#pagan prayer


     Hello! First of all, I would like my post to be ignored by any bigot who can’t respect other religions because of the tag ‘praying’. Scroll.

     Welcome to another post of mine! Today, I’ll be talking about praying. Now, most baby pagans get confused when this is the case. It’s not the same as they do in abrahamic religions. There are many ways to pray, and I would suggest you to find your own way. However, most Hellenists, Norse pagans, or the ones that worship one god from only one pantheon can research ways to pray. I will leave some resources at the end of my post.

     Higher beings should be respected, so you can choose certain times of the day if you also want to stay disciplined. This will be a little hard, but that’s completely fine, you get used to it. Plus, you can add some formality inside. I veil most of the time, cleanse my space and kneel, especially if I’m going to ask for something from my Gods. 

     You can use prayer beads as well. Chanting their name, enn, anything. I find this useful with Dark Gods and demons, we don’t really worship demons, we just respect them. So, put everything that reminds you of them into the threat and there you go! 

     Praying is a good way to bond with deities as well. You can write your own ones to them and read it. One of the easiest way to talk to them obviously. Of course, don’t forget to make offerings but if you’re going to praise them, I don’t think it’s necessary. 

     Thank you for reading my post! I know it’s shorter than most but I didn’t know what else to talk about. Here are some resources:

For Hellenists: 


For Norse pagans:


For Celtic pagans:


For Christo-pagans:


Etc. etc. I know that there are more branches but these are the reliable ones I’ve found. 


My Daily Prayers to the Sun and the Moon

Prayer for the Sun

I praise thee, Sun

As you rise over us like you do each day

Always present, even when unseen

Your light gives life and warmth to all of Mother Earth’s children

And I am forever grateful

May you rise again each and every day

Photo by PixabayfromPexels

Prayer for the Moon

I praise thee, Moon

As you rise over us like you do each night

Always present, even when unseen

Always cycling through darkness and light

You guide us through the night

You pull the tides of our oceans and our souls

And I am forever grateful

May you rise again each and every night

Photo by Ben MackfromPexels

A Hellenic’s Prayer For Justice

May Allfather Zeus hold His children close, for they are in pain

May Allmother Hera hold Her hand of justice over those who freely let bullets rain

May armed Athena hold Her ground

May angry Ares turn theirs upside down

May warlike Aphrodite show us love

May motherly Demeter help lift us above

May kindly Hestia let Her fires rise

May hardworking Hephaestus not turn His eyes

May thundering Poseidon send waves of peace

May brave Artemis make these fears cease

May shining Apollo heal our hearts

May wild Dionysus never let us fall apart

May trustful Hermes carry our cries

May swift footed Iris squander their lies

May regal Hades comfort the dead

May iron Queen Persephone have their names read

May victorious Nike be firm and fair

May whip wielding Nemesis hold them in Her stare

May dark Hekate guide us through this night

May peaceful Harmonia be with us during this plight

May ever seeing Helios expose their crimes

May the strong Erinyes make it hard to wash their hands of the blood and grime

May mother Gaia scream their names

May powerful Nyx frighten their evil reign

May gentle Hypnos bring sleep to the needy

May fearful Eris bring terror to the greedy

May saddened Thanatos dry our tears

May ever present Khaos squander our fears

May illuminating Selene hold our hands

May the gods bring justice that is quick and grand

To the victims of Uvalde, may you Rest In Peace

To their families, friends, and coworkers, may you one day find this pain released

To the survivors who are frightened, may your loved ones be around

To the injured and scarred, may your minds soon be sound

And to those responsible

Politicians, police, and more

May you hear our pained cries at your very door

May your tyranny end

May we the people be safe

May you end this battle

If you truly have what it takes

And if you do not

Then may you resign

And may you always remember

The pain, the lies

To the kind soul reading this

We will rise above

Never forget these three words:

You are loved

Feel free to add your own words/pantheon prayer

O lady of void

I call you

O lady of shadows

I know you

O lady of dark

You come

When Dusk is done

O lady of Night

We succumb

To your veil

We sleep

You know our dreams

You keep the stars

In your wings of dark

Flying beyond

The horizon

When sun is gone

You’re our guardian

O lady of Night


You darken the skies

Your deep blue

We look into your hue


O Maker of dreams

Maiden of Nightmares

Sing us a song

That lulls us to sleep

Help us to know our fiends

Face our fears

Not grow to weak

O Nótt

Lady of Void

Bring to me

Your Wisdom

Of Shadows
