#witch holiday




does anyone know of any halloween specific/themed witchcraft to do on Halloween?

Give offerings to your ancestors. 

I was planning on visiting the local cemetery and leaving gifts/offerings for child headstones.

A blog that describes my morning on yule. 


I woke up at 5:55 am, before my 6:00 am alarm. I was so excited, I woke up several times in the night to look at the clock and make sure I didn’t wake up late. 

I layered on four skirts, black leggings, two sweaters and my winter coat. When I finally made it outside, it was still dark. I gathered all my magical items on my altar table and set up the candles by the light of my flashlight. Next, the fire was built so that I could light it as soon as the sun rose.

I cast a protective circle, called the elements and sat down to watch the sunrise. My coffee warmed my hands and the steam brushed my face. A plate of cookies sat nearby. Blankets were piled around my shoulders. 


The sun touched the tree tops around me. They blazed like a torch. A signal that it was time to light the fire. I lit my yule log that had my hopes and wishes drawn in chalk.


I chanted a passage from my book of shadows. It spoke of the lengthening days and the end of the longest night. 

Watching the sunrise was one of the most special moments of my life. I watched the sky turn from light blue, to pink, to orange, to blazing yellow. I felt the power of the rising sun run through my body. It left me feeling tingly and warm.

I cast a future happiness spell and filed my cauldron with pine branches and clear quartz.


I sat, covered in blankets, and watched the world brighten little by little. The fire continued to burn happily. All was beautiful and peaceful. The birds sang. I heard a roosters call in the distance. The cold wind bit at my nose. My outstretched fingers warmed by the fire. The sweet taste of jam cookies lingered in my mouth.

I felt happy and alive. The wheel of the year continued to turn. 


Blessed Solstice. 


Some basic info on Yule

Starts on the winter solstice, and is typically either celebrated for 3 days afterward or until the end of December


It marks the beginning of the [northern european] pagan calendar and symbolizes rebirth of the sun. It’s a time of hope, caring, and renewal. Modern day Christmas is largely based on this holiday

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Midsummer with Children

(Thanks to my daughter for creating the “still life” photo )

Here are some ways to celebrate the summer solstice with youngins (or those young at heart!):

  • Collect dandelions to make a flower crown. Enchant for prosperity and luck for the coming year.
  • Collect seeded dandelions and make wishes.
  • Draw with chalk! Suns, flowers, clouds, stars, coins, ice cream, and sandals are all some common summer images to draw. But abstract symbols and marks are good too!
  • Use paintbrushes and water to “paint” on the ground. Add food coloring or (food safe) herbs to give it pizzazz and specific associations.
  • Eat something cool outside- ice cream, berries, watermelon, chips/veggies and dip, a charcuterie board, etc.
  • Make fresh lemonade with the youngins! Include extra things like cut strawberries, fresh mint, a cup of sparkling water.
  • Bake! Shortbread, honey cakes, lemon bars, and berry-frosted cookies are my favorite seasonal bakes.
  • Make handprint art with non-toxic paint outside!
  • Turn on a hose or sprinkler, enchant it for cleansing, and run through it!
  • Braid each other’s hair. Tuck flowers, ribbon, and leaves into the weave.
  • Identify cloud shapes- make a simple beginners divination game out of it!
  • Stack rocks and stones into towers near your door or porch for luck and blessings.
  • Point out wildlife like birds, bees, rabbits, etc. Discuss what they do for the ecosystem and ask about the youngins’ favorite summer critters.
  • Leave offerings for the Fae and nature spirits outside.

Feel free to reblog and add additional ideas!
