#parkland shooting

The Parkland shooter loved Trump and Guns. He is a terrorist but the right wing shills won’t say it!

The Parkland shooter loved Trump and Guns. He is a terrorist but the right wing shills won’t say it!

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Parkland Shooting

Trump, The GOP, and the NRA ARE COMPLICIT with these mass shootings. They want a suicide pact with the 2nd amendment. 18 school shootings in 2018 AND ITS FEBRUARY!!….



NPR is talking about how “cops should be able to take people in if they show mental health problems.”

People are actively suggesting we criminalize mental illness. This is where your bullshit narrative of painting this as a mental health problem gets us.

Make no mistake, these attacks are about male entitlement. Nearly every mass shooter has a history of domestic abuse. A miniscule fraction of mass shooters had a history or diagnosis of mental illness. In this case, the killer was interacting with a white supremacist organization, as well.

I believe OP may have been referring to comments made by the Broward County sheriff  in interviews he has done following the mass shooting in Parkland.

one such interview can be seen here, where he spoke with Chris Hayes on MSNBC on 02/15/18

to clarify, in Florida, the Baker Act is the law/statute that allows for an individual to be involuntarily held and assessed by mental health professional for 72hrs. many states have something like this - in Georgia, it is a “1013,” and California has the “5150.” the Baker Act is not a criminal statute - it is not a citation or a charge. an individual is not placed under arrest. they are not taken to a police station, rather brought to an ER or acute care provider. however, this can ONLY be used by law enforcement when there is an immediate or imminent risk of harm to self or others. the sheriff talked about being able to use the Baker Act when there is clear risk of danger to self or others, but it is not immediate or imminent.  

having worked in the field for a long time, I can kindof see where the sheriff is coming from, however it is definitely a dangerous road to be headed down.

1,200 Kids Have Been Killed by Guns Since ParklandOne thousand, two hundred.That is approximately ho

1,200 Kids Have Been Killed by Guns Since Parkland

One thousand, two hundred.

That is approximately how many people under age 18 have died as a result of gun violence in the United States exactly one year since the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, according to a new reporting initiative, “Since Parkland.” The shooting was the impetus for March for Our Lives, a nationwide movement that has included sit-ins, die-ins, and school walkouts, launching students to the forefront of the gun control conversation.

In a long-form report released just days before the one-year anniversary of the Parkland shooting, more than 200 teen journalists explained just how many gun-related deaths have struck young Americans. “Since Parkland,” a collaborative reporting project among The Trace, The Miami Herald, and the McClatchy newspaper group, showcases the lives of the more than 1,200 victims of gun violence — age zero to 18 — who have been killed in the 12 months since the Florida tragedy.

The goal of the project? To “create three-dimensional human begins that were more than just another statistic — more than just another kid dead,” The Trace senior project editor Katina Paron tells Teen Vogue.

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#Uvalde exposes our diseased society, full of copaganda and dead children.

the armed security guard at Parkland fled the scen, instead of defending the kids, but make sure you arm all teachers, right?
