
Squirrelflight and Crowfeather Au drawing, they still be teasing each other on the journeySpeedpaint

Squirrelflight and Crowfeather Au drawing, they still be teasing each other on the journey

Speedpaint: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYQFGDdIF00&t=7s

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Some character redesigns, haven’t paid much attention to my babies in a few months so thought i’d spSome character redesigns, haven’t paid much attention to my babies in a few months so thought i’d sp

Some character redesigns, haven’t paid much attention to my babies in a few months so thought i’d spruce them up with designs I like better :D

Each of these kits were born with mutations which sparks a panic within their clan and in order to understand the current sickness claiming their friends and family they embark to discover the cause and hopefully stop it.

I might change their names up, haven’t decided if I want to keep these guys in the warriors universe or my own yet so i’ll handle that later :D

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 Loved the last episode of My pride, feather’s little speech about pride law was hella good an

Loved the last episode of My pride, feather’s little speech about pride law was hella good and I can’t wait to see what this baby does in the future :D 

Speedpaint: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKUrgDYub-4&t=11s

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WhitetailWhitetail is the cat who persuaded dire and sparrow to turn their back on their ancestors a


Whitetail is the cat who persuaded dire and sparrow to turn their back on their ancestors and do his bidding, I feel like I might keep his name as is because he’s been dead for a while now and his groups naming conventions would have been different compared to now :D

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Copper (big orange cat), Dandelion (small cream cat), Poppy (small orange cat), Mint (brown and whit

Copper (big orange cat), Dandelion (small cream cat), Poppy (small orange cat), Mint (brown and white cat with feather), Runner (big cat with sticks) and Sage(quick boi) :D

Copper and his mate Runner with their 4 kits, dandelion is a total daddy’s girl and is usually found nestled beside him when they’re both in camp. Mint is fascinated by feathers and Lark usually drops by with new ones he has found while out collecting herbs. Poppy is adamant that she will defend the camp all on her own and likes to help the older cats with building fences and dens. Sage never stops, he’s always either running, or playing, or both and runner is glad that only one of her kits seemed to have inherited her speed, sage is certainly a pawful :D

Copper got his injuries from a feral badger that attacked the camp in the middle of the night, he got between the badger and one of the elders of the group and the impact of the badger claw broke his jaw, blinded him in one eye and tore his ear. He adapted to his injuries pretty quickly, finding new ways to hunt and fight and although eating is sometimes hard due to his jaw and missing teeth he never seems to complain :)

Runner is the group resident messenger, she is tasked with taking important messages as far as the group needs them whether that be into town or to other groups like theirs scattered in the wilderness. Her speed is a great asset to the group and the kits are often seen racing to see who would take her place when she retires :)

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Acorn, russet and Mallow (plus sleepy lark doodle)Acorn is the father to russet (the youngest sister

Acorn, russet and Mallow (plus sleepy lark doodle)

Acorn is the father to russet (the youngest sister) and mallow (the eldest and one of the groups healers) with his mate Red (not pictured)

Russet has her fathers energy, enjoys listening to his stories of battles he’s been apart of and the pair were often seen re-enacting ancient battles the elders tell stories of.

Mallow however has her fathers looks, she’s one of the largest cats of the group with a towering form that would scare off any rogue but she has a soft heart and found her true calling when she became a healer’s apprentice. She was the one to help her father after his accident with a trap laid out by a rival group at the time. His back leg and tail were caught in sharp wire and even though mallow was terrified her father wouldn’t make it he was still joking around with her and trying to lighten the mood which mallow often admits her fathers optimism was the reason she was able to help him as much as she did. 

Acorn was pretty old at the time of his accident and even after leaving the healers den his leg troubled him and he found it harder to carry out his duties to the group. Their leader suggested that instead of the usual patrols and hunting, he could instead take up a role within their camp which would consist of teaching the younger cats, who were not old enough to train properly but rowdy all the same, battle moves in the form of play in order to start their training in a safe environment. Acorn graciously accepted and he spends most of his days outside the nursery watching the kits and playing ‘battles’ with them as their mothers take some much needed rest.

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Lark venting to his guide after the attack from his sisterI’ve made his injuries much worse than the

Lark venting to his guide after the attack from his sister

I’ve made his injuries much worse than they were before, he used to just have the torn ear and a much smaller neck scar but in this version Sparrow is a lot fiercer and stronger and given they way she’s heading she wouldn’t have held back even knowing Lark was a healer with very little training in how to fight.

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My babies!Briar seeing Lark’s guide for the first time, Lark is complaining about one of the elders

My babies!

Briar seeing Lark’s guide for the first time, Lark is complaining about one of the elders of their group being difficult while he was trying to give them herbs and Briar is very confused as to why there was a toad on Larks head and he wasn’t sure if it was something he should mention or not…

Fern giving Sunny a smooch because she loves her girlfriend and she’s very short so she has to reach on her toes :D

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More characters!Sparrow is Lark’s sister and her design has been changed to match this version of la

More characters!

Sparrow is Lark’s sister and her design has been changed to match this version of lark without the spots and her injuries from saving Lark are a bit more obvious with the torn ears and the torn mouth from before.

Jack and pumpkin are brother and sister, they kept their original names and are both friends of Dire the leader of their group. Jack is a certified himbo and is more brawn than brains and is very easily controlled by Dire. He originally joined Dire’s group because he felt outcasted by his family, he wasn’t really paid attention to and so he was free to do as he pleased most days. He met Dire when out in the woods and the pair got to talking about forming a group that would all look after each other and everyone would be seen as equals. Jack loved this idea and helped Dire form her group of outcasts and approached his sister about the idea.

Pumpkin always tried her hardest to be noticed within her family. Her and jack were the oldest of 5 and their parents often spent more time with the younger kids than themselves. Pumpkin originally hid a lot of herself and put her feelings aside in order to help out her parents when she could but even that wasn’t enough, she could never be the ‘perfect son they wanted’. When jack told her about the group he was forming she was hesitant at first but after some thought and some encouragement from her brother she too joined. Shortly after she told her brother that she felt as though she was a girl and that she wanted this new life they were starting to reflect that and jack was on board immediately. He helped his sister pick the name pumpkin, based on his sisters favourite treat, and the pair happily joined Dire’s group without fully knowing her intentions.

Dire hated her family, they travelled too much and spent way too much time with each other for Dire’s liking. She lived in a big family group, with her immediate family and her cousins family (Sunny is her cousin btw, the ears run in the family lol) and so she spent as much time as she could away from them. On one of these occasions she met Jack and with his help she was able to bring together a group of cats who were also unhappy with their lives and come together in a group who looked out for each other. At the start her intentions were just but when she started receiving ‘visions’ of a dark cat she found herself wanting more power over her group. She began with simple orders at first, splitting up the cats into hunters and guards and as the dark cat continued to visit her the hunger for power only grew and soon she was the leader of a loyal group of followers who would do anything for her and she loved it. Pumpkin could see where this was heading but she would never leave without her brother and he was loyal to Dire so she had to stay put for the time being.

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More character redesigns for Lark’s story!Sunny (brightpelt) used to live in peakclan in Larkwings j

More character redesigns for Lark’s story!

Sunny (brightpelt) used to live in peakclan in Larkwings journey but now she’s going to live just outside of the local settlement where the market is located. She works with her family as a kind of delivery service where they will take orders from other cats in the town and transport them to other settlements or places and trade their service for wares. This means she travels a lot and enjoys being on the road, staying at home for too long makes her irritable and snappy. One of sunny’s favourite past time is visiting Fern and Birch who both live a ways away from the town who she often brings supplies to or transports their healing poultices to the town for trade.

Fern was adopted by Birch after her mother passed when she was young and grew up learning how to create medicine under Birch’s guidance. Birch, who used to be a raccoon, was close friends with Ferns mother and promised to look after the kit when she passed. She often travels to the town to look after sick cats and knows fern is in good hands when sunny offers to keep her company while birch is away.

Sunny and Fern have a very close relationship and any time sunny is away for long periods of time she makes the effort of spoiling her girlfriend with gifts from other towns or areas she has visited :D

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Still haven’t settle on a name for this story yet, the original one set in the warriors universe wasStill haven’t settle on a name for this story yet, the original one set in the warriors universe wasStill haven’t settle on a name for this story yet, the original one set in the warriors universe was

Still haven’t settle on a name for this story yet, the original one set in the warriors universe was Larkwings journey but i’m currently changing a few parts of the story and I feel like the name doesn’t rlly make sense anymore, in the warriors version the journey was larkwing becoming leader and now i’ve changed that part so I’ll figure out  name eventually :D

So in this storyline Lark is a healer for the community, he became a healer after being followed by a ghostly toad for a few days growing more and more uneasy until he confided in his mother of the ghostly apparition and she was overjoyed and told him that the stars had granted him their blessing to become a healer. Every healer was given a guide from their ancestors, each taking a different form, to provide a connection to them. Lark had always been fascinated by the healers of his communiy and often followed his mother around as she completed her duties and so he threw himself into his new work, still uneasy about the quiet toad following him but otherwise was happy he found his place among his people.

In order to carry herbs and such Lark has a satchel and 2 wrist guards to protect his legs when diving into brambles and thistles for the harder to reach plants and he often wears a bandanna gifted to him by his mother. Briar also wears 2 wrist guards and a small tail guard as his position often leads him to scraps with outsiders and feral wildlife but he also has his own satchel that he uses when travelling large distances or to the local market.

The community Lark and Briar both live in specialise in a few different areas of crafting in order to trade with merchants and provide for the group. Clay for example is very good at making pottery, given his name, and they either use the bowls for water around their camp or trade at the market. Brook (tallbrook) is a guard but given he is one of the biggest cats within the group he usually has the task of carrying the rabbits pelts the group hunt down to the market with his daughter hazel (hazelkit) helping along with the feathers she had caught. Clarion (clearnose) is still deaf in this story and I really want to figure out a way I can incorporate more accessible things for her when interacting with the group, who already know enough signs to communicate with her, or outsiders such as travelling merchants or cats from the town. She’s admiring the gift her mate Hawk (hawkstripe) gifted to her.

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-First time at the market-Lark and Briar both live in a community that are more rural and on special

-First time at the market-

Lark and Briar both live in a community that are more rural and on special occasions have the opportunity to travel to the local town where the group trade their wares for other items found in the bigger communities.

This is their first time seeing so many cats and treasure and food they had never seen or tried before and so from then on they always volunteered to help out the older cats when they travelled to the market.

I’m still keeping with the ‘clan’ type living but instead of having them just be feral cats I’ve decided to introduce more human aspects such as markets and trading with other cats who live in more ‘advanced’ communities :D

Took about 4 hours on this just having fun and chilling out, really wanna do more pieces like this cause they’re so soothing to do!

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Owlkit is a 5 month old kitten who is foretold to be ‘cursed’ and so when his leader orders him to b

Owlkit is a 5 month old kitten who is foretold to be ‘cursed’ and so when his leader orders him to be killed the kits father gives him to an outsider he knows. The outsider has no clan and roams where he pleases, he isn’t happy about taking on a ward but after hearing of the kits fate he accepts them.

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Decided to try joining in my cartoon style with some realistic elements and I’m starting to like it?Decided to try joining in my cartoon style with some realistic elements and I’m starting to like it?Decided to try joining in my cartoon style with some realistic elements and I’m starting to like it?

Decided to try joining in my cartoon style with some realistic elements and I’m starting to like it? tested it out on my two OC’s Larkwing and Fern and then decided to redraw an old piece of Swiftpaw from 2018 where I had tried to do a more ‘realistic’ style :D

Hoping to play around more with this, I can do it quicker each time which is a plus, the long hair is a bit iffy but i’ll work on it :D

Also follow me on Artfol!  @peridop over there aswell!

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Brothers - Wade and EthanWade is a short gremlin and ethan enjoys teasing him about it

Brothers - Wade and Ethan

Wade is a short gremlin and ethan enjoys teasing him about it

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Wade 2015-2021Forgot about my little gremlin child from 2015 and wanted to redraw him so he looked c

Wade 2015-2021

Forgot about my little gremlin child from 2015 and wanted to redraw him so he looked closer to his personality aka sassy a**hole and yes pants are optional

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New animation meme up, The Accident. Based on the flyingsquirrel AU when crowfeather kills ashfur :D

New animation meme up, The Accident. Based on the flyingsquirrel AU when crowfeather kills ashfur :D

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKnH4zkEj58

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Some commissions I’ve done over on lioden, they’re still open if you’re interested!#143381Full body Some commissions I’ve done over on lioden, they’re still open if you’re interested!#143381Full body

Some commissions I’ve done over on lioden, they’re still open if you’re interested!

Full body - 5GB or 5500 SB

Also open on my DeviantArt for $6

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