#witch family


Full Moon Bath Sachet


  • Coffee filter, square of cheesecloth or plain cotton cloth or small plain natural fiber bag
  • Non-toxic pants/markers/dye
  • Bath safe herbs, flowers, crystals (calendula, rosemary, citrus peels, dandelion, oatmeal, mint, lavender, rose, violet, thyme, etc.)
  • String, ribbon, yarn or twine to tie off the bag
  • A cup or bottle of water (the kind safe to drink)

I wrote this for my daughter and some other kiddos that will be celebrating the full moon tomorrow night. It is made to be friendly to younger persons but is something any age can do!

Tonight you are going to be creating a full moon bath sachet and charging moon water with your cohorts!

Set out your supplies before the moon peeks out. Take your filter/bag/cloth and decorate it. Have your cohorts use the non-toxic the markers and paints. Choose symbols and colors that are meaningful to what you need to gather to you from this moon. You might want to sketch out some simple examples on a sheet of paper to inspire the younger persons. Do you need more prosperity? More health? More love? Focus on those things as you decorate your bag. Let it dry if needed before adding the sachet fillings.

Choose herbs and flowers that strike your fancy (if you are more experienced/older you can go for ones that match the attributes you need but let the young ones go based on their love of certain colors, or scents, or shapes!). When you selected the herbs and flowers to put out, it helps to remember if it’s safe to eat or season food with, it’s likely safe for a bath. You may add a water safe crystal or two if you like. I like to add a spoonful of oatmeal to soothe the skin and bind the magic. Tie your bag shut, and help your cohorts if needed with tying theirs.

Offer it to the moon to be charged with her light and power that the fullness brings. Include a cup or bottle of water to also add to the future bath. This is also a good time to have refreshment (moon cookies!) in celebration of the moon! You may leave the items to out to charge in her beams as long as you feel necessary- up to the whole night! Make sure it is safe from any critters though if it’s outside since some of the plant matter inside might be intriguing.

Soak it in a special bath, explaining to your cohorts how the full has given power and purpose to the sachet just for them. Have them pour the moon water in, perhaps encouraging them to swirl their finger or hand clockwise in the water. Ask them about any scents or color bleeding they might notice from the sachet in the water. How do they feel? How do you feel?

I would dispose of most of the sachet after the bath, but you may keep the crystals! Perhaps your cohorts might like to have them in their room? In an age appropriate spot of course (up high if they’re not ready for small delicate objects).


Midsummer with Children

(Thanks to my daughter for creating the “still life” photo )

Here are some ways to celebrate the summer solstice with youngins (or those young at heart!):

  • Collect dandelions to make a flower crown. Enchant for prosperity and luck for the coming year.
  • Collect seeded dandelions and make wishes.
  • Draw with chalk! Suns, flowers, clouds, stars, coins, ice cream, and sandals are all some common summer images to draw. But abstract symbols and marks are good too!
  • Use paintbrushes and water to “paint” on the ground. Add food coloring or (food safe) herbs to give it pizzazz and specific associations.
  • Eat something cool outside- ice cream, berries, watermelon, chips/veggies and dip, a charcuterie board, etc.
  • Make fresh lemonade with the youngins! Include extra things like cut strawberries, fresh mint, a cup of sparkling water.
  • Bake! Shortbread, honey cakes, lemon bars, and berry-frosted cookies are my favorite seasonal bakes.
  • Make handprint art with non-toxic paint outside!
  • Turn on a hose or sprinkler, enchant it for cleansing, and run through it!
  • Braid each other’s hair. Tuck flowers, ribbon, and leaves into the weave.
  • Identify cloud shapes- make a simple beginners divination game out of it!
  • Stack rocks and stones into towers near your door or porch for luck and blessings.
  • Point out wildlife like birds, bees, rabbits, etc. Discuss what they do for the ecosystem and ask about the youngins’ favorite summer critters.
  • Leave offerings for the Fae and nature spirits outside.

Feel free to reblog and add additional ideas!

POV: What it’s like having a powerful witch for a cousin.

Me: *walks inside*

Eliana: Ahhh omg I missed you sooo much ahhh! Omg wow, you’re like me!!! We share similar gifts! That’s cool!!

Me: *nervous laughter* Why am I scared right now?

Eliana: Becauae the shared power is a lot LOL

Me: Ahh okay…

Eliana: Come come! Let’s have tea.


Eliana: oh yeah btw, everything in the house is enchanted!! Might be why? Or it might just be the brown sugar LOL




I just wanna throw it out there that my 3rd cousin on my mom’s dad’s side(who’s a witch and most of her family [i.e my abuelo’s side] like never talk to her/about her because of it) made my Aunt Irene this candle that like is supposed to attract your ideal man and when it’s flame dies out, he’s supposedly close to meeting you.


So like now- My Aunt Irene is married to my Uncle Marlon who she met on MATCH.COM like three days after her candle’s flame died and like they have 2 kids and it’s great and I’m over here like:

For real tho, like I wish I knew her whole process so I could like do it for myself. My aunt paid like $40 for that candle.


I reconnected with my cousin Eliana and she made me a love candle FOR FREE.

She also taught me A LOT about the craft and helped me discover some powers I didn’t even know I had.

Y’ALL- life is great.

I’m sorry I go on hiatus often ~ life just be like that sometimes….

I am back tho!!!
