
A factory worker packs Camel cigarettes on the nightshift in May 1948 at the RJ Reynolds facility in

A factory worker packs Camel cigarettes on the nightshift in May 1948 at the RJ Reynolds facility in Winston Salem, North Carolina.  

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Yeah what should I say. Here I am. Finally writing something again, updating my life status. So what’s new? First of all I moved from my little hometown to the beautiful capital city Berlin. I moved in with my sister who always cared for me like a mom. I took my dog with me and I have to say, I really feel at home. But I didn’t move there for fun I did it in order to study law. It’s funny cause if you’ve told me 3 years ago that I would end up like this I wouldn’t believe it. I never thought that I would be able to study something like law and in this aspect it really does make me happy. On the other end I’m still not sure if I made the right decision, I sometimes feel that I study it not because it interests me but to make my parents proud. I feel they have suffered the greatest from all the stuff I’ve been through. I don’t wanna be the black sheep all the time I wanna be someone who people admire and I know that this is bullshit cause it doesn’t make me happy at all but I just don’t wanna disappoint my family any longer. So everyday is a struggle rn. I don’t know if I wanna escape but at the same time I feel like if I don’t, I won’t hold on any longer. I wonder why life always has to be a struggle and I wonder if I’ll ever feel like I belong here.

But enough of this depressing stuff. When it comes to my transition I’m more than happy. I don’t plan on having the bottom surgery but I will get an penis epithesis soon and I’m so excited for it. I started wearing a packer when I began to study so I feel really comfortable with it rn and I’m more than happy when the cheap packer will be replaced by the handmade one. I got in contact with Sophia Koskeridou more than a year ago but it all went really smooth and the health insurance covered everything. I can really recommend her, if you have more questions about it just write me! Apart from that my breasts feel good, they healed well after surgery and the testosterone treatment goes along well too.

I hope all of you are not too depressed rn because of Corona and everyone is fine. Don’t forget to keep your head up high and that you are not alone! See ya!


The death of the Sailor Softpack- l bought it in March 2017 for $20, and by 2019 it’s become unwearable.

It’s way too sticky to be fixed by corn starch, and parts start coming off and sticking on your hand or underwear like silly putty.

While the Sailor completely melted, my silicone packers that were kept in the same conditions are fine.

I have been wearing a packer more often because I need to tuck my shirt in at my new office job. I personally feel that wearing a packer helps me “pass,” even though I have a beard lol insecurity and dysphoria just be that way. But packing helps me feel more confident, which is the point in doing it! This post will be a diy guide, because I refuse to splurge on a packer for now. For those of you who cannot buy a proper packer, whether it’s simply a matter of cost or because you don’t want the ppl you live with to know you have a packer, this post is intended to help y’all out! You’ll just need 2 or 3 socks and (if you feel the need) a safety pin.

1. Choose your socks! Ankle socks are going to make a smaller packer, which means a less visible bulge, but longer socks will make a bigger packer. If you don’t have Long socks, use an extra ankle sock (hence the suggested 3 socks). Depends on what you want and what you feel will look best on your body. It is about confidence more than anything. If you’re gonna feel too nervous about wearing a big packer, go smaller. No sense in overthinking it. I personally use 1 pair of cushioned ankle socks and roll them twice.

2. Roll your socks!! I roll mine twice from the elastic opening, like this:

The above is folded once

And this is it folded twice! It should end up around the size of your fist once folded up, maybe a little bigger.

3. Wear it!! This is where the safety pin can come in handy for some ppl, because I know some guys like loose boxers and don’t wanna wear tight boxers or briefs. This way, you can safety pin your packer to your boxers so it doesn’t move around a ton in your clothes – or worse, fall out! I prefer wearing boxer briefs or briefs with my sock packer. Boxer briefs with a “pouch” structure at the front are a help here, since they give the packer some room to fit and that way it doesn’t feel too tight against you. But some ppl may find that too loose still, so the best for tightness I have found (without splurging on a jock strap lol) is to just wear briefs. You can get a pack of 9 tighty whities for real cheap at Walmart and they work very well for keeping a packer in place! But if you’re not into that look, just shop around. There are more stylish briefs out there, but I’m very price-conscious. But just find a comfy position for it in whatever your preferred underwear are. The lower you wear it, the less visible your bulge will end up being, so keep that in mind if you wanna be more discreet about it or if you wanna be more obvious about it. And your packer will shift around as you sit, stand up, walk, etc throughout the day, but cis guys’ bits also shift around, so do not be worried about the appearance. It won’t look as “unnatural” as you may worry it does, and since it is a sock pack, it is easy to adjust when you have the chance.

4. Laundry time! The reason I like the sock pack is because it is extremely easy to wash once you’re done wearing it for your day. Just unroll and put the socks in your laundry hamper with everything else you’ll be putting in the wash. Simple, easy, effective. And if you are someone who is closeted or just not comfortable having ppl know you pack, this is somewhat “evidence-free,” since you’ll just be adding a few socks to your laundry.

If you have any questions about packing, go ahead and hit my ask box or inbox! Hope this helps some of y’all out!
