#perfect imperfections


love yourself for your flaws, not in spite of them.

i have never loved bits and pieces of a person, wishing i could just discard the rest. my love is whole, given to an entire person, everything included. our flaws and our beauty come together as a package, inseparable; no one should ever be expected to sieve out parts of themselves for anyone else.

in truth, it’s the tiny imperfections that make a person who they are. i find it endearing that my boyfriend often speaks just a little too loud indoors, or that he beats an egg with a spoon (why not use a fork you big buffoon?). i love how my best friend fails to notice details and is one big unobservant, gullible mess, because it makes surprising her so much easier.

and in turn, i try to give that same love to myself, for all of my curves and divets i wish i could just trim off, for my clumsy hands that are always capable of breaking something (always), for the chaotic but beautiful mind i can never seem to switch off. i love myself wholeheartedly, and that includes all of my flaws, each and every one of them.


Chapter 8 of Me From The Moon, You From The Stars

Summary: Taehyung and Jungkook tell everyone and plan a date


Chapter 7 |Chapter 8 | Chapter 9

AN: Let me know what you think and if you want to be added on to the tag list.



“All of me loves all of you, all your curves and all your edges, all your perfect imperfections.”


JUNGKOOK watched Taehyung with a large smile spread across his face. His mate was tugging him excitedly towards their usual table where most of their friends were sat, minus Namjoon. He noticed how Yoongi and Hoseok were looking at the pair of them in confusion. Last they had heard, him and Tae were not talking to each other, and now they were smiling and holding hands with each other. He was excited to tell them. It would cease the endless teasing.

He remembered when Yoongi and Hoseok had found their mate. It was quite a funny story really. Jimin had been at a club when Yoongi appeared. He had had an argument with his girlfriend at the time – they knew they weren’t each other’s mates, but were both in need of a relationship so they got together. Both Jimin and Yoongi started talking and before they knew it, they kissed each other and had sex together. Then Jimin had a date with Hoseok the day after, where they also kissed, and then Jimin loses his ability to smell other alphas and omegas.

Hoseok had always told Jungkook that he was the first one Jimin approached, but Yoongi liked to say that he was the first. Jimin had showed up at their house and had seen either one of them and found out that the same thing had happened. Then the other showed up and said the same thing, and the three of them have been going out ever since.

Jungkook liked their story, but he thought his and Taehyung’s was better. Maybe he was biased, but who cares? There is way more romance with theirs.

“Jiminie!” Taehyung yelled excitedly, hugging his friend from behind, his arms around his shoulders. Jungkook smiled at him fondly as he moved to stand in front of Yoongi and Hoseok.

“What’s going on with you and Taehyung?” Yoongi asked, staring as Taehyung let go of Jimin and made his way to Jungkook, tucking himself under his arm.

“You can call me Tae, Yoongi hyung.” Taehyung said, making Jungkook press a kiss to the top of his head.

“Well done, baby, I’m so proud of you.” He said. Taehyung hadn’t liked being called Tae by anyone he didn’t really know. He had said it made him feel weak and pathetic, but Jungkook had told him that it didn’t. Yes, it made him sound cute, but it was also a powerful name, especially because it belonged to someone so beautiful. So him letting Yoongi call him Tae was a step in the right direction for him to get over his rape, which Jungkook was so proud of. Tae looked up at him and smiled before leaning the side of his head on his chest.

“Yeah, what’s going on, Kook?” Jin asked with a knowing smile on his face.

“So, me and TaeTae, or is it TaeTae and I?” Jungkook frowned. He had never been that good at grammar. “Oh well, we are mates.” He said. Hoseok choked on the noodles he was devouring, causing Jimin to panic while Yoongi whacked his back.

“Did you say mates? You’re too young, Kook. Still a little boy.” Hoseok said, his face still red and straining although he had managed to get the noodles out of his windpipe.

“Hoseok hyung, I’m nineteen. Taehyung’s younger, he’s still eighteen!” Jungkook protested. “Anyway, at least it happened in a more romantic way than you, Jimin and Yoongi.”

Yoongi growled. “Watch it, you brat.”

“And don’t forget your honorifics!” Jimin added, noodles dangling from his mouth. Yoongi chuckled and kissed him, biting the excess noodles and eating them.

“Hyung! Ew!” Jungkook turned towards Taehyung. “Tae baby, can you get rid of that awful image please?” He asked, looking at his beautiful mate. Taehyung flushed pink and leaned up on his tiptoes to peck Jungkook’s lips. Jungkook wasn’t too happy with that. “Baby,” He whined, making Taehyung giggle and kiss him properly.

“Better?” He asked as he pulled away from the kiss, his lips red and shiny, looking absolutely delectable. Jungkook nodded and licked his lips as Jin cleared his throat to get their attention.

“Are you going to sit down and join us?” Jin asked, raising his eyebrow.

“No, actually, we’ve finished our classes and so I’m taking my baby out on a date.” Jungkook said, squeezing Taehyung’s waist. It was then he noticed the wince Taehyung did. He frowned in concern, but decided he would ask Taehyung about it after their date. He might have just fallen, but Jungkook wanted to be sure.

“Okay, have fun. Don’t be back too late.” Jin said, making Jungkook roll his eyes. Jin was an overprotective older brother, but Jungkook knew it was for the best.

“I won’t hyung.” Jungkook said with a playful whine before leading Taehyung to his car.

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆

TAEHYUNG marvelled at Jungkook’s car. Sure, it was like ten years old and a bit battered and scratched, but it was a Mercedes! That was a classy car! He looked around on the inside as Jungkook plugged his phone in to connect it to the radio so they could listen to some music.

“What do you want to listen to, Tae baby?” Jungkook asked, scrolling through his music in his phone. “I have a bit of everything, as well as Spotify, so just tell me a song and I’ll play it for you.”

“Can we listen to some John Legend please?” Taehyung requested. Jungkook nodded and hit shuffle on the John Legend playlist on Spotify. The first song that came on was ‘All of Me’. This was one of Taehyung’s favourite songs – it made him feel all warm inside, as if John was actually singing it to him and had written it for him. It made him feel loved, considering everything that had happened to him. He began to softly sing along as Jungkook pulled out of the school’s parking lot. Taehyung caught Jungkook’s smile out of the corner of his eye. “What?” He asked, curious as to why his mate was smiling so widely.

“Your voice is beautiful.” He complimented, making Taehyung blush. “Like you.”

“Kookie.” Taehyung buried his head in his hands. “Don’t, you’re making me blush.” Jungkook smiled and reached over, taking hold of his hand.

“So, let’s stop by your house first and then we’ll stop at mine and then we’ll go somewhere to eat. Does that sound good?” Jungkook suggested. Taehyung froze. He didn’t want Jungkook to see the awfulness that was his family. Hopefully both his parents were out and so wouldn’t see them.

“O-Okay.” Taehyung nodded. “But can we be quick? I’m hungry.” As he spoke, his stomach growled loudly, making Jungkook chuckle and rub his tummy playfully.

“Okay, calm down. We won’t take too long, little tummy.” He smiled at Taehyung, who blushed even more if that was even possible.

Taehyung typed his address into the GPS and they drove to his house. Taehyung could feel the anxiety building. He couldn’t let Jungkook see what his parents did to him. He couldn’t make himself a burden to him. He didn’t want him to know that his father would hit him every night because he didn’t manifest as an alpha, or that his mother would constantly hurl insults at him.

They pulled up to his house and parked in the driveway behind the red Hyundai that belonged to his mother. He gulped. “Jungkook, I don’t think I need anything.” Taehyung said before they got out the car. He knew there was fear and worry written over his face.

“What, baby? What’s wrong?” Jungkook asked. He knew something was up. Taehyung sighed and looked at the house where the front door was opening, and his mother was storming out, dressed in one of her business dresses and a pair of slippers. She had most likely just come home. There was no use leaving now. She had seen him.

“Never mind. I’ll be quick. I’ll grab some stuff and then get changed at your house.” Taehyung said, unbuckling his seat belt and getting out of the car. “You can stay here, I’ll just be in and out.”

“What if I want to meet your mum, baby?” Jungkook asked.

Taehyung shook his head. “You already have. She knows who you are.” He said, opening the door and sliding out. “I’ll be back in a second.” He shut the door and reluctantly approached his mother, who was ready to start hurling insults and abuse at him.

“And what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” His mother yelled at him. His parents were not omegas. His mum was a beta, and his dad an alpha. No omegas in sight in this family. Until him. “I didn’t think I would see the disappointment until later. Why aren’t you at school? Did you get expelled for fucking some alpha teacher to fill your needy omega desires? You are pathetic!” Taehyung ignored her and continued walking towards his room. “And so he ignores me! You are ungrateful and don’t deserve to be here on this planet alive!”

Taehyung shut his door, and wiped his eyes, brushing the tears away. He had to be quick so Jungkook didn’t suspect anything. He walked towards his closet and picked out a few outfits because he wanted to look nice for their lunch date but then wanted to change into something more comfy when they went back to Jungkook’s house. He grabbed his oversized pale blue hoodie with a pair of shorts for his comfy outfit and some light blue ripped jeans with a white tshirt and a black denim jacket with sheep fur collar. He decided he would get changed at Jungkook’s house rather than here. He didn’t want to spend any more time in here than he had to.

He packed them into a bag and waited by his door, trying to hear whether or not his mother was waiting for him. He couldn’t hear anything so he flung open the door and ran down the stairs and pushed open the front door, going back to a normal speed as he approached the car.

“Taehyung!” His mother shouted after him. “Pathetic slut, where the fuck are you going now?” She began to quickly walk towards him.

He got in the car and shut the door. “Let’s go.” He said with a smile on his face.

“Are you okay?” Jungkook asked, looking at him carefully. Taehyung nodded and took hold of Jungkook’s hand, kissing the back of it.

“I’m perfect.” Taehyung replied.

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆

JUNGKOOK could tell something was up with Taehyung. He heard his mother shouting at him, but he wasn’t sure what she was saying. He had a feeling that Taehyung wincing earlier was related to this. But he didn’t want to make him feel uncomfortable, that was the last thing he wanted to do. He was his baby, and he needed to protect him with everything he had.

He drummed his fingers against the steering wheel as they drove along the main road. Taehyung was fiddling with his fingers in his lap, his head swaying slowly with the beat of the music. His curls were kissing the tips of his ears his fringe flopping into his eyes slightly. Jungkook’s eyes followed the shape of his face, the careful slope of his nose and the smooth cheekbones, down to the slight pout of his lips and his chin. He was beautiful.

“I can feel you staring.” Taehyung said, his voice low. He glanced at Jungkook sideways, a slight smile playing on his lips.

“I can’t help it. Your face is too pretty for me not to stare at.” Jungkook smirked, as Taehyung blushed and giggled slightly.

“If you keep staring at me and not the road, you won’t be able to stare at my pretty face for much longer.” Taehyung pointed out. Jungkook pouted slightly, but Tae did have a point. “Are we almost at your house?” He asked, looking out the window. “You don’t live with your parents anymore?” He asked as they drove past his old house.

“Oh, um, no.” Jungkook felt a pang of sadness in his heart. “They passed away in a car accident a few years ago. I live with Jin, Yoongi and Hoseok hyungs.”

“Kookie, I’m so sorry.” Taehyung reached over and placed a hand on top of his hand. “They loved you so much. I had no idea. I’m sorry.”

Jungkook knew that the second apology was definitely about them not talking for a few years. “Taehyungie, baby, you don’t need to apologise anymore for what happened between us.” He said, kissing the back of his hand. “It’s behind us now. We are each other’s present and future. That’s all that matters. We can’t dwell on the past. Besides, I have forgiven you.” He turned the steering wheel to pull into the driveway of his house. “We’re here. You coming in?”

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆

TAEHYUNG felt awful. Jungkook didn’t deserve to have gone through what he had gone through with his parents dying. It was like he was being punished, even though he wasn’t in the wrong. His parents were so nice and loved Jungkook with all their heart. The way they died was awful.

Jungkook lead him to a decently sized apartment. “It’s only got three bedrooms, but we survive.” He said. “I mean, the only people that stay are Jimin and Namjoon, and now hopefully you, but they share with their mates, so we don’t really need anymore.” Taehyung nodded as he glanced around.

The walls were covered in framed photos of pets, family and friends. There were a few of Jimin, Yoongi and Hoseok, and Namjoon and Jin, as well. It was actually quite tidy, which surprised Taehyung. Normally, teenage boys were messy, but everything seemed to be in order. Definitely due to Seokjin, he thought to himself.

His duffel bag brushed against a bruised cut on his shoulder, making him gasp in pain. Jungkook looked over at him concerned. “Baby, what’s wrong?” He asked.

“Nothing, I must have hit my shoulder on the doorframe when I left my house earlier.” He said, not wanting Jungkook to know the real reason. It had been a doorframe, but only because his father had pushed him against it. Jungkook narrowed his eyes at him, making Taehyung gulp. He didn’t fully believe him.

“Let me take your bag, baby.” Jungkook said, taking the bag from him. The strap brushed against it again, making him wince. “Are you sure you’re okay?” He asked. “Baby, you can tell me. I’ll protect you, and keep you safe.” He said, leading him to his room.

As Jungkook pushed open the door, Taehyung knew that Jin was the one who was tidy. There were clothes strewn on the floor, with used plates and glasses stacked up precariously on the dresser like a dangerous game of Jenga. There was a gaming computer and a desk tucked away in the corner and a large dresser in the middle of the wall opposite the bed. The bed was a large double with simple black and grey sheets.

“Sorry, it’s a bit messy.” Jungkook flushed a slight red, making Taehyung smile.

“It’s okay.” Taehyung said with a small smile. Jungkook dropped the bags in the corner before sitting on the bed and pulling Taehyung onto his lap.

“I know you’re not telling me something, baby.” Jungkook said. “Talk to me please.” He begged. Taehyung sighed. He knew he had to tell Jungkook. Maybe he could get him out of there.

“I think it’s easier if I just show you.” Taehyung said. He took a deep breath before tugging off his shirt, allowing his cuts and bruises and scars to be visible.

Jungkook gasped before running his fingers lightly over the imperfections on his skin. “Baby… What happened to you?”

“I became an Omega.” Taehyung said bitterly. “You know, it’s funny how you think your parents will love you unconditionally, no matter what, but then they stop over something that’s not even in your control.”

“Your parents did this to you?!” Jungkook sounded angry. His scent also got stronger, indicating his anger. “That’s it. You’re not going back there. They’re hurting you! Does anyone else know?”

Taehyung shook his head. “You’re the first person.” He revealed. Jungkook sighed and pulled him closer. Taehyung could feel his heartbeat against his back.

“Thank you for telling me.” He said softly. “You know something, baby, you are so beautiful.” Taehyung felt warm inside. “All of these are your battle scars, and they make you so much stronger. My brave baby.” Jungkook kissed just behind his ear.

“I’ll need to get my stuff from the house.” Taehyung said, standing up and looking at his boyfriend. He had his arms crossed over his bare chest and stomach to hide them from his view. “Can we still go on our date, though?”

“Of course, we can, baby. And then you can get your stuff tomorrow after school.” Jungkook said. He frowned slightly when he saw Taehyung’s arms crossed over his body. He took hold of his wrists and pulled them apart, so he was exposed. “Baby, you are so perfect.” He said.

Taehyung shook his head. “No, I’m not. I’m covered in scars and bruises. And that’s just what you can see. I’m so messed up. How can you even stand to be around me?”

Jungkook stood up and pulled him close. “Because you are my soulmate, my best friend, my one true love. You are beautiful, smart, kind and perfect in my eyes. And I want to help you see that.” He said, kissing the top of his head. Taehyung sniffled, resting his forehead against Jungkook’s chest. “What did your mother say to you?”

Taehyung took a deep breath and wiped his eyes. Why was he crying so much? “She called me a disappointment.” He said. “And then accused me of fucking one of the teachers to fuel my needy omega desires.”

Jungkook scoffed. “I’m going to kill her.” His scent spiked again, making Taehyung ball up his shirt in his hands.

“No, you can’t!” He cried. “Please don’t. Just let me get my stuff tomorrow and we never have to see her ever again. I can stay here, right?”

Jungkook was silent for a bit. “Well, I don’t know, we might not have enough space…” He said. Taehyung blinked at him. Had he said something wrong? Was it because of his confession to Jungkook? “Baby, I’m joking. Of course, you’re staying here. I wouldn’t want you anywhere else.”

“Thank you.” Taehyung nuzzled his head into Jungkook’s neck. Jungkook said nothing; he just stroked Taehyung’s back and kissed the side of his head. His dark chocolate and cinnamon scent filled his nose, calming his nerves and allowing his heart to stop pounding in his chest.

“You smell so good.” Jungkook whispered into his hair. “Like cherries.” Taehyung let out a short huff of laughter as he pulled away. “Your lips look like cherries as well, red and plump and ready for me to devour.” Jungkook leaned down and kissed Taehyung. It was a playful kiss, but Taehyung’s heart still leapt in his chest and his stomach filled with butterflies as it somersaulted inside him. Jungkook tasted like a dark chocolate cinnamon cake, sweet with a hint of darkness. He nipped at Taehyung’s lips as he pulled away, his teeth gently pulling at the red flesh.

Taehyung pouted playfully. “You might have just removed all of my lip gloss.” He stuck out his bottom lip. “I didn’t bring any with me.”

“You don’t need it baby.” Jungkook said, swaying them from side to side. His stomach growled, making Taehyung jump slightly before giggling at how he had been taken aback.

“Hungry?” Taehyung asked. Jungkook nodded. “Then let me go change.” He lightly hit Jungkook’s chest, making the older mock a glare as he released the smaller omega.

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆

JUNGKOOK watched his mate with a small smile playing on his lips. How could someone look so cute yet so achingly hot at the same time? His Tae baby was perfect. He watched as the younger boy bent to open his duffel bag and pull out his clothes. The scars on his back stretched and puckered as his muscles flexed and relaxed.

It annoyed him at how parents could treat their own child like that. His parents were the type of people who would have loved him no matter what – even if one day he decided to get surgery to give himself cat ears or something extreme like that. They would never think of laying a hand on him because of how he presented.

But Taehyung’s parents were not. The scars on his back varied from white and red showing how recent they were. Jungkook was angry with himself. How long had this been going on? If he hadn’t been so stubborn and tried to get through to Taehyung and reassure him that he wouldn’t leave earlier, then maybe he would have been able to get him out of that horrible environment before it got too much for him to handle.

Taehyung threw his clothes onto Jungkook’s bed. “Hey, don’t mess up my room!” Jungkook whined, making Taehyung wrinkle his nose as he smiled.

“I think it’s already messy, Kookie.” He observed, pointing at some of stacked plates and cups. “Does Jin hyung not come in here at all?”

“Not really, the sight repulses him.” Jungkook laughed, making Taehyung huff and roll his eyes as he pulled on his white tshirt.

“I’m not surprised.” Taehyung said unfolding his jeans and shaking them out. “Now close your eyes. I need to change my jeans.” Jungkook frowned. He wanted to see his baby’s body and worship it, from his head down to his toes. “Kookie, please, close your eyes. I’m not that comfortable with you yet to allow you to see me in my underwear.” Jungkook obliged, closing his eyes. He could hear fabric rustling and a small thud.

“Are you okay?” He asked, his eyes still closed.

“Yeah, I’m just clumsy. You can open your eyes now.” Taehyung said. Jungkook’s eyes fluttered open and he took in the sight in front of him. Taehyung’s jeans clung to his legs like a second skin, making Jungkook’s mouth drop open.

“Ok, wow.” He said. “Wow.”

“That’s all you can say, Kookie? Wow?” Taehyung teased, making Jungkook growl playfully and reach up to tickle his waist. Taehyung giggled.

“When there is literally a Greek god in front of me, yes, wow is the only thing I can say.” Jungkook stood up and looked Taehyung in the eye.

“I’m not a Greek god.” Taehyung said. “You are though.” He reached up and traced Jungkook’s features with his finger.

“If you’re not a Greek god then I’m an ant.” Jungkook said. “Baby you are so beautiful. I wish you could see that.” He hated that his baby didn’t love himself.

“I’m working on it. I promise, Kookie.” Taehyung said softly. “Can we go eat now? I’m starving.”

“Of course baby. Let me just change my top.” Jungkook pulled off his black hoodie and walked over to his wardrobe to find something else to put on. When he turned around with a black v-neck tshirt in his hands, he saw Taehyung staring at him, some drool falling from his mouth. “Baby, you’re drooling.” He said. “Like something you see?”

“You have abs.” Taehyung observed. “Like actual abs. Like an actual six pack.” Jungkook chuckled.

“You are too cute, little Tae baby.” He said, walking over and dropping a kiss to his lips. “Now, let’s go eat at the mall. Ramen and kimchi?”

“Yes please.” Taehyung nodded, taking hold of Jungkook’s hand. Jungkook smiled and kissed his curls. He picked up their jackets and they left the house.
