
Artober 202017.) WiredI mean the palantir’s basically a phone isn’t it?2020  -old to new | new to ol

Artober 2020
17.) Wired

I mean the palantir’s basically a phone isn’t it?

2020  -old to new|new to old-
2019  -old to new|new to old-
2018  -old to new|new to old-

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‘No,’ said Gandalf. 'Nor by Saruman. It is beyond his art, and beyond Sauron’s too. The palantíri came from beyond Westernesse from Eldamar. The Noldor made them. Fëanor himself, maybe, wrought them, in days so long ago that the time cannot be measured in years. But there is nothing that Sauron cannot turn to evil uses. Alas for Saruman! It was his downfall, as I now perceive. Perilous to us all are the devices of an art deeper than we possess ourselves. Yet he must bear the blame. Fool! to keep it secret, for his own profit. No word did he ever speak of it to any of the Council. We had not yet given thought to the fate of the palantíri of Gondor in its ruinous wars. By Men they were almost forgotten. Even in Gondor they were a secret known only to a few; in Arnor they were remembered only in a rhyme of lore among the Dúnedain.’

- Gandalf on the origin of the seeing stones. Two Towers, The Voice of Saruman

10 August 2016:We’re happy to announce today that the Silk team is joining Palantir. …Silk.co10 August 2016:We’re happy to announce today that the Silk team is joining Palantir. …Silk.co

10 August 2016:

We’re happy to announce today that the Silk team is joining Palantir. …

Silk.co as a platform will continue to operate. Nothing will change to current Silks, and you can still create a new Silk for free. However, because of our new roles at Palantir, Silk.co will operate “as is” and we will not be able to provide technical or customer support to new or existing Silk accounts any longer, nor will we be doing any further development work or adding new features to the hosted Silk.co product.

5 November 2017:

Unfortunately, we have decided to shutdown the service by December 15th, 2017. … After that date, your Silks will no longer be available and Silk.co will go offline.

Thank you so much for your support over the years.

(Thanks Salvador Diaz)

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Disturbing report of the palantir.Sketch on the night of 02/24/22.Тревожный доклад палантира.Скетч в

Disturbing report of the palantir.
Sketch on the night of 02/24/22.

Тревожный доклад палантира.
Скетч в ночь на 24.02.22.
На самом деле к тому моменту таких набросков - вариантов различных тревожных сидений над палантирами набралось уже какое-то количество. Я часто, даже, наверное, почти всегда, рисую “ненаправленным рисованием”, что-то черкается по бумаге (ну да, по экрану, по планшету, но это без разницы), и я сама смотрю, что возникает. Эта тема возникла где-то в начале декабря и стала повторяться, появляться вновь и вновь.

maybe Maglor and Maedhros

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We’re watching the Return of the King right now, and got to the part where Denethor is introduced.  My husband asks me for the context of why Denethor is Like That, since I just finished reading the book.  So I explained how Denethor has been using a Palantir for years to get information, and how Sauron has been manipulating him by only letting him see events that give him a worst possible impression of reality.

So my husband replies “Oh!  So Denethor is basically just like your grandpa after he starts getting all his news from Fox.”   And honestly, yeah pretty much.

Warn people before you make statements like that. I was not ready.

“For I am Saruman the Wise, Saruman Ring-maker, Saruman of Many Colours!’I looked then a

“For I am Saruman the Wise, Saruman Ring-maker, Saruman of Many Colours!’

I looked then and saw that his robes, which had seemed white, were not so, but were woven of all colours, and if he moved they shimmered and changed hue so that the eye was bewildered.
I liked white better,’ I said.

White!’ he sneered. ‘It serves as a beginning. White cloth may be dyed. The white page can be overwritten; and the white light can be broken.’

In which case it is no longer white,’ said I. 'And he that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom.”


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