
Day 5&6: Rise and FallI’m watching campaign 2, I didn’t expect a player’s character to… dDay 5&6: Rise and FallI’m watching campaign 2, I didn’t expect a player’s character to… d

Day 5&6: Rise and Fall

I’m watching campaign 2, I didn’t expect a player’s character to… die…

(ID under the cut)


Two artworks of Mollymauk Tealeaf from the second Critical Role Dungeons and Dragons campaign The Mighty Nein. Molly is a genderfluid lavender-skinned tiefling with red eyes and ram horns.

The first artwork is a waist up, he is lifting himself up from the ground by his arms. He is looking up and crying. He is wearing a torn up white shirt with a deep v-cut. You can partly see his chest with scars underneath. He is roughed up, his hair is a mess. A large moon frames his head. There is a gravestone in the background. There is a light plaque at the bottom with black writing that reads The Moon.

On the second artwork he has been pushed to the ground. He is resisting, holding himself up with his arms. He is gritting his teeth. He is wearing his usual attire (white shirt with a deep v-cut, dark pants with blue and purple patterns, above-knee-high leather boots and a bright and colorful robe covered with different religious symbols). His arms and neck are covered in scars. He has his usual jewelry but without the moon piece on his left horn. He is wearing gold eyeshadow. There is a glaive held against Molly’s chest. There is a large sun behind him and a gradient background.  There is a light plaque at the bottom with black writing that reads The Sun.

Both artworks are inspired by Tarot cards.

End ID.]

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Day 4: HandAll the pining and the yearning(ID under the cut)[ID:A fanart of JohnMartin from The Magn

Day 4: Hand

All the pining and the yearning

(ID under the cut)


A fanart of JohnMartin from The Magnus Archives. It is a close up of their hands. John’s hands eagerly hold Martin’s hand. John has a huge burn scar on his right hand and a lot of small circular scars on both of his hands. Martin’s hand looks relaxed. You can see Martin’s rolled up green sweatshirt sleeve. John has a light shirt with a dark button and a green knitted sweater over it.

End ID.]

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Day 3: CloudStryboh (also Strybailo and Posvystach), the god of the winds(ID under the cut)[ID:An ar

Day 3: Cloud

Stryboh (also Strybailo and Posvystach), the god of the winds

(ID under the cut)


An artwork of a shirtless old man sitting cross-legged in the clouds. The palette is mostly red with light-blue shadows on the clouds. The man is relaxed. His face is in profile. He has long hair gathered in a ponytail, it dissipates into clouds. He also has a lush beard that resembles clouds. He wears wide red pants (sharovary or sirwal). In his left hand he holds a tobacco pipe, from which small clouds arise.

End ID.]

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Day 2: SmokeBody hair my beloved(ID under the cut)[ID:An art piece of a naked figure of a trans man

Day 2: Smoke

Body hair my beloved

(ID under the cut)


An art piece of a naked figure of a trans man in desaturated purples. His face is covered by the shadow from his hand, there are golden shapes within the shadow that resemble irises. A thick column of smoke pummels from his head. His body is hairy and white, contrasting with darker smoke and a dark background.

End ID.]

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Day 1: Tulip.A little late but I’m participating in Peachtober 2021 by @furrylittlepeach (prompts ca

Day 1: Tulip.

A little late but I’m participating in Peachtober 2021 by @furrylittlepeach (prompts can be found on Twitter)

(ID under the cut)


A brown monochromatic art piece of a black woman in a late Victorian-inspired gown. She’s wearing a headwrap and big flat earrings with tulip engravings. The shirt and the skirt are gathered. Her bodice has huge puff sleeves and her overskirt has a somewhat tulip shape. There are tulip-shaped cuffs on the wrists. Her dress is adored with a bulky decorative leaf-shaped cord along the bust and waist. Two ends of that cord are hanging on the left side of a skirt.

End ID.]

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01. Tulip

My second first prompt in the month, delayed by work and illness, but finally complete. Let’s get back on track!


peachtober day 5: rise

peachtober day 5: rise

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Well it’s drawtober and though it’s an age-old story I am again attempting to participate! This is f

Well it’s drawtober and though it’s an age-old story I am again attempting to participate! This is for the peachtober prompt list by furrylittlepeach: day 1 is tulip

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