#phantom troupe x reader


Note:since writing what the phantom troupe think of HWR reader, i felt this would be a natural progression of things .


He is… hm. A fascination of mine, if I were to put it into words. Usually, people of his temperament are quick to earn my ire, but I could never bring myself to dislike him. He’s authentic and inauthentic. A strange mixture of knowing where he’s going without caring for the actual destination. I wonder, is it the burden of those who intimately understand others to never understand themselves? He occupies my thoughts more than I care to admit. Oh, but please, don’t tell him this. I wouldn’t hear the end of it for days, and his ego is sizable enough as is…


Phinks was the first member to ask for my phone number — he is affable like that. Quite the gentleman too, if you can believe that. He’s held doors open for me more times than I can count. I notice him staring at me quite often. I appreciate his habit of watching my back in this way, the line of work we’re in requires extra vigilance. I’ll have to express my gratitude some way. 


The most we interact is when work necessitates that he stores his “tools” using my Hatsu, to avoid metal detectors and the like. I noticed that rather than keeping his torture devices sterilized and free of rust, he allows the elements to do with them what they will. While it’s a laudable idea, I must admit, his lack of glove usage does have me hoping he’s up to date on his shots. He could always borrow spare gloves from me. I know better than to offer unsolicited advice, though. 


From what I could gauge, she was indifferent toward me until Paku connected us in a more casual setting. I appreciate her total disregard for propriety. If she has something to say, she’ll say it. It’s a welcome change from what I grew up with. 


The boundaries of his knowledge know no limits. Technology is such a marvel, his proficiency in the field has earned my respect. That being said, I do hope he is aware I can tell when he tries to sneak photos of Chrollo and I together at Troupe gatherings. 


Pakunoda—ahem, Paku, as she’s encouraged me to call her, is a dear friend. There is… regrettably, a great deal I’m ignorant to when it comes to the real world. The finer details, such as meal preparation and laundry, were taken care of by servants back at home. Her guidance for integrating into regular society has been invaluable. I’d still be using my blades to cut vegetables if not for her, I fear…


I take it as a good sign that Shizuku is now able to recall my name with relative ease. Beyond that, if she doesn’t mind my saying so, I think she’s rather charming. I always look forward to working together.


The embodiment of pure, physical strength. He has a certain bravado about him. I don’t mean to turn my nose up toward the preferences of others, but I have never been able to understand his love of beer; it has a most repugnant flavor. He drinks it as if it were ambrosia. Regardless, I suppose there are worse vices to have. 


Anyone who dedicates themselves to the art of the sword has earned my respect. I’m curious to know what school he trained under, if any. One day, I’ll see to it that we spar, if he is willing. Iron sharpens iron, as the proverb goes. 


While we rarely speak outside of work, we have an unspoken tradition of playing chess together when the Spider is gathered. I believe our current score is 5-1. It’s rare anyone is able to best me in a game of chess, even once… I must keep my wits about me so it does not happen again. 


No comment, for professionality’s sake. 


Using sound as a viable weapon, what a stroke of genius. He has commendable character too. For a time, Shalnark was offering a sizable reward if anyone were to see his face free of bandages. He took it in good humor and didn’t seem perturbed by it. 


I once offered to give him a haircut. He seemed amiable until I conjured my sword… then his mind changed. I hope I did not leave a negative impression. My precision is unmatched — he would’ve been in no danger… 

Who is the troupe’s tattoo artist?

Does one of them do the spider tattoos for new members or do they have a preferred tattoo artist they go to?

Is this person chill about it or threatened to do the work each time?

Or do they pick a random place/person closest to them each time? Would that mean the quality varies b/w each tattoo?

Do they have a whole initiation ceremony for the tattooing or is the new member just told to get it done on their own?

I have many questions.
