#male witch


A spell to help someone realize that they are just being incredibly dumb.


A sigil to represent your target

A sigil to represent wisdom

A sigil to represent regret

An indigo candle

Sage incense


Carve the sigils into the candle

Light the candle

Use the candle to light the incense while saying  “You have chosen a selfish path, learn your wrongs, and face guilt’s wrath.”  Three times.

Blow out the candle.

Also!  I hit 100 followers this week!  That’s amazing, I honestly didn’t think I would.  I’m celebrating with a Q and A, Start sending in your questions and I’ll answer them all on Monday.

A lot of us get started with the practice when we’re in our edgy teen stages and are looking to get back at our middle school bullies.  It never takes long for us to do our research and quickly get more sucked into the craft as a whole, and we forget about the curse we wanted to cast.

That being said curses and hexes are a part of magic, although they really shouldn’t be used without good cause.  Most people who know about curses use their knowledge for detecting and breaking curses.  That being said, we can’t ignore an aspect just because we don’t like it, or because it can be harmful, rather we need to share what information we have, and help each other think through what we’re doing before we hurt someone.

I imagine a lot of beginners would hear this and ask “Why not use curses, some people deserve it?”  The simplest answer is because you shouldn’t use magic to solve all your problems and if someone truly deserves it, I’d recommend non-magical means to help them get what they deserve.  Another good reason is because odds are, whatever you do will come back to bite you.  This can be called karma, but I hear it more often called the threefold rule, which basically states whatever you do will come back to you three times over.  So even if you’re casting a curse on someone who truly deserves it, are you prepared for the consequences?

If you find you absolutely must curse some one, then I’d stick to the idea of “confuse, don’t abuse.”  Which is to say, mess with them for sure, but don’t actually hurt them.  Some ways I’ve seen this put in practice is a curse to keep someone away from another person.  I’ve used such a spell to help my friend avoid an abusive ex (note: never cast a spell that effects someone you know without their permission, it’s just rude.)  Another way I’ve seen a curse done is to try and help someone realize what they’re doing wrong.  I wrote a spell that I titled “You’re a dumbass” and have used only when I see someone doing things that are clearly wrong from and outside perspective, but they can’t seem to see it.  This is without a doubt a curse, but one that’s not especially harmful, and I was prepared for my own flash of perspectives as a consequence when I used it.

Now we’re to the end of my rant when I put the “manly” spin on things.  In this case I have very little spinning to do, curses are unisex, as are their consequences.  What I will say for the more masculine is a warning.  Generally when we’re raised in a more masculine in environment we’re taught to keep our emotions inside and bottled up.  This can quickly be something we lose control over, which can lead to unintentional curses fueled entirely by our own anger.  The solution here is simple, don’t hide your emotions.  All emotions are healthy to express, including negative ones; If you have an issue with someone, talk to them about it.  The problem you thought could only be solved with a curse may just be a miscommunication that spiraled out of control (yes that is speaking from experience).

That finishes up my ramble on enchantments.  Practice safe and Ret'urcye mhi! 

Let’s talk about: Enchantments


Enchantments are probably one of my favorite kinds of magic to practice.  The basic idea of an enchantment is to imbue an object with a certain type of energy so that it either attracts the same energy, or repels the wrong kind of energy.  Energy work is a huge thing in my personal practice so I’ve done this a lot in a lot of different ways.

To me there are essentially two types of enchantments: Active and passive.  Active enchantments are something you’ve actively put energy and intention into, something that’s actively enchanted will have a clear purpose, such as a protection charm.  Passive enchantments are things that have been around a certain type of energy that they carry it with them, sometimes needing be recharged if it’s away from its source for a long time.

When it comes to the act of enchanting things, there’s no wrong way to do it, as with all types of witchcraft.  When I actively enchant things, it’s usually at my altar, with candles lit, and an offering made to whichever of my gods I’m asking to bless my object with their energy.  If I’m using my own energy then it’ll often be by meditating on the energy I want and passing the object through the smoke of an incense I put together to represent my intention.  An example of this is a signet ring I wear; I enchanted the ring to represent my armor and keep me protected, while also binding the symbol on it to be a sigil that I use to represent myself.  For passive enchantment, it’s not really something that can be done on purpose, for example I wear a necklace that was given to me by my fiancee over three years ago, and I’ve taken off only about 5 times since then.  Since it came to me from an act of love and has been there for almost the entirety of our relationship I know it’s absorbed that energy and has become a love talisman.

When it comes to trying to make enchantments more manly it mostly comes down to choice of object.  Enchanting a hat, a knife, or something else that you have on you the majority of the time is a good choice if you need the thing to work a lot, and enchanting a special tie or cuff links if it’s something you need at only certain times.  Ultimately all that matters is what you need and you have available, again there’s no wrong way to do it.

That finishes up my ramble on enchantments.  Practice safe and Ret'urcye mhi!           

Let’s talk about: Teas/potions


Potions are probably one thing that almost everyone thinks of when they hear the words “witch” or “magic”, and with good reason.  For a long time witches used plants prepared properly to treat disease, which eventually became the modern practice of medicine.  Potions are a form of magic very close to science, which makes me love them, as I am a big fan of both.

These days I’m not as inclined to get willow bark when I can get aspirin easily, but I still use some potions for both their effects, and their taste.  By this of course I mean teas.  There are dozens of types of teas with more uses than I know or can possibly fit in this post (foreshadowing!) so I’ll just talk about my personal favorite tea as an example.

Almost daily I drink a green tea with a few mint leaves mixed, and a little honey if I want something sweet.  The green tea I use mainly for its metabolism boosting properties and caffeine, although I also like the energy and healing properties it has magically.  The mint is use for its calming magical properties, and sometimes for its more scientific stomach settling properties.  Finally the honey is mostly for flavor and a little protein in case the tea is my breakfast, and I’ll usually use it to draw either a sigil for peace or luck into my tea depending on what I need that day.  I much prefer to use loose leaf, but I’ll use premade tea bags if i’m in a hurry.

This is one that’s tough to really put much of a “manly” spin on, since tea is a very unisex thing to begin with, but for the naysayers:  Many warrior cultures drank tea before battles, either as a form of offering and honor as with the samurai, or to try and boost their abilities as with the viking berserkers.  If you desperately need it too be as manly as possible, leave out the honey and it’ll be about as bitter as coffee.

That finishes up my ramble on teas and potions.  Practice safe and Ret'urcye mhi!      

Let’s talk about: Incantations


Incantations, sometimes known as magic words, are probably one of the most famous types of a spell, and with good reason.  We often picture some kind of chant to help summon whatever magic powers we want to use at the time.  I love incantations in my spells, both because I am dramatic and live for ominous chants, and because incantations are a great place for a little poetry which I also love.

When it comes to the how to of incantations there’s very little to say beyond “do what comes naturally”.  Incantations can be long drawn out chants in verse, they can be a quick quip in latin saying what you want to do, they can be a single word that you made up for the specific spell you’re working on, or anything in between.  The greatest importance for incantations is your intent.

No matter what you’re saying, what language it’s in, or how many times you repeat it the incantation won’t work if you’re not clear on what you’re doing.  That’s why intent matters so much in all spells, it’s so very important to know exactly what you’re trying to accomplish and have it firmly in your mind before you begin, beyond that the only rules are what feels right and what has meaning to you.

Now for the most part incantations are a wonderfully unisex way to practice, but I’m sure there’s someone in the world saying, “Poetry, what guy is caught dead doing poetry?”  My response to that is a simple list of gods who have poetry included in their domain: Odin, Angus Og, and Apollo.  I’m sure there are more, but I don’t know who they are. It’s also worth pointing out that King David was an accomplished poet and wrote the psalms.

That brings my ramble on incantations to a close.  Practice safe and Ret'urcye mhi!  


Glamours are probably one of most used kind of spells when it comes to daily life.  The idea of a glamour was a spell that was used to change your appearance.  It was rarely meant for more than accenting what was already there, although in some stories could be cast as disguises.  These spells were always illusions, and could often be seen through with a magic implement, or looking close enough.

Glamours in modern magic focus a lot more on accenting or hiding different accents of yourself, in much the same way one would contour or grow a beard if they didn’t like the shape of their cheekbones.  Most glamour spells have a focus of either a mirror where you focus on what you want people to see, or something you put on that will work like talisman for your glamour.

Most of the glamour spells I see focus around make up, which for more masculine witches tends to just leave us confused on what to do.  When I do glamours I typically will do a garment with my intention (that one special tie enchanted to accent my confidence and leadership at business meetings), or my razor.  The very ritual act of shaving for me is a daily glamour I do with out really even meaning to.  Remember you’re all beautiful, handsome, what ever adjective helps you feel good about yourself, glamours are just to show the rest of the world what you already have.

That finishes up my ramble on Glamours.  Practice safe and Ret'urcye mhi!    

Let’s talk about: Bath spells


Bath spells are very common for witches today, and with good reason.  Who doesn’t love a nice relaxing bath, and using candles and herbs to set the mood has been done for years.  Like a lot of magic the main difference between a bath spell and a bath with candles and good smells is intent.  I’ve heard of a dozen ways to do bath spells, mostly involving putting different herbs in the bath to enhance it.  This is something you can either do loose in the bath, as a sachet, or as an incense burned nearby; I’m a fan of the sachet method for myself, just for the ease of clean up.

Adding candles and stones around the edge of the bath can also be a great way to bring magic to your soak, but of course if you’re doing anything with fire always put your safety first.  If you can’t place a candle safely on the edge of your bath, a nearby counter top with line of sight can work just as well.

Now you’re probably saying, “Hey! You promised us a masculine witch blog, baths aren’t very manly”.  To which I can only say, “So?”  While it’s true that baths don’t fall under the typical view of masculinity that doesn’t mean they should be avoided,  I like to use baths to loosen my muscles up after tough workouts, or meditate in a relaxing environment.  

That being said, here’s a few ways to make your bath spells more manly:

1. Take a shower instead of a bath, you won’t be able to enjoy it for nearly as long, but if you put your herbs in a sachet and hang it from the shower head you’ll get a similar experience.

2. Use scents that you consider more masculine, I don’t use scented candles often but when I do my favorite scent is tobacco; basically what I’m saying is you don’t have to come out of a bath smelling like flowers if you don’t want to.

3. Drink beer or whiskey while you bathe, obviously don’t do this one if you’re underage, but I find a nice rye while I’m soaking is a wonderful way to get me to relax and let the spell do its job.

4. Listen to a podcast, a lot of people recommend music to relax in a bath, but I always find I don’t like any of the usual “relaxing” music because it’s too slow; instead I’ll listen to gaming podcasts.

5. If none of those are masculine enough for you then I recommend this: Don’t bathe alone, you won’t get much magic done, but a soak with a partner never fails to relax me.

That finishes up my ramble on bath magic.  Practice safe and Ret'urcye mhi!  

Modern witches can be anyone

This is a fact we’ve all know for a long time.  Anyone who practices in anyway is ultimately a witch, as long as they’re comfortable with the title.  When I first started my practice I avoided calling myself a witch, since I felt it was too feminine of a title for the kind of person I am.  After some meditation and talk with other witches of the world I saw how the term is meant to be used and started my journey on the path of the masculine witch.

My journey started in college when I first discovered the Celtic gods and the druidic practices that they were associated with.  I felt an immediate connection, and after many weeks of research and soul searching I decided to become a Celtic Druid, somewhat to the dismay of my parents.  It wasn’t long after that that I was writing my first spells and crafting my first sigils.

At first I was extremely rigid in my practices; I followed spells to the letter and used formulas to write anything of my own.  While this was great for me to learn as a beginner, it ultimately left me limited in what I did with my practice.  It wasn’t until I finally broke a mold that I saw the possibilities.  The first time I did anything completely original was when I learned how to meditate while I sparred.  I had been inspired by Star Wars: Knight’s of the Old republic’s  concept of a battle meditation and did it literally as I fought.

This led me down many rabbit holes as I found my personal best way to practice.  I made my first altar at which I pray daily, I joined my first traditional martial arts school since middle school to train my body, and I started exploring the fandoms I loved for things to bring into my daily life and practice.

Today that has turned me into the person writing this blog:  I practice Celtic Druidry using Chang Quan Kung Fu for active meditation, while trying to live my life in a way that fits my Mandalorian values.  This might not be the best way for everyone to practice, but it is for me, and I hope my sharing it here will give other people the jumping off point they need.    

Cómo ser un devoto del Señor Dionisio

—| Explora más del Templo |—

¿Qué nos ofrece Dionisio?

Las bendiciones de Dioniso son la prosperidad y la abundancia, la alegría y la pasión, la locura y la profecía, el éxtasis y la libertad. La libertad dionisíaca está más allá del bien y del mal: prevalece sobre la ley, la costumbre, la inhibición o la moral. En el culto a Dioniso, descubrimos quiénes somos realmente, debajo de todas las máscaras, mentiras y compromisos que la sociedad nos exige. Dioniso disuelve todas las fronteras y destruye toda falsedad. En el estado de éxtasis nos sentimos completos; nos sentimos inmensos; nos sentimos conectados con todos los demás adoradores frenéticos, y con la tierra y los dioses. Pronunciamos profecías, ya que ya no estamos limitados por nuestras mentes pequeñas. Realizamos milagros, ya que las leyes de la naturaleza ya no se aplican. Tocamos el rostro de Dios y él nos toca.

¿Cómo honrar al Señor?

Honramos al Señor de diversas maneras. Ser apasionado. Ser creativo. Disfrutar cada momento de la vida, incluso los más duros y desagradables. Beber vino. Tomar drogas moderadas. Usar máscaras teatrales. Asistir al teatro. Mirar películas apropiadas. Escuchar música. Bailar. Cantar. Nadar. Realizar caminatas serpenteantes. Subir una montaña o visitar un bosque. Cuidar la naturaleza. Amar la Tierra. Aprender una forma de adivinación. Explorar la locura. Luchar por la justicia. Dedicarle actos sexuales. Tener sexo desenfrenado. Participar en orgías Adorar el falo. Disfrutar el vino. Liberar nuestro verdadero ser. Ignorar las normas sociales. Andar desnudos. Valorar la vida. Morir con alegría. Luchar contra el sistema. Tener un mejor amigo/a. AMAR.

¿Qué podemos ofrecer ante su altar?

Vino y otros alcoholes, uvas, granadas, manzanas, higos, miel, leche, huevos, almizcle, algalia, incienso, estoraque, diamante negro, marihuana, raíz de orquídea, cardo, hinojo, hiedra, roble, pino, todos los árboles silvestres y domésticos y todas las flores.

Haven’t posted a selfie in awhile, this was about a year ago and ironically I’m wearing the same shirt today. Time to invite spring in 1 more week to go until the spring equinox

murfeelee:Modern Mages - Part 5I love @brenna-ivy’s art, and recreating their Modern Witch series fomurfeelee:Modern Mages - Part 5I love @brenna-ivy’s art, and recreating their Modern Witch series fomurfeelee:Modern Mages - Part 5I love @brenna-ivy’s art, and recreating their Modern Witch series fomurfeelee:Modern Mages - Part 5I love @brenna-ivy’s art, and recreating their Modern Witch series fo


Modern Mages - Part 5

I love @brenna-ivy’s art, and recreating their Modern Witch series for The Sims 3. I need to catch up on their latest installments, so here’s the first batch, with @brenna-ivy‘s commissions for an Egyptian Witch,Sea Witch,Tarot/Occult Witch, and Astrology Witch.

Stay tuned for more, including individual posts, and CC uploaded in April.

There’s a new one! :D I love these so much. Every time I see there’s a new installment I get all giddy. Thank you so much for making these @murfeelee. It’s crazy to see how you manage to include all the details and even include a couple extra ones that add to the setting <3

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Drunk Tarot Readings 7/13/19

Hey y’all, long time no see!

Taking a break from the stressful stuff and having a drink. Decided to open up readings!

$3 gets you 1 card with the Ophidia Rosa Tarot

$5 gets you 2-4

$7 gets you 3-5

Send me an ask with your query and the code word you decide to send in a PayPal message (any random word)

One more thing, send me what color you think of when you hear “loss” and what smell you think of for Spring.

I’m @barberwitch on Venmo, if you Venmo, leave that in the ask.


Witch Tip Wednesday 5.16.18

Tinker with Tinctures


Hey there witches! I’ve covered water infusions aka Hydrosols before, but it’s time to move onto the hard stuff: alcohol

A tincture is an extract which has an alcohol base. Traditionally, these were herbal infusions used for medicine, but for today’s topic, we’ll be talking about tinctures in all forms, but it’s up to you as to what’s for consumption, and what may be used as a perfume, floor wash, or ritual spray etc.

Tinctures can be a lot easier to make because they have a cold infusion method, as in no heat source is used to speed the process. Alcohol absorbs plant matter and dissolves quite easily, so heating it is a dangerous step not necessary for the occasional infusion.

What can be made into a tincture?

  • Flowers
  • Berries
  • Leaves
  • Roots
  • Stalks and barks
  • Spas and resins
  • Seeds

These can be dried or fresh.

Especially for flowers, some fragrance doesn’t carry once the flower withers, so using fresh can be super helpful if the fragrance is important!

What do I do to make one?

  • Take your container like a mason jar
  • Fill with plant material about halfway*
  • Add in your alcohol**
  • Shake and let infuse***
  • Strain and decant into its new container

Now it’s simple, but you do have to make some decisions like if you’re making individual tinctures or a blend. Individual tinctures can be blended later of course, but takes more containers and individual checking than throwing it all together. Go by instinct and research until you’ve got the experience.

That sounds simple, but I want some more tips:

  • Break apart or cut up ingredients so more of the matter gets mixed and infused. It releases fragrance, juices and gives more surfaces for the base to interact.
  • Shake your tincture while it’s infusing every day. You may want to infuse for a day, a week, or a full cycle of the moon, you do you!
  • If you’re using a mason jar or other metal lid container, a piece of Saran Wrap/cling plastic can protect the lid from corroding.
  • You can get a high proof alcohol and dilute it with distilled water.****
  • If taking internally, do so with care, and dosage is usually only a few drops at a time. Check with your doctor before starting any regiment.
  • If you want to make a ritual tincture for a salt bonfire, the alcohol has to be minimum 100 proof or it won’t catch fire. Don’t burn yourself.

I have a ginger tincture I use for upset stomachs. Just a few drops in mineral water and it settles right down (think ginger ale).

For tooth aches, I use a few drops of clove tincture in warm water and swish around. Plus my breath smells great afterwards.

Just remember, it’s concentrated, and in a lot of cases may not taste great by itself, just like if you took a spoon full of vanilla extract. Start small, dilute, or use in ritual.

Stay safe my little beasties.

Cheers, Barberwitch

Want to help keep the blog going? Buy me a kofi, or donate to PayPal!

*, **, ***, **** down below the break

Keep reading

Mother’s Day Drunk Readings!

Happy Mother’s Day y’all.

$3 for 1, $5 for 2-4 cards!

I’ll be doing readings for the rest of the day with the Prisma Visions Tarot. Today, May 12, 2019

Send me a paypal with a code word and put the same word in your ask!

Serving Bear Witch Project realness.

Cheers, Barberwitch

Trying to be sexy while trying to get turnt.

Readings closed for the night

- modern witchcraft -

It’s been a while since I upload a practice video. I was taking a break from sharing my private rituals, but it feels like it is a good time to post one.

I recorded this video a couple weeks ago. The spellcrafting in this video involves herbal and sigil magic.

When it comes to magical practices, the most important thing to remember is doing what you feel is correct and necessary. Power comes from within, and only you know how to unlock it. This is only an example on how I do my own practices.

Hope you enjoy it! Blessed B /

Song:  CVL† SH‡† - ßƟD¥ ßΔGƵ

#witchcraft    #eclectic witchcraft    #male witch    #sonora    #ritual    #spellcraft    #sigils    #herbal magic    #occult    #eclectic wicca    #eclectic witch    #neopagan    #modern withcraft    
Inspired fashion for Male Witches Inspired fashion for Male Witches Inspired fashion for Male Witches Inspired fashion for Male Witches Inspired fashion for Male Witches Inspired fashion for Male Witches Inspired fashion for Male Witches Inspired fashion for Male Witches Inspired fashion for Male Witches Inspired fashion for Male Witches 

Inspired fashion for Male Witches 

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Inspired fashion for Male WitchesInspired fashion for Male WitchesInspired fashion for Male WitchesInspired fashion for Male WitchesInspired fashion for Male WitchesInspired fashion for Male WitchesInspired fashion for Male WitchesInspired fashion for Male WitchesInspired fashion for Male WitchesInspired fashion for Male Witches

Inspired fashion for Male Witches

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Shielding and Filtering require visualization. If you find visualizing hard, I would suggest trying to “feel” things instead of “seeing” them. Almost like having the impression of something, if you can’t actually see it.

I suggest you always Center before any type of magical working.

CENTERING: is the practice of collecting together our energy. We collect it into a central point in our being from which we can direct and release it into the world.

To Center:
1.) Begin with a deep cleansing breath. (Good stuff in, bad stuff out.)
2.) Become aware of yourself. Notice that you are present where you are. (For me - I’m currently at the library, sitting in the back, typing this up for you. It’s not that deep, lol.)
3.) Locate the part of your being that feels like you. This is your center.
4.) Begin to breath in and out from your center. See/Feel your breath flow to and from that spot.
5.) Close your eyes and imagine your energy gathering in one spot. You’ll see it all over your body, then draw it into your core. It should gather in your center of your being as a ball.

This seems like a lot, but can be done within a matter of seconds once you get an idea of how to go about it.

(Side Note -  A good technique to growing in centering is to gather the energy into a ball and practice holding it there. Then when you’re ready, release the energy and allow it to redistribute.)

SHIELDING: The process of blocking out all external energies/emotions.

To Shield:
Imagine a sphere of light around you emanating an energy field that nothing can penetrate. Nothing will penetrate this shield. Instead, the energy will be deflected off like an arrow shot at a smooth, round dome. Nothing can get in, you are safe.

After you get this down, you will be able to throw your shield up instantly. This is not just for protecting yourself from emotions but from everything. I have my shield up when I drive or travel. If I have my shield up around others, they tend to leave me alone. It is powerful but not to be used as tool for isolating yourself from people and relationships. We are not meant to do life alone. This is for protection only.

FILTERING: The process of eliminating negativity by turning negative energy into positive energy before it comes to you.

To Filter:
Visualize that the sphere of light is made up of a substance like medical gauze. Only positive energy can travel freely into your sacred space. Anything negative is turned positive once it hits the surface of your sphere of light, adding to your energy and building your power. This technique is especially useful when someone is trying to manipulate or control you.This too can be done easily once you get it down.

for instance, you see the energy of your sphere (my shield) as a power that instantly neutralizes all harmful energy, turning it positive and allowing all that is good to pass through the barrier. This could filter out unwanted energies. For example, maybe you see your shield made up of your element. Surrounding yourself by fire, water, earth, & air is most certainly a way to protect yourself.


When You Have A Naturally Healing Aura…
Your spiritual vibration and aura are completely connected.
Every living creature has auric energy that is impacted by your vibration. The state of your vibration can be tested in 4 simple ways.
Empaths have a naturally healing aura about them that attracts others.


What kind of things are going on? Is it a nice day outside? Is anyone angry? Are new doors being opened for you today? Your vibration creates your reality.
If you’re seeing more problems than anything else, you likely have a low vibration. If things are looking good, your vibration is higher.


Have you seen 11:11 on the clock a lot lately? Is your new pin number descending numbers? Do you see 999 or 666 or 333 often?
Noticing and being granted repeating numbers by the universe is a sign that you have a high vibration.


Check in with yourself throughout the day. How are you feeling? Tired? Sad? Sick? Angry? Happy? Healthy? Full of love?
Write down in a journal the way you feel at different points of the day and compare every day of the week. Positive thoughts mean a higher vibration and things are going well!
Negative thoughts likely make for a lower vibration.


Do you feel pretty strong or a little bit weak? Have you been sick or hurt a lot lately? Low vibrations may manifest physically as poor health.
Feeling alright means you’re vibration is pretty neutral. Feeling great indicates a high vibration.

Empaths are known to have a permeable aura, and this is why people’s energy can be so debilitating. But they are not the only ones. Anyone who is unhealthy or with emotional issues possess a weakened energy-field, which means their energy and emotions are also able to leak out.

If an Empath comes into close proximity with those who have a leaky aura, they will soak up anything leaked like a super-absorbent sponge. It may appear that strangers’ energy purposely infringes our own, but it is often an energetic merger.

If you are unhealthy, eat an unsuitable diet, take drugs or stimulants, drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, experience stress and have dark thoughts you will likely have a permeable aura. This means you pick the emotions and energy off others which then becomes etched within your energy-field. You are also affected by negative residual energy and other low frequency vibrations. The only way to heal the aura is by making some changes.

Experiencing overwhelm, after picking up a stranger’s emotional energy, often means the memory of it gets imprinted. Any future interactions, with unfamiliar energy, may cause something like an “energetic allergic reaction”. These reactions are draining and can leave us feeling well below par for hours or even days. If these responses become a common occurrence, following time spent in public places, it prevents us from fully participating in our own life. This is seen by avoidance of peopled areas and anything that involves social interaction.

By finding total balance of mind, body and spirit, it works something like an “energetic anti-histamine” for the Empath. A healthy body and mind results in a powerful aura and creates the Empath’s invisible armour.

A formidable aura empowers the Empath. It persuades other people’s energy to bounce off and is key to living a happier life.

We cannot expect our mind and spirit to be strong when we are putting something into the body that weakens it. Nor can we expect our body to be strong if we experience “Sensitivity stress”.

Sensitivity Stress

Empaths are Sensitive. Anyone who is Sensitive will experience overwhelming emotions, vivid thoughts, and they get hurt more easily than most. This can lead to Sensitivity stress which compromises the immune system… and eventually results in a damaged aura.

Sensitivity stress is endured by those who experience other people’s emotional pain and energy as an adverse reaction (feeling drained, experiencing negative emotion or becoming unwell), they also overreact to any emotional situation and are prone to having anxiety or panic attacks.

This type of stress is not caused by having deadlines to work to and a mammoth to-do-list (although they certainly won’t help), it is caused by having a Sensitive nature, being overly stimulated from external energy and/or having buried emotional pain. Just like normal stress, it damages the immune system and puts strain on the mind and body. This in turn leads to illness, rampant negative thoughts, and a weakened aura…


Deepening our spiritual connection gives us greater balance in our lives. Through greater connection to Spirit and our higher selves, we are able to gracefully deal with the many challenges that occur in our lives. We maintain our center like the calm in the eye of the storm — remaining unshaken at our core even though chaos surrounds us. Those who do not have a connection to Spirit or to their higher selves, may often feel lost or may be easily upset by what’s occurring in their outer world. When we align with our highest self, we know who we truly are and feel a sense of purpose and clarity that guides us through life with ease. We are empowered to continue our journey through life. When tragedy befalls us or our hearts have been broken, we find our strength and optimism, rather than choosing to be a victim. We see the beauty of life and the glory, embracing the possibilities of our futures.

Here are 10 tips to deepen your Spiritual Connection:

1. Incorporate a Mind, Body, Spirit exercise practice into your daily life. Qi Gong, Tai Chi & Yoga are all excellent and will assist you with creating emotional balance, greater energy flow and physical agility. As we open up the energy channels in our bodies we can more easily connect to our higher selves and to source.

2. Spend time every day feeling gratitude for your life and all the blessings that are bestowed upon you. The feeling of gratitude is a higher vibrational emotion that opens us up to receive God’s blessings.

3. Spend time every week meditating. If you don’t have time to do this every day, then take time out 3 – 4 times a week to be alone and be still. This stillness enables us to go within and connect with our higher selves. It is food for our soul and very important for maintaining emotional & mental stability. When we are at peace within, our outer world reflects this to us.

4. Be of service by helping another person in need whether it be a stranger or a family member. As we give to others this facilitates a deepening of our connection to source and to ourselves.

5. Trust your inner knowing. Our higher selves, or the Holy Spirit, or spirit guides often communicate to us through intuition or physical sensations. The more we pay attention and honor these communications, we are able to deepen our connection to Spirit and our higher selves.

6. Let go of all self judgment and judgment of others. Judgment blocks us from fully living our highest potential. When we judge ourselves or others, the only energy we can receive is the same energy that matches that judgment. This means that if something else greater comes along, we can’t acknowledge it or receive it, because we are blocked by our judgments.

7. Live your dreams! Don’t be afraid to step out into the world and actualize your life goals. God ( Great Spirit, or Universe, whatever you believe in) will support you in living your dreams, because when we choose this, we are inviting others to choose it too. When we deny our dreams this dampens our connection to Spirit and our higher selves. Each of us are not only God’s created Masterpiece, we are Their children, and They long to see us happy!

8. Laugh more, dance, celebrate life! These are all high vibrational activities that can facilitate a heart opening. When we fully open our hearts we ARE connecting with our higher selves. All the great teachers understood the value of joy & laughter.

9. Be in nature as much as possible. When we spend time in a natural environment we feel an energy flow that recharges our entire being. This energy is one and the same as the energy of Spirit. Nature is a direct conduit to Spirit, so when we tap into it, we can connect to our higher selves on an even deeper level.

10. Live your truth! So many people compromise who they truly are by trying to fit into society by being a certain way that is considered ‘socially acceptable’, or they destroy themselves by being the person that their husband, mother or father expects them to be. Let go of all of that and be your authentic self. When you fully step into your own potency and live your truth you create an opening for Spirit to come through with total ease and grace.

As we balance our body, mind and Spirit we are able to easily align with our higher selves and open up to having a deeper connection with Spirit. Our connection is personal and is most likely totally different than someone else’s connection. It is something that is ineffable and dynamic – always expanding with our choices and actions. When we stop functioning from the anti-consciousness of this reality and live consciously, we are fully connected to Spirit.

hey witches! been a while! So i decided to throw this subject here, in hopes most ,or all, can benefit!! Blessed Be!

There has been a lot of confusion about Astral Projection, so I figured I’d explain what it is and how to do it. Dreaming is an unconscious astral projection. When you sleep, your conciousness leaves your body. It literally leaves our 3D physical reality. This is caused by your pineal gland (the most important part of your brain) releasing Dimethyltryptamine aka DMT. DMT is what propels your conciousness out of the body when you sleep, and when you’re about to die or have a ‘near death experience’. The thing is, you do not have control over what your consciousness does when it leaves your body while you sleep … Your subconscious controls it.

The difference between normal sleep and astral projection is, when you astral project, you are able to consciously control your conciousness, and where it goes. Astral projection is basically just Conscious Sleep. When you start to fall asleep but wake up right before it happens, you can literally feel your conciousness coming back into your body. That is why you sometimes feel like you’re falling. The ‘head exploding sensation’ (as some people describe it), is the first step to starting an astral projection. That is one of the signs you know that you’re doing it right. You feel pressure in your brain, and your body starts to tingle. Then, your whole body goes limp, and if you can control it, your conciousness will leave your body shortly after.

Let’s put it this way so it’s easier to understand. If I were to astral project, and I wanted to communicate with someone that is sleeping, it would be difficult for me to do so. I could easily find that person in the ‘spirit realm’ aka 4th dimension, but I wouldn’t really be able to have a deep conversation with that person because they would appear drunk to me. That’s because they’re not really conscious. If I spoke to them, they may remember me being in their dream a little bit, but they wouldn’t remember most of it. However, if two people are astral projecting at the same time, they CAN INDEED meet up in 4D, have a conversation together and both people will remember everything that happened.

Through astral projection, you can do many things. You can speak with friends and family that are living, your spirit or animal guides, beings from other dimensions, or you can just fly around and see the world like Superman. I realize this probably sounds crazy to people who are new to this concept, but I have done it myself so I know you can do it too. Nothing has expanded my awareness and my consciousness like astral projection has. I hope you give it a try.

Before we get into techniques, you should know that there are hundreds if not thousands of different techniques to get your consciously out of the body. We are all unique. One technique that works for some people, may not work for others. I recommend you try one for a little while and move on to a different one if you don’t succeed.


This technique has been formulated by Robert Bruce and is one of the most effective techniques around. A key ingredient to this projection technique is an invisible, imaginary ROPE hanging from your ceiling. This ROPE will be used to exert dynamic pressure at a single point on your astral body to force its separation from the physical.

Reach out with your imaginary hands and pull yourself, hand over hand, up the strong, invisible, imaginary rope hanging above you. You will feel a slight dizzy sensation inside you as you do this. This feeling of vertigo will intensify the more you pull on the rope.

Keep climbing, hand over hand, ever upwards, and you will feel the vibrations start. Your whole body will seem to be vibrating and you will feel paralyzed. Concentrate single-minded, on climbing your rope. Don’t stop.

Next, you will feel yourself coming free of your body. You will exit your body in the direction of your imaginary rope and will be hovering above your body. You’re free at last


Lie down comfortably on your back, facing the ceiling. Relax your body and clear your mind of unwanted thoughts. Relax even more.

Tell yourself that you are going to watch yourself in the act of going to sleep. You must be very clear about your intent. You’re going to let your body sleep while your mind will remain alert throughout the entire process. Tell yourself you will retain consciousness even while your body is going to be in complete “trance”.

As you relax completely, you must learn to recognize the rather strange, distinctive sensations you feel as your body moves into the sleep state. You MUST stay aware as this unfolds. At a certain point, you will feel that your body is feeling heavy and numb.
You are on the right track! Pay close attention to all your bodily sensations. You may feel yourself swaying or floating. You might even find certain parts of your body tingling. There might be vibrations running from your head to toe. You might even hear a strong buzzing sensation in your ears. Whatever the sensations, do not panic as these are very good signals that you are on the verge of experiencing an OBE.

You have to then visualize that you are rising up from your bed and floating towards the ceiling. How would it feel if you could actually float? Try to make the experience as real as possible. Hold this image for as long as you can. If everything goes on well, you might suddenly find yourself outside the body, floating near the ceiling!


Dr. Robert Monroe, one of the foremost authorities on Astral Projection devised this method. You have to first relax your body. This is a very important step.

Then try to go to sleep, but don’t fall asleep. Maintain your awareness between sleep and wakefulness. This is known as the hypnagogic state. Then deepen this hypnagogic state and start to clear your mind of unwanted thoughts. Simply look through your closed eyelids at the blackness in front of you.
Then you must enter an even deeper state of relaxation. The next step is to induce vibrations throughout your body and intensify them. These vibrations have to be controlled and intensified further. This is the moment when the Astral body will separate from the Physical body. You then simply have to “roll-over” and you will find yourself out of your body.


Lie down, shut your eyes and relax your body. Imagine your feet stretching out and becoming longer by just an inch or so. Once you have this picture in your mind, let your feet go back to normal. Do the same with his head, stretching it out an inch beyond its normal position. Then, get it back to normal. Then alternate all between head and feet, gradually increasing the distance until you can stretch out both your feet and head to about two feet or more. At this stage imagine stretching out both at once. This exercise will make you feel dizzy and often start the vibrations.

After some practice, you will experience floating sensations and you can then tell yourself to rise up towards the ceiling. You are out!


Visualize yourself lying in a bright white hammock, stationed between two palm trees on a secluded beach. Imagine the feeling of swaying in the wind, and recreate that feeling now as you visualize yourself swaying from side to side in the hammock. Repeat this visualization for as long as it takes to bring forth the vibrations, and when you feel the vibrations, just “roll-out” of your body.

Whichever technique you choose, you are unlikely to get a result on the very first night, or even on the first few nights – so take your time with them and try not to get frustrated when nothing happens at first. I promise you will soon start to see some results. If you don’t experience results with a week or two, don’t let it frustrate you. There could be mental or physical blockages preventing you from getting out of body. (Such as undealt with past trauma, an unhealthy pineal gland due to excessive sodium fluoride and bad diet, etc. It could be many different things.)


“I am a Christian Witch, a walking contradiction.

I cast circles and design spells of burning incense and gemstones bright.

I follow the teachings of Jesus, his message of love and compassion.

My guides are the angels, the saints, the warrior women of the Torah, the myrrh-bearers, and the Holy Trinity.

My cup and cauldron are the Holy Grail.

My herbs of worship are frankincense and myrrh.

The four archangels guard my elemental gates.

My scriptures are the Bible and the Gnostic Gospels.

My mythology is Genesis and the parables.

My guardian angel is my spirit guide.

My God is the breath of life from which all things in the Tree of Life flow.

I celebrate the Christian aspects of the Sabbats.

I celebrate the Pagan aspects of the Christian Holy Days.

I practice what is forbidden by the officials of my church.

I attend Mass.

I am priestess of my rituals.

I believe in the blessed sanctity of the earth and the heavens.

I believe in the beauty of women’s spirituality.

I am not a Bible-waving, proselytizing fanatic.

“An ye harm none, do what you will.”

“Love your neighbor as yourself.”

“All acts of pleasure are my rituals.”

“It is time to rejoice, for that which was lost is found.”

Adelina St. Clair - The Path of a Christian Witch


✨The Signs as Witchy Practices✨

*check sun and moon!

~Aries~ Fertility magic, rejuvenation of the land, wax figures and hair in lockets, constant study and practice, containing passion in a potion, spells cast through speech, song and music. Summoning of storms and glimpses into the future.  

☕~Taurus~ Slow love potions, drawing in the earth, windchimes of bone and dried herbs, harvest and crop magic, sewing spells into clothing, symbols above doors and windows to ward off harm, herbal remedies, spells spoken softly to loved ones and the leaves, rain magic.   

✒️⛅~Gemini~ Gatherings of witches at dawn, trickery, shapeshifting, transfiguration, brewing luck and illusions, tarot and palm readings. Communal magic performed through movement, a mingling of voices, mind-reading and tides of music. Flight possible, exploring mountain peaks and far off lands. 

~Cancer~ Tide and moon based magic, nothing physical but instead visions, psychic intuition, premonitions and dream travelling. Healing of the soul possible, witches gather for dream time. Work with sea water perhaps, little speech: communication through the eyes instead.

️✨~Leo~ Celebration, festivities and potions: any feeling can be brewed and sold. Sky magic, painting in air, light and flame manipulation to create sights of beauty and illusion. Luck charms stored near the heart, candles lit in the dark, magic performed through poetry. All is shared.

️~Virgo~ Traditional magic, herbal remedies and balms, seclusion and documentation. Study of runes, numerology and forgotten, archaic practices. Use of stones and gems to map out the future, predictions for the next year made, tuning into energies and ghosts of the past.

~Libra~ Crystal, flower and light magic, collections stored in boxes, magic performed through paint and clay. Marital magic, the combining of souls and energies. Ancestral study and the crafting of charms to bring harmony and fortune. Storytelling through murals and mosaics.

️~Scorpio~ Sirens and selkies, manipulation of feeling and truth, shadow magic, hedonistic love spells, hypnosis. Magic performed through shell, bone and stone patterns. Soul mingling possible, binding of separate objects to create a whole.

️⏳~Sagittarius~ fortune telling, disappearance and flight. Spells baked into bread and shared on long journeys, magic performed through found objects, chanting and singing at dawn, burning incense and pilgrimage. Meditative magic, seclusion in ancient ruins.

️~Capricorn~ Resurrection magic, work with animal bones, burying luck charms in the soil. Tree-talking and stone whispering: mastery of the earth. Painting protection spells under loved ones beds, discovery of lone spaces and treasures, dowsing rods.

~Aquarius~ Casting spells while blindfolded. Fresh water magic, ritual and cleansing of the body, drawing patterns on the skin. Levitation practiced in stone circles, philosophy and the ethics of witchcraft discussed at dusk. Crystals placed on the palms and pages left to yellow in the sun.

~Pisces~ Flowers and candles floating in bowls of river water. The healing of wounds and sorrows, magic performed in silence or with soft song. Walking barefoot and heart magic: self-sacrifice and weaving protection bands for loved ones. Placing wishes into bottles and sending them off to sea.


Flowers for types of witches

I decided to cataglorize some of my flower correapondeces for different types of witches. Enjoy!

Water/sea/lunar/love witches- lotus, lily, jasmine, gardenia, magnolia, violet, rose, peony, geranium, orchids, hydrangea, lilac, passion flower, petunia

☁️Air/storm/cosmic witches- (any aromatic/light flower) lavender, babys breath, dandelion, daisy, heather, freesia, daffodil, chrysanthemum, forget-me-nots, st John’s wort, primrose, bluebell, linden

Fire/solar/desert witches- sunflower, hibiscus, poppy, chamomile, chrysanthemum, aster, marigold, calendula, snapdragon, cactus flower, prickly pear blossom, carnations, poinsettia, st John’s wort

Green/earth/ forest witches-(any bulb/foraging/herbal flower) tulips, feverfew, echinacea, passionflower, comfrey, amaryllis, hyacinth, dahlia, iris, catnip flower, sage flower, basil flower

Kitchen/cottage witches- (any edible/fruit/vegetable flower) such as elder flower, honeysuckle, passionflower, apple blossom, strawberry blossom, orange blossom, rose, pansy, squash flower, marigold

Healing/garden/tea witches- (any healing/edible/aromatic flower) such as calendula, chamomile, helitrope, lavender, milk thistle, beebalm, yarrow, red clover, rosehip, passionflower, elderflower, lilac, violets, and orchids

**please do research on the flower before you ingest it in any way

Hey witches! It’s been a while, I am back with this post for all you beginners out there! Hope you like this



Divination is one of the most-practiced branches of magick. Even non-magickal folks will sometimes flip a coin to make a decision, or crack open a fortune cookie with more than idle curiosity. As a student of the magickal arts, it’s likely that you dabbled in divination as one of your first forays into the Mysteries. Skillful divination puts you in touch with both your inner knowing and external wisdom that will help you along your path.

But many beginners ask the question, Where do I start? How do I navigate the maze of stones and bones and cards and tea leaves and other options confronting me? In this article, I’ll discuss five common methods of divination: Pendulums, scrying, Runes, Tarot, and freestyle reading. I’ll then put on my Professor Trelawney glasses and peer into your soul to recommend the best method for you. Each recommendation is based on your skills and proclivities–and just for fun, your star sign.

Keep in mind that no single method is necessarily better than another. (Also remember, it’s okay to practice more than one method!) I don’t buy into the myth that says that a reader who uses Tarot cards is somehow less talented than a reader who doesn’t. The goal is to find the best expression for your natural psychic gifts. Starting with the right tool(s) will accelerate learning and cut down on frustration.

Pendulum Dowsing

A pendulum is basically a weighted string that is held in one hand. The user (or dowser) observes the subtle movements of the pendulum to gain information about a question, object, or environment. Put another way, dowsing uses your physical body to express phenomena that are detected by the psychic senses. (For an easy introduction to pendulums, see this article.)

One of the advantages of pendulum dowsing is that it requires very little investment of time or money to get started. There’s nothing to memorize. You don’t need a book, chart, or specialized equipment. You can dowse with a necklace, a fishing bob, even a teabag! What you do need is unwavering concentration and a good dose of body-based intuition.

Swing into dowsing if you:

Favor a simple, “yes or no” answer to your questions

Can usually trust your gut feelings

Excel at grounding and centering your personal energy

Want a tool that’s compact and convenient

Identify as a kinetic learner/thinker (more than verbal or visual)

Pendulum powerhouses: Virgo, Cancer, Aquarius, Taurus


The Runes are both an archaic Norse alphabet and a set of powerful magickal symbols. The 24 letters of the Elder Futhark are the most common form of runic divination. They are inscribed on tiles of bone, stone, or wood and shuffled by the Rune reader. They are traditionally a masculine tool associated with the deity Odin. Each Rune has at least three meanings: A phonetic sound, a literal meaning, and a figurative or abstract meaning. From narrowest to broadest interpretation, the Rune called Berkana could stand for the letter “B”, the Birch tree, birth, creativity, or the feminine principle.

Despite this apparent complexity, the Runes are famous for giving it straight. They have their own personality, and are never hesitant to point out folly or disaster. Modern readers often try to moderate the voice of the Runes by employing multi-tile, Tarot-style readings. But the purest way to consult the Runes is by drawing just one Rune stone–a “take it or leave it” proposition that doesn’t leave any room for waffling.

One more thing: The Runes are a special treasure of Odin–legend has it that He hung on the World Tree for nine days and nights to receive the secret alphabet. The Runes reward devoted study and shy away from dilettantes. To truly unlock their secrets, be prepared to make some sacrifice reminiscent of (though not necessarily equal to) the God’s own.

Take up the Runes if you:

Don’t mind receiving answers that are harsh or blunt

Are willing to study or meditate on the symbols to receive their wisdom

Rune-meisters: Scorpio, Aries, Capricorn, Sagittarius


Scrying encompasses such time-honored practices as gazing into crystals, water, or fire. Along with dream interpretation, it is one of the oldest forms of divination. The term comes from the archaic word “descry,” meaning “to make out dimly.”

The scryer goes into a relaxed, meditative state and gazes into a bright or reflective object. (A popular choice is a bowl filled with water or a crystal ball illuminated by candlelight.) The resulting information is usually in the form of imagery, but some scryers may also hear sounds or feel sensations during a session. With any luck, the scryer’s visions will shed some light on the question or situation at hand.

Successful scrying does require a certain amount of natural ability. Some beginners gaze for long hours and experience only frustration. But anyone who is able to have visions will find their skills developing with practice. Focus improves, images intensify, and interpreting the visions becomes easier for the practiced scryer.

Try scrying if you:

Are a visual thinker (artist, designer, daydreamer)

Have experienced psychic dreams or spontaneous visions

Are drawn to sparkly or reflective objects

Enjoy trance and meditative states

Have knowledge of dream lore and symbols

Super scryers: Pisces, Gemini, Scorpio, Cancer


It’s no secret that I judge the Tarot to be (probably) the finest divination method ever created. It bridges the gap between intuition and knowledge. As a consummate narrative tool, Tarot dovetails with our human tendency to tell stories about ourselves. A few random cards can illustrate the past, present, and future of any drama, along with its stars and its supporting cast.

Still, Tarot’s not for everyone. It’s a complex method (or can be) and often throws hippie-dippy, purely-intuitive types a curveball with its 78 cards and nearly infinite permutations.

Here’s a secret: Invest as much or as little study time as you want. Unstudied beginners can still get satisfactory-to-great results by responding to the imagery on the cards. People with a head for facts and correspondences are great at teasing out additional meaning from a spread. But readers who can integrate both their left- and right-brain functions are predisposed to become Tarot adepts.

Tend toward Tarot if you:

Are drawn to art, literature, history and mythology

Have a good memory and make connections easily

Are a natural storyteller

Welcome complex or ambiguous answers

Are both creative and analytical, and able to balance these traits

Tarot superstars: Gemini, Sagittarius, Libra, Virgo

Nothing at All

Some readers don’t use any tools at all. Instead, they rely on some combination of gut instincts, energetic perception. They listen carefully for psychic signals from their body and

inner voice. Empty-handed readings can be done for yourself or others.

The potential pitfalls are obvious: If you come up blank, there’s no real starting place for the reading. (Struggling readers often resort to cold reading tactics or self-help cliches rather than real information.) Then there’s the problem of bias: Without external tools guiding you, you’re more likely to let your personal opinions and preconceptions color the reading. Good communication skills are essential to this type of reading. Many talented readers fall flat because they can’t articulate what they’re seeing or feeling.

Kick it freestyle if you:

Are very sensitive to energy (and good at putting your feelings into words)

Can easily put aside your biases during a session.

Find divination tools distracting

Are a natural healer who holds others’ best interests at heart

Have the confidence to deliver a reading without tools for backup

adapted from Grove and Grotto

Unencumbered wonders: Aquarius, Aries, Pisces, Taurus

Hello my fellow Christian Witches and Merry meet! I write to you this post well actually it’s reposted from another blog for Christian Witches. It raises the following question!

“Anyone have thought to explain Revelation ch 21 in regards to Magic. Does God hate all Magic or just those that practice Black Magic?”

Here is what the respond of the High Witch was:

“Before I tackle the verse, let me first say that God does not hate anyone. So They do not hate those who practice the dark arts. God is nothing but love and life and light. There is no hate in Their hearts. They love even Their children who do bad things, just as we do.

But what DOES Revelation 21 say?

First, let’s read verse 8.

“8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.“ King James Version.

The word in question is sorcerer. Let’s see what Strong’s Concordance has to say.

LSJ Gloss:


a poisoner, sorcerer



a druggist ("pharmacist”) or poisoner, i.e. (by extension) a magician

Derivation: from φάρμακον (a drug, i.e. spell-giving potion).

Does this translation of the original Greek word look like it means all magic and all magic users?


Does it mean all pharmacists?


Why would people today believe that it means all people who practice magic and all magical beings?

Because of the false teachings that we have been taught since childhood.

Even The Remedy Bible, which we recommend here, and which is the most accurate translation I have ever found in all my years of study and collecting Bibles, doesn’t get it EXACTLY right. Let’s look:

“But those who are controlled by fear, and fight to protect self, those who don’t believe in My methods of love, those who pervert the truth, the murderers, the hedonists, those who practice mysticism and magic, those who worship gods that must punish or be appeased, and all liars–they will find themselves consumed in the lake of eternal fire. This is the second, eternal, death.”

“…those who practice mysticism and magic.”

Dr. Timothy Jennings, the man who wrote The Remedy Translation, changed my life with his understanding and teachings about God’s character of love. But even he doesn’t understand that the Bible is not saying ALL magical practices or ALL magical beings. But WE understand that because we have thoroughly studied this subject and have taken each word of the verse and analyzed it using Concordances that explain the original meanings of the word, have taken history and understand HOW things have become mixed up.

Look at the last part of that verse again in the King James Version.

“…shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.”

We have multiple Bible studies on the topic of hell, the origins of the myth of hell, and how the church has added that myth into their teachings. When you read about the lake of fire, do you immediately think of hell?

MOST LIKELY. Even though you know with your mind that the Bible studies and history lessons about hell that you have read on this group solidly dispel the wrong notions of hell, your heart may still believe it because you have been taught that your whole life.

You were taught that God’s day was Sunday instead of the Sabbath too. But is that so hard to believe? It is easier for the heart to believe that because there is no fear associated with it.

Will there be fire when we come back to earth after the 1000 years we will spend in Heaven? Yes. The Bible DOES say that God will cleanse the earth from all traces of the effects of sin before He makes the earth anew. But the Bible says that it will burn quickly and cleanse the world and then go out and Jesus will remake the New Earth into perfection again. The New Jerusalem will sit down on the earth, and God will live and reign here on Earth with us.

Every time the King James Bible translates the word “eternal” in relation to fire, it means “until the end of it’s life.” The fire burns until it no longer has anything to consume, and then it goes out. And then we walk upon the ashes, according to the Bible.

But even though a thorough study of hell shows us the error of that doctrine, people are still afraid. And even though a thorough study of the word “sorcerer” shows us that it meant someone who made potions that poisoned people, which means it is bad intent, we still tend to believe the error we have been taught for all of our lives.

God tells us through Their Word “FEAR NOT!” 365 times. There are 365 verses in the Bible where either God or an angel tells us humans to not be afraid. That’s one verse for every day of the year. When our intent is good and we love God and follow Them, we have no reason to fear.

Are you a potion maker who makes poisons to hurt or kill people?


Then do not be afraid!

The King James verse says that the fearful and the unbelieving will not be in Heaven as well. And it says that all liars are included in that group. That includes people who are perverting God’s truth, Their Word to us, on purpose. So that would include people like the leaders of the church of the Dark Ages who created these false doctrines that strike fear into the hearts of so many people regarding God even today.

I cannot be a member of a church that teaches people to fear God! I can’t sit by and listen to them preach false things about God! That is why this group is my church, why the members here are my brothers and sisters.

So I call you to stand with me today against these lies about God. Don’t be afraid. Don’t be an unbeliever. Believe what God has said and let’s stand in the light and then share the light with those around us! Let us keep our lamps lit so that we may be ready when the Bridegroom comes! Let us do as God has asked and be lights in the darkness that cannot be hid. We already know that God does not judge us or condemn us. Let us live in God’s love, bask in it’s warmth, knowing that we are magical beings, God’s children, blessed and loved by God.”

I hope this cleared up around the subject of being a witch and Christian, and I hope it gave you the courage to all Christian Witches out there to embrace God and your gifts as witches!

Hello fellow witches! I just thought of dropping something historical today about us witches around the world! I hope you read it till the end and perhaps share it if you like! But please don’t feel offended! These are the words of a Christian Witch!


A fearsome being of fairytale and myth, the witch has carved out a home in nearly every culture across the world and time. Indeed, the witch represents the dark side of the female presence: she has power that cannot be controlled.

While most people envision witches aging, ugly, hook-nosed women surrounding their cauldrons and inflicting toil and trouble on the masses, history tells us that the witch’s origins are far less sinister. In fact, those whom we consider to be witches have often been healers.

Carole Fontaine, an internationally recognized American biblical scholar, argues in an interview that the idea of the witch has been around as long as humanity has tried to deal with disease and avert disaster.

In the earliest centuries of human civilization, the women doctors, midwives, wise women, and priestesses were revered throughout their communities.

These wise women made house calls, delivered babies, dealt with infertility, and cured impotence. According to Fontaine:

“What’s interesting about them is that they are so clearly understood to be positive figures in their society. No king could be without their counsel, no army could recover from a defeat without their activity, no baby could be born without their presence.”

So how did the benevolent image of a wise woman transform into the evil figure of the witch we know today?

Some scholars maintain that the answer may be linked to events long before the birth of Christ, when Indo-Europeans expanded westward, bringing with them a warrior culture that valued aggression and male gods of war, which dominated the once-revered female deities.

The Holy Spirit that we worship was changed from the Hebrew feminine to the Greek neuter to the Roman Latin male.

In the 1300s, when the plague decimated Europe and killed one in three people, it also brought with it hysteria. Amid the panic, many attributed their misfortune to the Devil himself — and his supposed worshipers. At this point the Catholic Church’s Inquisition, which had already been established for decades, expanded its efforts to seek out and punish the non-Catholic causes of the mass deaths, including Devil-doting witches. These women were believed to worship in large nocturnal assemblies, where various social ills were performed, such as promiscuous sex, naked dancing, and gluttonous feasting on the flesh of human infants. At the climax of this festival, people at the time believed that the Devil himself would appear and participate in an unbridled orgy with all attendants.

In order to save the Church and its followers from the Devil, then, these women had to be tamed. It is with that in mind that Catholic Church inquisitors Jacob Springer and Henrik Kramer wrote the Malleus Maleficarum, a book which assisted witch hunters in the gruesome task of diagnosing and punishing so-called witches, who as women were sexually vulnerable and therefore easy prey for the Devil.

“What else is a woman but a foe to friendship?” wrote the monks. “They are evil, lecherous, vein, and lustful. All witchcraft comes from carnal lust, which is, in women, insatiable.”

The manual’s vivid descriptions would serve as a platform for zealous witch hunters to act on their prejudices for over 200 years. At the time, Malleus Maleficarum was second to the Bible in terms of popularity.

Fontaine notes that while there had been witch hunting manuals prior to the publication of the Malleus Malificarum, these two monks were the first to associate a specific gender with witchcraft.

By the end of the 1600s, the witch hunting hysteria in Europe reached its peak. Witch hunts spread like wildfire across Europe, the worst of which occurred in France and Germany. Würzburg, Germany was home to the worst instance of witch hunting: the magistrates of the time determined that most of the town was possessed by the Devil, and condemned hundreds to death.

Religion professor Barbara McGraw notes in a 1996 interview that there were some towns in Germany where there were no women left.

Thousands were arrested and brought to inquisitors for examination. Under an inquisitor’s brutal scrutiny, the accused were strippped and searched. Any “suspicious” wart, mole, or birthmark could be enough to receive a death sentence.

In order to execute the accused, however, they first needed to confess. Torture seemed to be the best way of inciting confession, and the Church would use instruments such as thumb and leg screws, head clamps, and the iron maiden to generate the “truth” needed to enact death.

While torturing women under examination, the Malleus Maleficarum warned the torturer not to make eye contact with her, as her “evil powers” might cause the torturer to develop feelings of compassion.

When this period ended at approximately the beginning of the 18th century, an estimated 60,000 people in Europe had been killed as witches.

Overseas, the most anthologized witch hunt took place in Salem, Massachusetts. The 17th century settlement had a rough beginning: decades of Indian Wars, land disputes, deep religious divisions and a tendency to look to the supernatural to explain the unknown helped set the grounds for this particularly “New World” brand of hysteria.

The witch hysteria in Salem began in 1692, in the home of a Puritan minister named Samuel Parris. Parris was deeply concerned about a game his daughter Elizabeth and niece Abigail had played, in which the two girls looked into a primitive crystal ball and saw a coffin. This vision sent them into convulsions, and within a few days nine other girls throughout the community were stricken with the same ailment.

Under the pressure of Parris, the girls then named three witches who may have cursed them: Tituba, their household slave, Sarah Good, a beggar woman, and Sarah Osborne, a widow rumored to have had an illicit affair with one of her servants. All three women were social outcasts, and thus easy targets for suspicion.

The 1692 Salem witch trials spread witch hunting hysteria to 24 outlying villages. That year, jails were crowded with more than 200 accused witches, 27 of whom were found guilty. 19 were killed.

The trials met a swift end, however, in part because supposed victims began pointing their fingers at high-ranking figures within the community. When the wife of the governor of Massachusetts was accused of witchcraft, leaders saw to it that the trials ceased immediately.

As to what spurred the girls’ confessions, Fontaine attributes them to a form of social release. The girls had been so tightly controlled in Salem, Fontaine argues, that this confession allowed the girls to receive some kind of attention.

Hundreds of years later, the fearsome image of the witch faded, and was absorbed by a popular culture who used the witch’s violent history as costume inspiration. Others, however, used it as a means to found a new spiritual movement.

In 1921, British archaeologist Margaret Murray penned a book called The Witch Cult in Western Europe, in which she argued that witchcraft had not been an obscure occult, but a dominant religious force. Though Murray’s theories have been widely discredited (proven to be untrue) since the book’s publishing, her work sparked a fascination with witches that had been dormant for three hundred years, eventually helping spawn the pagan Wicca religion.

The religion, which is named after an Anglo Saxon term for “craft of the wise,” circles back to ancient practices that use herbs and other natural elements to promote healing, harmony, love, and wisdom, all following the tenet of “harm none,“ while rejecting the more violent aspects of the same ancient practices.

However, just like hundreds of thousands of people who have come before us, these same practices of healing and working with nature can also be practiced with the worship of the one true Creator God, who gave us these gifts to begin with.

Hello my fellow Christian witches, and my fellow pagan witches out there, I come to you with this post because I figured : “ hey! there are many witches out there and they all identify themselves with different forms like Sea Witch, Storm Witch, Swamp Witch, and the like. So why not introduce the types of magic that are really common and practiced among all of us witches out there!”

So here are the 5 Types of Magic, and I hope that no one feels offended, or feels like what is this asshole talking about? These types are so common, and are categorized according to the source of energy rather than the way!

Blessed be to all!

Types of Magic:
Magic has two components: intention and amplification. The following 5 classifications are based on that second component. I divided all the different types of magic according to the source of energy rather than on the way of doing it. On a side note, I did not include divination because it is NOT a form of magick. Divination is a way to gain insight: you can’t use it to manifest things (unless you use it as a magical tool). So, without further ado, here are the 5 basic types of magic.

This is probably the most common form of magic. Any magic that deals with the forces of nature falls under that category. Natural magic incorporates all four natural elements (Earth, Air, Water and Fire) but also Sea, Weather, Crystals, and much more. Natural magic is also called folk magic or low magic because it does not require a lot of preparation and tools to perform. You can practice it anywhere, intuitively, using what you have on hand. Casting a sacred circle isn’t even necessary! It’s been practiced since the dawn of time by shamans, healers, medicine women, druids, and other traditional witches around the world. Potions, talismans and amulets are typical examples of natural magic (but you are not limited to these of course!).

Planetary magic draws its energy from heavenly bodies such as the Sun, the Moon, and the planets of our solar system. This kind of magic is based from the age-old tradition of astrology. Lunar and solar magic also falls under this category. In their simplest form, Full Moon rituals are a mix of natural and planetary magic. To perform planetary magic, you need a good knowledge of astrology and astronomy. This kind of magic requires more planning than natural magic because you have to carefully select the perfect time and material corresponding to your goal and to the planet that you will work with.

In Chaos magic, you draw your energy from your own psyche. To charge their spells, chaos magic practicionners need to be in a gnosis, or altered state of consciousness. This state can be attained in various ways such as meditation, drumming, dance, intense physical effort and even sexual intercourse. It’s only when you’ve reached this specific mental state that you can charge your spell with your own energy. It’s as if you were programming the Universe AND your own subconscious at the same time. For this reason, chaos magic doesn’t require a lot of preparation or theorical knowledge. If you know how to attain gnosis, you can practice it anywhere, using what you’ve got on hand. You don’t need to cast a sacred circle either. Of course, the most popular form of chaos magic is sigil crafting. However, there are many other ways to practice chaos magic such as the cut-up technique, linking sigils, and servitors. Since there are no rules in chaos magic, be creative and feel free to experiment. Keep in mind that anything that uses symbols can be used as a support for chaos magic, even tarot cards. However, be very careful what you wish for! Chaos magic is very neutral and unfiltered, so you might be surprised by the results of your spells.

Ceremonial magic is also called High Magic by some. It is an ancient form of magic that uses complicated sets of rules, rituals, symbols and tools. Its probably the most “occult” form of magic. The magic from all initiatic orders falls under this category (such as the Institute of Hermetic Studies, the Society of the Inner Light, O.T.O., Rosicrucians, Templars, Golden Dawn, Freemasonry, etc). Besides, you need to be initiated by a member in order to practice it. Here, the energy source is the egregor of each specific tradition. Since a lot of these traditions are highly philosophical, their spells and rituals need a lot of prior knowledge and planning. Since I’m not a member of any initiatic order, I don’t know much about it. All I know is that a lot of ceremonial magic is based on the Kabballah and alchemy.

Summoning magic draws its energy from entities of other planes of consciousness such as gods and goddesses, faeries, spirit animals, angels, and even demons and “ancestors,” for Dark Magic practitioners. Therefore, this category incorporates all rituals and spells requiring the summoning of an entity. Here, the practitioner does not act on their own. Instead, spells and rituals are performed in the name of the entity that has been summoned. This form of magic is practiced in all devotional magical traditions such as Wicca and other neopagan religions. Summoning magic requires knowledge, planning and dedication in the long run. Working with a spiritual guide of any kind is the most powerful form of summoning magic.

For my Christian witches,  I do not recommend the Summoning magic, although it is frequently used, because it is too easy for an evil entity to impersonate an angel of light, your dead ancestor, etc. It is quite dangerous, however popular it is. I do recommend praying to God. As for my pagan witches who prefer dealing with such entities, please be careful and keep protected! If ever visited by any evil entity do perform a banishment spell under any circumstances!
