
Nothing like a homemade Turkey avocado wrap and cliff bar for lunch. I finished my economics quiz an

Nothing like a homemade Turkey avocado wrap and cliff bar for lunch. I finished my economics quiz and problem set, and next I’m going to work on my civil litigation readings. Hope everyone is having a good week!

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I got a 3.93 GPA, and that A- physically hurts me. Next semester I’m going to try something new. I’m

I got a 3.93 GPA, and that A- physically hurts me.

Next semester I’m going to try something new. I’m going to write mini-essays in an effort to “teach” lessons from my courses. I always remember things best after having explained it to someone else. So, if you are interested in learning snippets about civil litigation, immigration law, and family law, stay tuned!

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When clients call the firm way after hours





Ich fühle mich bedroht

i have questions about German and lawyers

If you’re dating a german boy and he doesn’t treat you as good as his lawyer, cram your Apfelschorle into your purse and get out of there. He doesn’t deserve you.

Oh mein Gott zes is ein date with his lawyermännen

This is just what being a ReFa, PaFa (German paralegal) or law firm assistant is like



Me, showing a man who makes 3 times my yearly salary how to save a Word document as a PDF


Studying for my HR/salary calculations exam with my dad who used to work in HR his whole working life, and so far half of that is him being confused by my exercises because “no one calculates that themselves anymore, we’ve had computer programs doing that for ages” and the other half is him getting excited about it and just blazing through everything because it provides enrichment in the pensioner enclosure I guess, while I just sit there downing the third coffee of the day and hoping the caffeine sieves out and retains some pieces of the flood of information that just goes in one ear and out the other thanks to sleep deprivation. Love vocational college; 10/10 would not recommend.
