#owk series


Guys, please, I cannot with this Obi-Wan Kenobi dress being sold at Hot Topic—

I mean, if they’re selling it maybe Obi-Wan will wear it later in the series He would be so hot in this

The rage of the Obi-Wan Kenobi side of the Star Wars fandom will be untethered if we do not get to see Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christensen in Clone Wars flashbacks in thearmor.

New behind-the-scenes footage of Ewan McGregor training for Obi-Wan Kenobi! Seeing him just flatten people was more attractive than I care to admit and I can’t wait to see it in the coming episodes! Also, this needs to be turned into a new meme format—ASAP.

I was laughing my ass off when those poor storm troopers JUST finished telling each other “yeah man this place is fucking creepy can’t wait to transfer outta here” just to immediately hear a soft and ghostly whispered “b e n ?” right behind them afterwards?? Those poor bastards. Peak comedy.

You’d think after The Phantom Menace the Star Wars franchise would have learned not to include an irritating nuisance character as one of its side cast but no, they had to make young!Leia a Frankenstein combination of the worst aspects of Jake Lloyd and Jar Jar with unreasonable running ability vs leg length compared to every other cast member. Who knew what Star Wars fans REALLY wanted was instead of compelling teens who are relatable, spoiled kids who somehow everything works out for?
