#palestinian resistance


Odeh family is a Palestinian family, living in Silwan and the IOF forced them to demolish their own house, otherwise they will get their house demolished for them and get fined with >20,000$

Odeh family and other families‘ houses are going to be demolished and left homeless, this is a part of a zionist plan to forcefully expel the Palestinians from Jerusalem to change it from an arab-majority city to a zionist majority city, this form of colonisation is called “Settler colonialism” where the indigenous people of the land are being forcefully replaced by the people of the occupier.

save Palestine

save silwan

Don’t forget about the Palestinian captive in Israeli prisons Eyad Hriebat, he is in a very serious medical condition due to the intentional medical negligence by IOF.
he was subjected to pharmacological torture in Hadarim prison by IOF for 6 months, according to trustful witnesses, we don‘t know yet what was injected in his head that caused the amnesia and complete paralysis.
when he was 19, he was sentenced to 250 years behind the bars, just because he fought for freedom, for his resistance, for the land, for Palestine

Save Eyad from torture.

Palestinian lives matter
