#palamedes sextus

[GtN Spoilers!!!] drawing harrow laughing feels like blasphemy but I needed to draw the girls happy [GtN Spoilers!!!] drawing harrow laughing feels like blasphemy but I needed to draw the girls happy [GtN Spoilers!!!] drawing harrow laughing feels like blasphemy but I needed to draw the girls happy [GtN Spoilers!!!] drawing harrow laughing feels like blasphemy but I needed to draw the girls happy [GtN Spoilers!!!] drawing harrow laughing feels like blasphemy but I needed to draw the girls happy [GtN Spoilers!!!] drawing harrow laughing feels like blasphemy but I needed to draw the girls happy

[GtN Spoilers!!!] drawing harrow laughing feels like blasphemy but I needed to draw the girls happy and together for a second…

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Took a chop at designing interpretations of my favourite house pairs from the first book!Took a chop at designing interpretations of my favourite house pairs from the first book!Took a chop at designing interpretations of my favourite house pairs from the first book!

Took a chop at designing interpretations of my favourite house pairs from the first book!

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[Image description: a coloured drawing of characters from the Locked Tomb series.

The left side is labeled ‘If It’s Harrow’ and shows Gideon in Harrowharks body climbing Harrow in Gideon’s body with her sword in hand and a tear running down her cheek, saying:

“Oh thank fuck, you crazy, evil bitch I am so angry with you and you’re fuckin’ paper skin and glass bones and scrawny necro arms and also I’m so fucking glad you’re not just gone, never do this to me again and also did you like having my muscles you better have taken better care of them than my fucking sword I fucking hate you and I’m never letting go of you ever, ever a-fucking-gain.”

The right side is labeled 'If It’s the Body’, and shows the Body in Gideon’s body with a sword through her midsection, holding back a furious Gideon in Harrow’s body with one hand. Gideon is saying:

“You creepy, meat-napping, cockblocking corpse fuck if my adept’s stupid wrists weren’t so fuckin’ flimsy I’d sock you right in my beautiful, apparently immortal face!”

Camilla is reaching out to Gideon with a tired expression, saying “Nav, please.” while a skeletal hand with little glasses is clinging to Gideon’s ankle. End description]

I honestly don’t know which I want more

BoE Cammilla Hect can’t wait for Atn to see them :) 

BoE Cammilla Hect 

can’t wait for Atn to see them :) 

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Bone cocoonanother team 69 fanart, i just love them together <3 also do you think its comfortable

Bone cocoon

another team 69 fanart, i just love them together <3 

also do you think its comfortable sleeping inside of bone cocoon? unless she specifically made it cozy inside??? hmmm 

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this tweet is making me so insane that’s HIS mentally ill bestie

losing it over “i’m too old to know not to be offensive, palamedes” and “forgive me the joke, warden” pyhrra really spent ten thousand years on the Hell Ship Full Of Horrible People Who Suck just having to listen to all their toxic bitching and bickering all day and THEN had the misfortune to run into the only Polite and Civilized man left in the universe but unfortunately now she only speaks asshole

raccuundraws:Locked Tomb stuff [ID 1: A drawing of Gideon and Harrow from The Locked Tomb. They are raccuundraws:Locked Tomb stuff [ID 1: A drawing of Gideon and Harrow from The Locked Tomb. They are raccuundraws:Locked Tomb stuff [ID 1: A drawing of Gideon and Harrow from The Locked Tomb. They are


Locked Tomb stuff

[ID 1: A drawing of Gideon and Harrow from The Locked Tomb. They are in a dark high-walled hall of Canaan House. The columns are ringed with skeletons. Gideon purses her lips. She is wearing sunglasses. She carries an unconscious Harrow over her shoulder. End ID 1

ID 2: Coronabeth and Ianthe. Ianthe sits on a plush purple couch with a glass of wine in one hand and her legs crossed. Coronabeth lies on the ground, resting her head on Ianthe’s leg and draping an arm over it. She holds an empty wine glass. Naberius’s hand is limp on the floor, barely in frame. There is spilled wine on the white tiled floor. A wooden table holds fruits and a plate of fish. End ID 2

ID 3: Camilla and Palamedes in a library. Camilla stands next to a bookcase in the foreground. Her back is to the viewer, and she looks over her shoulder with a neutral expression. Palamedes stands on a black spiral staircase with one hand on the railing. His face is serious. End ID 3]

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warden & cavalier

[image description: a digital illustration of palamedes sextus and camilla hect from the locked tomb series, both in camilla’s body, standing back to back in identical poses and with identical neutral expressions. palamedes-in-camilla wears gideon’s sunglasses and holds a book. camilla holds one knife and has another at her hip. they stand in front of the clock face of a watch, which is cracked on palamedes’ side.]

cheruehai:[ID: Three pages of drawings of characters from Nona the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir. 1. Camilla cheruehai:[ID: Three pages of drawings of characters from Nona the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir. 1. Camilla cheruehai:[ID: Three pages of drawings of characters from Nona the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir. 1. Camilla


[ID: Three pages of drawings of characters from Nona the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir. 1. Camilla takes notes on a clipboard. Her bangs are pinned back. She says, “Keep going.” Nona is behind her, peering over Camilla’s shoulder. 2. Nona in profile with a worried expression. Her long black hair is in three braids. 3. Camilla smiling. Her eyes are gray. There are hearts around her. A note reads, “My love,” in all caps. 4. Nona lays down and lifts her legs to stretch them. She scrunches up her face in effort. Camilla stands beside Nona with no expression. She says, “Walk it off.” 5. Nona is drawn cartoonishly small and cute. Her eyes are huge and they well with tears. She smiles and clasps her hands, saying: “At least please can you write down, “I love you, Palamedes,” please, from me? At least write, “I love you, Palamedes, from Nona.”

6. Pyrrha (in Gideon Prime’s body) places a pan full of eggs on the table. She wears a vest and sweatpants. She smiles at Nona and says, “Eggs aren’t optional, kiddie.” A note pointing to Pyrrha says “Mom” with a smiley face. Nona frowns and says, “Yuck.” She is holding two cups. To the right, there is a board that reads: “Ass Joke Chart.” Pyrrha, Nona, Camilla, and Palamedes’s names are written in an alien alphabet. Pyrrha has 7 tally marks, Nona has 2, Camilla has 0, and Palamedes has 4. 7. Pyrrha braids Nona’s hair. Meanwhile, Nona stares at a plate of eggs with disgust and chews on her hair. 8. Palamedes (in Camilla’s body) frowns. He has brown eyes. 9. Palamedes eats scrambled eggs. He says, “a very nutritious part.” Pyrrha’s expression is that of a cursed . She exclaims, “THE ASS.”

10. Camilla wears a hat with a neck flap, a mask with valves, a heavy trench coat, and sunglasses. 11. Camilla, Pyrrha, and Nona run towards the left. They all wear the same outfit as Camilla. 12. Nona crosses her arms and says, “If Cam gets to fight, I get to keep all the dogs.” 13. Lastly, there is a sketch of a Resurrection Beast Herald. It is an insect-like creature with wings and a skull for a face. End ID]

had to draw them while reading the excerpts!

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drawing a modern au to cope

[ID: Drawings of characters from The Locked Tomb series.
1. Harrow and Gideon sit together at a desk. Harrow writes on a piece of paper. There are textbooks in front of her. Gideon drapes an arm over Harrow’s shoulders and looks over at Harrow’s work with a curious expression. Harrow glares back. Harrow wears a gray hoodie over a striped shirt. Gideon wears a white shirt with torn off sleeves and sunglasses on the top of her head.

2. Camilla and Palamedes from the shoulders up. They both frown slightly. Camilla wears a white polo shirt and Palamedes wears oval glasses and a gray turtleneck.

3. Harrow and Gideon’s faces. Harrow has deep shadows under her eyes. She scowls. Gideon smiles slightly.

4. Harrow wears a gray hoodie, black skinny jeans, backpack, and checkered shoes. Her hands are in the hoodie pocket. Gideon wears a backwards black cap, a blue sweater that says “sports”, black basketball shorts, and red shoes. She smiles and crosses her arms.

5. Ianthe corners Harrow by leaning an arm against the brick wall and appears to be flirting with her. Ianthe wears a yellow long sleeve shirt, gray skinny jeans, a messenger bag, and a purple plaid shirt tied around her waist. Harrow stares at Ianthe blankly, unimpressed. In the background, Gideon’s eyes are wide in surprise and anger as she stumbles upon the scene.

6. Naberius, Coronabeth, and Ianthe from the shoulders up. Naberius wears an indigo sweater. Coronabeth’s hair is tied up with a purple scrunchie and she wears a purple turtleneck and indigo tank on top. Ianthe wears a purple polo with a light blue collar. Naberius frowns while Corona grins and Ianthe smiles slyly. End ID]


their conversation in the river

[ID 1: A comic of Palamedes and Harrow from The Locked Tomb. Palamedes is reading a book. A tiny Harrow pops out of nowhere in front of the bookshelf, and Pal looks up with surprise. Pal waves and says, “hey girl what’s up.” Harrow, grimacing, says, “Just seen the skull.” Pal’s smile grows wider and he points at Harrow. He says, “this is bad or awesome.”

ID 2: A Tumblr ask sent by pisboy that reads: “hey girl what’s up.” hollowtones answers, “Just seen the skull.” pisboy replies, “this is bad or awesome.” End ID 2]

We do bones, motherfucker Gideon, Harrow and the best boys Magnus and Palamedes We do bones, motherfucker Gideon, Harrow and the best boys Magnus and Palamedes We do bones, motherfucker Gideon, Harrow and the best boys Magnus and Palamedes We do bones, motherfucker Gideon, Harrow and the best boys Magnus and Palamedes 

We do bones, motherfucker 

Gideon, Harrow and the best boys Magnus and Palamedes 

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missing pieces of my skull…

i couldn’t help continuing to work on that palamedes sketch from a few weeks ago. sex pal really is my favorite character in the locked tomb series, and this moment was completely mind-blowing (ha). sixth house forever!!
