#obi wan show



Check out this exclusive EW cover featuring Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan Kenobi!  The limited series starts streaming May 25 on Disney+

More exclusive images:

With the Obi-Wan series trailer dropping I’d like to remind all of you that Owen Lars hates Obi-Wan and entirely blames him for what happened to Anakin.

Star Wars (2015) #15




people are already complaining baby leia is annoying - which is funny bc did we forget this is the girl that

  • dropped multiple water balloons on moff tarkin’s head
  • organized a protest at her boarding school because they were being served bottled juice instead of freshly squeezed
  • reprogrammed her school’s mainframe to replace the word “palpatine” with “one particularly upsetting curse”
  • got kicked out of almost every school she attended
  • used to hide in the woods when she didn’t get her way
  • had her friends switch places with her so she could sneak out of the palace and cause trouble
  • frequently ran away as a child

like…you guys…if she’s coming off as a willful or “annoying” 10 year old, idk how to tell you how in character for her that is lol

she’s also quite literally a force sensitive princess of an entire planet who has anakin skywalker and padmé amidala’s dna

let her be annoying, it’s her birthright

but also - on a more serious note - the actress is a child and does not deserve the level of cruelty people are already dishing out





Okay, but who is in Vader’s eye in his poster?

Obi-Wan in all the other posters is holding a lightsaber, like in the fifth brother’s poster. See Obi-Wan in Tala’s poster:

Butthis is Vader’s poster:

Is that meant to be Obi-Wan without a lightsaber, symbolizing Obi-Wan’s reluctance to fight Vader?? Or is it…someone else? Vader’s past self? Or someone else entirely? WHO IS THAT!!??

We need to know.

(why tf does it kind of look like Maul)

I think Vader was feeling a deep and supreme disappointment at seeing Obi-Wan again. He’s been thinking of almost nothing else for ten years, wanting revenge on master Kenobi, the warrior that bested him in battle and maimed him completely, and he was probably imagining some intense rematch in which he would overtake Obi-Wan as he was in his prime. And instead he’s met with this old man who hasn’t held a light saber in ten years, running away from him, no desire to fight him, none of the old Obi-Wan spirit familiar to him.

It makes total sense to me that Vader let Obi-Wan go. To kill him then, as a weak man who had no interest in fighting him (and barely could) would not have satisfied his desire for revenge. And that disappointment is probably going to FUEL his ANGER and HATE and omg so excited to see these next few episodes

gif credit @fettboba

I’ve been thinking about how Star Wars is very much about parents, and how this story is made for the fatherless—for those of us who are, in some way or another, ‘orphans’.

We start with Anakin, fatherless in every respect, taken away from his mother at an early age and losing her way too soon. We’ve got Luke and Leia, who both lose their real parents and are adopted into families that love them, but don’t really understand them (and as young adults, they lose even those surrogate parents). We’ve got Rey, waiting for parents that will never return, and Finn, taken from his parents when he was just a tiny kid. We’re told the story of Jyn Erso, who watches one of her parents die and one of them be taken. We follow Ezra, a true orphan looking for family.

But in this story we’re also given parents—our universal Dad, Obi-Wan, a surrogate father to both Anakin and to Luke (and now Leia ). We’re given the redemption of Vader becausehe’safather. We see Luke and Leia becoming surrogate parents to Rey, and Kanan becoming a father figure to Ezra. I feel like this whole story is about giving parents to the parent-less—and, in the same way, giving care to those who no one cares for, and giving hope to people who feel hopeless.

I know this is sentimental af, and sometimes I just feel that way, but as someone without a Dad and with a wonderful Mom who is very sick, I find a lot of comfort in all of the parents (and hope) Star Wars has given me

hey superfanpeople! just a reminder that all of your love for your favorite character/actor/story/world is proof of how amazing you are—your love for the intangible is just a distillation of your intense and sacred love for the world. maybe the world doesn’t always earn it, but we love hard. and loving a story or a celebrity or whatever it is we adore is just proof of how much love we have inside, and also proof of how much joy and wonderful intensity exists here on earth. and it might be scary to give that love to the people and things in our daily lives, too, but we can do it!! i love you all so much
