#israeli terrorism



If this post makes you uncomfortable, I’m not sorry.

Today, innocent muslims were attacked by Israeli forces during Friday prayers in Al Aqsa mosque in Palestine. Over 150 Palestinian muslims were injured in the raid. Every year, in Ramadan, these zionists attack and hurt innocent people. They choose the most peaceful time of our Hijri year to terrorise and cause chaos. To attack innocent people in prayer is the lowest of the low and everyone needs to see this situation for what it is; this is terrorism, this is an occupation, this is the killing of innocent people.

This post is to push this information out and to urge everyone to pay attention and educate themselves. I want everyone to understand that Israel is not a country, it’s stolen land - it’s the result of years of violence, terrorism and ethnic cleansing. I will not stay silent and if this makes you uncomfortable, I urge you to take a moment to find out why this makes you feel that way.

Eyad Hriebat (39 yo) from the city of sakaka, Hebron West bank, he was unjustly sentenced by the israeli courts to 250 years behind bars for his resistance and fight against the Israeli occupation, He was arrested when he was 19.

For 6 months Eyad got tortured, brutally assaulted and beatened in Hadarim prison by IOF, and left with complete medical negligence, he is currently in a very serious health condition he is amnesic, paralysed, septic, and in danger of developing a shock and death.

Update: rumours between the prisoners and other witnesses saying that the IOF injected Eyad’s head with an unknown substance which explains the rapid development of the amnesia and paralysis and the very recent mental deterioration.

Don’t leave him alone facing his death under the torture in the Israeli prisons.

Support him and his family by sharing his story and exposing the war crimes of the israeli occupation.

#Palestinian lives matter #SaveEyad

Harbi Al-Rajhi, got shot at his back yesterday by zionist occupation forces while he was going to pray at the mosque, in Silwan.

Due to his injury, he underwent nephrectomy and partial splenectomy.

people of Silwan are subjected to all types of violence by IOF, as the occupation government intentionally ordering its forces to make people’s lives miserable and unbearable in Silwan, so people leave the town in favor of zionist settlers.

stop the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.


Stop Ethnic Cleansing

in Silwan & Sheikh Jarrah, Jerusalem, and All of Palestine

#MakeNoiseForJerusalem  #SaveSilwan   #SaveSheikhJarrah  #SaveJerusalem   #PelosiDemolishesJerusalem

In August 2021, the Israeli government plans to continue its ethnic cleansing across all of Palestine by forcing Palestinians out of their homes in the Jerusalem neighborhoods of Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan, and beyond. Together we rise up for the Month of Action.

The Palestinian people remain steadfast in their resistance, refusing to be uprooted from their homeland, even as Israeli murder of Palestinians accelerates. For decades, the U.S. has funded this violence, and now in solidarity with a continuing, historic Palestinian uprising of unity against Israel’s colonialism, we in the U.S. have a role to rise with them. Rise up in solidarity with the steadfast Palestinian people and demand an end to U.S. military funding to Israel, and don’t let up until reps support H.R. 2590 as a bare minimum.

Mohammad Al-Allamy (11 y-o) was shot dead today by IOF , he was directly targeted at his chest while he was sitting in his parents car coming back from a grocery trip, the Israeli military intentionally targets children. this is a cold blooded murder, we have to hold this fascist Israeli occupation accountable for its crimes against the Palestinians, share and expose these crimes.

Palestinian lives matter, save the Palestinian children from the Israeli terrorism.

Don’t forget about the Palestinian captive in Israeli prisons Eyad Hriebat, he is in a very serious medical condition due to the intentional medical negligence by IOF.
he was subjected to pharmacological torture in Hadarim prison by IOF for 6 months, according to trustful witnesses, we don‘t know yet what was injected in his head that caused the amnesia and complete paralysis.
when he was 19, he was sentenced to 250 years behind the bars, just because he fought for freedom, for his resistance, for the land, for Palestine

Save Eyad from torture.

Palestinian lives matter


Israeli Crimes

#Palestine || The Palestinian young man Qassim Rajabi (39) who was injured after being assaulted by the Israeli occupation forces while demolishing his family shop in Silwan village, this morning. Via @silwanic

اصابة الشاب قاسم حربي الرجبي 39عاما بجروح في رأسه جراء الاعتداء عليه بالضرب بأعقاب البنادق خلال تنفيذ هدم محل العائلة التجاري في حي البستان في سلوان.


#Palestine | The occupation forces start demolition a Palestinian shop in Al-Ain Street in the town of #Silwan.


قوات الاحتلال تحاصر محل تجاري وتبدأ بهدمه في شارع العين ببلدة #سلوان

Israel is destruction Israel is apartheid Israel is terrorism


Entire post here (watch the rest of the videos)

Israeli occupation forces began the demolition of 100+ Palestinians homes in the Silwan neighborhood of Al-Bustan. They started with Nedal Rajabi’s meat shop. At the end of the plan, 1500 Palestinians will be homeless. Their intention is to build a biblical theme park on the land.



The utter insolence and ridiculousness that is media coverage of the incident

Violence breaks ? You mean civilians are attacked by occupation’s forces in a funeral?

Coffin jostled? You mean fallen from one side to the ground? And such forces deliberately targeting the coffin itself?!

Clashed ?!! Clashed?!!

Civilians.. mourners.. attacked viciously by armed personnels and beaten while they try not to drop the body of their beloved one. Dead beloved one that youkilled!

Look at the videos and you will know why many people don’t know the truth about Palestine


Israeli occupation forces attack Palestinians while taking part in the funeral of Shireen Abu Akleh outside French Hospital in Occupied Jerusalem


Palestine will be free soon
