

When you say “All Lives Matter” when I say “Black Lives Matter” it sounds like your saying “Black lives don’t matter as much.” And are things to condescend and minigate the importance of our message. And if “All Lives Matter” then “Black Lives” are included and you should be just as mad and heartbroken and standing with us.

When you say “White lives matter too.” when I say “Black Lives Matter” It sounds like you are saying “White lives matter more then black lives.” And it makes me feel like you see me as a traitor of my race for defending another. I akwoldge I have white privlage but at least I can use it to help anyway I can.

When you say “They are all just thugs who are looting and setting things on fire.” when I say “Black Lives Matter" you are only choosing to focus on the handful of the most radical and misguided of those involved and willfully ignoring the peacful protesrs who are using their voice instead of their hands. .

Those are crimes and that is wrong, But the only casualty were things, items, objects that could be replaced and profit, no one was harmed. Murdering unarmed indaviduals based on skin color and suspicion and brutallizing peaceful protesters is arguably much worse. They WERE harmed while not committing any crime other then speaking out and going about their day. Even if they did do something wrong, you should be arrested lawfully and investigated. Not murdered.

When you say “Blue Lives Matter” when I say “Black Lives Matter” it sounds like you are saying “Police matter more and should not be held accountable when they cross a line or take a life unjustly.”

Police know when they signed up that they put their lives on the line everyday to protect and serve others. They knew that there would be a chance they could get hurt or die to protect the community. Black people did not sign up to be black or be killed for doing everyday things or to be asssumed guilty and suspicious wherever they go or whatever they are doing. You can take off a uniform. You cant take off your skin.

When I say “ Black Lives Matter” I am merely stating a truthful fact. If you deny the truth or try to divert it, you are part of the problom, I’m trying be part of the solution.

Satan: How do you justify the killing of the Palestinian civilians by fully-armed soldiers?
IOF: easy, we throw a knife near the body and we claim self defence.

Odeh family is a Palestinian family, living in Silwan and the IOF forced them to demolish their own house, otherwise they will get their house demolished for them and get fined with >20,000$

Odeh family and other families‘ houses are going to be demolished and left homeless, this is a part of a zionist plan to forcefully expel the Palestinians from Jerusalem to change it from an arab-majority city to a zionist majority city, this form of colonisation is called “Settler colonialism” where the indigenous people of the land are being forcefully replaced by the people of the occupier.

save Palestine

save silwan

Muhammad Tamimi, a 17 year old resident of Nabi Saleh, was shot and killed by IDF soldiers in his own village today. The regular loss of Palestinian children’s lives due to soldiers’ unregulated use of excessive force is impossible to bear.

Decolonization now.

AFA is trying to create an all white church, that follows the belief of N@z!s.

Sign the petition and boost!



a spell of protection and justice for those protesting in response to black lives matter. i did this on the super moon of June 5th 2020


  • a container
  • a pencil
  • paper (i used green for life)
  • sharpie
  • soil
  • black and white candle
  • honey : protection, healing, purity, to sweeten the world
  • sage : wisdom, protection, good luck, emotional strength, heal grief
  • mint (apple): protection, ward of negativity, recharge energy, well being
  • lavender : cleansing, peace, protection, purification
  • rosemary : love, protection, strength, cleansing, purifying , healing
  • thyme : courage, heal grief, honour the dead, ward of negativity
  • pumpkin seeds: lunar spells, to plant the spell and make it grow
  • pink himalayan salt: love, protection
  • salt: protection
  • egg shells: protection
  • rose petals: love
  • Bay: healing, protection
  • cinnamon: healing, protection, victory, love, speeds up spells, success


  1. Light a white candle and pray to Ares. He is one of the most passionate Gods who fights for justice. As a God of War, he will be on the front lines with those fighting for justice. I also said a prayer I found online regarding this topic
  2. Take your container and fill the bottom with soil. The place 3 pumpkin seeds on top of the soil. This represents how the spell will grow and bring a new world.
  3. If fresh and not dried, put your sage and mint leaves around the containers edges to cover them.
  4. Then put the rest of your ingredients in and drizzles some honey over it
  5. Create a Sigil with the specific Intent you want.
  6. Fold up your sigil and place it on top of the honey.
  7. Place more soil over all the contents so it’s covered. Don’t worry if you can still see parts of the sage and mint leaves. This further reflects that representation.
  8. Light your black candle and pour some of the wax onto the soil. Then pour some of the white candle ontop of the black, making sure there’s more white. This shows the light and justice winning over darkness and hate.
  9. Close the lid focusing on intent.
  10. Draw the sigil you made ontop of the lid in sharpie and write BLM under it.


I pray that these protests across our globe will bring into action the change we so desperately need. I pray that all my followers going to protests stay safe and are protected. I pray for the families of white supremacy victims. I pray that the names of those taken will never be forgotten. May the Gods be with you.

walrushit: musicxmusingsxmemes:ordeal:rudelyfe:nevaehtyler:26-year-old Jamarion Robinson’s g






26-year-oldJamarion Robinson’s grandmother Beverly Nixon said her grandson was bipolar and schizophrenic. Still got shot 76 (!!!) times. Would a white person get the same treatment?

The witness said he saw more than a dozen patrol cars at the complex where US Marshals killed Robinson on August 5, 2016. Why were there no behavioral specialist? Surely one of them would know how to interact with a bipolar schizophrenic better than the police.

I’m absolutely disgusted.

Here’sJamarion’s mother’s GoFundMe in case anyone is willing to help.

#JusticeForJamarion   #BlackLivesMatter

Oh god ..

this is how much they’ve raised as of June 26th, 2020.

$48,589 out of $100,000 raised as of September 28th, 2020

It’s at 48k as of October 11, 2020

Post link