

Muahaha, runes were only on screen briefly but they’re actually fuckin’ legible. Same last episode, too– I like this much better than the ones where it’s just tiny and blurry.



in other news my girlfriend just graduated from college with a game programming degree

She’s worked so, so hard, and I’m so goddamn proud of her, and I want you all to know how wonderful she is!

“Now, let’s take it slow… we’ve got all the time in the world.”

…we have a week.

Well. That might be all the time this world has left.

This one was wild. Looking back on it, I can definitely see that the show is being rushed; I feel like a lot of the events of this ep wanted to be spread out, but at the same time it didn’t interfere with my enjoyment? The tone was a little curious at times, with so much of the setup feeling sort of comic relief or season-one, but the emotional core hitting super hard nonetheless.

Lilith… I love her so much and my monkey hindbrain cringe response is mad she was such a clown today but it does make sense in a way, that she’d react like that after spending so long in a straight up religious cult. She aches for validation from authority figures. I wish it had been treated with more seriousness, but… can’t have everything, I guess. Sigh.

I don’t think she was at all bad at her job, for the record. I think she was very good at her job, she was just being actively kept out of every loop that might have led her to recognize what was really happening.

I like Steve. I like his face. I like that between him and Savarin last episode, it’s not just the coven heads who get to rebel, but the rank and file soldiers too. With his haircut and the mention from Looking Glass Ruins that Matt has a big brother in the EC, it would be absolutely hilarious if they were related.

Between his one funky horn, Boscha’s (and one of her mums’) three eyes, and Graye’s tail and fangs, I’m curious how much crossing there is between Witches and (biped) Demons. Not enough for them to be all considered one species, but enough that the lines blur. I like it.

Despite all the comedy, there were a lot of moments this ep that hit really hard, from Eda fully despairing and trying to get Luz to safety, to her achy pleas to Raine, to Luz utterly panicking at the thought she was going to lose Eda, again.

But then that ending brought us back up so strongly! I’ve been dying for Luz to meet Raine, and that was all I could have dreamt of– they’re so delighted to meet their steady’s daughter, the two of them already get on so well (they’re both DORKS), I really want them to teach her an instrument. I feel like she’d really vibe on a clarinet.

I’m delighted to see Darius, I got so invested in goop man. And Eber! Creacher! The BATTs! Dorks!

And that last exchange… wow. Luz is going to make her palisman. There’s not a lot of time left, but she’s still got to grow up.

There’s a plan, and we don’t know what it is yet. But they have allies now.

And there’s only two episodes left in the season.

I’m not ready.

“You… are gonna show me how to do this, right?”

“Oh, yeah– my dad taught me the ropes.”

family family family generational lessons and love and aaaa

she just loves and respects and appreciates her kids so much

“What if the palisman doesn’t like me?”

“By my count, you’ve befriended more enemies than I have claws on my paw.”

I mean that’s two which is lowballing it a bit but, technically true,

“Yeah, we have teammates now– meowmeow!”

he said that with exactly the same inflection as Luz putting her hood up in the first damn episode and I am emotional as hell

“You goob– this isn’t all on you.”

god I love this family

they have a cool hideout in Latissa with weaponry and bunkbeds and one of the flowers from Raine and Eda’s hill over the door

look at Lily napping on Hootcifer

this is lovely

“Wait, hold on”

help me I’m vibing with Darius too much

(look at Eda smiling over like “look at them, what a dork, I picked the best one”)

“Please tell me you have a cool rebel name?”

“Actually, we do.”

Raine hon I love you but why do I feel like this is about to make me cringe out of my chair

“Raine, why didn’t you tell me anything? I could have helped.”

“Is it so unbelievable I wanted to keep you safe? But… in typical Eda fashion, you’re not going to stop until you make things right.”

“I guess not.”

That’s… a lot gentler than I thought this reconciliation was going to be. I genuinely thought she’d be pissed off, but… maybe she’s thinking back and recognizing that she doesn’t have stones to throw. They can be open with each other from here on out.

“Did you know any of this stuff when you were in charge?”

“I’m starting to think I wasn’t very… good at my job…”

no hon I’m like 99% sure you were just a figurehead


I’m sure you were very good at the day to day organization of the Coven, that kind of thing, but Belos knew this whole time that you were going to end up punching him in the face and so he would have gone to extra trouble to keep you ignorant

“Actually, when Darius captured me, he was really protecting me.”“I thought I was the only one who f“Actually, when Darius captured me, he was really protecting me.”“I thought I was the only one who f“Actually, when Darius captured me, he was really protecting me.”“I thought I was the only one who f“Actually, when Darius captured me, he was really protecting me.”“I thought I was the only one who f“Actually, when Darius captured me, he was really protecting me.”“I thought I was the only one who f“Actually, when Darius captured me, he was really protecting me.”“I thought I was the only one who f

“Actually, when Darius captured me, he was really protecting me.”

“I thought I was the only one who found this ‘Day of Unity’ junk suspicious. When I heard Raine was causing trouble, I had a feeling they’d know more. You would have been locked away if it weren’t for me.”

“And a little less bruised. You could have let me in on things before attacking me!”

“You’re a horrible actor.  I had to make it look real.”

“Ugh, this is just like Hexside….”

lots of screenshots bc I’m sorry when you have two characters whose designs I love this much teasing each other I just need to look at them a lot.

I really like the writing of this– one of the reasons I’d been assuming Darius was spurred to rebellion by seeing what happened to Raine was that I was worried that if he already had a rebellion running, it would kind of narratively undercut Raine’s bravery and importance? But having him specify that he recognized Raine would “know more” makes them vital. I appreciate it.

Also, “I thought I was the only one” implies that Eber wasn’t on his side during the battle and only came around after, which is fun.

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Luz why are you telling them their own life story (because she’s very excited)
