the average person these were generous spreads dense with calories and often drenched in butter and fat. Hunter cooked most everything in either butter or straight fat and at the center of nearly every meal were a wad of carbohydrates and usually some sort of meat-based protein.

Through their conversations, Noah learned that Hunter “hibernated” in the winter, which meant eating constantly and gaining weight. He maybe had one or two hours to spare between each meal, which was often spent sipping on warm milk and reading or writing. With Noah around they would play cards or board games. According to Hunter, in the spring and summer he would spend his days hunting and gathering or chopping firewood to sell at a nearby campground. He kept in shape this way and claimed he would lose fat in the warmer months, which Noah found hard to believe given his current rotund shape.

Hunter was basically a series of curves and bulges. His head sat atop a circle of fat that was his neck which connected to burly shoulders and bulging fatty pecs. Beneath his chest was the biggest part of his body: the hemisphere which was his gut. It hung before him with a palpable heaviness that shifted Hunter’s stride into a slow waddle. Lovehandles ballooned at his waist that gave way to a shelf like ass that, even in its impressive girth, was dwarfed by his midsection. All of this was supported by long husky legs that seemed as big around as Noah himself. They formed a sturdy base of muscle and fat that supported the rest of the giant man.

Inevitably, with Hunter cooking and caring for him, Noah began to bulk up himself. With nothing else to do or entertain him, he gladly joined in Hunter’s hearty meals. He felt constantly full and sometimes a little disgusted with himself, but Hunter was an excellent chef and the smells that filled the cabin were too enticing to deny. A month ago Noah would have balked at anything cooked in animal fat, but his life had been completely turned upside down since then. With a bum ankle and little opportunity for physical activity the weight piled up at a rate that would horrify his friends in the city.

In two weeks, Noah wagered he had stacked on about fifteen pounds. The flat stomach that was on the verge of a six pack just three weeks ago now had a prominent curve as a tiny pillow of fat swelled beneath the skin of his navel. Noah had been thin all his life and found his new pudge oddly fascinating. He also had never slept with a man who outweighed him, so the simple sensation of soft fat was a wholly new one. Although he feared losing status in the sexual hierarchy of gay city life, he found himself strangely exhilerated by the weight gain.

By the time he was back on his feet and walking Noah noticed that his ass had rounded out as well. It felt definitievely softer and from what he could glance in the mirror it was definitely curvier. This was a bonus, he told himself. Perhaps when he returned to the city he could cut a few pounds in the belly and keep his puffier ass.

Despite regaining his mobility, there was still no cell service for miles and the roads were completely snowed in. Hunter suspected the snowplows wouldn’t make it through for about another month or so, but committed to regular forays on the snowmobile to check the status of the roads. This assured Noah, who was becoming increasingly enchanted by his savior. The two shared a camaraderie that only deepened as time passed. Noah admired Hunter’s deep knowledge on so many topics and his devotion to living self sufficiently. And Hunter couldn’t deny that he needed the company, besides he found Noah charming and sweet.

Looking down the pipeline of another month spent cloistered in the small cabin with little to do, Noah made a conscious decision to let loose and enjoy himself. He stopped shaving his face and paid little attention to his physique. There was not much to do besides cook and eat so he might as well have fun with it. Besides, he reassured himself, he could always lose any weight he gained.

Day after day Noah was learning how to enrich every meal from Hunter. Dairy was central to their diet. In the cellar of the cabin was a massive fridge and freezer system stacked with pounds of butter, milk, eggs, and much more. Rich, creamy dishes electrified their taste buds as they bonded over endless glasses of wine. As their fondness for one another grew so did their waistlines, particularly Noah’s.

The paunch he’d developed the first few weeks spread across his abdomen. Warm fat now crested out from just below his chest, continuing to swell outwards as it reached his navel, where it then wrapped around his sides and formed noticeable love handles. Consequently, the city slicker could no longer close the button on his only pair of denim. To stay warm and comfy he wore Hunter’s old long john’s around the house, which clung to the cellulite developing on his lower half.

Hunter too was softly expanding. It was less noticeable given his natural rotundity. Still, his belly in particular had swelled in circumference weighing down his already slow and deliberate movements. The extra inches on his gut were always bumping into things and Hunter was developing issues with some activities. For instance, he could no longer bend over to pick something up, needing instead to take a knee. Excavating himself from the couch was a struggle and even getting dressed was becoming difficult. Noah marveled at these attributes of Hunter’s grandiose fatness. He had never seen such a massive bear in his natural habitat.

Having Noah around alleviated some of these issues, as the smaller man could help out around the house. In regard to cooking, Noah was becoming something of a sous chef. As the two men prepared venison burgers and sweet potato fries one evening, Hunter leaned his weight against the countertop while giving orders to Noah. He enjoyed watching Noah in the kitchen. The young man was getting excited about food and that warmed Hunter’s heart.

They had been sipping moonshine for a few hours before they began cooking and their movements were loose and silly. Noah struggled with grating the ginger root so Hunter stepped in drunkenly. His belly accidentally bumped against both Noah and the plate of ginger causing it to spill. Surprised and feeling silly, Noah placed his hand on Hunter’s gut.

“Careful there, champ,” Noah grinned. “Wow, this thing is firmer than I realized,” Noah continued and patted Hunter’s gut.

“You like the way that feels, huh skinny?”

Noah laughed, “I can’t say it feels bad…” as his hands squeezed some meaty underbelly.

“Feels like a man, doesn’t it? Maybe you’ll be big one day too.”

“I don’t know about that…”

“Come on, I can see that you like it. Go ahead, slip your hands under my shirt and see what you think.”

Noah’s cock was stirring to attention as his hand slipped against Hunter’s warm furry flesh, dense with fat and begging to be touched. Hunter took a mighty step towards his counterpart, his belly fully pressing against Noah’s body. The two held eye contact as Hunter took another step, then another, until Noah was stumbling backwards and pressed against the wall. With nowhere to move, they leaned in and locked lips.

This led them to the soft sheepskin rug in front of the fireplace where they made out and explored each other’s bodies. Noah was enthralled by his first sexual interaction with an obese body. His face explored every dip and curve of Hunter’s undulating flesh. He sucked on Hunter’s nipples that drooped with fat from a hardened muscled base. The skin of which was densely covered with chest hair that unlocked the most delicious pheromones.

Lower down, Noah could not get enough of the fat pad that hung as precipitously as Hunter’s belly. It completely encumbered the man’s cock and heavy balls. Noah squeezed meaty handfuls of it before smashing his face into the creases it formed against fattened thighs and belly. The warm crevices of that region smelled of man and sex. It drove Noah wild with lust.

Hunter enjoyed the smaller man’s admiration and lust, letting him do most of the heavy lifting when it came to foreplay and sex. He examined Noah’s pale skin that was soft and delicate from working in an office for years. It had since grown plump from their time together, particularly in the belly and rear, and flushed hot pink with desire. Whenever Hunter could reach without too much effort, he would pinch or slap the flab that hung from Noah. The gesture would leave a red imprint in the young man’s gooey fat before fading away.

Eventually, their communion culminated in orgasm and the two men lay exhausted and cozy in front of the fire. This only lasted a few minutes until their greedy stomachs bellowed with hunger growls and they got back to cooking dinner.

After crossing the line from accidental roommates to lovers, Hunter and Noah became intensely close. They began to fuck almost as frequently as they ate, which was no easy feat. Any notion of time began to fade as they became consumed with consumption, both of food and each other. Something had been triggered within Noah who was now intent on gobbling as much food as possible and boasting of his weight gains. He also rapturously absorbed as much culinary and survival knowledge as he could from Hunter.

With only Hunter around for comparison, Noah barely realized just how fat he was becoming. His thighs pooled out beneath him when he sat and he was barely cognizant of how they rubbed together on his short walks to the kitchen and back. He was, however, very conscious and proud of the globular circumference of his ass cheeks. He could feel them jiggle beneath his skin tight long johns with every step that he took. This was the one part of his body that had outgrown Hunter and Noah boasted of this often.

Up top, Noah was becoming a proper cub. His facial hair had grown out into a short cropped beard and his body hair sprung forth with gusto. From his chest to his belly to his bush, Noah was looking hairier by the day. His furry stomach was now properly chubby and on the verge of an overhang. It bounced when he laughed and spilled forward into his lap when seated.

Fat had finally filled all the divots of his formerly twinky body. Whether his face, or his ribs, or the “V” of his groin, Noah was becoming more and more convex than concave. The newfound girth lent Noah a sense of groundedness and self-assurance in his body. He felt more manly and feral by the day.

As the time passed and the snow melted, Noah grew hesitant to return to his former life in the city. He knew there was no other option as friends, family, and work were likely panicked by his sudden disappearance. Still, he didn’t want to stay there. He actually dreaded the thought of returning to the superficiality and the rat race of city life. Finally, after much conversation with Hunter, Noah came to the conclusion that he would be selling all his assets and moving off the grid with his new bear of a boyfriend.

When the roads were finally clear, the two hefty men piled into Hunter’s rickety old truck and headed for town. Having put on several inches in circumference over the winter, Hunter’s gut now pressed firmly and uncomfortably into the steering wheel. Noah filled the passenger seat while their collective weight bore down on the springs of the vehicle. Considering Noah had outgrown all his clothes, they first stopped at a ranching store for a real outfit. Noah was shocked to see the sizes that he was now fitting into. He realized that his entire wardrobe back home had become obsolete and would be headed to a donation center.

Noah waited until he was back inside his chic minimalist apartment before turning on his phone. Hunter sat uncomfortably on a boxy mid century modern couch that sagged beneath his weight and watched as Noah made phone calls reassuring friends and family of his safety. Dressed in ranching gear with fat bulging outward in every direction, Noah stood in stark contrast to the clean lines and refined color palette of his home.

For the next week the couple stayed in the city while Noah tied up loose ends. The designer’s coworkers were shocked to see him in the flesh. The majority tried to remain silent on his obvious fattening until one person broke: “How’d you get so damn fat with no grocery stores or Uber Eats?” Then the comments came rolling in. Noah received recommendations on gym memberships, diet advice, and what types of clothing were most slimming on larger men. Growing tired of the judgmental comments he finally cut them off and announced his departure from the company.

His friends reacted similarly. There was concern for his health, concern about rushing into a relationship, concern that he’d end up just as gargantuan as Hunter. It was the same story with Noah’s parents. After a week of public humiliation and fat shaming, Noah was dually irritated and excited. Somehow, the shallowness of everyone’s comments stirred a deep urge within Noah to rebel, to get even larger, to swell with fat. He felt strangely turned on by the prospect of growing into a massive hunk of hairy meat just like Hunter. Most of all, he was eager to leave everything behind and retreat to the woods with his love.

The next time friends and family saw him, Noah promised himself, he would be unrecognizable. He was going to become a fat furry bulging bear unlike anyone had ever seen.

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When pop singer and one hit wonder Sawyer begins to pack on the pounds at an astonishing rate, his entire life changes. Weight gain is not easy for anyone and can be even more complicated when it happens in the public eye. For Sawyer, there are some strategic advantages to chubbing up and he begins to pursue life as big guy. However, with the added weight comes some significant changes to his life and career. Can Sawyer survive in Hollywood as a big guy?

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lucydonaghan:(Submission) Around an hour later the pants exploded He was riding high on his first ca


(Submission) Around an hour later the pants exploded

He was riding high on his first case won until someone whipped out a camera. Suddenly, the stress of the job, all the takeout food delivered to the office, and the late night beers with his partners ran through his mind. He sucked in the best he could and smiled. He knew his law school buddies wouldn’t see success, but just a waist that ballooned from 32 to 36 in seven months. He’d never live down their jokes. “How do I stop this from hitting Facebook,” he sweated.

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bigdrmr:80+ lbs. since high school and it still closes.f*ckin unf…. jesus


80+ lbs. since high school and it still closes.

f*ckin unf…. jesus

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