#parent witch


Midsummer with Children

(Thanks to my daughter for creating the “still life” photo )

Here are some ways to celebrate the summer solstice with youngins (or those young at heart!):

  • Collect dandelions to make a flower crown. Enchant for prosperity and luck for the coming year.
  • Collect seeded dandelions and make wishes.
  • Draw with chalk! Suns, flowers, clouds, stars, coins, ice cream, and sandals are all some common summer images to draw. But abstract symbols and marks are good too!
  • Use paintbrushes and water to “paint” on the ground. Add food coloring or (food safe) herbs to give it pizzazz and specific associations.
  • Eat something cool outside- ice cream, berries, watermelon, chips/veggies and dip, a charcuterie board, etc.
  • Make fresh lemonade with the youngins! Include extra things like cut strawberries, fresh mint, a cup of sparkling water.
  • Bake! Shortbread, honey cakes, lemon bars, and berry-frosted cookies are my favorite seasonal bakes.
  • Make handprint art with non-toxic paint outside!
  • Turn on a hose or sprinkler, enchant it for cleansing, and run through it!
  • Braid each other’s hair. Tuck flowers, ribbon, and leaves into the weave.
  • Identify cloud shapes- make a simple beginners divination game out of it!
  • Stack rocks and stones into towers near your door or porch for luck and blessings.
  • Point out wildlife like birds, bees, rabbits, etc. Discuss what they do for the ecosystem and ask about the youngins’ favorite summer critters.
  • Leave offerings for the Fae and nature spirits outside.

Feel free to reblog and add additional ideas!
