#peter pevensie x reader

Requests are now open! I previously wrote on Wattpad where I got over 200K views but I have since deleted my work due to the data breach and the fact I wrote it years ago and I believe my writing has improved vastly. (Well I hope so, lol).
Unfortunately, I am a bit rusty, which means I will only write the minimum of one thousand words per request. I also enjoy writing in detail, sorry if you do not like that.
I decided to keep my Secondary Blog as a Middle-Earth/Tolkien one!
I previously took a break, for personal reasons, but I have mustered the confidence to return. I apologise if I did not write your requests before, I feel awful, and please FEEL FREE to send them in again - there appears to be an error with my ask box and most of my requests have disappeared.

What do I write?

I write ‘x readers’.

I will also write for ships - for example, Harry Potter (as I know the most about the couples in it).  I will also write ‘Jily’, (for Harry Potter) because that is superior.

What fandoms do I write for on my main blog?

  • Harry Potter (all Eras)
  • Narnia
  • Netflix Bridgerton

What fandoms to I write for on this blog?

  • The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings

Pleaserequest here if you have any requests for these fandoms, same rules apply, or simply click on my blog on the ask button @daydreams-magic01-mrsdurin​.

(You can ask me if there are any other fandoms I write for, but these are my main ones)


I do have rules and limits, as there are things that make my uncomfortable.


  1. I write for all genders and sexualities, as well as body types, etc. Discrimination is not welcomed here.
  2. No hate! If you don’t like my work, please don’t be rude about it. I have tried my hardest and whilst I appreciate constructive feedback, bullying and hate is just rude. I have never and will never attend to offend anyone or make them uncomfortable, I always try to put in the right tags also. If there are any issues, please put them in my ask box (however, it may be a few days until I reply as I don’t look in there until I have completed my current request) I apologise in advance and it is most likely due to an error or accident. Thank you :)

If I make an error, please message me privately - I once had an autocorrect issue where a tag went to ‘teddy lupin x male reader’ on my blog when it was for  a female reader as I was in a rush and did not realise I had already done the female tag. I am sorry again and an issue like this will never happen again, and I shall always double check from now on.

  1. I will never write anything underage so please request someone who is of age. I won’t mention anything triggering in too much detail as I don’t want to upset anyone. I will not write (describe) rape, it will always be consensual.
  2. If there is anything triggering, I will mention at the top. Remember, I love you guys.
  3. I am trying to improve my smut skills, but writing it does make me uncomfortable. I won’t write anything messed up, too graphic, dark, or kinky or to do with rape.
  4. Please do not copy or share my work in your own books or on another website! This is my hard work, and my writing. It should only be found on this blog. So please don’t. I find it very annoying and rude. (This includes futures and previous works)
  5. You will only find my work here. (I realise I emphasise this and I’m sorry)
  6. Please include the gender, and which person you would prefer it in as I don’t want to annoy you if I make an error (I usually write in third person but if you do not prefer this, please say so). It can also be very difficult to write without this.  Please include anything else which you find necessary to apply.
  7. When you request I will make it time appropriate to the movie or show unless stated otherwise. However, can you please clarify when you want it, for example, if the show spans over a number of years. If it isn’t necessary then I will just set it after. :)
  8. I will always try to use the spelling and slang from where it is set.
  9. Unless if I say other wise, your request should be posted within the week.
  10. Have a wonderful day. I can’t remember any other rules right now but it’s like 3am.

Thank you!

Author is always me on this blog: @daydreams-magic01and@daydreams-magic01-mrsdurin as I have decided to keep as a Tolkien blog for requests, and in that case only future Tolkien work should only be found on there, and all previous Tolkien work as well as all my other requests should only be found on my main blog. No where else.

Please say if you wanted to be added to a tag list.

Please feel free to request on my main blog unless you have any Hobbit and Lord of the Rings requests and wish to see me having a Tolkien blog, then do it on this one, haha. (That link is to my previous Lotr and Hobbit Masterlist).

Please say if you wanted to be added to a tag list.

Main Masterlist

Requests are now open! I previously wrote on Wattpad where I got over 200K views but I have since deleted my work due to the data breach and the fact I wrote it years ago and I believe my writing has improved vastly. (Well I hope so, lol).
Unfortunately, I am a bit rusty, which means I will only write the minimum of one thousand words per request. I also enjoy writing in detail, sorry if you do not like that.
I decided to keep my Secondary Blog as a Middle-Earth/Tolkien one!
I previously took a break, for personal reasons, but I have mustered the confidence to return. I apologise if I did not write your requests before, I feel awful, and please FEEL FREE to send them in again - there appears to be an error with my ask box and most of my requests have disappeared.

What do I write?

I write ‘x readers’.

I will also write for ships - for example, Harry Potter (as I know the most about the couples in it).  I will also write ‘Jily’, (for Harry Potter) because that is superior.

What fandoms do I write for on my main blog?

  • Harry Potter (all Eras)
  • Narnia
  • Netflix Bridgerton

What fandoms to I write for on this blog?

  • The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings

Pleaserequest here if you have any requests for these fandoms, same rules apply, or simply click on my blog on the ask button @daydreams-magic01-mrsdurin​.

(You can ask me if there are any other fandoms I write for, but these are my main ones)


I do have rules and limits, as there are things that make my uncomfortable.


  1. I write for all genders and sexualities, as well as body types, etc. Discrimination is not welcomed here.
  2. No hate! If you don’t like my work, please don’t be rude about it. I have tried my hardest and whilst I appreciate constructive feedback, bullying and hate is just rude. I have never and will never attend to offend anyone or make them uncomfortable, I always try to put in the right tags also. If there are any issues, please put them in my ask box (however, it may be a few days until I reply as I don’t look in there until I have completed my current request) I apologise in advance and it is most likely due to an error or accident. Thank you :)

If I make an error, please message me privately - I once had an autocorrect issue where a tag went to ‘teddy lupin x male reader’ on my blog when it was for  a female reader as I was in a rush and did not realise I had already done the female tag. I am sorry again and an issue like this will never happen again, and I shall always double check from now on.

  1. I will never write anything underage so please request someone who is of age. I won’t mention anything triggering in too much detail as I don’t want to upset anyone. I will not write (describe) rape, it will always be consensual.
  2. If there is anything triggering, I will mention at the top. Remember, I love you guys.
  3. I am trying to improve my smut skills, but writing it does make me uncomfortable. I won’t write anything messed up, too graphic, dark, or kinky or to do with rape. 
  4. Please do not copy or share my work in your own books or on another website! This is my hard work, and my writing. It should only be found on this blog. So please don’t. I find it very annoying and rude. (This includes futures and previous works)
  5. You will only find my work here. (I realise I emphasise this and I’m sorry)
  6. Please include the gender, and which person you would prefer it in as I don’t want to annoy you if I make an error (I usually write in third person but if you do not prefer this, please say so). It can also be very difficult to write without this.  Please include anything else which you find necessary to apply.
  7. When you request I will make it time appropriate to the movie or show unless stated otherwise. However, can you please clarify when you want it, for example, if the show spans over a number of years. If it isn’t necessary then I will just set it after. :)
  8. I will always try to use the spelling and slang from where it is set.
  9. Unless if I say other wise, your request should be posted within the week.
  10. Have a wonderful day. I can’t remember any other rules right now but it’s like 3am.

Thank you!

Author is always me on this blog: @daydreams-magic01and@daydreams-magic01-mrsdurin as I have decided to keep as a Tolkien blog for requests, and in that case only future Tolkien work should only be found on there, and all previous Tolkien work as well as all my other requests should only be found on my main blog. No where else.

Please say if you wanted to be added to a tag list.

Please feel free to request on my main blog unless you have any Hobbit and Lord of the Rings requests and wish to see me having a Tolkien blog, then do it on this one, haha. (That link is to my previous Lotr and Hobbit Masterlist).

Please say if you wanted to be added to a tag list.

Main Masterlist


Narnia Preferences: Seeing their S/O in Armor for the first time

It’s been awhile since I watched the Movies so I’m really sorry for any inconsistencies or mischaracterization here. But I did promise awhile back that I wanted to write for Narnia, so here ya go! Format is heavily inspired by @randominagines incredible Narnia Headcanons, so please go check their work out if you like this. They’re a big influence on me! I also tried to keep this gender neutral!

Narnia Tags: @thespiritoflife,@midearthwritings,@iwenttomordor

Lucy Pevensie

While normally a surprisingly confident romantic, seeing her s/o in shining armor actually manages to fluster her. You were known for being a kind and generous soul, much like your girlfriend, but perhaps a bit more bold and sharp-minded. Seeing you clad in armor, ready to defend her, made her heart swell with pride. In a sort of “That’s my partner” way, haha. It gives her comfort everytime you wear it, both because she knows you’re well-protected, and because you’re wearing her flag. It makes her so happy to see you wearing Narnia Clothing, as it reminds her of the connection between you two.

Edmund Pevensie

It makes him very shy around you, especially at first. The Pevensies met you during their travels, and immediately you swore to help and protect them. He was initially taken aback by you, startled by your strength and your beauty. You were one of the handsomest people he’d ever met, and though he wouldn’t be caught dead telling his siblings that, everyone could see his heart eyes. And with those pale cheeks, it’s not like he could hide it anyways haha. His siblings teased him a LOT. But still, seeing you in gambeson and plate made him very proud to call you his own.

Susan Pevensie

You were a knight from a distant land who had sworn to protect the Pevensies, essentially becoming their personal guard. But it was Susan who you were closest to. The second you walked in to swear your loyalty, she already had eyes for you. A beautiful person clad in dazzling armor? Beautiful. You and Susan are such a formidable force on the battlefield, with her providing range with her bow while you strike enemies down with your sword. Then you give each other a kiss and move on. She feels a sense of pride seeing you in the armor of her kingdom.

Peter Pevensie

He finds it hot, honestly. You and Peter met on the battlefield, and despite fighting on the same side, were engaged in a sort of rivalry. Granted, everyone could see the cheeky heart eyes between you two… except for either of you of course. Classic enemies to lovers. Seeing you in armor for the first time legitimately took his breath away. He often teases you about how he’s king so it’s hisflag you’re wearing, which never fails to earn him a swift punch in the arm. But still, Peter loves seeing you in armor, and it never fails to make him fall in love a little bit more.


Caspian was surprisingly flustered when first meeting you. You were good friends with the Pevensies, and had met him during that fateful encounter when he fought with Peter. He looked over to see the most dazzling person he’d ever witnessed, clad in plate and fine gambeson. Peter may or may not have chuckled at the blush on Capian’s cheeks after seeing you. He was shy around you at first, mostly because he didn’t want to embarrass himself, but you have a way of drawing him out of his shell. And when you finally get to talking, your energies mix well. That doesn’t stop him from being rendered speechless every time he sees you in armor though. Everytime is like the first time with Caspian.

Mr Tumnus

Oh this poor lad gets so flustered. It makes him a little nervous seeing you with a sword and clad in armor, but he knows that if anything it means you’re safer. Plus he secretly finds it very attractive, but he’s too shy to admit it at first. He remarks how the Gambeson must keep you very warm in Narnia’s cold weather, which earns a laugh from you, only making him more flustered. A pretty person in plate armor, vowing to defend his home? How could he resist?

Dating Peter Pevensie would include headcanons

anon said: What dating Peter Pevensie (Narnia) in Narnia would include, please?

A/N: hii love!! thank you for requesting, I hope you like this

TAG LIST: @maggiescarborough;@captainshazamerica;@fives-cup-of-coffee;@winterxisxcomingx

  • Peter had never expected himself to fall for someone while in Narnia still
  • No, he loved it there, but he had to get back to their own world, it was the right thing to do
  • But then he had met you, and nothing else seemed clearer anymore
  • You seemed to shine, by how much he could only stare at you when you were around
  • Your smile would make him tremble and your laughter would make him smile as well, even if you had not been talking to him at all at the moment
  • His siblings noticed it after a short time, of course. They knew him too well to not see just how astonished he was everytime you were in the room
  • Peter doesn’t mind some of the teasing, he had expected it already. In fact, it seemed to make his feelings for you even more real and somehow it felt good for him
  • And even though Peter felt like that, he never expected you to feel the same way. You were always polite and warm with him, but you were like that to everybody, and that’s a lovely thing. He just knew it wasn’t just for him
  • But then one day, after he spent the whole evening talking to someone else at the camp, Susan came to him and said that she had seen you staring at them and that you were definitely jealous and sad
  • And then Peter came out to you to talk. You had to talk and figure out how the other felt
  • It turned out, you ended up just staring into each other’s eyes and kissing deeply, the non said words more clearer than they had ever been
  • You kissed deeply and meaningfully, hungrily and held on to each other with strength as if afraid to let go
  • It turns out, your future relationship could be defined just like that
  • Peter was to be a King in the future, and you supported him with all you had
  • You fought battles together and you were scared, afraid of losing him, every second of those days and so has he about you. The mutual fear was indeed a thing
  • But you turned out good, he turned out good
  • And after those long days of battles, with people who threatened Narnia and it’s people, you would meet each other and just lean your foreheads together
  • Enjoying one another by the simple fact of being there
  • And Peter, would never want to leave


Pairing: Peter Pevensie x Male!Reader

Requested: Yes

Request: “Reader is a merrow (merpeople in Irish mythology who can live underwater and on land) maybe Peter and his siblings are on the boat traveling across the ocean for a foreign diplomat meeting and reader saves the boat from something and Peter in reader fall for each other and filled with some cute fluff and idk maybe they kiss”

A/N: Happy Mer-May y’all! (It’s still May for another 3 hours, so that counts, right?)


When Peter and his siblings had been tasked with saving Narnia from the White Witch, he had been more focused on the battle than what would come afterward. They hadn’t expected to become royalty, but with the White Witch’s defeat came four new crowns and a slew of new responsibilities, including a diplomatic tour where Peter and his siblings were expected to meet the heads of all the smaller civilizations across Narnia.

That was what led to this odd predicament; the Pevensie siblings had boarded a large boat to embark on their journey several weeks ago and were now caught in a strange storm. There were no dark clouds in the sky, but the sea underneath them was bubbling and the waves were rushing as though the water itself was boiling. 

Peter had sent his younger siblings below deck in a moment of anxiety, and he couldn’t help but be grateful that they had listened when a particularly massive wave crested over the deck, sending some of the crew sliding. With the wave came a huge tentacle, crashing down across the bow of the ship and moving to curl around the mast, wrenching the ship to one side.

Peter froze, holding tight onto the railing to avoid being thrown around by the lurching of the ship. He moved to grab the hilt of his sword, anxiety pooling in his stomach at the thought of having to fight this creature. He took a deep breath, preparing to step forward when he noticed a stranger standing at the railing in front of the creature’s tentacle, speaking quietly.

As the strange young man spoke, the waves began to slow and then settle, and the fierce rocking of the waves eased. The tentacle relaxed its grip on the mast and began to slink back into the water, until just the last few meters of it remained curled over the railing. With the absence of the creature’s weight, the boat righted itself and Peter was able to shakily make his way over to investigate.

“I know you’re curious,” the stranger said, resting a hand on the slimy skin of the tentacle with apparent familiarity, “But you could’ve sunk this ship.”

Peter’s brows furrowed as he approached, visibly confused. “You… you weren’t on the ship before, were you?” He neglected to say that he’d have noticed someone as handsome as this stranger if they were shipmates.

The (h/c) startled a little as Peter spoke, whirling to face him with wide eyes. “O-oh, uh,” he swallowed sharply under Peter’s gaze, clearly nervous. “No, I wasn’t.” He trailed off like he was trying to figure out what to say, “Um, I am supposed to be here though. I’m supposed to be meeting with the new kings and queens.”

“Oh, that’s me!” Peter perked up at the mention of the purpose of their trip, “I mean, um, I’m High King Peter, uh, the Magnificent.”

An odd expression crossed the stranger’s face for an instant, a little interested or perhaps excited, “Right. I can see that.” The end of the tentacle crept up to prod pointedly at the (h/c)’s shoulder before gesturing at Peter, “Stop it,” he hissed, waving the appendage away. “You can call me (M/N). I’m an ambassador of sorts for the Underseas.” He nodded towards the tentacle, “I apologize for my friend here, by the way. The kraken was just curious; we haven’t had ships through these seas in a long time.”

“Well, isn’t this fortunate then?” Peter smiled, amused by the kraken’s antics and pleased by the knowledge that he’d get to work with the charming ambassador more in the future. 

(M/N) returned the smile, “Yes, I would say so.” He shot a glance back over his shoulder at the waves and a wry look flashed across his features, “Unfortunately I’m needed back home so I can’t stay longer than to offer you the Underseas’ loyalty.” He stepped forward, taking Peter’s hand in his and kneeling before him, “And my own.” He pressed a soft kiss to Peter’s knuckles, before standing.

He made his way back to the railing and leapt over it, landing with a splash in the water below. Peter shook himself out of his daze, rushing to peer over the edge of the ship where (M/N) had vanished.

He was greeted by the sight of the tentacle slipping back below the waves and a large scaled tail fin darting playfully around it as they disappeared into the depth. Peter couldn’t help but smile though; he knew that he’d be seeing his new favorite ambassador again soon.

Marching Orders

Pairing: Peter Pevensie x Male!Reader

Requested: Yes

Request(s): “Peter pensive x male reader with the prompt “you look like you’re going to fall asleep on your feet.” And if you can add that he’s an archer I will love you forever ’’ + “Dude the ‘you look like you’re about to fall asleep on your feet’ gives me major peter pevensie vibes” + “Could I request a Peter (chronicle of narnia) where male reader goes to narnia with Peter and his siblings but takes place after defeating the white witch and they are all the kings and queens. Maybe Peter or the reader are having a hard time with all the pressure of ruling and they comfort and encourage each other and regain confidence”

A/N: I had a few similar prompts so I decided to combine them. I ended up going with before the witch’s defeat since it fit a little better for all of the prompts.


Things had been… strange… since you and the Pevensie siblings had arrived in Narnia, and that went beyond the fact that animals had started talking and magic was real. As startling as those things had been, things had changed so quickly that you didn’t know what to do.

Edmond had been kidnapped by the White Witch and Aslan had given his life to get him back and now the five of you were expected to lead a war and eventually rule the country.

You’d excused yourself from the bonfire in the center of Cair Paravel, making the excuse of taking a turn keeping watch, if only to get away from the crowd for a few minutes. You took up post atop a hill a short way from camp, fingers trailing absent-mindedly across the feathers of the arrows in your quiver as you watched the horizon for any sign of the White Witch’s troops making a move before dawn brought the start of the battle between the Narnians and the White Witch’s army.

You sat there for what felt like a long while, though you weren’t sure whether it had been hours or minutes, before a rustling in the brush behind you startled you from your reverie.

Without a second thought, you nocked an arrow into your bow as you whirled to face the threat, tension easing from your shoulders as your best friend emerged from the shadows with his hands raised placatingly.

“Sorry,” Peter said, directing his usual warm grin at you, charming as always without ever even knowing it. “Didn’t mean to startle you; I just wanted to talk to you.”

You huffed, releasing the pressure on your bow string and replacing the arrow into your quiver. “Probably shouldn’t sneak up on someone with a weapon,” you said, turning back to the area you’d been overlooking.

Peter chuckled, moving to sit beside you. “Probably not,” he agreed easily, the setting sun gleaming off his hair and making it look almost like a halo. You shook off the thought, knowing that even if you were planning on telling Peter how you felt about him, now certainly wasn’t the time. Not with everything looming ahead of you.

“It’s kind of strange, isn’t it? It wasn’t so long ago that we were playing hide and seek and croquet and now…” he trailed off, sounding a little wistful at the thought of how easy your lives had been.

You nodded, trailing a finger over the smoothed wood grain of your bow, “I don’t know how to do this,” you said quietly. “I don’t know how to be a general or defeat a witch or rule a country.”

“I don’t either,” Peter agreed, scooting a little closer and resting his head against your shoulder.

As close as the two of you had always been, this was a side of Peter that you’d never seen before. He’d always been confident and brave and smart and kind, but he’d never been very open about his feelings. You suspected that he worried that he wouldn’t be taken seriously if he was, especially by his siblings. You knew that back in the real world, Peter was always straining to be a man that his father would have been proud of, but now as you looked at him, you knew that he was.

You tensed a little as you felt his fingers brush against yours and your breath caught in your throat as he took your hand in his. Heat rose in your cheeks as you felt his eyes on your face, but you couldn’t bring yourself to look down at him, not knowing what you might find in his brilliant blue eyes.

A long moment passed as you let yourself enjoy the closeness before you finally forced yourself to speak. “You should probably go to bed,” you said softly, slowly withdrawing your hand from his and shifting away slightly. “You’ve been looking like you’re going to fall asleep on your feet for days.”

Peter nodded slowly, straightening up with an odd look on his face as he looked at you. He took a deep breath, seemingly hesitating over whether to say something or not. Eventually he seemed to make his decision, “Come with me?”

It took you a moment to realize what your best friend had asked you, but your surprised look must have been enough to have him needing to explain himself.

“I-” Peter stammered, “With everything that’s going on- I just worry about everyone- especially you, and I think I’d feel better having you closer and-”

You chuckled a little at Peter’s increasingly frantic explanations, “Pete?” you interrupted, grinning as he stopped, looking at you. “It’s okay, I’ll come with you.”

Peter smiled at you, ducking his head to hide the light blush coloring his cheeks and leading you back through the camp and into his tent.

Once the flap of the tent fell closed behind the two of you Peter seemed to hesitate, standing frozen in the middle of the space like he was lost in his thoughts. You left him to his thoughts, busying yourself with setting aside your bow, quiver, and armor. Eventually you turned back to look at him once you were down to your tunic and breeches, unsure as to what he would want from you now that he had you here.

Peter shot you a weary grin as he sat down on the edge of his bed, kicking off his boots before moving to lay down the rest of the way. He faltered for a moment before patting the space next to him, clearly nervous.

You moved slowly to lie beside him, like you expected him to change his mind. He didn’t, instead shifting onto his side to face you with a faint smile, blue eyes looking almost electric in the dim lighting.

“I’m glad you’re here with me,” he said softly, reaching out to take your hand in his again. “I don’t know that I’d have been able to do this without you.”

“Yeah you could have,” you replied, lips twisting up fondly as you looked at him. “You’re the strongest person I know.”

Peter let out a disbelieving laugh, tucking his face against the pillow sheepishly, “I’m only strong because I know I’ve got you watching my back.” He trailed off after a moment and the two of you drifted into a comfortable silence. After a few minutes Peter shifted closer to you, resting his head on your chest. “In case tomorrow doesn’t go well, I just want you to know how I feel about you.” He took a deep breath and you could feel his hand shaking slightly in yours, “I love you.” He was quick to backtrack, “Not just as a friend, but as more than that. You’re my best friend, my partner in crime, the one person I can count on no matter what. I’ll understand if this-” he gestured between the two of you slowly, “isn’t something you’re interested in, but-”

You cut him off with a soft huff of laughter, leaning in to kiss him gently. It only lasted a few seconds before you pulled away, tugging your joined hands up to press a kiss to his knuckles. “I love you too, Pete,” you grinned.

A stunned smile crossed his lips as he looked at you, adoring blue eyes tracing over your features like he couldn’t believe you were really here. “I’m not dreaming, right?”

You shook your head, laughing quietly. “No, you’re not dreaming.”

“Good,” he hummed, stealing another quick kiss before helping pull a blanket over the two of you and settling back down with his head on your chest again. “If I was, I wouldn’t want to wake up.”

“No, this is real,” you smiled, bringing a hand up to run gently through his hair, “We’rereal.”

Peter yawned quietly, curling closer to you. “After we beat the witch tomorrow, I’m gonna take you on a date- a real one. Dinner and candles and all of that.”

“I’m looking forward to it,” you replied, smiling as you watched Peter’s breathing slow and him drift off to sleep. Eventually his breathing and warmth coaxed you off to sleep as well, letting you both have a few restful hours of sleep before dawn would bring with it the battle against the White Witch’s army to decide Narnia’s fate.
