#persephone devotion


I bought a small candle (the one on top) for Hades yesterday, when I first lit it, it went out after a couple of seconds so I thought ok I’ll wait. I then reorganized my altar and prepared a side for him on it. Last night I lit Persephones candle and I feel like it burned brighter and the flames danced excitedly, then I lit Hades candle and it was calm and stayed lit and almost flickered in response to her, like they were talking! It felt really calm in my room but I felt like I was being watched but not in a creepy way and I rested well, dreamless even. I left a small arrangement for Hades on my altar and he seemed to like them but I’m not sure yet, they’re silver roses in a navy vase.

Excuse my furry ankle

So I make these anklets when I feel these urges… I dont ever have a set color when I start but as soon as I look into my container of beads something whispers to me and tells me which to pick and what pattern to do. The pearl one I made right before Ezilion ‘came back into my life’ (if you dont know Ezilion has been following me since a child and I forgot him, check out #ezilion to read the story) I’m not sure why he chose white pearls because he is black with red accents but I think it’s because they’re shiny and look like real perals, the middle one I made right before Persephone came into my life and I just finished the Red and black one… I’m not sure who that one is for but I have a pretty decent idea.

I wear them everyday and they make me feel like every step I take they’re with me. Does anyone else feel the need to do something before a deity comes to work with them? Any rituals?

Apparently I’m a singular dandelion fuzz

So a little back story, I’m plus sized and all my life I’ve been told never do short hair, well after my sun allergy diagnosis my head always got hot and I would get an unbearable heat rash on my head that itched like crazy and I have a dyeing addiction and my hair was DAMAGED BEYOND REPAIR, SO last year I did the half shave head and I loved it. Que quarantine 2020, I decided to shave my entire head a few days ago I feel like a dumpling…. ANYWAY

I decided to project last night because it’s been a while and when I get there Ezilion is just staring at me (lol) he does the dog head tilt thing before he speaks.

E: you’re a dandelion fuzz

Me: a… a what? A dandelion fuzz?!

E: your head… your hair looks like a dandelion fuzz.

Me: just… just one? Not a whole dandelion just one fuzz?

E: isnt that what I said?

Me: is that a good thing ooooorrrrrrr…..

E: I dont know….

Of course a begin laughing hysterically because now I’m a singular dandelion fuzz

I decided to go to the space Persephone made me and when I walked in the flowers bloomed and it made me feel warm and snuggly. I lay in the field and just look up into the nothing above and see it kind of wavered (not gonna lie just about shit my astral pants) I blink and when my eyes opened again, my goddess was standing over me with a huge grin. I sat up really quickly and smiled back at her.

Persephone: you’re hair looks quite different!

Me: ezilion said I looked like a dandelion fuzz

Persephone: *laughs*

Me: it feels nice though! My head feels cool and my hair will be healthy!

Persephone: all that matters is if you like it, I think you look wonderful! How have you been, you seem distressed.

So then I went into all the drama I’ve dealt with and her smile faded. She then asked me, why I exert my energy on things that are only going to repeat… it was almost a slap in the face, I’ve been wasting MY energy and MY happiness on trying to do the same things over and over and over and isnt that just the very definition of insanity? Repeating the same action and expecting a different result. She seemed to see my wheels turning and placed a hand on my head. She said I have her strength any time I feel I need the extra boost but dont let anyone steal my happiness, dont let anyone come between me and my happiness, and most importantly (she said) keep your head up and your shoulders back and act like you’re queen. With that she kissed my forehead and disappeared.

It was definitely a roller coaster, not too bad but another eye opening conversation from my Goddess.

On a plus note, I’m a dumpling now and a singular dandelion fuzz. My candles have been going nuts lately when I light them and I feel like I can hear a whisper in my dreams and when I walk through the astral, I’ll ask about that next time I go in.
