


as I stick my hand into a newly opened bag of M&Ms, a part of me I like to pretend doesn’t exist hopes to pull out the color red.

I know that inside they’re all the same sweet, cheap chocolate

that made Mars Inc. rich,

but like a weed that leaves its roots behind, something so deeply lodged inside my mind my bare hands cannot pry it loose suggests, 

so quietly most of the time I forget to notice, 

that red is best,

better than any other color in the bag,

for no reason other than it happens to the uninvited guest that has so rudely imprinted itself into the back of my eye, glaring like the flag at a bullfight,

and I wonder why my tastebuds cheer the color red,

red of blood,of gunshot wounds in chocolate skin undeserved,

served by those charged to protect,

the red of anger aimed at every other color,

the scream of silence as the trigger is pulled


the color splashed across the headlines of CNN

when yet another life has been slammed shut before the last page, because of the color of the cover,


the red of my own lips, partedas my throat tries to open and let words pass,

but finds that it is too tight,

because underneath the red on the M&M is a white candy shell,

so easily crushed

between the teeth of a nation that feeds discrimination and makes it great again,

where cruelty trumps kindness,

and walls border more than our minds,

and red, the red that catches my eye when I hang my head in shame, painted onto my nails, a concoction of corrosive chemicals that harden when exposed to the light and air,

and red,the red that I have been infected with, the disease

coursing through my veins,  that seeps out when my wrists are sliced open.

Now, as I stare at the red M&M in my hand, sticky from being rubbed between my fingers,

I realize that maybe I’m only one person, but each ocean begins with a single drop. I let the red M&M fall to the floor, and watch it fade,

 then reach into the bag again. 

this time I close my eyes.  

Donate if you can please. I’m being charged with assault and battery for punching my racist neighbor for spitting on me during a pandemic. I need to pay for lawyer fees and to move out of my racist town.

If you don’t want to donate through gofundme then you can cashapp me $Muvatokyo

If you can’t donate, please reblog when you see this. I’m desperate. Thank you!

- I promise to no longer excuse myself from the news when it pertains to injustice. I need to stay aware and vigilant. My avoidance = privileged delusion.

- I will speak out publicly, not just privately. I’ve learned there is a big difference. I will speak up whenever I see any form of racial oppression or injustice.

- I will educate myself about racism. I will educate myself on the history and the present.

- I will NOT MOVE PAST the feelings brought up by George Floyd’s murder. It’s a privilege to be able to avoid the pain and I apologize for living in that avoidance. I will continue this conversation with myself, with my family, with my friends, and with my acquaintances.

The world I want to live in will not exist if I don’t fight for it.

From Ghadanfar Abu Atwan:

My life is fading in front of my eyes, I lost my health & my body betrayed me, zionist occupier applies the slow death policy to me in Kaplan Hospital

‎Here I am declaring a water strike after 61 days of my hunger strike

**Update: According to his sister Warda, the (Israeli) Kaplan Hospital where Ghadanfar Abu Atwan is being held has threatened to force feed him, which under international law amounts to torture.



Yesterday (Fri, July 2, 2021) this Palestinian kid (13 yo) miraculously escaped being killed after he got shot by soldiers of the Israeli occupation forces, at first they unlawfully detained him at Bab Al-zawiya area, where he successfully managed to escape from this illegal detention, bcoz of that these monsters shot him.

Hebron, Palestine.


Al-Ghadanfar Abu Atwan from Palestine, is now on day 60 of his hunger strike, protesting his own unlawful administrative detention by IDF. Administrative detention where a prisoner is held indefinitely without charge or any trial. The Israeli occupation forces use this type of detention only with the Palestinians.

Al-Ghadanfar now is looking painfully thin. His sister says he can’t feel his legs and had to have help in bringing them down over the side of the bed.



The occupation continues to demolish Palestinians’ houses in Silwan, East Jerusalem.

these ruins used to be an apartment housing a Palestinian family (with 2 children) less than 1 hr ago, now the family is homeless.

Stop the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.

Satan: How do you justify the killing of the Palestinian civilians by fully-armed soldiers?
IOF: easy, we throw a knife near the body and we claim self defence.

Odeh family is a Palestinian family, living in Silwan and the IOF forced them to demolish their own house, otherwise they will get their house demolished for them and get fined with >20,000$

Odeh family and other families‘ houses are going to be demolished and left homeless, this is a part of a zionist plan to forcefully expel the Palestinians from Jerusalem to change it from an arab-majority city to a zionist majority city, this form of colonisation is called “Settler colonialism” where the indigenous people of the land are being forcefully replaced by the people of the occupier.

save Palestine

save silwan

“They Came Here to Attack Arabs.”

During the Israeli attacks on Gaza, the past May, Israeli settlers marked palestinians’ houses with red paints in Al-lydd city in Jerusalem, so they could be raided on by armed Israeli thugs.

Meanwhile, the “Garin torani” or the “torah seeds” group aims to create a jewish majority in Arab-majority neighbrhoods by forcefully displacing the indogenous palestinians from these neighborhoods and welcoming settlers from all around the world.

A soldier of the “world’s least moral army” spraying pepper at a press‘ face to prevent him from documenting their terrorism in Palestine.

Typical terrorists. Israel is nothing but a political cult, same as ISIS covering their war crimes in name of religion. Fuck Izrael and the world’s double standards.

Mohammad Al-Allamy (11 y-o) was shot dead today by IOF , he was directly targeted at his chest while he was sitting in his parents car coming back from a grocery trip, the Israeli military intentionally targets children. this is a cold blooded murder, we have to hold this fascist Israeli occupation accountable for its crimes against the Palestinians, share and expose these crimes.

Palestinian lives matter, save the Palestinian children from the Israeli terrorism.

Muhammad Tamimi, a 17 year old resident of Nabi Saleh, was shot and killed by IDF soldiers in his own village today. The regular loss of Palestinian children’s lives due to soldiers’ unregulated use of excessive force is impossible to bear.

Decolonization now.

I’ve met so many people lately that have been like “I’m not racist but this one race of people are terrible”

….that’s racism my dude, you’re being racist, the thing you are doing is generalizing people based on their race, you know what that is? racism
